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Class 11 Economics Previous Year Paper - 4 | Economics Class 11 - Commerce PDF Download

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General Instructions: 
i. All questions are compulsory 
ii. Marks for questions are indicated against the questions. 
iii. Questions No. 1-4 and 13-16 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each. These 
are to be answered in one sentence each. 
iv. Questions No. 5 & 6 and 17 & 18 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer 
to them should normally not exceed 60 words each. 
v. Questions No. 7-9 and 19-21 are short answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to 
them should normally not exceed 70 words each. 
vi. Questions No.10 -12 and 22-24 are short answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to 
them should normally not exceed 100 words each. 
vii. Answers should be brief and to the point and the above word limit should be adhered to as 
far as possible. 
1 If with rise in price of good Y, demand for good X rises, the two goods are: (Choose the 
correct alternative) 
A. Substitute goods 
B. Complementary goods 
C. Not at all related 
D. Jointly demanded 
2 A budget line of the consumer becomes steeper (slope increases) when: (Choose the 
correct alternative) 
A. Income of the consumer decreases 
B. Price of good1 increases 
C. Price of good 1 decreases 
D. Prices of both good1 and good2  increase in the same proportion 
CLASS: XI Time Allotted: 3 Hrs. 
 Max. Marks:80 
Page 2

Roll Number 
Code Number 
General Instructions: 
i. All questions are compulsory 
ii. Marks for questions are indicated against the questions. 
iii. Questions No. 1-4 and 13-16 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each. These 
are to be answered in one sentence each. 
iv. Questions No. 5 & 6 and 17 & 18 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer 
to them should normally not exceed 60 words each. 
v. Questions No. 7-9 and 19-21 are short answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to 
them should normally not exceed 70 words each. 
vi. Questions No.10 -12 and 22-24 are short answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to 
them should normally not exceed 100 words each. 
vii. Answers should be brief and to the point and the above word limit should be adhered to as 
far as possible. 
1 If with rise in price of good Y, demand for good X rises, the two goods are: (Choose the 
correct alternative) 
A. Substitute goods 
B. Complementary goods 
C. Not at all related 
D. Jointly demanded 
2 A budget line of the consumer becomes steeper (slope increases) when: (Choose the 
correct alternative) 
A. Income of the consumer decreases 
B. Price of good1 increases 
C. Price of good 1 decreases 
D. Prices of both good1 and good2  increase in the same proportion 
CLASS: XI Time Allotted: 3 Hrs. 
 Max. Marks:80 
3 Define price elasticity of demand. 
Define demand for a good. 
4 What happens to Total Fixed Cost when firm increases the level of output? 
Why does Average Variable Cost diminish in the initial stage of production? 
5 A firm supplies 1000 units of a good at a price of Rs.10 per unit. Its price elasticity of 
supply is 2. How many units of this good will the firm supply if price decreases to Rs. 8 
per unit? 
6 Discuss the nature of total revenue curve of a firm if the firm is functioning under a 
perfectly competitive market. 
Discuss the implication behind the feature of ‘perfect freedom of entry and exit’ of firms 
under perfect competition. 
7 Define a Production Possibility Curve. How does it explain the problem of choice? 
Explain using a diagram 
Define Marginal Rate of Transformation. How does it influence the shape of production 
possibility curve? Show with diagrams. 
8 Using suitable diagram explain the effect on demand for a good when: 
a. Price of its substitute good rises. 
b. Price of its complementary good rises. 
9 Answer the following: 
a. Give two points of similarities between Monopolistic competition and Perfect 
b. Give two points of distinction between Monopoly market and Oligopoly market. 
10 Briefly explain the theory of optimal choice of the consumer using budget line and 
indifference curve. 
11 Why should Marginal Revenue be equal to Marginal Cost at equilibrium level of output 
of a firm? Explain using suitable diagram. 
12 Consider the market for Tea in terms of its market price and quantity exchanged. Explain 
the possible impact on its market price and quantity exchanged when market price of 
coffee rises. Use diagram. 
In the recent budget government decided to fix a floor price of paddy by 50% above the 
market price. What could be the purpose behind this policy? What are the possible 
consequences of the policy? Explain using a diagram. 
