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Note: The questions provided in this document are similar to the questions that were asked in the actual Olympiad exam. So, we recommend you study these for your Olympiad preparation.

Word and Structure Knowledge

Choose the correct option to fill in the blank. (Question 1 to 24)

Q1: The ________ with which the society president decided to close the swimming pool was difficult to understand because it seemed so important.
(a) brevity
(b) pacifier
(c) retrieval
(d) compliance

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Ans: (a)

  • The word brevity refers to the quality of being brief or concise. In this context, it indicates that the president's decision was made quickly or without much explanation.
  • This decision was hard to grasp because it was significant, yet it was communicated in a short manner.
  • Understanding the importance of the swimming pool makes the quick decision seem even more puzzling.
  • Thus, the use of brevity in this situation highlights the contrast between the significance of the decision and the lack of detailed reasoning provided.

Q2: Maya ________ a book about her adventures in Korea.
(a) is currently writing
(b) is being currently written
(c) has been currently written
(d) written

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct answer is is currently writing because it indicates that Maya is in the process of writing the book right now.
  • Option (b) suggests that the book is being written by someone else, which is incorrect.
  • Option (c) implies that the book has already been written, which does not match the context.
  • Option (d) is incomplete and does not form a proper sentence.

Q3: The rain continued for _________ of the days when we were in Bombay but there wasn’t _________ damage to the roads.
(a) a few, many
(b) all, any
(c) much, most
(d) some, a

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct answer is all, any. This means that it rained every day we were in Bombay, but there was no damage to the roads at all.
  • Using all indicates that the rain occurred on every single day.
  • Any suggests that despite the rain, there was no significant damage to the roads.
  • Other options do not fit the context as they imply either partial rain or some damage, which contradicts the statement.

Q4: My mother was _________; she opened her own bakery when many girls were going to school.
(a) behind the times
(b) racing against time
(c) ahead of her times
(d) in the nick of time

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Ans: (c)

  • In this context, the phrase ahead of her times means that the mother was innovative and progressive, doing something that was not common for women at that time.
  • Opening a bakery when many girls were still pursuing education shows her forward-thinking attitude.
  • The other options do not fit the context as they imply being outdated or struggling with time, which is not the case here.
  • Thus, the correct answer is (c) because it highlights her pioneering spirit.

Q5: I hope to see Maria while I _________ in London next month.
(a) stayed
(b) stay
(c) would stay
(d) will be stayed

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct option is stay because it indicates a future action. The phrase "while I stay" suggests that the speaker will be in London next month.
  • Using stayed (option a) refers to a past action, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
  • Would stay (option c) implies a conditional situation, which is not appropriate here.
  • Will be stayed (option d) is grammatically incorrect as it suggests a passive form that doesn't apply to the speaker's intention.

Q6: Teacher: I haven’t a clue where my pen has gone! 
Student: I’m sure it will be in the last place you ________.
(a) observe
(b) seem
(c) mind
(d) look

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Ans: (d)

  • The phrase "last place you look" is a common expression, meaning the final location where you search for something.
  • When you lose an item, you typically find it in the last spot you check.
  • Options like "observe," "seem," and "mind" do not fit the context of searching for a lost item.
  • Thus, the correct answer is "look," as it directly relates to searching for the pen.

Q7: She was __________ to hear the shocking news.
(a) salvaged
(b) agitated
(c) indiscreet
(d) intensely

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Ans: (b)

  • The word agitated means feeling disturbed or upset, which fits well with the context of hearing shocking news.
  • Salvaged refers to saving something from loss, which does not relate to emotional response.
  • Indiscreet means lacking discretion, and does not convey the feeling of being upset.
  • Intensely does not accurately describe an emotional reaction to news.

Q8: He spoke extensively but never __________ the main idea.
(a) got to
(b) took too
(c) made off
(d) put to

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Ans: (a)

  • The phrase "got to the point" means to reach the main idea or conclusion in a conversation.
  • In this context, the speaker is being described as someone who talks a lot but fails to focus on the essential message.
  • Options (b), (c), and (d) do not convey the same meaning as "got to," making them incorrect.
  • Thus, the correct answer is (a) because it accurately reflects the intended meaning of the sentence.

