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Note: The questions provided in this document are similar to the questions that were asked in the actual Olympiad exam. So, we recommend you study these for your Olympiad preparation.

Word and Structure Knowledge

Choose the correct option to fill in the blank. (Question 1 to 24)

Q1: Will you please stop __________? It makes it really hard to grasp what you mean.
(a) muttering
(b) ambushing
(c) crouching
(d) leaping

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct answer is muttering, which means speaking in a low voice that is hard to hear.
  • This action makes it difficult for others to understand your message.
  • Other options like ambushing, crouching, and leaping do not relate to unclear speech.
  • Thus, stopping muttering would help in clear communication.

Q2: It’s reported that human beings’ lives _________ prolonged by a new wonder drug.
(a) has been
(b) will have been
(c) is being
(d) will be 

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Ans: (d)

  • The correct answer is will be because it indicates a future action. The sentence suggests that the new wonder drug will extend lives in the future.
  • Option (a) has been is incorrect as it refers to a past action, which does not fit the context.
  • Option (b) will have been implies a future perfect tense, which is not suitable here.
  • Option (c) is being suggests a current action, which does not align with the idea of a future impact.

Q3: _________ we were late, we entered the classroom.
(a) Although
(b) Also
(c) Because
(d) Yet

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct word to fill in the blank is Although. This word is used to show a contrast between two ideas.
  • In this case, it indicates that even though there was a delay, the action of entering the classroom still took place.
  • Using Although suggests that being late was unexpected, but it did not stop the action from happening.
  • The other options do not fit well in this context, as they do not convey the same contrast.

Q4: _________ books from the library are missing.
(a) Fewer
(b) Several
(c) Both
(d) None

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct word to fill in the blank is Several, which indicates a number of books that are missing.
  • Fewer would imply a smaller quantity, which does not fit well in this context.
  • Both suggests only two items, and None indicates that there are no missing books, which is incorrect.
  • Thus, Several accurately conveys that multiple books are unaccounted for.

Q5: Chemicals in paint that pose a fire hazard ________ as combustible, flammable, or extremely flammable.
(a) are listed
(b) listed
(c) being listed
(d) they are list

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct phrase is "are listed," which indicates that these chemicals are categorized.
  • This means that the chemicals in paint are officially recognized as combustible, flammable, or extremely flammable.
  • Options like "listed" or "being listed" do not fit grammatically in the sentence.
  • Thus, "are listed" is the only option that correctly completes the statement.

Q6: Neha: “It’s wonderful to see Sunaina and Frieda together!” 
Kelly: “Yes, I’ve heard that they have decided to __________.”
(a) get the knives out
(b) go at it hammer and tongs
(c) bury the hatchet
(d) escalate the conflict

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Ans: (c)

  • The phrase "bury the hatchet" means to make peace or resolve differences. In this context, it suggests that Sunaina and Frieda have decided to end their conflict and get along.
  • Option (a) "get the knives out" implies preparing for a fight, which is the opposite of making peace.
  • Option (b) "go at it hammer and tongs" means to argue fiercely, which also contradicts the idea of reconciliation.
  • Option (d) "escalate the conflict" suggests increasing tension, which is not what Neha and Kelly are discussing.

Q7: I had a heavy lunch. I am feeling __________.
(a) despondent
(b) drowsy
(c) desperate
(d) mundane

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Ans: (b)

  • After a heavy lunch, it's common to feel drowsy due to the body directing more blood to the digestive system.
  • This can lead to a feeling of sleepiness or fatigue, making option (b) the correct choice.
  • Other options like despondent or desperate do not relate to the feeling after eating.
  • Thus, feeling drowsy is a typical response to a large meal.

Q8: More individuals have __________ than we anticipated.
(a) cast aside
(b) turned up
(c) carried out
(d) came about

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Ans: (b)

  • The phrase "turned up" means that more people arrived or showed up than we thought would come.
  • In this context, "anticipated" is similar to "expected," indicating a surprise in the number of attendees.
  • Options like "cast aside," "carried out," and "came about" do not fit the context of people arriving.
  • Thus, the correct answer is (b) "turned up," as it directly relates to the unexpected number of people present.

Q9: I wish I __________ a fairy princess.
(a) am
(b) could
(c) were
(d) has

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Ans: (c)

  • The phrase "I wish" indicates a hypothetical situation that is not true. In English, we often use "were" for such wishes, especially with "I" and "he/she/it".
  • Option (c) "were" is the correct choice because it fits the subjunctive mood, which is used for wishes or unreal situations.
  • Option (a) "am" is incorrect because it states a fact, not a wish.
  • Option (b) "could" suggests ability, which does not fit the context of wishing to be something.
  • Option (d) "has" is also incorrect as it does not relate to the wish expressed in the sentence.

