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Page 1 Economics Date: Class: XI Time:3 hrs. M. M: 100 General Instructions: All questions in both the sections are compulsory. Marks for questions are indicated against each. Questions No. 1-2 and 14-16 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each. They are required to be answered in one sentence each. Questions No. 3-6 and 17-21 are short-answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 60 words each. Questions No. 7-9 and 22-23 are also short-answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 70 words each. Questions No. 10-13 and 24-27 are long-answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 100 words each. Answers should be brief and to the point and the above word limits should be adhered to as far as possible. (SECTION – A: STATISTICS) 1 An additional observation 15 in included in the series of 11 observations and its mean remain unaffected. The mean of the series was: a) 11 b) 15 c) 165 d) 4 1 2 Define statistical enquiry. 1 3 Following table gives data on production and sale of a factory between January to June. Make historigram. Production (in tones) 5 8 6 10 12 15 Sales(in thousands) 7 10 8 12 15 17 3 4. Explain why the statistical relations are generally inexact. OR What is the relationship between economics and statistics? How far is it correct to say that science of economics is becoming statistical in its method? 3 5 The mean monthly salary paid to all employees in accompany is Rs 1600. The mean monthly salaries paid to technical and non technical employees are Rs 1800 and Rs 1200 respectively. Determine the ratio of technical and non technical employees. 3 6. The ministry of Education is interested in determining the level of education in the country. How would you organize a survey for this purpose? 3 Page 2 Economics Date: Class: XI Time:3 hrs. M. M: 100 General Instructions: All questions in both the sections are compulsory. Marks for questions are indicated against each. Questions No. 1-2 and 14-16 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each. They are required to be answered in one sentence each. Questions No. 3-6 and 17-21 are short-answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 60 words each. Questions No. 7-9 and 22-23 are also short-answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 70 words each. Questions No. 10-13 and 24-27 are long-answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 100 words each. Answers should be brief and to the point and the above word limits should be adhered to as far as possible. (SECTION – A: STATISTICS) 1 An additional observation 15 in included in the series of 11 observations and its mean remain unaffected. The mean of the series was: a) 11 b) 15 c) 165 d) 4 1 2 Define statistical enquiry. 1 3 Following table gives data on production and sale of a factory between January to June. Make historigram. Production (in tones) 5 8 6 10 12 15 Sales(in thousands) 7 10 8 12 15 17 3 4. Explain why the statistical relations are generally inexact. OR What is the relationship between economics and statistics? How far is it correct to say that science of economics is becoming statistical in its method? 3 5 The mean monthly salary paid to all employees in accompany is Rs 1600. The mean monthly salaries paid to technical and non technical employees are Rs 1800 and Rs 1200 respectively. Determine the ratio of technical and non technical employees. 3 6. The ministry of Education is interested in determining the level of education in the country. How would you organize a survey for this purpose? 3 7 Draw a blank table to present population of India according to workers and non workers by gender and location. OR Represent the following data by rectangle diagram (i) using original units (ii) on percentage basis. Item of Expenditure R Family S Family Food 400 640 Clothing 250 480 Rent 150 320 Education 340 100 Misc. 160 60 4 8. What are the kinds of errors you would expect in the field survey by census methods? 4 9 Find the missing frequencies f1,f2 in the following distribution. It is given median of the distribution is 41 and total no of observations is 82. Class 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 Frequency 10 F1 15 20 F2 11 4 10 What is the purpose of collecting data? Which instrument is the most important and common while collecting data? What precautions should be taken while using that instrument? OR a) Describe the procedure of drawing frequency polygon with example. b) Explain briefly the types of frequency curves. 