Q9: You _________ watch sports on TV _________?
(a) can, isn’t it
(b) do, don’t you
(c) –, yes
(d) would, –

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Ans: (b)

  • The question is asking if you watch sports on TV.
  • Option (b) "do, don’t you" is the correct choice because it forms a proper tag question.
  • In tag questions, we use the auxiliary verb from the main clause, which is "do" here.
  • Options (a), (c), and (d) do not correctly form a tag question related to the statement.

Q10: The bell __________ have gone by now, as class ended 3 minutes ago.
(a) need
(b) was
(c) might
(d) should 

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Ans: (d)

  • The correct answer is should because it indicates a strong expectation that the bell has already rung.
  • In this context, should suggests that it is logical to assume the bell has gone off since class ended 3 minutes ago.
  • Using might would imply uncertainty, which does not fit the context of the statement.
  • Therefore, should is the best choice as it conveys a sense of certainty about the bell ringing.

Q11: The box __________ the top of the stairs is full of rubbish.
(a) in
(b) at
(c) on
(d) with

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct preposition here is at, which indicates a specific location.
  • Using at suggests that the box is positioned near or by the top of the stairs.
  • Other options like in would imply being inside something, which doesn't fit here.
  • On would suggest being on the surface, and with does not convey the correct meaning in this context.

Q12: __________, he went for a walk in the park.
(a) Unless it rains
(b) Even if it rains
(c) In case of rain
(d) In spite of the rain

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Ans: (d)

  • The phrase "In spite of the rain" indicates that he decided to go for a walk regardless of the weather conditions.
  • This shows determination to enjoy the walk despite the unpleasant situation of rain.
  • Options like "Unless it rains" and "In case of rain" suggest avoiding the walk, which is not the case here.
  • Thus, the correct choice emphasizes his decision to proceed with the walk despite the rain.

Q13: ‘I’m sorry I said that Kiran. It wasn’t my _________ to hurt you.’
(a) intention
(b) purposed
(c) meaning
(d) plans

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct word to fill in the blank is intention, which means the purpose behind an action.
  • In this context, the speaker is expressing regret and clarifying that they did not mean to cause harm.
  • Purposed is not a standard word used in this context, while meaning and plans do not convey the same sense of intent.
  • Thus, the best choice is intention, as it directly relates to the speaker's aim or goal in their actions.

Q14: According to certain historians, if Napoleon had not invaded Russia, he _________ the rest of Europe.
(a) had conquered
(b) would conquer
(c) would have conquered
(d) conquered

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Ans: (c)

  • The correct answer is would have conquered. This phrase indicates a hypothetical situation in the past that did not happen.
  • Historians suggest that if the invasion had not occurred, it is likely that Napoleon would have been successful in conquering the rest of Europe.
  • Options (a) and (d) imply that the conquest already happened, which is not the case here.
  • Option (b) suggests a future action, which does not fit the context of a past hypothetical scenario.

Q15: I always recall the sweet treats that provided us so _________ joy during our childhood.
(a) great
(b) much
(c) many
(d) few

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Ans: (b)

  • The word "much" is used with uncountable nouns like "pleasure." It indicates a large amount.
  • "Great" and "few" do not fit well in this context as they refer to countable or different types of quantities.
  • "Many" is also incorrect because it is used with countable nouns.
  • Thus, "much" is the correct choice, as it accurately describes the level of pleasure experienced.

Q16: The twins were identical. It was hard for me to _________ them _________.
(a) shut, up
(b) take, along
(c) tell, apart
(d) let, go

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Ans: (c)

  • Since the twins are identical, it can be challenging to distinguish between them.
  • The phrase "tell apart" means to identify or recognize differences between two similar things.
  • Options like "shut up" and "take along" do not fit the context of identifying twins.
  • Thus, the correct choice is "tell apart," which accurately describes the difficulty in recognizing identical twins.

Q17: Gina: I love volleyball. 
Akash: _________? 
Gina: At weekends. I’m too busy during the week.
(a) Where do you like playing
(b) What sports do you like
(c) Who else plays volleyball here
(d) When do you usually practice

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Ans: (d)

  • The question is about when Gina practices volleyball.
  • Gina's response indicates that she is busy during the week and practices on weekends.
  • Option (d) directly asks about the timing of her practice, making it the correct choice.
  • The other options do not relate to the timing of her volleyball practice.

