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Note: The questions provided in this document are similar to the questions that were asked in the actual Olympiad exam. So, we recommend you study these for your Olympiad preparation.

Word and Structure Knowledge

Choose the correct option to fill in the blank. (Question 1 to 24)

Q1: After all the commotion of making sure everyone was safe, we were left _______ shock when we learned it was all a trick.
(a) in
(b) on
(c) at
(d) of

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct phrase is "in shock," which means to be very surprised or upset.
  • Using "in" indicates being enveloped or surrounded by a feeling, which fits here.
  • Other options like "on," "at," and "of" do not correctly convey the intended meaning.
  • This expression is commonly used to describe a sudden emotional reaction to unexpected news.

Q2: _______ would he prefer to be if he had the opportunity to change identities?
(a) Whom
(b) Who
(c) Whose
(d) Which

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct word to use here is "Who", as it refers to a person.
  • "Whom" is used for the object of a verb or preposition, which doesn't fit this context.
  • "Whose" indicates possession, and "Which" is used for choices or categories.
  • Thus, "Who" is the appropriate choice for asking about identity.

Q3: My next-door neighbor is one of those elderly women who ___________ that husbands should be breadwinners and wives should do housework.
(a) believes
(b) believe
(c) believed
(d) is believing

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct answer is believes because it agrees with the singular subject "one of those elderly women."
  • In English, when using "one of those," the verb should match the singular form, hence "believes" is appropriate.
  • The other options do not fit grammatically with the subject of the sentence.
  • Understanding subject-verb agreement is key in constructing correct sentences.

Q4: In today’s society, __________ is not considered a new crime, and there has been a rise in offenses committed against one's own parents.
(a) homicide
(b) regicide
(c) parricide
(d) sororicide

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Ans: (c)

  • Parricide refers specifically to the act of killing one's own parents, which is increasingly recognized as a serious crime in modern society.
  • Unlike homicide, which is the general term for killing, parricide is more specific.
  • Regicide is the killing of a king, and fratricide refers to killing a brother, making them irrelevant to this context.
  • The rise in parricide cases highlights troubling trends in familial relationships and societal issues.

Q5: India is one of the numerous countries where parents choose the partners for their children through ___________ websites.
(a) matrimony
(b) matrimonial
(c) matriarchy
(d) matricidal

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Ans: (b)

  • In India, many parents utilize matrimonial websites to find suitable partners for their children.
  • These websites are specifically designed for arranged marriages, where families play a significant role in the selection process.
  • Matrimony refers to the state of being married, but the term matrimonial is more directly related to the process of finding a spouse.
  • Other options like matriarchy and matricidal do not relate to marriage or partner selection.

Q6: People who suffer from open space phobia prefer to stay __________ their homes and go out only in emergencies.
(a) at
(b) in
(c) on
(d) by

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Ans: (b)

  • Individuals with open space phobia tend to feel safer and more comfortable inside their homes.
  • They usually avoid going outside unless it is absolutely necessary, such as in emergency situations.
  • The correct answer is "in" because it indicates being inside the home, which aligns with their preference.
  • Options like "at," "on," and "by" do not convey the same sense of being enclosed or protected as "in" does.

Q7: He faced failure in his initial effort, __________ he remained determined and vowed to keep trying until he achieved success.
(a) consequently
(b) additionally
(c) nonetheless
(d) thoroughly

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Ans: (c)

  • The phrase "he was unsuccessful in his first attempt" indicates a setback.
  • The word "nonetheless" suggests that despite this setback, he continued to be determined.
  • This shows his perseverance and commitment to succeeding in the future.
  • Using "nonetheless" effectively connects his failure with his resolve to keep trying.

Q8: When __________ rain came last night, to ensure he did not get drenched, he had to buy __________ umbrella on the way.
(a) a, a
(b) the, a
(c) a, an
(d) the, an 

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Ans: (d)

  • In this sentence, "the" is used because it refers to a specific rain that occurred last night.
  • "an" is used before "umbrella" because it starts with a vowel sound, making it the correct choice.
  • Using "the" indicates that the rain is known or specific, while "an" is appropriate for the umbrella since it is one of many.
  • Thus, the correct answer is "the, an".