6 11 a) Data collected by investigator may often be misunderstanding. What could be done in such case? Give reasons. b) What is the loss of information in classified data? 6 12 a) Distinguish between simple and weighted averages. State the circumstances under which both should be used. b) Calculate the simple and weighted average from the following data and account for difference between the two. Month Jan Feb March April May June Price per ton 42.5 51.25 50 52 44.25 54 Tons purchased 25 30 40 50 10 45 6 13 a) Prove that the algebraic sum of the deviations of all the values from their mean is zero. b) Calculate the mode graphically Marks 0-5 5-10 10-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-90 90-100 F 5 7 9 25 30 24 8 6 6 SECTION B: INDIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 14 During British period, Indian Economy was: a) Backward b) Semi Feudal c) Both a and b c) None of these 1 15 When was NITI Aayog established? a) 1991 b) 2001 c) 2011 d)2015 1 16 What is the most important function of RBI? 1 Page 3 Economics Date: Class: XI Time:3 hrs. M. M: 100 General Instructions: All questions in both the sections are compulsory. Marks for questions are indicated against each. Questions No. 1-2 and 14-16 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each. They are required to be answered in one sentence each. Questions No. 3-6 and 17-21 are short-answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 60 words each. Questions No. 7-9 and 22-23 are also short-answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 70 words each. Questions No. 10-13 and 24-27 are long-answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 100 words each. Answers should be brief and to the point and the above word limits should be adhered to as far as possible. (SECTION – A: STATISTICS) 1 An additional observation 15 in included in the series of 11 observations and its mean remain unaffected. The mean of the series was: a) 11 b) 15 c) 165 d) 4 1 2 Define statistical enquiry. 1 3 Following table gives data on production and sale of a factory between January to June. Make historigram. Production (in tones) 5 8 6 10 12 15 Sales(in thousands) 7 10 8 12 15 17 3 4. Explain why the statistical relations are generally inexact. OR What is the relationship between economics and statistics? How far is it correct to say that science of economics is becoming statistical in its method? 3 5 The mean monthly salary paid to all employees in accompany is Rs 1600. The mean monthly salaries paid to technical and non technical employees are Rs 1800 and Rs 1200 respectively. Determine the ratio of technical and non technical employees. 3 6. The ministry of Education is interested in determining the level of education in the country. How would you organize a survey for this purpose? 3 7 Draw a blank table to present population of India according to workers and non workers by gender and location. OR Represent the following data by rectangle diagram (i) using original units (ii) on percentage basis. Item of Expenditure R Family S Family Food 400 640 Clothing 250 480 Rent 150 320 Education 340 100 Misc. 160 60 4 8. What are the kinds of errors you would expect in the field survey by census methods? 4 9 Find the missing frequencies f1,f2 in the following distribution. It is given median of the distribution is 41 and total no of observations is 82. Class 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 Frequency 10 F1 15 20 F2 11 4 10 What is the purpose of collecting data? Which instrument is the most important and common while collecting data? What precautions should be taken while using that instrument? OR a) Describe the procedure of drawing frequency polygon with example. b) Explain briefly the types of frequency curves. 6 11 a) Data collected by investigator may often be misunderstanding. What could be done in such case? Give reasons. b) What is the loss of information in classified data? 6 12 a) Distinguish between simple and weighted averages. State the circumstances under which both should be used. b) Calculate the simple and weighted average from the following data and account for difference between the two. Month Jan Feb March April May June Price per ton 42.5 51.25 50 52 44.25 54 Tons purchased 25 30 40 50 10 45 6 13 a) Prove that the algebraic sum of the deviations of all the values from their mean is zero. b) Calculate the mode graphically Marks 0-5 5-10 10-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-90 90-100 F 5 7 9 25 30 24 8 6 6 SECTION B: INDIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 14 During British period, Indian Economy was: a) Backward b) Semi Feudal c) Both a and b c) None of these 1 15 When was NITI Aayog established? a) 1991 b) 2001 c) 2011 d)2015 1 16 What is the most important function of RBI? 1 17. Why did the government of India adopt the concept of mixed economy? OR Though public sector is very essential for industries, many public sector undertakings incur huge losses and are a drain on economy’s resources. Discuss the usefulness of public sector undertakings in the light of this context. 3 18. What do you understand by stabilization and structural measures? 3 19. The Policy of colonial exploitation of the Indian Economy during the British raj had some positive side effects for the Indian economy. Do you agree? Give reasons. 3 20. Discuss the role of small scale industries with respect to employment generation and regional equality. 3 21. Differentiate between privatization and denationalization. Give examples. 3 22. What is meant by export surplus? How did export surplus during British rule lead to the economic drain of Indian wealth? 4 23. What was the basic problem that forced us to have a U –turn in our policy since 1991? OR What is outsourcing? How it is affecting Indian economy and developed economies? 4 24. How was the private sector regulated under the IPR 1956? 