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Hydrology & Irrigation Engineering Formulas for Civil Engineering Exam | Engineering Hydrology - Civil Engineering (CE) PDF Download

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 Page 1

MODULE – 1  
Hydrology is the science that treats the waters of the earth, their occurrence, circulation and distribution, 
their chemical and physical properties and their reaction with the environment, including the relation to 
living things. The domain of hydrology embraces the full life history of water on the earth.   
1.2.1 Hydrology: Hydrology is defined as science dealing with the occurrence, circulation, distribution 
and properties of the waters of the earth and its atmosphere.  
Hydrology is defined as Hydro (Water) + Logus (Science).  
1.2.2 Hydrology is further divided into: Scientific Hydrology: deals with academic aspects. Engineering Hydrology: deals with engineering applications as estimation of water resources, 
study of precipitation, runoff, evaporation and transpiration, study of problems such as floods and 
droughts. Climatology: deals with the study of climate over given area within a specified period of time. Meteorology: is branch of science dealing with the atmospheric phenomena.  
1.3.1 Structural and Hydraulic Design: 
? For any type of reservoir a spillway of sufficient capacity is most essential.  
? The capacity of the spillway, its height, downstream protection works etc. depend on the correct 
assessment of flood flow and routing. 
Note: Spillway means a channel that carries excess water over or around a dam or other obstruction.   
Page 2

MODULE – 1  
Hydrology is the science that treats the waters of the earth, their occurrence, circulation and distribution, 
their chemical and physical properties and their reaction with the environment, including the relation to 
living things. The domain of hydrology embraces the full life history of water on the earth.   
1.2.1 Hydrology: Hydrology is defined as science dealing with the occurrence, circulation, distribution 
and properties of the waters of the earth and its atmosphere.  
Hydrology is defined as Hydro (Water) + Logus (Science).  
1.2.2 Hydrology is further divided into: Scientific Hydrology: deals with academic aspects. Engineering Hydrology: deals with engineering applications as estimation of water resources, 
study of precipitation, runoff, evaporation and transpiration, study of problems such as floods and 
droughts. Climatology: deals with the study of climate over given area within a specified period of time. Meteorology: is branch of science dealing with the atmospheric phenomena.  
1.3.1 Structural and Hydraulic Design: 
? For any type of reservoir a spillway of sufficient capacity is most essential.  
? The capacity of the spillway, its height, downstream protection works etc. depend on the correct 
assessment of flood flow and routing. 
Note: Spillway means a channel that carries excess water over or around a dam or other obstruction.   
1.3.2 Municipal and Industrial Water Supply: 
? Due to constant increase in the urban and industrial water demands greater efforts are being made 
by hydrologists to meet the demands.  
1.3.3 Irrigation: 
? Irrigation demands are similar to municipal and industrial water supply but on a larger scale.  
? Hydrology plays an important role, to evaluate new projects in areas where the margin of safety is 
already low or to discover new source of water and its applications.  
1.3.4 Power: 
? Hydrological studies are most essential for the operation of an Hydel project. 
? For the storage plant, low seasonal flows rather than low daily flows are important and the 
reservoir draw down studies is must to determine the relative economics of various heights of the 
dam and power generating capacities.   
1.3.5 Flood Control: 
? Flood control project range from small improvements like channel straightening to large project 
involving huge budget.  
? Hence, for the large projects statistical and probabilistic flood frequency analysis are necessary.  
? These studies would yield fruitful results in proper flood controlling methods.  
1.3.6 Navigation: 
? When the stream is running through non – alluvial soils hydrological studies are relatively simple 
as the analysis involves hydraulic computation.  
? However streams carrying sediment pose much more complex problems.  
1.3.7 Erosion Control: 
? Proper hydrological investigations are necessary in the operation and maintenance of a reservoir 
increasing the life of the reservoir by reducing the silt entering it.    
1.3.8 Pollution Control: 
? With the increase in population, large scale industrialization, the streams and rivers are getting 
polluted and are posing more and more danger to the public health, water life etc.  
Page 3

MODULE – 1  
Hydrology is the science that treats the waters of the earth, their occurrence, circulation and distribution, 
their chemical and physical properties and their reaction with the environment, including the relation to 
living things. The domain of hydrology embraces the full life history of water on the earth.   
1.2.1 Hydrology: Hydrology is defined as science dealing with the occurrence, circulation, distribution 
and properties of the waters of the earth and its atmosphere.  
Hydrology is defined as Hydro (Water) + Logus (Science).  
1.2.2 Hydrology is further divided into: Scientific Hydrology: deals with academic aspects. Engineering Hydrology: deals with engineering applications as estimation of water resources, 
study of precipitation, runoff, evaporation and transpiration, study of problems such as floods and 
droughts. Climatology: deals with the study of climate over given area within a specified period of time. Meteorology: is branch of science dealing with the atmospheric phenomena.  