Q9: He contributed several pieces of furniture and vehicles to the organization, but was halted because it was evident they weren’t _____ initially.
(a) his
(b) hers
(c) yours
(d) ours

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct answer is his because the context indicates that the items donated did not belong to him.
  • It is important to understand that ownership is key here; if the items were not his, he should not have donated them.
  • The other options (hers, yours, ours) do not fit the context of the sentence, as they refer to different owners.
  • Thus, the sentence makes sense only when we say the items were not his to give away.

Q10: Articles for publication in ______ Saturday Review magazine have to be sent to _____ editor by Wednesday at the earliest.
(a) a, the
(b) an, an
(c) the, the
(d) no article, the

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Ans: (c)

  • The correct answer is "the, the" because we are referring to a specific magazine, "Saturday Review," and a specific editor.
  • Using "the" indicates that both the magazine and the editor are known to the reader.
  • In this context, "the" is necessary to show that we are talking about particular entities, not just any magazine or editor.
  • Options (a), (b), and (d) do not fit because they either use incorrect articles or lack specificity.

Q11: Even though the room was a deal impossible to deny, a taller building ________________ the whole room in the evening.
(a) silhouette
(b) silhouetted
(c) was silhouetted
(d) shadowing

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct answer is silhouetted, which is the past tense of the verb silhouette.
  • This means that the taller building created a dark outline against the light of the evening.
  • In this context, it describes how the building affected the appearance of the room.
  • Using the past tense indicates that this action has already occurred.

Q12: Individuals with criminal records should be _____________ participating in politics to ensure clean and fair elections.
(a) barred from
(b) barred against
(c) barred with
(d) barred for

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Ans: (a)

  • In this context, the phrase "barred from" means that individuals with criminal records should not be allowed to participate in politics.
  • This is important to maintain clean and fair elections, as having a criminal background could lead to corruption or unethical behavior.
  • The other options do not correctly convey the idea of preventing someone from participating.
  • Thus, the correct choice is (a) "barred from".

Q13: He was ___________ the wall by police officers who stopped him for running a red light.
(a) pin below
(b) pin away from
(c) pinned far against
(d) pinned up against 

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Ans: (d)

  • The correct phrase is pinned up against, which means he was pressed or held against the wall.
  • This action was performed by the police officers as a response to him jumping a red light.
  • Being pinned up against indicates a physical restraint or control by the officers.
  • The other options do not convey the same meaning or context as the correct answer.

Q14: My aunt is a/an _____________ lady who never asks for sympathy or help but rather bears her troubles silently.
(a) perspicacious
(b) magnanimous
(c) stoic
(d) sophisticated

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Ans: (c)

  • The word stoic describes someone who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining.
  • In this context, it means that the aunt handles her troubles quietly and does not seek sympathy or assistance from others.
  • Options like perspicacious (insightful) and magnanimous (generous) do not fit the description of someone who remains silent in their struggles.
  • Thus, the correct answer is stoic, as it perfectly captures her ability to bear difficulties without outward expression.

Q15: It’s widely known that he was aware of more than he __________.
(a) was letting on
(b) letting on
(c) had let up
(d) has letting off

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Ans: (a)

  • The phrase "was letting on" means he was not fully revealing his knowledge.
  • Option (a) is correct because it fits the context of someone hiding their true understanding.
  • Options (b), (c), and (d) do not convey the same meaning or grammatical structure.
  • This statement suggests that he had more information than he chose to share.

Q16: The idiom ‘read between the lines’ means _______________.
(a) to read aloud the lines of text provided
(b) to find some lines missing from the text
(c) to try to detect invisible texts in between
(d) to look for a meaning that is implied rather than explicitly stated

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Ans: (d)

  • The phrase 'read between the lines' refers to understanding the hidden meaning or subtext in a statement.
  • It suggests that there is more to the message than what is clearly expressed.
  • This idiom encourages readers to interpret the underlying messages that are not directly stated.
  • Thus, the correct answer is to look for a meaning that is implied rather than explicitly stated.

