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Equation of Motion

According to Newton’s law of motion Force acting on a body F = ma
where acceleration α is given by α = Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
If velocity is only function of position One can also represent acceleration as
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
to be used when v is a function of x only andEquations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Example 1: An object moving with a speed of 6.25 m /s is decelerated at a rate given by dv/dt = k√v where k = 2.5 and v is the instantaneous speed. Find the time taken by the object to come to rest

Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Integrating = Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics (at t = 0,v = 6.25m/s , at t = t, v = 0)
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics Putting k = 2.5 , t = 2 sec

Example 2: Time and distance of an object are related as t = αx+ βx , here α and β are constants. The retardation is given by kvn. Find the values of k and n.

 t = αx+ βx
Differentiating wrt t , dt/dt = α x Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
⇒ α = -2αv × v2 = -2αv3. So k = -2α, n = 3

Example 3: The acceleration experienced by a boat after the engine is cut off, is given by dv/dt = -kv3, k is a constant. If v0 is the magnitude of velocity at cut off, find the velocity after time t from cut off.

Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Example 4: Displacement of a body is given by s ∝ t3, t is the time elapsed
(a) Find the relation between velocity v and displacement s
(b) Find the relation between acceleration α and displacement s

(a) As s = kt3
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
(b) s = kt3 ⇒ v = ds/dt = 3k and acceleration α = dv/dt ⇒ α = 6kt ⇒ t = α/6k
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Example 5: A particle starts from rest moves with a velocity given by v = kt (here k = 2m/s2)
(a) Find the distance covered by the particle in first 3 sec.
(b) Draw distance versus time x - t , x - v and x - a graphs

Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
(b) x ∝ t2 x = kt2

v = ds/dt = 2kt
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - PhysicsEquations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physicsα = dv/dt = 2k ⇒ α = 2k x x0
α ∝ x0 (α is constant)
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Example 6: We want to find the velocity of a falling parachutist as a function of time and are particularly interested in the constant limiting velocity, v0, that comes about by air drag, taken to be quadratic, -bv2 and opposing the force of the gravitational attraction, mg, of the Earth on the parachutist. We choose a coordinate system in which the positive direction is downward so that the gravitational force is positive. For simplicity we assume that the parachute opens immediately, that is, at time t = 0 , where v (t) = 0 , our initial condition.
(a) Write down equation of motion
(b) Find terminal velocity v0
(c) if v0 is terminal velocity then find the velocity after time t

(a) Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
where m includes the mass of the parachute.
(b) The terminal velocity, v0 can be found from the equation of motion as t → ∞, when there is no acceleration, v = 0 ⇒ bv0= mg or v0 = Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
(c) It simplifies further work to rewrite equation (i) as
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
This equation is separable and we write it in the form
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics ...(2) Using partial fractions to writeEquations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
It is straightforward to integrate both sides of equation (2) (the left-hand side from v = 0 to v, the right-hand side from t = 0 to t ), yielding Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Solving for the velocity, we have Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
where T = Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physicsis the time constant governing the asymptotic approach of the velocity to its limiting value, v0.

Variable Mass and Momentum

Case 1-Motion of Spacecraft

A spacecraft moves through space with constant velocity v . The space craft encounters a stream of dust particles which embed themselves in it at rate dm/dt . The dust has velocity u just before it hits. At time t the total mass of the spacecraft is M (t). The problem is to find external force F necessary to keep the spacecraft moving uniformly. (In practice F would most likely come from the spacecraft’s own rocket engines. For simplicity, we can visualize the source F to be completely external - an invisible hand, so to speak.)
Let us focus on the short time interval between t and t + Δt . The drawings below show the system at the beginning and end of the interval.