1.3.1 Structural and Hydraulic Design: 
? For any type of reservoir a spillway of sufficient capacity is most essential.  
? The capacity of the spillway, its height, downstream protection works etc. depend on the correct 
assessment of flood flow and routing. 
Note: Spillway means a channel that carries excess water over or around a dam or other obstruction.   
1.3.2 Municipal and Industrial Water Supply: 
? Due to constant increase in the urban and industrial water demands greater efforts are being made 
by hydrologists to meet the demands.  
1.3.3 Irrigation: 
? Irrigation demands are similar to municipal and industrial water supply but on a larger scale.  
? Hydrology plays an important role, to evaluate new projects in areas where the margin of safety is 
already low or to discover new source of water and its applications.  
1.3.4 Power: 
? Hydrological studies are most essential for the operation of an Hydel project. 
? For the storage plant, low seasonal flows rather than low daily flows are important and the 
reservoir draw down studies is must to determine the relative economics of various heights of the 
dam and power generating capacities.   
1.3.5 Flood Control: 
? Flood control project range from small improvements like channel straightening to large project 
involving huge budget.  
? Hence, for the large projects statistical and probabilistic flood frequency analysis are necessary.  
? These studies would yield fruitful results in proper flood controlling methods.  
1.3.6 Navigation: 
? When the stream is running through non – alluvial soils hydrological studies are relatively simple 
as the analysis involves hydraulic computation.  
? However streams carrying sediment pose much more complex problems.  
1.3.7 Erosion Control: 
? Proper hydrological investigations are necessary in the operation and maintenance of a reservoir 
increasing the life of the reservoir by reducing the silt entering it.    
1.3.8 Pollution Control: 
? With the increase in population, large scale industrialization, the streams and rivers are getting 
polluted and are posing more and more danger to the public health, water life etc.  
? Hence a complete stream pollution control study including an investigation of stream, particularly 
the magnitude and duration of low flows are found to be more useful.  
? The total water available on the earth is about 140 x 10
? Out of this 97% is contained in the oceans and sea as salt water, the remaining 3% is fresh water.   
? Table from World Water Balance and Water Resources of the Earth, UNESCO, 1978.  
Percent of Total 
Percent of Fresh 
Oceans 361.3 1,338,000,000 96.5 - 
Ground Water 
Fresh  134.8 10,530,000 0.76 30.1 
Saline 134.8 12,870,000 0.93 - 
Soil Moisture 82.0 16,500 0.0012 0.05 
Polar Ice 16.0 24,023,500 1.7 68.6 
Other Ice and Snow 0.3 340,600 0.025 1.0 
Fresh 1.2 91,000 0.007 0.26 
Saline 0.8 85,400 0.006 - 
Marshes 2.7 11,470 0.0008 0.03 
Rivers 148.8 2,120 0.0002 0.006 
Biological Water 510.0 1,120 0.0001 0.003 
Atmospheric Water 510.0 12,900 0.001 0.04 
Total Water 510.0 1,385,984,610 100 - 
Fresh Water 148.8 35,029,210 2.5 100 
? It is a fact that Asia’s Water Supply is the lowest with an average annual runoff of only 17 cm.  
? However India is well placed with 16.83 x 10
 running off a total area of 369 million 
hectares, yielding an overall runoff 457 mm, almost same as the richest continent which gets 450 
? But, the water supply in India is not well distributed as can be seen from table.  
? Table shows the Surface water potential of India.     
? Table gives the run off data of the Indian Rivers.  
Page 4

MODULE – 1  
Hydrology is the science that treats the waters of the earth, their occurrence, circulation and distribution, 
their chemical and physical properties and their reaction with the environment, including the relation to 
living things. The domain of hydrology embraces the full life history of water on the earth.   
1.2.1 Hydrology: Hydrology is defined as science dealing with the occurrence, circulation, distribution 
and properties of the waters of the earth and its atmosphere.  
Hydrology is defined as Hydro (Water) + Logus (Science).  
1.2.2 Hydrology is further divided into: Scientific Hydrology: deals with academic aspects. Engineering Hydrology: deals with engineering applications as estimation of water resources, 
study of precipitation, runoff, evaporation and transpiration, study of problems such as floods and 
droughts. Climatology: deals with the study of climate over given area within a specified period of time. Meteorology: is branch of science dealing with the atmospheric phenomena.  
1.3.1 Structural and Hydraulic Design: 
? For any type of reservoir a spillway of sufficient capacity is most essential.  
? The capacity of the spillway, its height, downstream protection works etc. depend on the correct 
assessment of flood flow and routing. 
