Full bridge inverter is a topology of H-bridge inverter used for converting DC power into AC power. The components required for conversion are two times more than that used in single phase Half bridge inverters. The circuit of a full bridge inverter consists of 4 diodes and 4 controlled switches as shown below.
These diodes are known as freewheeling diodes or feedback diodes because these diodes feedback the stored energy in the load back into the DC source. The feedback action happens only when load is other than pure resistive load. The controlled switches for Full-bridge inverters can be BJT, IJBT, MOSFET or thyristors. Controlled switches considered in this article are thyristors.
The general concept of a full bridge inverter is to alternate the polarity of voltage across the load by operating two switches at a time. Positive input voltage will appear across the load by the operation of T1 and T2 for a half time period. The polarity of voltage across load will be changed for the other half period by operating T3 and T4.
This article is about the working operation and waveform of a single-phase full bridge inverter for R load, RL load and RLC load. The comparison of all loads is given at the end of this article.
The working operation of Full bridge for pure resistive load is simplest as compared to all loads. As there is not any storage component in the load so, only control switches operate while feedback diodes do not operate through the operation of the inverter. Only two modes are enough for understanding the working operation of a full bridge inverter for R load.
Mode 1: Consider all the switches are initially off. By triggering T1 and T2, the input DC voltage (+Vdc) will appear across the load. The current flow in clockwise direction from source to the series connected load. The output current across the load will be
Where RL is the load resistance, While the output voltage across the load will be
Vo= Vdc
Mode 2: Thyristors T3 and T4 are triggered immediately after completely commutating T1 and T2. The polarity of voltage immediately reverses after switching complementary switches T1 and T2 with T3 and T4. The DC input voltage across the load appear with the negative voltage which
Vo= -Vdc
While the output appearing current is
Io = – Vdc/RL
The current in anti-lock wise direction flows from source to load through T3 and T4 as shown in the figure.
The current flowing through load and voltage appearing across the load are both in square wave form as shown in the third wave of the figure. The switching pattern is shown in the first two waves. Third wave shows the voltage across the load while the last two waves show the current flowing through the switches.
The root-mean-square (RMS) value of the output voltage has been calculated from the equation as given
As all the even harmonics are absent because the waveform of the output voltage is half-wave symmetric. So, the above equation just shows the odd harmonics. All the even harmonics are absent including average voltage across the load.
Mode 1 (t1<t<t2)
Mode 2 (t2<t<t3)
Mode 3 (t3<t<t4)
Mode 4 (t0<t<t1)
The voltage waveform in both L and RL load is square wave while the current wave in both loads are triangular.
In this topic, the response of RLC (Resistive, Inductive and Capacitive) load is discussed. The RLC load shows two types of responses. The response may be overdamped, or it may be underdamped. Both these responses are briefly discussed here.
RLC Overdamped Response
Mode 1 (T1 and T2 Conduct)
Feedback diodes are conducted initially. After triggering thyristors T1 and T2, the polarity of current reverses and load starts charging itself from source. During this mode, the current gradually increases in a positive direction till it achieves maximum peak. After achieving the maximum peak, the load current gradually decreases till the anode current becomes zero. The zero-anode current naturally commutates the thyristors T1 and T2. These thyristors conduct for T/3 of total time.
Mode 2 (D3 and D4 Conduct)
The mode changes from mode 1 to mode 2 after T1 and T2 are commutated. In this mode feedback diodes D3 and D4 start conducting. These feedback diodes keep conducting till thyristor T3 and T4 are triggered. The feedback diodes will conduct to the T/6 of the full time.
Mode 3 (T3 and T4 Conduct)
The direction of the flow of current through the load changes after triggering thyristor T3 and T4. In this mode, both the current and voltages are negative. Therefore, the load is charged throughout this period.
Mode 4 (D1 and D2 Conduct)
The feedback diodes D1 and D2 start conducting after commutating Thyristors T3 and T4. These feedback diodes will conduct if the load is fully discharged in the source.
RLC Underdamped Response
Mode 1 (D1 and D2 Conduct)
Initially thyristors T1 and T2 are in conducting mode. After the current through thyristors approaches zero, the current direction through the load is changed and feedback diodes D1 and D2 start conducting. The time duration of mode1 is considered from the time when feedback diodes start conducting till these feedback diodes stop conducting. The conduction time is comparatively smaller as compared to RL load which T/6 of the total time.
Mode 2 (T3 and T4 Conduct)
Mode 3 (D3 and D4 Conduct)
Mode 4
Thyristors T1 and T2 are triggered when anode current reaches sufficient current level. The polarity of load voltages changes i.e., input voltage appears with positive polarity. The load will charge once again due to the same polarity of current and voltage.
The output current and voltage wave of RLC load differs with respect to the damping ratio. For ζ>1 full bridge inverter for RLC load shows overdamped response, while for ζ<1 the inverter shows underdamped response. The response is overdamped for XL>XC while for XL<XC shows underdamped response.
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