Time t , mass of system =M (t)+ ΔmTime t , mass of system =M (t)+ ΔmTime t +Δt, mass of system = M (t) +ΔmTime t +Δt, mass of system = M (t) +Δm

Let Δm denote the mass added to the satellite during Δt . The system consist of masses are M (t) and Δm.
The initial momentum is P (t) = M (t) v+ (Δm) u.
The final momentum is P (t + Δt) - P (t) = ( v - u )Δm. The rate of change of momentum is approximately
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
In the limit Δt → 0, we have the exact result Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Since F = dP/dt , the required external force is F = (v - u) dm/dt.

Note that F can be either positive or negative depending on the direction of the stream of mass.
If u = v, the momentum of the system is constant, and F = 0.

Example 7: Sand falls from a stationary hopper onto a freight car which is moving with uniform velocity v. The sand falls at the rate dm/dt. How much forces needed to keep the freight car moving a the speed v?
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

In this case, the initial speed of the sand is 0 , and
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
The required force is Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics We can understand why this force is needed by considering in detail just what happens to a sand grain as it lands on the surface of the freight car.

Example 8: A truck is moving at a speed of 20 m / sec , sand is poured into it at a rate of 2 kg / sec , then find the thrust force acting on it.

If m0 is initial mass of sand with truck,
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Pi = m0 + μtv0
Pf = ((m0 + μt) + μdt) v0
F = dp/dt = μv0 = 2 x 20 = 40N

Example 9: A truck is moving at a speed of 20 m/sec . If sand leaks at the rate of 2 kg/sec from the truck at the same time, find the thrust force.
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Pi = m0v0 - µtv0
Pf = (m0 - μ(t + dt))v0 + µdtv+ µdtv0
ΔP = Pf  - P= 0
Ft = dp/dt = 0N

Example 10: If Sand is poured at 2 kg / sec and leaks at same rate while truck moves at 20 m/sec , find the thrust force.

P= m0v+ µ dtv0
Pf = m0 - µdt)v0 + µdtv0 + µdtv0
P- Pi = µdtv0
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics = 2 x 20 = 40N
As sand has zero velocity in horizontal direction when it first comes out of truck.

A conveyor belt moving with a mass like sand (from a stationary hopper) falling on it continuously
A conveyor belt moves with a velocity v (as shown in figure). Sand falls on it from a stationary hopper at a rate of mkg / sec . As the sand comes in contact with belt, it aquires the velocity of belt but due to inertia, it tries to move in opposite direction. 

The force acting on the belt is 

Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

This is in the direction opposite to motion of the belt as dm/dt > 0 .
Due to this an additional power P = Ft × v is to be provided to keep belt moving at same speed. Friction, if present, also needs extra power to be applied at motor.

Example 11: A conveyor belt is moving at a speed of 0.75 m / sec and sand is falling on it at a rate of 5 kg / sec.
(a) Find the rate of change of sand
(b) Find the force applied by belt of the sand
(c) If belt moves with constant velocity and force is constant, what is work done?
(d) Find the rate of increase of kinetic energy.
(e) Why change (increase) in K.E. is not equal to work done, where does the difference go?

(a) Rate of change of momentum is equal to external force applied,

Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
The initial momentum of sand in direction of moment of belt is zero and as soon as it comes in contact with belt, the momentum of sand is same as that of belt, if there is no friction.
So, F = 0.75× 5 = 3.75N
(b) F = 3.75N is the force applied by belt on sand in forward direction.
(c) W = Fvt = 3.85 × 0.75 × 1 = 2.85 J
(d) K.E. = 1/2 v2(dm/dt) t = 1/2 x 0.75 x 0.75 x 5 x 1 = 1.41 J (t = 1sec)
(e) K.E. = 2.85 - 1.41 = 1.44 J
This difference of energy is lost in doing work against friction.