Page 3

Roll Number 
Code Number 
General Instructions: 
i. All questions are compulsory 
ii. Marks for questions are indicated against the questions. 
iii. Questions No. 1-4 and 13-16 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each. These 
are to be answered in one sentence each. 
iv. Questions No. 5 & 6 and 17 & 18 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer 
to them should normally not exceed 60 words each. 
v. Questions No. 7-9 and 19-21 are short answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to 
them should normally not exceed 70 words each. 
vi. Questions No.10 -12 and 22-24 are short answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to 
them should normally not exceed 100 words each. 
vii. Answers should be brief and to the point and the above word limit should be adhered to as 
far as possible. 
1 If with rise in price of good Y, demand for good X rises, the two goods are: (Choose the 
correct alternative) 
A. Substitute goods 
B. Complementary goods 
C. Not at all related 
D. Jointly demanded 
2 A budget line of the consumer becomes steeper (slope increases) when: (Choose the 
correct alternative) 
A. Income of the consumer decreases 
B. Price of good1 increases 
C. Price of good 1 decreases 
D. Prices of both good1 and good2  increase in the same proportion 
CLASS: XI Time Allotted: 3 Hrs. 
 Max. Marks:80 
3 Define price elasticity of demand. 
Define demand for a good. 
4 What happens to Total Fixed Cost when firm increases the level of output? 
Why does Average Variable Cost diminish in the initial stage of production? 
5 A firm supplies 1000 units of a good at a price of Rs.10 per unit. Its price elasticity of 
supply is 2. How many units of this good will the firm supply if price decreases to Rs. 8 
per unit? 
6 Discuss the nature of total revenue curve of a firm if the firm is functioning under a 
perfectly competitive market. 
Discuss the implication behind the feature of ‘perfect freedom of entry and exit’ of firms 
under perfect competition. 
7 Define a Production Possibility Curve. How does it explain the problem of choice? 
Explain using a diagram 
Define Marginal Rate of Transformation. How does it influence the shape of production 
possibility curve? Show with diagrams. 
8 Using suitable diagram explain the effect on demand for a good when: 
a. Price of its substitute good rises. 
b. Price of its complementary good rises. 
9 Answer the following: 
a. Give two points of similarities between Monopolistic competition and Perfect 
b. Give two points of distinction between Monopoly market and Oligopoly market. 
10 Briefly explain the theory of optimal choice of the consumer using budget line and 
indifference curve. 
11 Why should Marginal Revenue be equal to Marginal Cost at equilibrium level of output 
of a firm? Explain using suitable diagram. 
12 Consider the market for Tea in terms of its market price and quantity exchanged. Explain 
the possible impact on its market price and quantity exchanged when market price of 
coffee rises. Use diagram. 
In the recent budget government decided to fix a floor price of paddy by 50% above the 
market price. What could be the purpose behind this policy? What are the possible 
consequences of the policy? Explain using a diagram. 
13 Statistical calculation of a classified data is based on: (Choose correct answer) 
A. Actual values of observations 
B. The upper class limits 
C. The lower class limits 
D. The class mid points 
14 State one difference between a discrete variable and a continuous variable 
How is chronological classification different from Spatial classification of data? 
15 Define Inter Quartile Range. 1 
16 Interpret the value of  ‘r=+1’ in the case of coefficient of correlation. 
Interpret the result if all the dots in a scatter diagram lie on an upward sloping straight 
17 The subject economics involves the study of man engaged in economic activities of 
various kinds. These economic activities are broadly classified under three heads. What 
are these? State with meaning. 
18 Calculate Arithmetic Mean for the following distribution. 
Marks more than 0 10 20 30 40 50 
Number of students 50 46 40 20 10 3 
Calculate First Quartile, Second Quartile and Third Quartile for the following 
Marks 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 
Number of students 8 12 20 30 20 14 11 4 
19 The most common type of instrument used in surveys to collect information or data is 
questionnaire. The success of any statistical investigation is determined by the quality of 
the questionnaire and the response that evoke from the respondents. What are the 
essential characteristics of a good questionnaire? 
It is stated that ‘Non Sampling errors’ are more serious than ‘Sampling errors’. Why? 
What are the possible non sampling errors? Explain with meaning. 
Page 4

Roll Number 
Code Number 
General Instructions: 
i. All questions are compulsory 
ii. Marks for questions are indicated against the questions. 
iii. Questions No. 1-4 and 13-16 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each. These 
are to be answered in one sentence each. 
iv. Questions No. 5 & 6 and 17 & 18 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer 
to them should normally not exceed 60 words each. 
v. Questions No. 7-9 and 19-21 are short answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to 
them should normally not exceed 70 words each. 
vi. Questions No.10 -12 and 22-24 are short answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to 
them should normally not exceed 100 words each. 
vii. Answers should be brief and to the point and the above word limit should be adhered to as 
far as possible. 