Q18: If you were to add _________ a dash of seasoning, the food would definitely taste much better.
(a) just
(b) such
(c) some
(d) too

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Ans: (a)

  • The word just is used here to indicate a small amount of seasoning that can enhance the flavor of the food.
  • Using such or some would not convey the same precise meaning of a small addition.
  • Too implies excess, which is not suitable in this context.
  • Thus, just is the best choice for indicating a small, effective addition.

Q19: Would you be interested in _________ a business in another country?
(a) bring up
(b) set up
(c) break down
(d) go down

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Ans: (b)

  • The phrase "set up" means to establish or start something, like a business.
  • When you want to create a business in a different country, you would use "set up".
  • Other options like "bring up" and "break down" do not fit in this context.
  • Thus, the correct choice is "set up" as it directly relates to starting a business abroad.

Q20: I wish I __________ speak Japanese or Chinese.
(a) might
(b) could
(c) should
(d) would

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Ans: (b)

  • The phrase "I wish" indicates a desire for something that is not currently true.
  • In this context, "could" is the correct choice because it expresses the ability to speak Japanese or Chinese.
  • Using "might" suggests possibility, "should" implies obligation, and "would" indicates a conditional situation, which do not fit here.
  • Thus, "could" accurately conveys the speaker's wish to have the ability to speak those languages.

Q21: Sheela is planning to go to __________ cinema, while her sister is heading to __________ church.
(a) the, no article
(b) the, the
(c) no article, the
(d) no article, no article

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Ans: (a)

  • In this sentence, "the" is used before "cinema" because it refers to a specific place where Sheela is going.
  • For "church," no article is needed because it indicates a general place of worship, not a specific one.
  • Thus, the correct choice is "the, no article."
  • This shows the difference between specific and general references in English grammar.

Q22: My father likes his food __________ at a temperature that is not hot or cold.
(a) insipid
(b) irksome
(c) frigid
(d) tepid

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Ans: (d)

  • In this context, the word tepid means lukewarm, which is a temperature that is neither hot nor cold.
  • The other options do not relate to temperature: insipid means bland, irksome means annoying, and frigid means very cold.
  • Thus, the correct choice is tepid, as it accurately describes the preferred temperature of the food.

Q23: This coming winter I __________ in this office for 6 years.
(a) have been
(b) am to be
(c) will have been
(d) been

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Ans: (c)

  • The correct answer is will have been because it indicates a future perfect tense.
  • This tense is used to express an action that will be completed before a specific time in the future.
  • In this case, it refers to the completion of 6 years in the office by the coming winter.
  • Options like have been and been do not fit the future context required by the question.

Q24: Are you certain that we are _____________ a test tomorrow?
(a) had
(b) having
(c) have
(d) to have

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct answer is having because it indicates an ongoing action or event that is scheduled for the future.
  • In this context, "are having" suggests that the test is planned for tomorrow.
  • Options like "had" and "have" do not fit the future context, while "to have" is not grammatically correct here.
  • Thus, "having" is the appropriate choice to convey the intended meaning.

Q25: Choose the correct synonym of the given word.
(a) Claim
(b) Hinder
(c) Own
(d) Include

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Ans: (a)

  • The word procure means to obtain or acquire something.
  • Among the options, claim is the closest synonym as it also implies obtaining something, often through a formal request.
  • On the other hand, hinder means to obstruct, which is the opposite of procure.
  • Own refers to possession, and include means to contain, neither of which directly relate to the act of obtaining.

Q26: Choose the correct synonym of the given word.
(a) Monumental
(b) Prevalent
(c) Abhorrence
(d) Creature

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Ans: (b)

  • The word vogue refers to something that is currently in fashion or popular.
  • The correct synonym is prevalent, which means widely accepted or in use at a particular time.
  • Monumental suggests something large or significant, which does not relate to fashion.
  • Abhorrence means a strong feeling of dislike, and creature refers to a living being, neither of which are synonyms for vogue.