Q17: I ___________ visited their home for the dinner gathering when I had the opportunity.
(a) must have
(b) shall have
(c) should have
(d) might have

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Ans: (c)

  • The correct phrase is should have, which indicates a missed opportunity or regret about not doing something.
  • In this context, it suggests that the speaker believes they should have taken the chance to visit.
  • Must have implies certainty, while shall have is more about future intentions, and might have suggests possibility, which do not fit here.
  • Thus, should have is the best choice as it conveys the idea of a past opportunity that was not taken.

Q18: You have become a big influence on the younger generation. _______ you continue to remain so.
(a) Should
(b) May
(c) Might
(d) Could

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct word to fill in the blank is May, which indicates a possibility or permission.
  • Using May suggests that it is possible for you to continue being an influence.
  • Other options like Should imply obligation, while Might and Could suggest less certainty.
  • Thus, May is the most appropriate choice for expressing potential influence.

Q19: The Minister said, “All children have the right to get education for free.” The Minister said that ________________.
(a) all children have the right to get education for free
(b) all children had the right to get education for free
(c) all children must have the right to get education for free
(d) every children has the right to get education for free

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Ans: (a)

  • The statement reflects the current belief of the Minister regarding children's rights.
  • Option (a) maintains the present tense, indicating that this right is applicable now.
  • Option (b) changes the tense to past, which is incorrect.
  • Option (c) implies a requirement rather than a right, which alters the meaning.
  • Option (d) contains a grammatical error with "every children," making it incorrect.

Q20: Sammy exclaimed, “What did I do to deserve punishment in class?” Sammy inquired _______________.
(a) what did he do to be punished in class
(b) what he has done to be punished in class
(c) what he had done to be punished in class
(d) what he did to be punished in class

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Ans: (c)

  • In reported speech, we often change the tense of the original statement.
  • Sammy's original question is in the past tense, so we need to use the past perfect tense.
  • Option (c) "what he had done to be punished in class" correctly reflects this change.
  • The other options either maintain the present tense or do not correctly reflect the past context.

Q21: With the rapid development of technology in our modern world, it is not unexpected to learn how technology may ______________ manual labor.
(a) overcame
(b) supersede
(c) subjugated
(d) contaminating

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Ans: (b)

  • Supersede means to take the place of something, which fits perfectly in the context of technology replacing manual work.
  • The other options do not convey the same meaning: "overcame" suggests defeating, "subjugated" implies domination, and "contaminating" refers to making something impure.
  • In essence, as technology advances, it is likely to replace or supersede traditional manual tasks.
  • This reflects the ongoing trend of automation and innovation in various industries.

Q22: Neither of these buildings ______ suitable for them. They preferred somewhere safer and more open.
(a) is
(b) are
(c) were
(d) has

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct word to fill in the blank is is because "neither" refers to a singular subject.

Q23: I _________ a part of the team representing the charity club until it was sold to a mega company.
(a) had been
(b) has been
(c) was been
(d) have been

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct answer is had been because it indicates an action that was completed in the past before another past event (the sale of the charity club).
  • This form shows that the speaker was part of the team for a period that ended when the club was sold.
  • Using has been or have been would imply a connection to the present, which is not the case here.
  • Was been is grammatically incorrect and does not fit the context.

Q24: He _________________ to the people who _____________ harassing his old parents for trying to do good for society.
(a) called out, had been
(b) called out, has been
(c) cried out, was
(d) shouted, has had

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct answer is called out, had been. This means he publicly addressed or confronted the people who had been harassing his parents.
  • The phrase had been indicates that the harassment was ongoing in the past before he called them out.
  • Using called out shows that he took a stand against the behavior, which is important in this context.
  • Other options either change the tense or the meaning, making them incorrect.

Q25: Choose the correct synonym of the given word.
(a) Myriad
(b) Bounded
(c) Debt
(d) Ditch

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Ans: (a)

  • The word Gobs refers to a large quantity or number of something.
  • The correct synonym is Myriad, which also means a countless or extremely great number.
  • Bounded suggests limits, while Debt and Ditch do not relate to quantity.
  • Thus, Myriad is the best choice as it captures the essence of abundance similar to Gobs.