Q10: Everyone’s been invited to the party __________ Dinesh.
(a) except
(b) apart
(c) but
(d) with the exception

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct word to fill in the blank is except, which means "not including." It indicates that Dinesh is the only one not invited.
  • Using apart would imply separation but doesn't fit the context of invitation.
  • But suggests a contrast but does not correctly complete the sentence.
  • With the exception is a longer phrase that conveys a similar meaning to except but is not as concise in this context.

Q11: Take an umbrella with you, __________ it rains.
(a) in case
(b) even though
(c) despite
(d) since

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Ans: (a)

  • The phrase "in case" means to prepare for a possibility. Here, it suggests that you should take an umbrella to be ready if it rains.
  • "Even though" implies a contrast, which doesn't fit the context of preparing for rain.
  • "Despite" indicates a contradiction, which is not suitable for this situation.
  • "Since" suggests a reason, but it doesn't convey the idea of preparation for an uncertain event.

Q12: Our nation dispatched a robust __________ of 120 athletes to the Rio 2016 Olympics.
(a) contestant
(b) contribution
(c) contingent
(d) convention

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Ans: (c)

  • The term contingent refers to a group of people representing a larger organization, which fits perfectly here as it describes the group of athletes.
  • Contestant would imply individual competitors, which does not capture the essence of a team or group.
  • Contribution suggests giving something, not a group of athletes.
  • Convention refers to a meeting or assembly, which is unrelated to the context of athletes.

Q13: If I had known his address, I __________ to see him.
(a) will have gone
(b) should have gone
(c) would have gone
(d) might have gone

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Ans: (c)

  • The correct answer is would have gone because it indicates a hypothetical situation in the past.
  • This structure is used when we talk about something that did not happen but we wish it had.
  • In this case, if the speaker had known the address, they would have taken the action of going to see him.
  • The other options do not fit the context of a past unreal condition as effectively as option (c).

Q14: The rain continued for __________ days causing the flood.
(a) many
(b) any
(c) much
(d) fewer

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct answer is many because it refers to a large number of days.
  • In this context, many indicates that the rain lasted for several days, leading to the flood.
  • Using any or much would not fit well, as they do not convey the idea of a large count of days.
  • Thus, many is the most appropriate choice to describe the duration of the rain.

Q15: I am __________ home after office. There is someone waiting for me.
(a) hurry up
(b) lining up
(c) broke out
(d) rushing off

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Ans: (d)

  • The correct phrase is rushing off, which means to leave quickly.
  • In this context, it indicates that the person is hurrying home because someone is waiting.
  • Other options like hurry up and lining up do not fit the sentence structure.
  • Broke out is unrelated to the action of going home.

Q16: Viv: “Dina holds the racquet too __________.”
(a) tightly
(b) loose
(c) tightness
(d) lose

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct word to complete the sentence is tightly, which describes how Dina is holding the racquet.
  • Using loose would imply she is not holding it firmly, which contradicts the context.
  • Tightness is a noun and does not fit grammatically in this sentence.
  • Lose is a verb and also does not make sense in this context.

Q17: His __________ performance in the series earned him the trophy.
(a) extra
(b) erratic
(c) contentious
(d) consistent

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Ans: (d)

  • The word consistent means that he performed steadily and reliably throughout the series.
  • This type of performance is what typically leads to success and recognition, such as earning a trophy.
  • In contrast, erratic suggests unpredictability, while contentious implies conflict, and extra does not relate to performance quality.
  • Thus, consistent is the best choice as it highlights the quality of his performance that led to his achievement.

Q18: The vegetable patch I tried to grow last year is in a sorry __________ after being left for about 9 months.
(a) ending
(b) card
(c) jam
(d) state

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Ans: (d)

  • The phrase "in a sorry state" means that something is in poor condition.
  • After being neglected for about 9 months, the vegetable patch is likely to be overgrown or damaged.
  • Options like "ending," "card," and "jam" do not fit the context of describing the condition of the patch.
  • Thus, "state" is the correct word to describe the unfortunate condition of the vegetable patch.