Note: Spillway means a channel that carries excess water over or around a dam or other obstruction.   
1.3.2 Municipal and Industrial Water Supply: 
? Due to constant increase in the urban and industrial water demands greater efforts are being made 
by hydrologists to meet the demands.  
1.3.3 Irrigation: 
? Irrigation demands are similar to municipal and industrial water supply but on a larger scale.  
? Hydrology plays an important role, to evaluate new projects in areas where the margin of safety is 
already low or to discover new source of water and its applications.  
1.3.4 Power: 
? Hydrological studies are most essential for the operation of an Hydel project. 
? For the storage plant, low seasonal flows rather than low daily flows are important and the 
reservoir draw down studies is must to determine the relative economics of various heights of the 
dam and power generating capacities.   
1.3.5 Flood Control: 
? Flood control project range from small improvements like channel straightening to large project 
involving huge budget.  
? Hence, for the large projects statistical and probabilistic flood frequency analysis are necessary.  
? These studies would yield fruitful results in proper flood controlling methods.  
1.3.6 Navigation: 
? When the stream is running through non – alluvial soils hydrological studies are relatively simple 
as the analysis involves hydraulic computation.  
? However streams carrying sediment pose much more complex problems.  
1.3.7 Erosion Control: 
? Proper hydrological investigations are necessary in the operation and maintenance of a reservoir 
increasing the life of the reservoir by reducing the silt entering it.    
1.3.8 Pollution Control: 
? With the increase in population, large scale industrialization, the streams and rivers are getting 
polluted and are posing more and more danger to the public health, water life etc.  
? Hence a complete stream pollution control study including an investigation of stream, particularly 
the magnitude and duration of low flows are found to be more useful.  
? The total water available on the earth is about 140 x 10
? Out of this 97% is contained in the oceans and sea as salt water, the remaining 3% is fresh water.   
? Table from World Water Balance and Water Resources of the Earth, UNESCO, 1978.  
Percent of Total 
Percent of Fresh 
Oceans 361.3 1,338,000,000 96.5 - 
Ground Water 
Fresh  134.8 10,530,000 0.76 30.1 
Saline 134.8 12,870,000 0.93 - 
Soil Moisture 82.0 16,500 0.0012 0.05 
Polar Ice 16.0 24,023,500 1.7 68.6 
Other Ice and Snow 0.3 340,600 0.025 1.0 
Fresh 1.2 91,000 0.007 0.26 
Saline 0.8 85,400 0.006 - 
Marshes 2.7 11,470 0.0008 0.03 
Rivers 148.8 2,120 0.0002 0.006 
Biological Water 510.0 1,120 0.0001 0.003 
Atmospheric Water 510.0 12,900 0.001 0.04 
Total Water 510.0 1,385,984,610 100 - 
Fresh Water 148.8 35,029,210 2.5 100 
? It is a fact that Asia’s Water Supply is the lowest with an average annual runoff of only 17 cm.  
? However India is well placed with 16.83 x 10
 running off a total area of 369 million 
hectares, yielding an overall runoff 457 mm, almost same as the richest continent which gets 450 
? But, the water supply in India is not well distributed as can be seen from table.  
? Table shows the Surface water potential of India.     
? Table gives the run off data of the Indian Rivers.  
No. River Basins 
Water Potential 
million Cubic meters 
West Flowing Rivers  
(Rivers of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Tapi Basin and Narmada Basin and the 
basins above Narmada) 
East Flowing Rivers 
(Kaveri Basin, Mahanadi Ganga, Godavari, Krishna, Pennar and between 
Kaveri and Pennar) 
3 Indus Basin 79473.1 
Ganga Basin  
(Chambal, Yamuna, Ramganga, Gomti, Ghagra and Main Ganga Basins) 
5 Brahmaputra and Barak Basins 590713.6 
Total 1881340.6 
No. Region 
area 1000 km2 
Annual Runoff 
1 Rivers falling into Arabian Sea (except the Indus system) 481 63 
2 Indus Basin in India 354 22 
Rivers falling into Bay of Bengal (except Ganga and 
1210 34 
4 Ganga System 978 50 
5 Brahmaputra System 506 75 
It may be interesting to note that out of the 16.83 x 10
of water, only 20% is utilised at present, 
giving considerable scope for further development of water resources.  
Success of any water resources development project depends on timely and sufficient availability of 
water. Hence proper assessment of this natural resource assumes great importance. Therefore, 
Hydrological investigation from the first step in any water resources development scheme involving 
design construction and operation of hydraulic structures is of importance. An engineer is supposed to 
have an idea of the practical applications of Hydrology. The applications of hydrology are:  
? Hydrology is used to estimate the probable maximum flood at a proposed site of dam, bridge etc. 