Q26: Choose the correct synonym of the given word.
(a) Conventional
(b) Unexceptional
(c) Inordinate
(d) Miniature

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Ans: (c)

  • The word prodigious means something that is extraordinary or remarkably large.
  • Among the options, inordinate is the best synonym as it also implies something that is excessive or beyond normal limits.
  • In contrast, conventional and unexceptional suggest normality, while miniature indicates something small, which is the opposite of prodigious.
  • Thus, the correct choice is inordinate, as it captures the essence of being remarkably large or excessive.

Q27: Choose the correct antonym of the given word.
(a) Crude
(b) Inept
(c) Uncouth
(d) Tactful

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Ans: (d)

  • The word gauche means lacking social grace or sensitivity.
  • The correct antonym is tactful, which means having a sense of what is appropriate or considerate in dealing with others.
  • Options like crude, inept, and uncouth all suggest a lack of refinement or social skills, which is the opposite of being tactful.
  • Thus, tactful is the best choice as it represents the opposite quality of being socially adept.

Q28: Choose the correct antonym of the given word.
(a) Unbroken
(b) Scientific
(c) Digressive
(d) Picaresque

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Ans: (b)

  • The word anecdotal refers to information based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.
  • The correct antonym is scientific, which implies a methodical and evidence-based approach.
  • Options like unbroken, digressive, and picaresque do not convey the opposite meaning of anecdotal.
  • Thus, scientific stands out as the term that contrasts with the subjective nature of anecdotal evidence.

Choose the option with correct spelling. (Question 29 to 30)
Q29: How do you spell the term that refers to ‘the condition or process of deterioration with age’?
(a) Senecense
(b) Senescence
(c) Senesense
(d) Seniscince

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct spelling is Senescence, which describes the process of aging and the decline in biological functions over time.
  • Option (a) and (c) are incorrect spellings that do not represent the term.
  • Option (d) is also a misspelling and does not convey the intended meaning.
  • Understanding this term is important in fields like biology and gerontology, which study aging and its effects.

Q30: How do you spell the term that refers to something associated with old age?
(a) Geriatric
(b) Giriatric
(c) Gereatric
(d) Gereatriec

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct spelling is Geriatric, which pertains to the care and treatment of older adults.
  • This term is derived from the Greek word "geras," meaning old age.
  • Understanding this word is important in fields like medicine and social work, where professionals deal with aging populations.
  • Incorrect options like Giriatric, Gereatric, and Gereatriec do not represent the correct term.


Read the Passage and answer the question that follow. (Question 31 to 35)

The term ‘miracle’ implies a public event or phenomenon caused by something supernatural, like a magical or mythical power. So, if you doubt the supernatural, then you are probably sceptical about miracles.

Nevertheless, you may be astonished and impressed by what is extraordinary and inexplicable in the world. We are witness to some unnatural things happening around us. Are they miracles?

1. Are miracles shown by extremely gifted people?
Unbelievably extreme mathematical, musical, artistic, and mechanical abilities have been among the talents demonstrated by a tiny number of individuals. Examples include performing rapid mental calculations of huge sums, playing lengthy compositions, from memory after a single hearing, and repairing complex mechanisms without training. They seem something like miracles.

2. Miracles of a life force in nature. 
We see living growth throughout nature. From the simplest fern to the most perfect tree, and from the unicellular protozoa to the highest mammalian structure. In them, organic cells multiply and the sexes unite on a spontaneous impulse.

Nature preserves what she has procreated. Seeds are surrounded by husks. Animals have protective colours for camouflage, and birds build nests for their young ones. A love of offspring is found everywhere. Also, there are other animal instincts, such as the ability of salmon to return across thousands of miles of ocean to the same rivers and streams in which they hatched. Species like the eels recognise a thimbleful of rose scent diluted in a lake covering fourteen thousand square miles. And the talent of male moths in detecting the presence of a female as much as thirty miles away.