Q27: Choose the correct antonym of the given word.
(a) Requisite
(b) Necessary
(c) Appalling
(d) Redundant

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Ans: (d)

  • The word indispensable means something that is absolutely necessary or essential.
  • The correct antonym is redundant, which means something that is not needed or is superfluous.
  • Options like requisite and necessary are similar in meaning to indispensable, while appalling is unrelated.
  • Thus, redundant is the best choice as it conveys the opposite meaning of indispensable.

Q28: Choose the correct antonym of the given word.
(a) Pompous
(b) Humble
(c) Deflated
(d) Regional

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Ans: (b)

  • The word bombastic refers to language that is overly inflated or pretentious.
  • The correct antonym is humble, which means modest or not boastful.
  • Pompous is similar to bombastic, while deflated suggests a reduction in size or importance, not a direct opposite.
  • Regional does not relate to the concept of modesty or boastfulness.

Choose the option with correct spelling. (Question 29 to 30)

Q29: How is the word that signifies ‘to be confined’ spelled?
(a) Incarcerated
(b) Incersarated
(c) Incarserated
(d) Incarscareted

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct spelling of the word meaning to be confined is Incarcerated.
  • This term is often used in legal contexts to refer to someone being imprisoned.
  • Options (b), (c), and (d) are incorrect spellings and do not represent the correct term.
  • Remember, the key to this question is knowing the correct spelling of the word related to confinement.

Q30: How do you spell the term that signifies ‘cheerful readiness’?
(a) Elacrity
(b) Alacrity
(c) Alecrety
(d) Alacraty 

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct spelling for the word meaning cheerful readiness is Alacrity.
  • Option (a) and (c) are incorrect spellings and do not represent the word.
  • Option (d) also does not match the correct spelling.
  • Alacrity is often used to describe someone who is eager and willing to do something with enthusiasm.


Read the Passage and answer the question that follow. (Question 31 to 35)

This year, we will have 3 million tourists wandering the world each day. We should pause and take a look at their social, cultural and environmental impact and take remedial measures, because the issues could become seriously negative if things are left as they are.

Just a few examples of the destructive force tourism related issues have on local populations are those of China, Bali, Australia and Greece. The Great Wall of China which has been so mistreated by the massive invasion of tourists that it has begun to crumble in places. The famous beaches of Bali are littered with rubbish and the traffic is in a gridlock, and roads and footpaths are in a dangerous state of disrepair. The famous Australian Coral Reef Barrier has already lost one third of the corals. The Parthenon has so many visitors taking pieces of rocks and ruins, and drawing or carving on ancient pillars, that special police squad had to be created to try and stop the vandalism.

Another example of the social issues that can arise can be seen in Venice. The town has around 55,000 residents. There were 100,000 in 1970. Every year 1,000 residents leave because rents and the cost of living keep going up. It is estimated that around 5 million visitors go to Venice each year. As a result, the number of sweepers and cleaners employed by the city has had to go up continuously and it puts a genuine strain on all the public services. One part of the tourist trade that is being blamed for this is the cruise ship. Unfortunately, the industry insists that without their mega-ships landing at the centre of the town, up to 5,000 jobs would be in danger.

Tourism is the largest employer in the world -1 person in every 11. However, many of the jobs are in fact only seasonal and most are poorly paid. The majority of the money does not stay in the place where it is spent either, but instead goes back to big companies and food imported to suit the tourists’ habits. For example, it has been calculated that in the Caribbean, 70% of what tourists spend goes directly back to the US and Canada.

In fact, now there is a growing search for “intact” places, different from “touristic” places. Tourist restaurants have become synonymous with poor food and high prices, and a tourist place is one that has lost its own identity just to conform to the demands of tourists. It has been the proliferation of McDonald’s, Pizza Huts and other fast food joints, often in the most beautiful parts of towns, that pushed Petrini, an old village with gastronomic tradition, to start a movement called the Slow Food movement. The movement defends the freshness of materials that must be local, preserving the original and traditional cuisines, and defending local products from the ongoing homogenisation. It now has over 100,000 members in 150 countries, that defend local identity against globalisation.