1 If with rise in price of good Y, demand for good X rises, the two goods are: (Choose the 
correct alternative) 
A. Substitute goods 
B. Complementary goods 
C. Not at all related 
D. Jointly demanded 
2 A budget line of the consumer becomes steeper (slope increases) when: (Choose the 
correct alternative) 
A. Income of the consumer decreases 
B. Price of good1 increases 
C. Price of good 1 decreases 
D. Prices of both good1 and good2  increase in the same proportion 
CLASS: XI Time Allotted: 3 Hrs. 
 Max. Marks:80 
3 Define price elasticity of demand. 
Define demand for a good. 
4 What happens to Total Fixed Cost when firm increases the level of output? 
Why does Average Variable Cost diminish in the initial stage of production? 
5 A firm supplies 1000 units of a good at a price of Rs.10 per unit. Its price elasticity of 
supply is 2. How many units of this good will the firm supply if price decreases to Rs. 8 
per unit? 
6 Discuss the nature of total revenue curve of a firm if the firm is functioning under a 
perfectly competitive market. 
Discuss the implication behind the feature of ‘perfect freedom of entry and exit’ of firms 
under perfect competition. 
7 Define a Production Possibility Curve. How does it explain the problem of choice? 
Explain using a diagram 
Define Marginal Rate of Transformation. How does it influence the shape of production 
possibility curve? Show with diagrams. 
8 Using suitable diagram explain the effect on demand for a good when: 
a. Price of its substitute good rises. 
b. Price of its complementary good rises. 
9 Answer the following: 
a. Give two points of similarities between Monopolistic competition and Perfect 
b. Give two points of distinction between Monopoly market and Oligopoly market. 
10 Briefly explain the theory of optimal choice of the consumer using budget line and 
indifference curve. 
11 Why should Marginal Revenue be equal to Marginal Cost at equilibrium level of output 
of a firm? Explain using suitable diagram. 
12 Consider the market for Tea in terms of its market price and quantity exchanged. Explain 
the possible impact on its market price and quantity exchanged when market price of 
coffee rises. Use diagram. 
In the recent budget government decided to fix a floor price of paddy by 50% above the 
market price. What could be the purpose behind this policy? What are the possible 
consequences of the policy? Explain using a diagram. 
13 Statistical calculation of a classified data is based on: (Choose correct answer) 
A. Actual values of observations 
B. The upper class limits 
C. The lower class limits 
D. The class mid points 
14 State one difference between a discrete variable and a continuous variable 
How is chronological classification different from Spatial classification of data? 
15 Define Inter Quartile Range. 1 
16 Interpret the value of  ‘r=+1’ in the case of coefficient of correlation. 
Interpret the result if all the dots in a scatter diagram lie on an upward sloping straight 
17 The subject economics involves the study of man engaged in economic activities of 
various kinds. These economic activities are broadly classified under three heads. What 
are these? State with meaning. 
18 Calculate Arithmetic Mean for the following distribution. 
Marks more than 0 10 20 30 40 50 
Number of students 50 46 40 20 10 3 
Calculate First Quartile, Second Quartile and Third Quartile for the following 
Marks 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 
Number of students 8 12 20 30 20 14 11 4 
19 The most common type of instrument used in surveys to collect information or data is 
questionnaire. The success of any statistical investigation is determined by the quality of 
the questionnaire and the response that evoke from the respondents. What are the 
essential characteristics of a good questionnaire? 
It is stated that ‘Non Sampling errors’ are more serious than ‘Sampling errors’. Why? 
What are the possible non sampling errors? Explain with meaning. 
20 Draw a pie diagram for the following information regarding expected expenditure 
allocated for the different sub-sectors of Primary sector of the economy in the recent 
     Sectors                             Expenditure (Rs. Crores) 
Agriculture                                   2800 
Animal Husbandry                     2500 
Fisheries                                        1400 
Forestry and Logging                  1200 
Mining and Quarrying                2100 
Find product moment correlation using the method of Karl Pearson’s coefficient of 
correlation for the following data related Length and weight. 
Length 3 4 6 7 10 
Weight 9 11 14 15 16 
22 Calculate the value of Median and locate the same on a graph and verify the result. 
Classes 0-4 4-8 8-12 12-16 16-20 20-24 24-28 28-32 32-38 38-42 
frequencies 3 8 14 30 40 28 14 8 3 2 
23 Calculate Mean Deviation from median and its coefficient  for the following distribution 
Values 5 15 25 35 45 
Frequencies 8 12 15 9 6 
Calculate Standard Deviation and its coefficient. 