3. Miracles of human consciousness.
There is nothing more natural and ordinary than human consciousness. Yet it baffles science. How can a piece of mere biological tissue such as the human brain-albeit an incredibly complex one-have consciousness? How can something physical have a subjective sense of redness or sourness, feel pain or pleasure, or experience ideas and fantasies?
There is much neuroscience to show how different networks of neurons become active when a person experiences certain thoughts and feelings. But this work fails to explain the possibility of consciousness, only that the physical brain somehow reflects and modifies it.
Scientists found evidence that when we remember something, the brain makes new proteins. These form locally at the connection between nerve cells. It seems like this increases the strength of the connection and reinforces the memory. But if physical matter by itself doesn’t have conscious awareness, where does consciousness come from?

4. Ordinary is not seen as natural.
Not everyone assumes what is abnormal and unusual has a magical or mythical explanation. Hindus and Buddhists believe miraculous powers are the “natural” result of ascetic practice and spiritual realization. You may see ordinary as well as extraordinary things with awe and wonder, sensing them to be due to an, as yet, unexplained force or energy that perhaps natural science can never discover. One that transcends the material world and is beyond the limitations of human beings. Also, one that reveals itself as a design in nature (in comparison with the Darwinian account of accidental mutation).

5. An idea of what causes miracles.
Spiritual philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg wrote about a non-material reality he called ‘the spiritual world’. As a result, he had a concept of a general inspiration of divine life from this transcendent realm. Animals are controlled through a general inflow from the spiritual world because they are in the pattern proper to their lives, a pattern that they can neither distort nor destroy. (Emanuel Swedenborg)
I believe that miracles happen every day. Every person is a miracle. Every moment is a miracle. If only we can open our eyes, we’ll see God’s love everywhere. (Bo Sanchez, Catholic author & preacher)

Q31: Which phenomenon puzzles scientists?
(a) Miracle of human consciousness
(b) Miracle of birds
(c) The ability of eels to sense females from thirty miles away
(d) None of these 

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Ans: (a)

  • The miracle of human consciousness is a complex topic that scientists are still trying to fully understand.
  • It involves how we think, feel, and perceive the world, which remains largely mysterious.
  • While other options mention interesting phenomena, they do not present the same level of scientific bafflement as human consciousness.
  • Thus, the correct answer is the one that highlights the mystery surrounding our own awareness and thought processes.

Q32: Select the term that signifies ‘beyond the limits of typical human experience or understanding’.
(a) Limitations
(b) Consciousness
(c) Transcendent
(d) Extraordinary

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Ans: (c)

  • The word transcendent refers to something that goes beyond ordinary limits or experiences.
  • It implies a state that is superior or elevated compared to what is normal.
  • In contrast, the other options like limitations and consciousness do not convey this sense of surpassing normality.
  • Thus, transcendent is the correct choice as it captures the essence of being above typical human experience.

Q33: What did the researchers discover regarding memory? 
(a) They found that the brain creates new proteins when we remember something.
(b) They found that the brain uses previous proteins when we remember something.
(c) They found that the brain operates at a slower pace when we remember something.
(d) They found that the brain generates new neurons during sleep.

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Ans: (a)

  • The scientists discovered that the brain creates new proteins when we recall memories. This process is essential for memory formation and retention.
  • New proteins help in strengthening the connections between brain cells, which is crucial for remembering information.
  • This finding highlights the dynamic nature of the brain and its ability to adapt and change as we learn.
  • In contrast, the other options do not accurately reflect the findings of the research on memory.

Q34: How do exceptionally talented individuals demonstrate miracles?
(a) By performing quick mental calculations in mathematics.
(b) By repairing intricate devices without any formal training.
(c) By playing long musical pieces after hearing them just once.
(d) All of these

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Ans: (d)

  • Individuals with extraordinary talents can showcase their abilities in various ways.
  • They might perform quick mental calculations in mathematics, fix complex devices without prior training, or play long compositions after hearing them only once.
  • All these examples illustrate the diverse ways in which gifted people can exhibit their miraculous skills.
  • Thus, the correct answer is All of these, as it encompasses all the mentioned abilities.