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Equations of Motion & Variable Mass
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Case -2 Motion of Rocket

The concept of momentum is invaluable in understanding the motion of a rocket. A rocket accelerates by expelling gas at a high velocity; the reaction force of the gas on the rocket accelerates the rocket in the opposite direction. The mechanism is illustrated by the drawings of the cubical chamber containing gas at high pressure

Force on chamberForce on chamber

Force on gasForce on gasThe gas presses outward on each wall with the force Fa (We show only four walls for clarity.) The vector sum of the Fa's is zero, giving zero net force on the chamber. Similarly each wall of the chamber exerts a force on the gas Fb = -Fa; the net force on the gas is also zero. In the right hand drawings below, one wall has been removed. The net force on the chamber is Fa, to the right. The net force on the gas is Fb, to the left. Hence, the gas accelerates to the left, and the chamber accelerates to the right. To analyze the motion of the rocket in detail, we must equate the external force on the system, F , with the rate of change of momentum, dP/dt . Consider the rocket at time t . Between t and t + Δt a mass of fuel Δm is burned and expelled as gas with velocity u relative to the rocket. The exhaust velocity u is determined by the nature of the propellants, the throttling of the engine, etc., but it is independent of the velocity of the rocket.
The sketches below show the system at time t and at time t + Δt . The system consists of Δm plus the remaining mass of the rocket M . Hence the total mass is M + Δm.
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - PhysicsThe velocity of the rocket at time t is v (t) , and at t + Δt it is v + Δv .
The initial momentum is P (t ) = ( M+  Δm) v
The final momentum is P (t +  Δt ) = M ( v +  Δv ) + Δm (v + Δv + u) The change in momentum is  ΔP = P (t +  Δt) Δ P (t) = M  Δv + (Δm) u assume  Δm.Δv = 0
Therefore, Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Note that we have defined u to be positive in the direction of v . In most rocket applications, u is negative, opposite to v . It is inconvenient to have both m and M in the equation. dm/dt is the rate of increase of the exhaust mass. Since, this mass comes from the rocket,
dm/dt = - DM/dt
equating the external force to dP/dt , we obtain the fundamental rocket equation
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
It may be useful to point out two minor subtleties in our development. The first is that the velocities have been expressed with respect to an inertial frame, not a frame attached to the rocket. The second is that we took the final velocity of the element exhaust gas to be v + Δv + u rather than v + u.

Example 12: (a) A rocket is moving vertically in absence of gravity .if initial exhaust speed and mass of rocket is u and M0 respectively. What will be speed if mass became αM0 after time t = tf. (assume t = 0 velocity of rocket is v0.)
(b) How situation will different if a gravitational field is present.

(a) If there is no external force on a rocket, F = 0 and its motion is given by
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics or Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Generally the exhaust velocity is constant. In this case it is easy to integrate the equation of motion.
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
(b) If a rocket takes off in a constant gravitational field,
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics where u and g are directed down and are assumed to be constant.
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physicsintegrating with respect to time, we obtain
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics+ g (t- t0) ⇒vf = v0 + u In (a) + gtf.

Example 13: A rocket set for vertical firing, weighs 50 kg and contains 450 kg fuel. It can have a maximum exhaust weight of 2 km/ sec . Find minimum rate of fuel consumption
(a) to just lift it off
(b) to give it an acceleration of 20 m / sec2 

(c) What will be the speed of rocket when rate of consumption of fuel is 10 kg / s after whole of the fuel is consumed?

(a) For just lifting it off, W = Ft (Thrust force)
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics 
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Thrust Applied by a Fluid Coming Out of a Container Kept on a Surface.
Water has change in it’s momentum and hence it leads to a thrust for acting on tank as dm/dt < 0
So, Ft = dm/dt x v ⇒Ft = (ραv) x v = ραv2
here α is cross section area of the water efflux and ρ is it’s density.