Classes 5 – 15 15 - 25 25 - 35 35 - 45 45 - 55 
Frequencies 8 13 15 9 6 
24 Calculate Index numbers for the year 2010 considering 2005 as the base year using the 
following methods: 
a. Laspeyer’s Method. 
b. Paasche’s Method. 
2005 2010 
Price Quantities Price Quantities 
A 100 7 150 4 
B 75 6 100 8 
C 90 11 90 10 
D 60 5 40 6 
End of the Question Paper 
Page 5

Roll Number 
Code Number 
General Instructions: 
i. All questions are compulsory 
ii. Marks for questions are indicated against the questions. 
iii. Questions No. 1-4 and 13-16 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each. These 
are to be answered in one sentence each. 
iv. Questions No. 5 & 6 and 17 & 18 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer 
to them should normally not exceed 60 words each. 
v. Questions No. 7-9 and 19-21 are short answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to 
them should normally not exceed 70 words each. 
vi. Questions No.10 -12 and 22-24 are short answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to 
them should normally not exceed 100 words each. 
vii. Answers should be brief and to the point and the above word limit should be adhered to as 
far as possible. 
1 If with rise in price of good Y, demand for good X rises, the two goods are: (Choose the 
correct alternative) 
A. Substitute goods 
B. Complementary goods 
C. Not at all related 
D. Jointly demanded 
2 A budget line of the consumer becomes steeper (slope increases) when: (Choose the 
correct alternative) 
A. Income of the consumer decreases 
B. Price of good1 increases 
C. Price of good 1 decreases 
D. Prices of both good1 and good2  increase in the same proportion 
CLASS: XI Time Allotted: 3 Hrs. 
 Max. Marks:80 
3 Define price elasticity of demand. 
Define demand for a good. 
4 What happens to Total Fixed Cost when firm increases the level of output? 
Why does Average Variable Cost diminish in the initial stage of production? 
5 A firm supplies 1000 units of a good at a price of Rs.10 per unit. Its price elasticity of 
supply is 2. How many units of this good will the firm supply if price decreases to Rs. 8 
per unit? 
6 Discuss the nature of total revenue curve of a firm if the firm is functioning under a 
perfectly competitive market. 
Discuss the implication behind the feature of ‘perfect freedom of entry and exit’ of firms 
under perfect competition. 
7 Define a Production Possibility Curve. How does it explain the problem of choice? 
Explain using a diagram 
Define Marginal Rate of Transformation. How does it influence the shape of production 
possibility curve? Show with diagrams. 
8 Using suitable diagram explain the effect on demand for a good when: 
a. Price of its substitute good rises. 
b. Price of its complementary good rises. 
9 Answer the following: 
a. Give two points of similarities between Monopolistic competition and Perfect 
b. Give two points of distinction between Monopoly market and Oligopoly market. 
10 Briefly explain the theory of optimal choice of the consumer using budget line and 
indifference curve. 
11 Why should Marginal Revenue be equal to Marginal Cost at equilibrium level of output 
of a firm? Explain using suitable diagram. 
12 Consider the market for Tea in terms of its market price and quantity exchanged. Explain 
the possible impact on its market price and quantity exchanged when market price of 
coffee rises. Use diagram. 
In the recent budget government decided to fix a floor price of paddy by 50% above the 
market price. What could be the purpose behind this policy? What are the possible 
consequences of the policy? Explain using a diagram. 
13 Statistical calculation of a classified data is based on: (Choose correct answer) 
A. Actual values of observations 
B. The upper class limits 
C. The lower class limits 
D. The class mid points 
14 State one difference between a discrete variable and a continuous variable 
How is chronological classification different from Spatial classification of data? 
15 Define Inter Quartile Range. 1 
16 Interpret the value of  ‘r=+1’ in the case of coefficient of correlation. 
Interpret the result if all the dots in a scatter diagram lie on an upward sloping straight 
17 The subject economics involves the study of man engaged in economic activities of 
various kinds. These economic activities are broadly classified under three heads. What 
are these? State with meaning. 
18 Calculate Arithmetic Mean for the following distribution. 
Marks more than 0 10 20 30 40 50 
Number of students 50 46 40 20 10 3 
Calculate First Quartile, Second Quartile and Third Quartile for the following 
Marks 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 
Number of students 8 12 20 30 20 14 11 4 
19 The most common type of instrument used in surveys to collect information or data is 
questionnaire. The success of any statistical investigation is determined by the quality of 
the questionnaire and the response that evoke from the respondents. What are the 
essential characteristics of a good questionnaire? 