6 25. Describe briefly the features of the economy that India inherited from her colonial past. 6 26. Write your views on the need for inclusive growth for the Indian economy. Is inclusive growth achievable for a developing economy like India when exposed to the process of Privatization and Globalization? 6 27. Write a critical review of New Economic Policy. OR “Economic reforms in India have not benefitted the common man.” Explain. 6 Page 4 Economics Date: Class: XI Time:3 hrs. M. M: 100 General Instructions: All questions in both the sections are compulsory. Marks for questions are indicated against each. Questions No. 1-2 and 14-16 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each. They are required to be answered in one sentence each. Questions No. 3-6 and 17-21 are short-answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 60 words each. Questions No. 7-9 and 22-23 are also short-answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 70 words each. Questions No. 10-13 and 24-27 are long-answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 100 words each. Answers should be brief and to the point and the above word limits should be adhered to as far as possible. (SECTION – A: STATISTICS) 1 An additional observation 15 in included in the series of 11 observations and its mean remain unaffected. The mean of the series was: a) 11 b) 15 c) 165 d) 4 1 2 Define statistical enquiry. 1 3 Following table gives data on production and sale of a factory between January to June. Make historigram. Production (in tones) 5 8 6 10 12 15 Sales(in thousands) 7 10 8 12 15 17 3 4. Explain why the statistical relations are generally inexact. OR What is the relationship between economics and statistics? How far is it correct to say that science of economics is becoming statistical in its method? 3 5 The mean monthly salary paid to all employees in accompany is Rs 1600. The mean monthly salaries paid to technical and non technical employees are Rs 1800 and Rs 1200 respectively. Determine the ratio of technical and non technical employees. 3 6. The ministry of Education is interested in determining the level of education in the country. How would you organize a survey for this purpose? 3 7 Draw a blank table to present population of India according to workers and non workers by gender and location. OR Represent the following data by rectangle diagram (i) using original units (ii) on percentage basis. Item of Expenditure R Family S Family Food 400 640 Clothing 250 480 Rent 150 320 Education 340 100 Misc. 160 60 4 8. What are the kinds of errors you would expect in the field survey by census methods? 4 9 Find the missing frequencies f1,f2 in the following distribution. It is given median of the distribution is 41 and total no of observations is 82. Class 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 Frequency 10 F1 15 20 F2 11 4 10 What is the purpose of collecting data? Which instrument is the most important and common while collecting data? What precautions should be taken while using that instrument? OR a) Describe the procedure of drawing frequency polygon with example. b) Explain briefly the types of frequency curves. 6 11 a) Data collected by investigator may often be misunderstanding. What could be done in such case? Give reasons. b) What is the loss of information in classified data? 6 12 a) Distinguish between simple and weighted averages. State the circumstances under which both should be used. b) Calculate the simple and weighted average from the following data and account for difference between the two. Month Jan Feb March April May June Price per ton 42.5 51.25 50 52 44.25 54 Tons purchased 25 30 40 50 10 45 6 13 a) Prove that the algebraic sum of the deviations of all the values from their mean is zero. b) Calculate the mode graphically Marks 0-5 5-10 10-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-90 90-100 F 5 7 9 25 30 24 8 6 6 SECTION B: INDIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 14 During British period, Indian Economy was: a) Backward b) Semi Feudal c) Both a and b c) None of these 1 15 When was NITI Aayog established? a) 1991 b) 2001 c) 2011 d)2015 1 16 What is the most important function of RBI? 1 17. Why did the government of India adopt the concept of mixed economy? OR Though public sector is very essential for industries, many public sector undertakings incur huge losses and are a drain on economy’s resources. Discuss the usefulness of public sector undertakings in the light of this context. 3 18. What do you understand by stabilization and structural measures? 3 19. The Policy of colonial exploitation of the Indian Economy during the British raj had some positive side effects for the Indian economy. Do you agree? Give reasons. 3 20. Discuss the role of small scale industries with respect to employment generation and regional equality. 3 21. Differentiate between privatization and denationalization. Give examples. 3 22. What is meant by export surplus? How did export surplus during British rule lead to the economic drain of Indian wealth? 4 23. What was the basic problem that forced us to have a U –turn in our policy since 1991? OR What is outsourcing? How it is affecting Indian economy and developed economies? 4 24. How was the private sector regulated under the IPR 1956? 