Q19: You seem quite occupied, Indira, __________ should I put the books away for you?
(a) would
(b) shall
(c) will
(d) have

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct word to use here is shall, which is often used to make suggestions or offers.
  • In this context, it implies a polite offer to help Indira by putting the books away.
  • Would and will are less formal and do not convey the same level of politeness in this situation.
  • Have does not fit grammatically in this sentence.

Q20: Do you drive on __________ right or on __________ left in the USA?
(a) a, a
(b) the, the
(c) no article, no article
(d) a, the

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Ans: (b)

  • In the USA, the correct way to phrase the question is to use the before both right and left.
  • This is because we are referring to specific sides of the road, which is why the is appropriate.
  • Using a or no article would not be grammatically correct in this context.
  • Thus, the answer is the, the.

Q21: Cats are similar _________ dogs yet there are some fundamental differences.
(a) with
(b) to
(c) by
(d) of

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct word to fill in the blank is "to". This indicates a comparison between cats and dogs.
  • Using "to" shows that while cats and dogs share similarities, they also have fundamental differences.
  • Other options like "with", "by", and "of" do not correctly convey the intended comparison.
  • Thus, the sentence correctly reads: "Cats are similar to dogs yet there are some fundamental differences."

Q22: Our thoughts on the subject run in __________ with each other.
(a) next
(b) parallel
(c) converse
(d) sideways

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Ans: (b)

  • The phrase "run in parallel" means that our thoughts are similar or aligned with each other.
  • Option (a) "next" does not convey a relationship between thoughts.
  • Option (c) "converse" suggests opposing ideas, which is not the case here.
  • Option (d) "sideways" is not a standard expression for thoughts running together.

Q23: __________ this portrait of on the table over there?
(a) Who
(b) Who is
(c) Whom
(d) Whose

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Ans: (d)

  • The question is asking about ownership, specifically whose portrait it is.
  • Whose is the correct word to indicate possession, while the other options do not fit this context.
  • Who and Who is are used for asking about a person, and Whom is used as an object, not for possession.
  • Thus, the correct answer is Whose, as it directly relates to the ownership of the portrait.

Q24: Ramya would never create __________ like that because it’s too serious to lie about.
(a) a storm
(b) big fuss
(c) something up
(d) over a thing

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Ans: (c)

  • In this context, "create something up" means to fabricate or lie about a situation.
  • Ramya considers the matter too serious to make up a story, hence she would never do that.
  • The other options do not fit the context of lying or making up a story.
  • Thus, the correct answer is (c) "something up".

Q25: Choose the correct antonym of the given word.
(a) Accost
(b) Dodge
(c) Crane
(d) Inquire

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Ans: (b)
'Solicit' means to ask for while 'dodge' means to avoid something.

Q26: Choose the correct antonym of the given word.
(a) Isolated
(b) Narrow
(c) Unbiased
(d) Separate

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Ans: (c)
'Insular' means biased. Therefore, the antonym will be 'unbiased'.

Q27: Choose the correct synonym of the given word.

(a) Amazing
(b) Amusing
(c) Serious
(d) Dangerous

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Ans: (c)
'Solemn' and 'serious' both mean sincere, genuine.

Q28: Choose the correct synonym of the given word.

(a) Abridge
(b) Amplify
(c) Lower
(d) Shrink

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Ans: (b)

  • The word augment means to increase or make something larger.
  • Among the options, amplify also means to increase or enhance, making it the correct synonym.
  • On the other hand, abridge, lower, and shrink all imply a decrease or reduction, which is the opposite of augment.
  • Thus, the best choice that matches the meaning of augment is amplify.

Choose the option with correct spelling. (Question 29 to 30)

Q29: How is the word that signifies ‘echo’ spelled?
(a) Reverberate
(b) Revrebrate
(c) Reverbate
(d) Reverbaete

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct spelling of the word that means ‘echo’ is ‘reverberate’.
  • This word describes the effect of sound bouncing back, similar to an echo.
  • Options (b), (c), and (d) are incorrect spellings and do not represent the correct term.
  • Understanding the correct spelling is important for clear communication.

Q30: How is the word spelled that refers to the act of searching for something?
(a) Reconnesence
(b) Recconissence
(c) Reconessence
(d) Reconnaissance 

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Ans: (d)

  • The correct spelling of the word that means to look for something is Reconnaissance.
  • This term is often used in military contexts to describe the act of exploring an area to gather information.
  • It is important to note that the other options are incorrect spellings and do not represent the word accurately.
  • Understanding the correct spelling helps in effective communication, especially in formal writing.