It is stated that ‘Non Sampling errors’ are more serious than ‘Sampling errors’. Why? 
What are the possible non sampling errors? Explain with meaning. 
20 Draw a pie diagram for the following information regarding expected expenditure 
allocated for the different sub-sectors of Primary sector of the economy in the recent 
     Sectors                             Expenditure (Rs. Crores) 
Agriculture                                   2800 
Animal Husbandry                     2500 
Fisheries                                        1400 
Forestry and Logging                  1200 
Mining and Quarrying                2100 
Find product moment correlation using the method of Karl Pearson’s coefficient of 
correlation for the following data related Length and weight. 
Length 3 4 6 7 10 
Weight 9 11 14 15 16 
22 Calculate the value of Median and locate the same on a graph and verify the result. 
Classes 0-4 4-8 8-12 12-16 16-20 20-24 24-28 28-32 32-38 38-42 
frequencies 3 8 14 30 40 28 14 8 3 2 
23 Calculate Mean Deviation from median and its coefficient  for the following distribution 
Values 5 15 25 35 45 
Frequencies 8 12 15 9 6 
Calculate Standard Deviation and its coefficient. 
Classes 5 – 15 15 - 25 25 - 35 35 - 45 45 - 55 
Frequencies 8 13 15 9 6 
24 Calculate Index numbers for the year 2010 considering 2005 as the base year using the 
following methods: 
a. Laspeyer’s Method. 
b. Paasche’s Method. 
2005 2010 
Price Quantities Price Quantities 
A 100 7 150 4 
B 75 6 100 8 
C 90 11 90 10 
D 60 5 40 6 
End of the Question Paper 
Q.NO. Answers 
1 A. Substitute goods 1 
2 B. Price of good1 increases 1 
3 Degree of responsiveness of quantity demanded for a given change in its price 
Quantity of a good that a consumer is willing to buy at a given price during a particular 
period of time 
4 TFC remains constant 
Increasing retruns 
5 Ed=(?Q/?P)  x (P/Q);   (x-1000) /-2  x 10/1000; 2=x-1000/-200; -400=x-1000; 
-400=x-1000;    x=600. Ans=600 
6 In perfectly competitive market, market price is constant and uniform. This gives total 
revenue curve the following features. 
a. TR increases as output increases 
b. TR has a constant slope, TR becomes an upward sloping straight line 
c. TR is zero at zero output so that it starts from origin 
If existing firms make abnormal profits in the short run, new firms will enter into the 
market attracted by the abnormal profits. Market supply increases. Price falls and 
abnormal profits are competed away. If existing firms are making loss, loss making 
firms can leave the market. Market supply decreases. Market price rises and the 
remaining firms will get normal profits. This implies that all firms will make only 
normal profits in the long run. 
7 PPC is a graphical medium of highlighting the central problems of ‘what to produce’ 
It shows various combinations of two goods that can be produced with available 
technologies and with given resources, which are fully efficiently utilized. The curve 
that gives maximum amount of two goods that can be produced in the economy with 
given resources and technology is called production possibility frontier. 
  A B  
Time Allotted: 
 3 Hrs. 
SET A Max. Marks:80 
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FAQs on Class 11 Economics Previous Year Paper - 4 - Economics Class 11 - Commerce

1. What are the key concepts of economics?
Ans. The key concepts of economics include scarcity, choice, opportunity cost, supply and demand, market equilibrium, production, consumption, and distribution of goods and services.
2. How does supply and demand affect the price of a product?
Ans. Supply and demand determine the equilibrium price of a product. If the demand for a product increases and the supply remains constant, the price will rise. Conversely, if the demand decreases and the supply remains constant, the price will fall.
3. What is the role of government in the economy?
Ans. The government plays several roles in the economy, including maintaining law and order, providing public goods and services, regulating markets, promoting economic growth, and addressing market failures.
4. What is the difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics?
Ans. Microeconomics focuses on individual economic units, such as households and firms, and their interactions in specific markets. Macroeconomics, on the other hand, examines the overall performance of the economy, including factors like inflation, unemployment, and economic growth.
5. How does inflation impact the economy?
Ans. Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money, as prices of goods and services increase over time. This can reduce the real incomes of individuals, disrupt business planning, and create uncertainty in the economy. Central banks often aim to maintain a low and stable inflation rate to promote economic stability and growth.
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