Q31: Choose the most appropriate title for the passage.
(a) Unwelcome Guests
(b) We Need More Tourists
(c) Visiting New Places
(d) Exploring Different Cultures

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Ans: (a)

  • The passage likely discusses the negative impact of certain visitors, making "Unwelcome Guests" the most fitting title.
  • It suggests that the presence of these guests is not desired, aligning with the title.
  • Other options like "We Need More Tourists" and "Visiting New Places" imply a positive view of tourism, which may not match the passage's tone.
  • Thus, "Unwelcome Guests" captures the essence of the passage effectively.

Q32: Which structure is intentionally harmed by visitors?
(a) The Great Wall
(b) The Parthenon
(c) The Bali beaches
(d) The Great Barrier Reef

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Ans: (b)

  • The question asks about a structure that is deliberately damaged by tourists.
  • The Parthenon is a historical site in Greece that has faced significant damage due to tourism and pollution.
  • Other options like the Great Wall and Great Barrier Reef are also affected by tourism, but the Parthenon is specifically noted for intentional harm.
  • Thus, the correct answer is (b) The Parthenon.

Q33: What is the most significant issue facing Venice?
(a) The lack of organisation
(b) The local people
(c) The council
(d) The cruise liners 

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Ans: (d)

  • The cruise liners are a major concern for Venice as they contribute to environmental damage and overcrowding.
  • These large ships can cause significant wear and tear on the city's delicate infrastructure.
  • Additionally, the influx of tourists from cruise ships can overwhelm local resources and disrupt daily life for residents.
  • Addressing the impact of cruise liners is crucial for preserving Venice's unique cultural and historical heritage.

Q34: Where does the majority of the money spent by tourists end up?
(a) Restaurants and bars
(b) Local sellers
(c) Global companies
(d) People working in hotels 

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Ans: (c)

  • The majority of tourist spending is directed towards global companies. This includes large hotel chains, international restaurants, and other multinational businesses that cater to tourists.
  • While local sellers and restaurants do benefit, a significant portion of the money is absorbed by these larger entities.
  • This trend highlights the impact of globalization on tourism, where money often flows to big corporations rather than local economies.
  • Understanding this can help in making more informed choices about supporting local businesses during travel.

Q35: What is the meaning of the term ‘gastronomic’ as used in the last paragraph?
(a) Food
(b) Dancing
(c) Culture
(d) Art

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Ans: (a)

  • The term gastronomic relates to anything associated with food and cooking.
  • In the context of the paragraph, it emphasizes the importance of culinary experiences.
  • Understanding this term helps to appreciate discussions about cuisine and gastronomy.
  • Thus, the correct answer is food, as it directly connects to the meaning of the word in the text.

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. (Question 36 to 40)

An aged hermit resided in the Lun Mountains of Korea. Many people sought his advice for he was a source of wisdom and was conversant in the miraculous arts. One day, a woman came and pleaded with him to help her regain her husband’s lost fondness. “He was so loving and caring before he left for the wars,” she lamented. “He has returned after three years but now he is indifferent and aloof.”

“War does these things to men,” said the hermit pensively. “They say you can make a potion that can kindle love in the person who consumes it,” said the woman.

“I surely can make that potion, it is true, but I lack one of the main ingredients that go into its making”, said the hermit. “Which is that?”, asked the woman. “It is a tiger’s whisker”, replied the patient hermit.

The woman left promising to get what he required. The next day she went in search of a tiger and finally saw one on the banks of a large river. The tiger snarled when he saw her and she retreated. She returned to the spot the next day. Again, the tiger snarled and again she retreated. However, she kept going to the place and gradually the animal got used to her presence and stopped snarling.

She began to bring him food. In course of time, the tiger became so friendly that he would come right up to her to take the food. One day she hesitantly reached out and patted his head. A few days later, she ran her hand down the side of his face. Moreover, while doing so she deftly pulled out one of his whiskers. Thereafter she rushed to the hermit’s house with the whisker.
“I’ve got it!” she said, triumphantly. “Good,” said the hermit.
He took the whisker of tiger to the fireplace and dropped it into the fire.
“What have you done!” said the woman, stunned. “You promised to make me a magic potion with this!”