Q35: Which of the following is an example of miracles of life force in nature?
(a) Animals have protective colours for camouflage, and birds build nests for their young ones.
(b) The eels have been gifted with the ability to recognise a thimbleful of rose scent diluted in a lake covering fourteen thousand square miles.
(c) The talent of male moths in detecting the presence of a female as much as thirty miles away.
(d) All of these 

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Ans: (d)

  • The question asks for examples of miracles of life force in nature.
  • Option (a) describes camouflage and nest building, which are indeed remarkable but not the only examples.
  • Option (b) highlights the scent recognition ability of eels, showcasing a unique natural talent.
  • Option (c) mentions male moths' ability to detect females from a long distance, another impressive natural phenomenon.
  • Since all options illustrate different miracles of life, the correct answer is (d) All of these.

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. (Question 36 to 40)

Sometimes life can be very confusing. We strive to walk a spiritual path by being accepting and forgiving. We smile and send blessings unselfishly to all that cross our path. We meditate and pray, but how do we deal with negative people when their wrath is directed at us?

We are all still humans, and we have feelings and, yes, egos. When aggressive, angry people confront us, it is sometimes hard to keep that ego in check. Dealing with someone who is acting out of fear and insecurity can also be very tough. How do we gently thwart an abusive aggressor and still hold true to our beliefs and spirituality? It is a hard road, but I can offer some basic suggestions that have helped me tremendously over the years.

Always trust your higher self to guide you to the correct course of action. Listen to your inner voice and discern what your emotions are telling you. Separate egoistic thoughts of retaliation and defence from those loving, caring emotions of your soul. Remember, the ego will always defend itself by attacking or withdrawing, so we must know and curb our ego and settle into our spiritual higher selves. When we think and act out of love, we will always take the correct actions.

We can sometimes understand the motives behind people’s actions if we give thought to their situation. Remember, there is no right or wrong; there are only different points of view and opinions. So seek to see the other side of the disagreement. If you know the abuse towards you is unwarranted and you cannot see the truth or motivation behind the situation, just calmly listen to what they have to say. You don’t have to agree with them, but do strive to know why they are acting the way they are. Listen intently to what they are saying.

The ego is a simple thing to understand. Give it your undivided attention, and it will be happy. If you are sincere when listening to others, it satisfies their basic need for attention, and they will be less aggressive (most of the time, anyway). Like I said before, sometimes people just want to be heard and noticed. So, listen and let them know you see them and are truly interested in their plight, even if the problem is with you. When responding, always use their name in the sentence. This makes them feel important and may lessen their anger even more. And remember, eye contact! Nothing says you are interested in what someone says more than direct eye contact.

If you actually did do something to create the problem and the complaint is legitimate, take responsibility for your actions. Apologize. Offer reciprocity or ask them if you can do anything to make them feel better. Most of the time, people just want to be heard and apologized to.

Know they really feel they have a reason for their negativity and aggression, but they do not know how to maturely convey the message to you. Thank them for letting you know how they feel. Let them know you appreciate them having the courage to let this matter out. Respond accordingly, but always reply out of love and respect and not out of retaliation, protection, or fear.

The things people say may hurt our feelings, but as spiritual beings, we can choose our actions in these negative situations and let them go. Your ego may want to let the person know they hurt you, but this is not the time. After the situation has been defused, you will have the chance at a later date to speak your truth. If the person is someone you wish not to speak with, a letter written from a place of love and compassion is a great tool to honour what you believe.

As we walk a spiritual path, we are not immured from the negativity of the world, but we can choose to act in accordance with spiritual law. We will always be uplifted when we choose the right action and do not retaliate in defence of our egos. The Bible says the meek will inherit the earth. A Course in Miracles expands that thought by saying that the meek will take over the earth with their passive inner strength. So remember these words and the above suggestions the next time you are confronted with aggression and anger. Be passive; take the high road, and let your spirit and inner strength rule the situation.
- By: David Ferruolo

Q36: Choose an appropriate title for the provided passage.
(a) Benefits of Being with Negative Individuals
(b) Strategies to Handle Aggression
(c) Methods to Eliminate Negative Individuals
(d) Spirituality: A Method to Shield Against Negativity

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Ans: (b)

  • The passage discusses aggression and how to manage it effectively.
  • Option (b) is the best choice as it directly relates to strategies for dealing with aggressive behavior.
  • Other options focus on negative people or spirituality, which are not the main focus of the passage.
  • Thus, the correct title reflects the content about handling aggression.