Read the Passage and answer the question that follow. (Question 31 to 35)


When we are tickled or when we see, read or hear something funny, we laugh. Even a funny thought that crosses our mind or the feelings of nervousness and embarrassment can make us laugh!
Any of these stimuli can make our diaphragm and other parts of the respiratory system to contract. The contraction causes our face muscles to move in a certain manner and we make certain sounds - this is interpreted as laughter!

When we laugh, we let go of our defences for that moment and we release a huge wave of positive energy. It is a great way to build relationships because people feel less threatened when they see us laugh.

They are ready to accept us more easily.
The sound of roaring laughter is more contagious than common cold. Shared laughter brings people closer and makes them happy. It is a powerful stress buster - a necessity in the modern world cramped with work, traffic, pollution and competition. A good sense of humour keeps the mood light and the atmosphere around us positive. This in turn makes us more creative and prepared to meet targets. And who would not love to work with a person with a happy attitude? Therefore, laughter is said to be a strong team builder.

Laughing at oneself is an awesome way to show our humility. When people around us see that we are ready to accept our weaknesses so positively, they are encouraged to do the same. Working with people who are not afraid to be real reduces confusion. When someone projects a false image of oneself everyone is confused. This confusion can result in low productivity and negativity. Laughter boosts fearless creativity; productivity and these eventually lead to happiness.
Nature’s best gift to us is laughter! Laugh to appreciate the best things in life. Best of all laughter is fun, free and easy to use!

Q31: According to the author, the mechanism of laughter is based on ___________.
(a) the contraction of certain organs in our body
(b) feelings of anxiety and shyness
(c) physical stimulus such as seeing or hearing only
(d) a humorous event that we happen to witness

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Ans: (a)

  • The author explains that laughter is primarily triggered by the contraction of certain organs in our body, which is a physiological response.
  • This means that when we laugh, our body physically reacts, which is a key part of the laughter mechanism.
  • While feelings of nervousness or funny incidents can contribute to laughter, the core mechanism is about how our body reacts physically.
  • Thus, option (a) is the most accurate answer regarding the basis of laughter.

Q32: The author says, ‘The sound of roaring laughter is more contagious than the common cold.’ This means it ___________.
(a) causes worse diseases than the common cold
(b) can annoy people because it is loud
(c) easily draws others to join in and laugh too
(d) makes people infected with a feeling of stress

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Ans: (c)

  • Roaring laughter is described as being very infectious, similar to how a cold spreads.
  • This suggests that laughter can encourage others to laugh along, creating a joyful atmosphere.
  • It highlights the power of laughter to bring people together, unlike the negative effects of a cold.
  • Thus, the correct interpretation is that laughter invites participation from others.

Q33: Laughing at oneself is beneficial because it __________.
(a) is the best way to divert attention
(b) creates an image of a coward
(c) inspires people to accept their weaknesses
(d) reduces any stress

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Ans: (d)

  • Laughing at oneself can help in reducing stress by lightening the mood.
  • It allows individuals to not take themselves too seriously, which can be very freeing.
  • This practice can also encourage others to feel comfortable with their own flaws.
  • Overall, it promotes a healthier mindset and can improve emotional well-being.

Q34: The author refers to laughter as a ‘strong team builder’ because __________.
(a) it reduces anxiety and brings out the best in people
(b) it encourages teams to meet their goals
(c) it helps individuals forget all contemporary issues
(d) people prefer to collaborate with someone who is humorous

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Ans: (a)

  • Laughter is seen as a powerful tool in team dynamics because it lowers anxiety, making people feel more comfortable.
  • When people are relaxed, they can perform better and showcase their true abilities.
  • It fosters a positive environment where collaboration and creativity can thrive.
  • Overall, laughter helps in building strong relationships within teams, enhancing their effectiveness.

Q35: The tone of the author in the last paragraph is ___________.
(a) persuasive
(b) factual
(c) authoritative
(d) analytical

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Ans: (a)

  • The author uses a persuasive tone to convince the reader of their viewpoint.
  • This tone is characterized by strong arguments and emotional appeal.
  • In the last paragraph, the author likely aims to influence the reader's opinion.
  • Understanding the tone helps in grasping the overall message the author wants to convey.

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. (Question 36 to 40)

Alarmed by the sheer quantity of plastic clogging our oceans, the European Union is considering ambitious new rules that would reduce or possibly prohibit many everyday ‘single-use’ plastic items. The new measures unveiled on Monday, target the top 10 plastic products most often found on Europe’s beaches.