“You don’t need one,” said the hermit, smiling gently. “Tell me, how did you win the tiger’s affection? Naturally, you had to deal with him with gentleness and a great deal of patience. Would a man be less responsive than a savage and blood thirsty beast? Go and win over your husband as you did the tiger.”

The woman turned over what the hermit had said, in her mind, as she slowly made her way home. When she saw her husband her first instinct was to turn away, then remembering the tiger and the hermit’s words, she checked herself and moved forward with a smile on her face.

Q36: A suitable title for the story is __________.
(a) The tiger and the woman
(b) The indifferent spouse
(c) A whisker of the tiger
(d) Woman who knew a wise recluse

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Ans: (a)

  • The title should reflect the main elements of the story.
  • Option (a) "The tiger and the woman" directly relates to the key characters.
  • Other options do not capture the essence of the story as effectively.
  • Choosing a title that includes both main characters helps in understanding the plot better.

Q37: Dropping the whisker into the fire by the old man was an act of __________.
(a) revenge towards the woman
(b) vengeance on behalf of the tiger
(c) assertion of faith that the hermit has on love
(d) understanding of reality

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Ans: (c)

  • The old man's action of dropping the whisker symbolizes his strong belief in love.
  • This act reflects his commitment to the values he holds dear, particularly the importance of love over other emotions.
  • It shows that he is willing to make sacrifices for what he believes in, demonstrating a deep faith in love's power.
  • Thus, the correct answer is the assertion of faith that the hermit has on love.

Q38: On spotting the tiger, the woman __________.
(a) ran away, only to never return
(b) sought assistance from the hunters to control him
(c) noticed him on the opposite side of the river bank
(d) slowly attempted to befriend him

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Ans: (d)

  • The woman gradually tried to be friends with the tiger, indicating a sense of curiosity or bravery.
  • Option (a) suggests she ran away, which does not align with her actions of trying to befriend the tiger.
  • Option (b) implies she needed help from hunters, which is not the case here.
  • Option (c) states she saw him at a distance, but it does not reflect her attempt to interact with him.

Q39: The hermit asked the woman to get a whisker of the tiger because __________.
(a) he wanted her to be a good huntress
(b) he was sure of the tiger eating her
(c) if she could find way in the beast’s heart, she could do so with anyone
(d) he had no other option

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Ans: (c)

  • The hermit believed that if the woman could understand the tiger, she could understand anyone.
  • This shows the importance of empathy and understanding in relationships.
  • By asking for a whisker, he was testing her ability to connect with the wild and dangerous aspects of life.
  • It emphasizes that true understanding comes from facing challenges and difficulties.

Q40: ‘Savage and bloodthirsty beast’ means __________.
(a) simpleton
(b) flesh eating
(c) grass eating
(d) warlike

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Ans: (b)

  • The phrase ‘savage and bloodthirsty beast’ describes an animal that is aggressive and seeks to harm others.
  • In this context, the term ‘flesh eating’ refers to animals that consume meat, which aligns with the idea of being savage.
  • Options like ‘simpleton’ and ‘grass eating’ do not fit the description of a fierce creature.
  • While ‘warlike’ suggests aggression, it does not specifically indicate a beast that consumes flesh.

Spoken and Written Expression

Choose the correct option to complete each conversation. (Question 41 to 45)

Q41: If I’m pleased when reviewing a financial statement, it’s likely in the __________.
(a) red
(b) blue
(c) green
(d) black

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Ans: (d)

  • The term "in the black" means that a company is profitable or has a positive balance in its financial statements.
  • When a financial statement is in the red, it indicates a loss or negative balance.
  • Being in the blue or green does not specifically refer to financial health.
  • Thus, if you are happy with the financial statement, it is most likely in the black.

Q42: Ryan: “What do you think about the newest book by Menishaw?” 
Henrita: __________.
(a) Didn’t you check the reviews before purchasing it?
(b) His style is pretty descriptive. It’s very gripping.
(c) The library has a brand-new illustrated edition.
(d) The novel is not yet sold out.