Q37: Select the option that has a similar meaning to ‘revanche’.
(a) Legitimate
(b) Protection
(c) Retaliation
(d) Meek

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Ans: (c)

  • Revanche refers to a desire for revenge or to regain something lost, often in a competitive context.
  • The correct answer is Retaliation, which means to take action against someone in response to an injury or offense.
  • Options like Legitimate and Protection do not convey the same sense of seeking revenge.
  • Thus, Retaliation is the best match for the meaning of revanche.

Q38: Select the incorrect statement about negative people and negative situations.
(a) There is no right or wrong; it is the difference of the views and opinions of different people.
(b) Most individuals have a reason for their negativity and aggression.
(c) Aggressive people will feel important when someone says their name in a sentence.
(d) While choosing the path of spirituality, people can improve their situation.

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Ans: (b)

  • Statement B is incorrect because it suggests that most individuals have a reason for their negativity, which is not true. Many people exhibit negativity without a clear reason.
  • Statement A highlights that perspectives vary, indicating that views on negativity can differ among individuals.
  • Statement C points out that aggressive individuals often seek validation, feeling significant when acknowledged.
  • Statement D emphasizes that pursuing spirituality can lead to personal growth and improvement in one’s circumstances.

Q39: How should we handle aggressive individuals when they express anger towards us?
(a) We should trust our higher selves to guide us.
(b) We should listen to our inner voice.
(c) We should allow our ego to respond and confront those who are angry at us.
(d) Both A and B 

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Ans: (d)

  • To effectively manage aggressive people, it is important to trust our higher selves for guidance and listen to our inner voice. These approaches help us remain calm and composed.
  • Responding with ego can escalate the situation, so it is better to avoid confrontation.
  • By choosing options A and B, we can maintain a more peaceful interaction and potentially diffuse the anger.
  • Thus, the best way to deal with such situations is to combine both trusting our higher selves and listening to our inner voice.

Q40: If you prefer not to engage in conversation with someone, __________ from a place of love and compassion is a great tool to honor your beliefs.
(a) a telephonic call
(b) an email
(c) a visit
(d) a written letter 

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Ans: (d)

  • A written letter allows you to express your thoughts clearly and thoughtfully.
  • It shows respect for the other person's feelings while maintaining your boundaries.
  • Using this method can convey your message with love and compassion, which is important in sensitive situations.
  • Other options like a call or visit may lead to direct confrontation, which you might want to avoid.

Spoken and Written Expression

Choose the correct option to complete each conversation. (Question 41 to 45)

Q41: Sammy: What I ___________ do is offer a few suggestions as to where you might profitably begin.
(a) would like to
(b) might like to
(c) could like to
(d) should like to

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Ans: (a)

  • The phrase "would like to" indicates a desire or willingness to do something.
  • In this context, Sammy is expressing a preference to offer suggestions.
  • Options like "may" and "could" imply uncertainty, which doesn't fit the intention here.
  • Thus, "would like to" is the most appropriate choice for expressing a clear intention.

Q42: Elvie: Let’s not walk any ___________ now. I’m too tired to continue.
(a) fare
(b) further
(c) farthest
(d) far

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct word to use here is further, which means to a greater distance or extent.
  • In this context, Elvie is expressing that they do not want to walk any more distance because they are tired.
  • Fare refers to the cost of travel, while farthest is a superlative form that is not needed here.
  • Far is an adverb but does not fit the sentence structure as well as further does.

Q43: Claire: The results of the test, some of which ___________ below, may possibly prove to be the deciding factor for your finals.
(a) will be detailed
(b) might be detail
(c) should detailed
(d) could be detail

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct phrase is "will be detailed," which indicates that the results will be explained or described in detail.
  • Using "might be detail" or "could be detail" is incorrect because they do not fit grammatically in this context.
  • "Should detailed" is also incorrect as it lacks the necessary verb form.
  • Thus, "will be detailed" is the only option that correctly conveys the intended meaning.