Some of these items like plastic straws, cotton buds, plates and disposable cutlery will be banned completely under the new rules, which require the approval of all 28 EU member states. However, for other products, like plastic bags and food containers, producers will be required to help cover the costs of waste management and clean-up, and member states will be obligated to raise awareness about the negative impacts of using such items, but there is no plan to ban them as yet.

European countries will also be required to collect 90 percent of ‘single-use’ plastic drink bottles by 2025 and so, there may well be a move back to the use of glass bottles that are easily collectable and reusable. For example, one option is to pay a small amount for each glass bottle returned. The Scottish parliament has decided to help cover the cost to shops to encourage the reintroduction of the scheme. Strangely, improved waste management of abandoned and lost fishing gear, which accounts for almost 30 percent of Europe’s beach litter, is also mandated in the proposal.

Plastic can be fantastic, but we need to use it more responsibly, according to the European Commission vice president in a press release announcing the draft rules. “Single-use plastics are not a smart economic or environmental choice, and today’s proposals will help business and consumers to move towards sustainable alternatives. This is an opportunity for Europe to lead the way, creating products that the world will demand for decades to come, and extracting more economic value from our precious and limited resources.”

According to news outlets, it could take three or four years for the rules to be enforced. But if they are, the European Commission said the measures are expected to have a profound financial and environmental impact. Consumers would save about 7.6 billion dollars per year, 30 thousand jobs would be created and about 3.7 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions would be avoided by 2030, the commission said. It added that though the legislation is expected to cost businesses 3.5 billion dollars annually, companies also stand to benefit from the new measures.

This will also mean more sustainable choices for consumers. This means that you won’t see single-use plastic cotton buds on your supermarket shelves, but ones made with more environmental friendly materials instead, such as paper or wood. The same will be true for straws, drink stirrers, sticks for balloons, cutlery and plates. So, you would still be able to organise a picnic or clean your ears, just like before but you get the added bonus that when you do so, you can have a clear conscience about the environmental impact of your actions.

Q36: Choose the most appropriate title for the passage.
(a) Fight for the Right Law
(b) Plastic is not All Bad
(c) Remove All Sea Garbage
(d) Away with Waste 

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Ans: (d)

  • The title "Away with Waste" effectively captures the main theme of the passage, which likely discusses the importance of reducing waste.
  • This title suggests a proactive approach to managing waste, aligning with environmental concerns.
  • Other options, while relevant, do not encompass the overall message as well as option (d).
  • Thus, "Away with Waste" is the best choice for summarizing the passage's focus on waste management.

Q37: Who is responsible for covering the costs associated with the elimination of plastic bags?
(a) The governments
(b) Public
(c) Producers
(d) Farmers

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Ans: (c)

  • The correct answer is Producers, as they are typically held accountable for the environmental impact of their products.
  • Producers are often required to contribute to the costs of removing plastic bags to promote sustainability.
  • This approach encourages manufacturers to find alternatives and reduce plastic waste.
  • Governments and the public may support these efforts, but the primary responsibility lies with the producers.

Q38: Who is providing payment for the return of glass bottles?
(a) Public donations
(b) Government
(c) Producers
(d) Plastics industry

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Ans: (c)

  • Producers are the ones who typically take responsibility for the products they create, including packaging like glass bottles.
  • They often offer incentives to encourage consumers to return these bottles for recycling.
  • This helps in reducing waste and promoting sustainability.
  • While other options like the government or public donations may play a role, it is primarily the producers who are financially incentivizing the return of glass bottles.

Q39: What will be the financial impact of the new regulations on businesses?
(a) $3.7 million
(b) $30,000
(c) $7.6 billion
(d) $3.5 billion 

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Ans: (d)

  • The new rules are expected to impose a significant financial burden on businesses, estimated at $3.5 billion.
  • This amount reflects the total costs that companies will incur to comply with the new regulations.
  • Understanding the financial implications is crucial for businesses to plan their budgets effectively.
  • Comparatively, the other options represent much lower figures, highlighting the substantial impact of the new rules.

Q40: What is the meaning of the term ‘legislation’ as used in the second to last paragraph?
(a) Rules
(b) Assistance
(c) Distress
(d) Movement

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Ans: (a)

  • The term legislation refers to a set of rules or laws that are created and enacted by a governing body.
  • In this context, it indicates the formal process of making laws that govern society.
  • Understanding legislation is crucial as it shapes how laws are applied and enforced.
  • Thus, the correct answer is (a) Rules, as it directly relates to the meaning of legislation.