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Ans: (b)

  • Henrita's response highlights her opinion on Menishaw's writing style, indicating that it is descriptive and engaging.
  • This suggests that she finds the novel interesting and worth reading.
  • The other options either question Ryan's actions or provide unrelated information about the book.
  • Thus, option (b) is the most relevant and positive feedback about the novel.

Q43: Daughter: Are you making tea? Father: __________.
(a) Don’t mention it.
(b) That’s important.
(c) We don’t really need that.
(d) Yes. Would you like some?

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Ans: (d)

  • The daughter is inquiring if the father is preparing tea.
  • The father's response indicates he is indeed making tea and offers some to her.
  • Option (d) is the most appropriate as it confirms the action and includes an invitation.
  • The other options do not directly answer the question about making tea.

Q44: Raj: Where is Ravi? 
Seema: He __________ talking on phone for hours.
(a) has been
(b) was
(c) is
(d) has being

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct answer is has been because it indicates an action that started in the past and is still ongoing.
  • In this context, Seema is saying that Ravi has been on the phone for a long time, which suggests he is still on the call.
  • Using was would imply that he is no longer on the phone, which does not fit the situation.
  • Is would suggest he is currently talking, but it doesn't capture the duration of the action.
  • Has being is grammatically incorrect and does not make sense in this context.

Q45: Sheena: I’ve had enough of this drudgery! Sheena means that __________.
(a) she is fed up of the boring and difficult work
(b) she has enough routine work
(c) she has eaten enough bland food
(d) she is holding onto too many grudges

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Ans: (a)

  • In this statement, drudgery refers to work that is boring and difficult.
  • Sheena expresses her frustration with the repetitive and tiresome nature of her tasks.
  • Option (a) accurately captures her feeling of being fed up with such work.
  • The other options do not relate to her feelings about work, making (a) the correct choice.

Achievers Section

Choose the correct option to fill in the blank. (Question 46 to 47)

Q46: This procedure allows very little __________ for mistakes.
(a) outlook
(b) conditions
(c) restraint
(d) latitude

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Ans: (d)

  • The term latitude refers to the freedom or scope for variation or deviation. In this context, it means there is very little room for errors.
  • Choosing outlook, conditions, or restraint does not fit the meaning of having limited space for mistakes.
  • Thus, the correct answer is latitude, indicating a strict procedure with minimal allowance for errors.

Q47: Not __________ did James make the varsity team, but he __________ became one of the strongest players through hard work and focus.
(a) only, also
(b) that, too
(c) hardly, just
(d) so, really

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Ans: (a)

  • The phrase "Not only... but also" is a common structure used to emphasize two related ideas.
  • In this case, it highlights that James not only made the varsity team, but he also became one of the strongest players.
  • The correct answer is "only, also" because it fits perfectly in the context of the sentence.
  • The other options do not convey the same meaning or emphasis as the correct answer.

Q48: Choose the correct synonym of the given word.
(a) Scathing
(b) Hitting
(c) Licking
(d) Enthralling

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Ans: (a)

  • The word caustic refers to something that is sarcastic or bitterly critical.
  • Among the options, scathing is the best match as it also means harshly critical or severely critical.
  • The other options do not convey the same meaning: hitting refers to striking, licking is about touching with the tongue, and enthralling means captivating or fascinating.
  • Thus, the correct synonym for caustic is scathing.

Q49: Choose the correct antonym of the given word.
(a) Mammoth
(b) Vast
(c) Colossal
(d) Diminutive

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Ans: (d)

  • The word gigantic means something that is very large or huge.
  • The correct antonym is diminutive, which means something that is very small or tiny.
  • Options like mammoth, vast, and colossal all suggest large sizes, which are not antonyms of gigantic.
  • Thus, diminutive is the only option that correctly represents the opposite meaning.

Q50: Choose the correct option to complete the conversation.
Sameer: How is the Sharma family managing to survive? They are able to __________ on the pension their elderly mother receives each month.
(a) live by
(b) pay up
(c) go about
(d) get by

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Ans: (d)

  • The phrase get by means to manage or survive, especially in difficult circumstances.
  • The Sharma family relies on their mother's pension to meet their needs.
  • Options like live by and pay up do not convey the same meaning of managing with limited resources.
  • Thus, get by is the most appropriate choice for describing their situation.
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