6 25. Describe briefly the features of the economy that India inherited from her colonial past. 6 26. Write your views on the need for inclusive growth for the Indian economy. Is inclusive growth achievable for a developing economy like India when exposed to the process of Privatization and Globalization? 6 27. Write a critical review of New Economic Policy. OR “Economic reforms in India have not benefitted the common man.” Explain. 6 Answer Key Date of Exam: Class: XI Subject: Economics Instructions: (SECTION – A: STATISTICS) 1 An additional observation 15 in included in the series of 11 observations and its mean remain unaffected. The mean of the series was: b) 15 1 2 Define statistical enquiry. Knowledge through statistical methods………….1mk 1 3 Following table gives data on production and sale of a factory between January to June. Make historigram. Production (in tones) 5 8 6 10 12 15 Sales(in thousands) 7 10 8 12 15 17 Arithmetic line graph to be made of two variables…2mk Common average to be find out……..1mk 3 4. Explain why the statistical relations are generally inexact. Limitations 1. results are true only on averages 2. lack mathematical accuracy 3. laws are not perfectly accurate……………1mk each with explanation OR What is the relationship between economics and statistics? How far is it correct to say that science of economics is becoming statistical in its method? 1) understanding and solving economic problems 2) inter sectoral comparison 3) economic policy formulation 4) helpful in research………….0.5mk each Yes true as statistical methods are used to prove the economic laws…1mk 3 5 The mean monthly salary paid to all employees in accompany is Rs 1600. The mean monthly salaries paid to technical and non technical employees are Rs 1800 and Rs 1200 respectively. Determine the ratio of technical and non technical employees. Combined Mean X12 = X1N1 +X2N2/N1+N2 1600 = 1800N1 + 1200 N2/N1 + N2……………….0.5mk 1600N1 + 1600N2 = 1800N1 + 1200N2…………..0.5mk 1600N2- 1200N2 = 1800N1 – 1600N1……………….1mk 400N2 = 200N1 400/200 = N1/N2 2:1 = N1:N2……………….1mk 3 Page 5 Economics Date: Class: XI Time:3 hrs. M. M: 100 General Instructions: All questions in both the sections are compulsory. Marks for questions are indicated against each. Questions No. 1-2 and 14-16 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each. They are required to be answered in one sentence each. Questions No. 3-6 and 17-21 are short-answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 60 words each. Questions No. 7-9 and 22-23 are also short-answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 70 words each. Questions No. 10-13 and 24-27 are long-answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 100 words each. Answers should be brief and to the point and the above word limits should be adhered to as far as possible. (SECTION – A: STATISTICS) 1 An additional observation 15 in included in the series of 11 observations and its mean remain unaffected. The mean of the series was: a) 11 b) 15 c) 165 d) 4 1 2 Define statistical enquiry. 1 3 Following table gives data on production and sale of a factory between January to June. Make historigram. Production (in tones) 5 8 6 10 12 15 Sales(in thousands) 7 10 8 12 15 17 3 4. Explain why the statistical relations are generally inexact. OR What is the relationship between economics and statistics? How far is it correct to say that science of economics is becoming statistical in its method? 3 5 The mean monthly salary paid to all employees in accompany is Rs 1600. The mean monthly salaries paid to technical and non technical employees are Rs 1800 and Rs 1200 respectively. Determine the ratio of technical and non technical employees. 3 6. The ministry of Education is interested in determining the level of education in the country. How would you organize a survey for this purpose? 3 7 Draw a blank table to present population of India according to workers and non workers by gender and location. OR Represent the following data by rectangle diagram (i) using original units (ii) on percentage basis. Item of Expenditure R Family S Family Food 400 640 Clothing 250 480 Rent 150 320 Education 340 100 Misc. 160 60 4 8. What are the kinds of errors you would expect in the field survey by census methods? 4 9 Find the missing frequencies f1,f2 in the following distribution. It is given median of the distribution is 41 and total no of observations is 82. Class 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 Frequency 10 F1 15 20 F2 11 4 10 What is the purpose of collecting data? Which instrument is the most important and common while collecting data? What precautions should be taken while using that instrument? OR a) Describe the procedure of drawing frequency polygon with example. b) Explain briefly the types of frequency curves. 