Spoken and Written Expression

Choose the correct option to complete each conversation. (Question 41 to 45)

Q41: Boss: Have you seen Jolly today?
Krish: No sir, I think he’s __________ .
(a) on sick leave
(b) always there
(c) under stress
(d) worked hard

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Ans: (a)

  • In this conversation, Krish is responding to the boss's inquiry about Jolly's whereabouts.
  • When he says "on sick leave," it indicates that Jolly is not at work due to health reasons.
  • This option makes sense in the context of the question, as it explains Jolly's absence.
  • The other options do not logically fit the context of someone being missing from work.

Q42: Milan: “Rene’s __________ the tickets for the cricket match. It begins at 1 pm.”
(a) get
(b) getting
(c) gotten
(d) gets 

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct answer is getting because it fits grammatically in the sentence structure.
  • Using getting indicates an ongoing action or process.
  • Other options like get and gets do not match the required form.
  • Gotten is not appropriate in this context as it is a past participle.

Q43: Kunal: “Thanks, mom, for letting me take that quick nap. I __________.”
(a) will not lose any sleep over this
(b) feel fresh as a daisy now
(c) will let sleeping dogs lie
(d) am very cheerful now

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Ans: (b)

  • The phrase "feel fresh as a daisy now" means that Kunal feels refreshed and energetic after his nap.
  • Option (a) suggests indifference, which doesn't relate to feeling refreshed.
  • Option (c) refers to avoiding trouble, not about feeling good after a nap.
  • Option (d) implies happiness but does not convey the specific feeling of being refreshed.

Q44: Ravi: You can have the bike for half price. Kiran: __________.
(a) That’s small talk
(b) Money talks
(c) Look, who’s talking
(d) You talked me into it

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Ans: (d)

  • Kiran's response "You talked me into it" indicates that Ravi's offer has convinced him to accept the deal.
  • This phrase suggests that Kiran feels persuaded by Ravi's suggestion of a half price bike.
  • The other options do not fit the context of accepting an offer or being persuaded.
  • Thus, Kiran acknowledges Ravi's influence in a light-hearted manner.

Q45: Harry: One veggie burger, one sandwich, two small fries, and two cokes, please. 
Café boy: Sir, would you like it _________?
(a) here or to go
(b) hot or cold
(c) in a box
(d) for one or two

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Ans: (a)

  • The café boy is asking if Harry wants to eat his order here at the café or take it to go.
  • This is a common question in restaurants to determine how the customer prefers to receive their food.
  • Options like hot or cold or in a box do not fit the context of the question.
  • Thus, the correct choice is here or to go, which directly relates to how Harry wants his meal served.

Achievers Section

Choose the correct option to fill in the blank. (Question 46 to 47)

Q46: You may need a permit to carry __________ from one state to another.
(a) customs
(b) freight
(c) licence
(d) illegal goods

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Ans: (b)

  • In this context, freight refers to goods that are transported, often requiring a permit when moving between states.
  • Customs deals with regulations on imported and exported goods, not specifically about carrying items between states.
  • A licence is a document that allows you to do something, but it is not the item being carried.
  • Illegal goods is a term that can refer to contraband, but the correct term in this context is freight.

Q47: It is quite loud in this place. I am having trouble hearing you clearly. Could you please speak __________.
(a) out
(b) up
(c) on
(d) loud

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Ans: (b)

  • In this context, the speaker is asking someone to speak more clearly or at a higher volume due to the noise around them.
  • The correct option is "up," which means to increase the volume of their voice.
  • Options like "out" and "on" do not fit the context of increasing volume.
  • Thus, "up" is the most appropriate choice for the situation described.

Q48: Choose the correct synonym of the given word.

(a) Hopeless
(b) Final
(c) Dissimilar
(d) Failure

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Ans: (c)
'Disparate' and 'dissimilar' both mean unlike, contrasting.

Q49: Choose the correct antonym of the given word.
(a) Tame
(b) Wild
(c) Exciting
(d) Wasteful

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Ans: (b)
'Feral' means wild, so the opposite is 'tame'.

Q50: Choose the correct option to complete the conversation
Coach: Well done team. I am truly __________ by how well we’ve done.
(a) epilated
(b) deflated
(c) elated
(d) reprimanded

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Ans: (c)

  • The word elated means feeling very happy or proud, which fits perfectly in this context.
  • The coach is expressing a positive emotion about the team's performance.
  • Deflated would imply feeling sad or disappointed, which contradicts the positive tone.
  • Epilated and reprimanded do not convey the intended meaning of happiness or pride.
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