Example 14: A liquid of density ρ is filled in a tank which has a value at depth h from free surface. The liquid comes out with a speed v.
(a) Find the thrust force acting on the tank
(b) If the value of h is 19.6 m and a = 1cm2, α = 1000 kg / m3, find the thrust force.
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

(a) Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics(α is cross section area of opening)
vr = v
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
(b) As v = Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics19.6m/sec

Example 15: A rocket of initial mass m0(1 - t/3) at time t. The rocket is launched from rest vertically upward under gravity and experts burnt fuel at a speed vr relative to the rocket vertically downward. Find the speed of rocket at t = 1 .

Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
At t = 1, mass will remain, Mf = m0 = Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Now using the equation,
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

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Motion of uniform chain vertically on a horizontal surface

A chain of constant mass density λ = m/l, moving down with velocity v experiences a thrust force on it given by Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics and the chain does not form a heap, so thrust opposes the motion of chain.
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Example 16: A uniform chain of mass m and length l hangs on a thread and touches the surface of a table by its lower end. Find the force exerted by the table on the chain when half of its length has fallen on the table. The fallen part does not form heap.
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Force exerted by the chain on the table. It consists of two parts:
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics(a) Weight of the portion BC of the chain lying on the table,
w = mg/2 (downward)
(b) Thrust force Ft = λv2
Here, λ = mass per unit length of chain m/l
Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics(downward)
∴ Net force exerted by the chain on the table is
F = W + Ft = mg/2 + mg = 3/2 mg
So, from Newton’s third law the force exerted by the table on the chain will be
3/2 mg (vertically upward)

The document Equations of Motion & Variable Mass | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics is a part of the Physics Course Mechanics & General Properties of Matter.
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FAQs on Equations of Motion & Variable Mass - Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

1. What are the equations of motion for variable mass systems?
Ans. The equations of motion for variable mass systems are derived using the principle of conservation of linear momentum. They can be expressed as: 1. dp/dt = F - v(dm/dt) 2. dv/dt = (1/m)(F - v(dm/dt)) where p is the momentum, t is the time, F is the external force, v is the velocity, m is the mass, and dm/dt is the rate of change of mass with respect to time.
2. How are the equations of motion modified for variable mass systems?
Ans. The equations of motion are modified for variable mass systems by considering the rate of change of mass with respect to time. This rate of change of mass, represented as dm/dt, is included in the equations of motion to account for the changing mass of the system. The modified equations take into consideration the effect of mass variation on the system's momentum and velocity.
3. What is the principle behind the equations of motion for variable mass systems?
Ans. The principle behind the equations of motion for variable mass systems is the conservation of linear momentum. According to this principle, the rate of change of momentum of a system is equal to the net external force acting on the system. In the case of variable mass systems, the mass of the system changes over time, and this change in mass affects the momentum and velocity of the system. The equations of motion for variable mass systems incorporate the rate of change of mass to accurately describe the system's behavior.
4. How are the equations of motion for variable mass systems useful in real-life scenarios?
Ans. The equations of motion for variable mass systems have various applications in real-life scenarios. Some examples include: 1. Rocket propulsion: The equations of motion for variable mass systems are used to analyze the motion of rockets. Rockets experience a change in mass as fuel is burned, and the equations help in determining the velocity and acceleration of the rocket at different stages of its flight. 2. Water jet propulsion: Water jets, such as those used in high-speed boats, also involve variable mass systems. The equations of motion help in understanding the thrust generated by the water jet as it expels water at a high velocity. 3. Aircraft flight: During flight, aircraft experience a change in mass due to fuel consumption. The equations of motion for variable mass systems are used to analyze the performance and maneuverability of aircraft.
5. Can the equations of motion for variable mass systems be applied to everyday objects?
Ans. The equations of motion for variable mass systems can be applied to everyday objects under certain conditions. In general, these equations are most applicable to systems where the mass changes significantly during motion, such as rockets, water jets, or aircraft. For everyday objects with relatively constant mass, the traditional equations of motion are sufficient. However, if an object's mass does change significantly during its motion, such as in a water gun or a balloon rocket, the equations of motion for variable mass systems can be used to accurately describe their behavior.
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