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Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE) PDF Download


Standards of Dilution for Discharge of Wastewaters into Rivers

  • Standards of Dilution based on Royal Commission Report
    Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
  • BIS Standards for Discharge of Sewage and Industrial Effluents in Surface Water Sources and Pub
    Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
  • General standards for Discharge of Environment Pollutants from effluents into Surface Water Sources, Public Sewers, and Marine Coasts Under Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986
    Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

Dilution and Dispersion

Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Cs = The concentration of sewage in mg/lit.
Qs = A flow rate of sewage in m3/sec or lit/sec.
CR = The concentration of the river in mg/lit.
QR = Flow rate (discharge in m3/sec or lit/sec.
Cmix = The concentration of the mixture.

Test: Zones of Pollution in River
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Zone of Pollution in River Stream

Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Saturation D.O at 20oC → 9.2 mg/lit.
Saturation D.O at 30oC → 7.6 mg/lit.
Saturation D.O at 0oC → 14.6 mg/lit.
Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

ab = cd

  • Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
  • Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

TOD = Theoretical oxygen demand
BOD = Biological oxygen demand
COD = Chemical oxygen demand
(BOD)u = Ultimate BOD (Yu)

  • Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
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Stretcher-Phelps Equation

  • Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
  • Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
  • Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
  • Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
  • Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
  • Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

Dt = D.O deficit in mg/lit after t days.
L = Ultimate first stage BOD of the mix at a point of waste discharge in mg/lit.
Do = Initial oxygen deficit of the mix at the mixing point in mg/lit.
kR = Reoxygenation constant
kD = Deoxygenation constant
f = Self-purification constant
tC = Critical time at which minimum dissolved oxygen occurs i.e.
Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
DC = Critical maximum oxygen deficit.
Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

The document Disposal of Sewage Effluent | Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE) is a part of the Civil Engineering (CE) Course Environmental Engineering.
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FAQs on Disposal of Sewage Effluent - Environmental Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

1. What is sewage effluent?
Ans. Sewage effluent refers to the wastewater that is discharged from homes, industries, and other sources. It contains a mixture of organic matter, chemicals, pathogens, and other contaminants.
2. How is sewage effluent disposed of in civil engineering?
Ans. In civil engineering, sewage effluent is typically treated through a series of processes to remove contaminants and then disposed of in various ways. Common methods of disposal include discharge into rivers or oceans, land application through irrigation or infiltration, or treatment for reuse in non-potable applications.
3. What are the potential environmental impacts of sewage effluent disposal?
Ans. The disposal of sewage effluent can have several environmental impacts. It can contribute to water pollution, leading to the degradation of aquatic ecosystems and the loss of biodiversity. It can also introduce excessive nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, into receiving bodies of water, causing eutrophication. Additionally, untreated or poorly treated sewage effluent can pose risks to human health due to the presence of pathogens and other contaminants.
4. What are the common treatment processes for sewage effluent?
Ans. Common treatment processes for sewage effluent include primary treatment, secondary treatment, and tertiary treatment. Primary treatment involves the physical removal of large solids through processes such as screening and sedimentation. Secondary treatment uses biological processes to further remove organic matter and nutrients. Tertiary treatment includes advanced processes, such as filtration or disinfection, to achieve higher levels of treatment and produce effluent suitable for reuse.
5. What are the factors to consider in choosing the appropriate disposal method for sewage effluent?
Ans. Several factors need to be considered when choosing the disposal method for sewage effluent. These include the quality of the effluent after treatment, local environmental regulations and standards, the availability of suitable receiving bodies of water or land for disposal, and the potential for beneficial reuse of the effluent. Economic factors, such as the cost of treatment and disposal options, also play a role in the decision-making process.
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