Q44: Father: Lies, after all, are bad—they are frequently injurious ___________ other people and may have a particularly dangerous effect ___________ you as a liar.
(a) to, for
(b) to, on
(c) for, with
(d) in, in

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Ans: (b)

  • The phrase "injurious to other people" means that lies can harm others.
  • The expression "dangerous effect on you" indicates that lying can negatively impact the liar.
  • Using "to" and "on" correctly fits the context of the sentence.
  • Other options do not convey the same meaning or grammatical correctness.

Q45: Rita: I recently purchased the _________ of my favorite author. I feel incredibly fortunate.
(a) loud music
(b) swan-song
(c) frog’s croak
(d) dove writing

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Ans: (b)

  • The term swan-song refers to a final work or performance by an artist, often seen as their best or most significant. In this context, it indicates that Rita has bought a notable piece from her favorite author.
  • Loud music, frog’s croak, and dove writing do not relate to literary works or authors, making them incorrect options.
  • Rita feels lucky because she has acquired something special from her favorite author, which is represented by the term swan-song.

Achievers Section

Choose the correct option to fill in the blank. (Question 46 to 47)

Q46: There have been reports of teenagers showing a/an _____________ attitude towards their teachers and threatening their safety.
(a) naive
(b) ingenious
(c) fond
(d) cavalier

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Ans: (d)

  • The term cavalier refers to a dismissive or carefree attitude, which fits the context of the question.
  • Teenagers displaying a cavalier attitude may not take the situation seriously, potentially leading to threats against teachers.
  • In contrast, options like naive, ingenious, and fond do not convey the same sense of disregard or lack of seriousness.
  • Thus, the correct answer is (d) cavalier, as it accurately describes the troubling behavior reported.

Q47: ______________ are individuals who seek to please others and will go to great lengths to gain an advantage.
(a) Chauvinists
(b) Viragos
(c) Dilettantes
(d) Sycophants 

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Ans: (d)

  • Sycophants are known for their tendency to flatter or ingratiate themselves with those in power.
  • They often do this to gain favor or advantages, making them true people-pleasers.
  • In contrast, the other options like Chauvinists, Viragos, and Dilettantes do not fit this description.
  • Thus, the correct answer is Sycophants, as they embody the behavior of seeking to please others for personal gain.

Q48: Choose the correct synonym of the given word.
(a) Virtue
(b) Morality
(c) Rectitude
(d) Infamy

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Ans: (d)

  • The word iniquity refers to immoral or grossly unfair behavior.
  • Among the options, infamy means being known for a bad quality or deed, which aligns with the meaning of iniquity.
  • In contrast, virtue, morality, and rectitude all imply good or ethical behavior, making them incorrect choices.
  • Thus, the correct synonym for iniquity is infamy.

Q49: Choose the correct antonym of the given word.
(a) Invective
(b) Recommendation
(c) Castigation
(d) Revile

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Ans: (b)

  • The word diatribe refers to a bitter and abusive speech or writing.
  • To find the antonym, we look for a word that means the opposite.
  • Recommendation suggests a positive suggestion or advice, which contrasts with the negativity of a diatribe.
  • Other options like invective, castigation, and revile all imply criticism or negative remarks, making them not suitable as antonyms.

Q50: Choose the correct option to complete the conversation. 
Kim: Everyone knows Jane’s _____________ for avoiding facts, and that’s probably why they don’t tell her anything anymore.
(a) propensity
(b) proposition
(c) prospect
(d) commitment

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct word to fill in the blank is propensity, which means a natural tendency to behave in a certain way.
  • In this context, it indicates that Jane has a strong habit of avoiding facts.
  • The other options do not fit well: proposition refers to a suggestion, prospect means a possibility, and commitment implies a promise or dedication.
  • Thus, the sentence makes sense with "propensity," highlighting Jane's behavior.
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