6 11 a) Data collected by investigator may often be misunderstanding. What could be done in such case? Give reasons. b) What is the loss of information in classified data? 6 12 a) Distinguish between simple and weighted averages. State the circumstances under which both should be used. b) Calculate the simple and weighted average from the following data and account for difference between the two. Month Jan Feb March April May June Price per ton 42.5 51.25 50 52 44.25 54 Tons purchased 25 30 40 50 10 45 6 13 a) Prove that the algebraic sum of the deviations of all the values from their mean is zero. b) Calculate the mode graphically Marks 0-5 5-10 10-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-90 90-100 F 5 7 9 25 30 24 8 6 6 SECTION B: INDIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 14 During British period, Indian Economy was: a) Backward b) Semi Feudal c) Both a and b c) None of these 1 15 When was NITI Aayog established? a) 1991 b) 2001 c) 2011 d)2015 1 16 What is the most important function of RBI? 1 17. Why did the government of India adopt the concept of mixed economy? OR Though public sector is very essential for industries, many public sector undertakings incur huge losses and are a drain on economy’s resources. Discuss the usefulness of public sector undertakings in the light of this context. 3 18. What do you understand by stabilization and structural measures? 3 19. The Policy of colonial exploitation of the Indian Economy during the British raj had some positive side effects for the Indian economy. Do you agree? Give reasons. 3 20. Discuss the role of small scale industries with respect to employment generation and regional equality. 3 21. Differentiate between privatization and denationalization. Give examples. 3 22. What is meant by export surplus? How did export surplus during British rule lead to the economic drain of Indian wealth? 4 23. What was the basic problem that forced us to have a U –turn in our policy since 1991? OR What is outsourcing? How it is affecting Indian economy and developed economies? 4 24. How was the private sector regulated under the IPR 1956? 6 25. Describe briefly the features of the economy that India inherited from her colonial past. 6 26. Write your views on the need for inclusive growth for the Indian economy. Is inclusive growth achievable for a developing economy like India when exposed to the process of Privatization and Globalization? 6 27. Write a critical review of New Economic Policy. OR “Economic reforms in India have not benefitted the common man.” Explain. 6 Answer Key Date of Exam: Class: XI Subject: Economics Instructions: (SECTION – A: STATISTICS) 1 An additional observation 15 in included in the series of 11 observations and its mean remain unaffected. The mean of the series was: b) 15 1 2 Define statistical enquiry. Knowledge through statistical methods………….1mk 1 3 Following table gives data on production and sale of a factory between January to June. Make historigram. Production (in tones) 5 8 6 10 12 15 Sales(in thousands) 7 10 8 12 15 17 Arithmetic line graph to be made of two variables…2mk Common average to be find out……..1mk 3 4. Explain why the statistical relations are generally inexact. Limitations 1. results are true only on averages 2. lack mathematical accuracy 3. laws are not perfectly accurate……………1mk each with explanation OR What is the relationship between economics and statistics? How far is it correct to say that science of economics is becoming statistical in its method? 1) understanding and solving economic problems 2) inter sectoral comparison 3) economic policy formulation 4) helpful in research………….0.5mk each Yes true as statistical methods are used to prove the economic laws…1mk 3 5 The mean monthly salary paid to all employees in accompany is Rs 1600. The mean monthly salaries paid to technical and non technical employees are Rs 1800 and Rs 1200 respectively. Determine the ratio of technical and non technical employees. Combined Mean X12 = X1N1 +X2N2/N1+N2 1600 = 1800N1 + 1200 N2/N1 + N2……………….0.5mk 1600N1 + 1600N2 = 1800N1 + 1200N2…………..0.5mk 1600N2- 1200N2 = 1800N1 – 1600N1……………….1mk 400N2 = 200N1 400/200 = N1/N2 2:1 = N1:N2……………….1mk 3 6. The ministry of Education is interested in determining the level of education in the country. How would you organize a survey for this purpose? Sampling methods:…..0.5mk Stratified sampling: population is divided into different strata and then few samples are selected randomly………….1mk Merits True representative in nature Greater accuracy Useful to study the special characteristics of lager population ………1.5 mk each 3 7 Draw a blank table to present population of India according to workers and non workers by gender and location. Table No 1 Composition of Population of India Location Workers Non workers Total Male Female Male Female Male Female North East South West Source: Footnote: Marks to be given accordingly for the correct format OR Represent the following data by rectangle diagram (i) using original units (ii) on percentage basis. Item of Expenditure R Family S Family Percentage R Percentage S Food 400 640 30.7 40 Clothing 250 480 19.2 30 Rent 150 320 11.5 20 Education 340 100 26.1 6.2 Misc. 160 60 12.3 3.7 1600 1200 800 400 0 2 mk for sub divided diagram and 2 mk for percentage diagram 4 8. What are the kinds of errors you would expect in the field survey by census methods? Non sampling errors 1) error of misinterpretation 2) error of biased 3) error of calculation 4) error of non response……………..1mk each with brief explanation 4 9 Find the missing frequencies f1,f2 in the following distribution. It is given median of the distribution is 41 and total no of observations is 82. Class 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 4Read More
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