Page 5

MODULE – 1  
Hydrology is the science that treats the waters of the earth, their occurrence, circulation and distribution, 
their chemical and physical properties and their reaction with the environment, including the relation to 
living things. The domain of hydrology embraces the full life history of water on the earth.   
1.2.1 Hydrology: Hydrology is defined as science dealing with the occurrence, circulation, distribution 
and properties of the waters of the earth and its atmosphere.  
Hydrology is defined as Hydro (Water) + Logus (Science).  
1.2.2 Hydrology is further divided into: Scientific Hydrology: deals with academic aspects. Engineering Hydrology: deals with engineering applications as estimation of water resources, 
study of precipitation, runoff, evaporation and transpiration, study of problems such as floods and 
droughts. Climatology: deals with the study of climate over given area within a specified period of time. Meteorology: is branch of science dealing with the atmospheric phenomena.  
1.3.1 Structural and Hydraulic Design: 
? For any type of reservoir a spillway of sufficient capacity is most essential.  
? The capacity of the spillway, its height, downstream protection works etc. depend on the correct 
assessment of flood flow and routing. 
Note: Spillway means a channel that carries excess water over or around a dam or other obstruction.   
1.3.2 Municipal and Industrial Water Supply: 
? Due to constant increase in the urban and industrial water demands greater efforts are being made 
by hydrologists to meet the demands.  
1.3.3 Irrigation: 
? Irrigation demands are similar to municipal and industrial water supply but on a larger scale.  
? Hydrology plays an important role, to evaluate new projects in areas where the margin of safety is 
already low or to discover new source of water and its applications.  
1.3.4 Power: 
? Hydrological studies are most essential for the operation of an Hydel project. 
? For the storage plant, low seasonal flows rather than low daily flows are important and the 
reservoir draw down studies is must to determine the relative economics of various heights of the 
dam and power generating capacities.   
1.3.5 Flood Control: 
? Flood control project range from small improvements like channel straightening to large project 
involving huge budget.  
? Hence, for the large projects statistical and probabilistic flood frequency analysis are necessary.  
? These studies would yield fruitful results in proper flood controlling methods.  
1.3.6 Navigation: 
? When the stream is running through non – alluvial soils hydrological studies are relatively simple 
as the analysis involves hydraulic computation.  
? However streams carrying sediment pose much more complex problems.  
1.3.7 Erosion Control: 
? Proper hydrological investigations are necessary in the operation and maintenance of a reservoir 
increasing the life of the reservoir by reducing the silt entering it.    
1.3.8 Pollution Control: 
? With the increase in population, large scale industrialization, the streams and rivers are getting 
polluted and are posing more and more danger to the public health, water life etc.  
? Hence a complete stream pollution control study including an investigation of stream, particularly 
the magnitude and duration of low flows are found to be more useful.  
? The total water available on the earth is about 140 x 10
? Out of this 97% is contained in the oceans and sea as salt water, the remaining 3% is fresh water.   
? Table from World Water Balance and Water Resources of the Earth, UNESCO, 1978.  
Percent of Total 
Percent of Fresh 
Oceans 361.3 1,338,000,000 96.5 - 
Ground Water 
Fresh  134.8 10,530,000 0.76 30.1 
Saline 134.8 12,870,000 0.93 - 
Soil Moisture 82.0 16,500 0.0012 0.05 
Polar Ice 16.0 24,023,500 1.7 68.6 
Other Ice and Snow 0.3 340,600 0.025 1.0 
Fresh 1.2 91,000 0.007 0.26 
Saline 0.8 85,400 0.006 - 
Marshes 2.7 11,470 0.0008 0.03 
Rivers 148.8 2,120 0.0002 0.006 
Biological Water 510.0 1,120 0.0001 0.003 
Atmospheric Water 510.0 12,900 0.001 0.04 
Total Water 510.0 1,385,984,610 100 - 
Fresh Water 148.8 35,029,210 2.5 100 
? It is a fact that Asia’s Water Supply is the lowest with an average annual runoff of only 17 cm.  
? However India is well placed with 16.83 x 10
 running off a total area of 369 million 
hectares, yielding an overall runoff 457 mm, almost same as the richest continent which gets 450 
? But, the water supply in India is not well distributed as can be seen from table.  
? Table shows the Surface water potential of India.     
? Table gives the run off data of the Indian Rivers.  
No. River Basins 
Water Potential 
million Cubic meters 
West Flowing Rivers  
(Rivers of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Tapi Basin and Narmada Basin and the 
basins above Narmada) 
East Flowing Rivers 
(Kaveri Basin, Mahanadi Ganga, Godavari, Krishna, Pennar and between 
Kaveri and Pennar) 
3 Indus Basin 79473.1 
Ganga Basin  
(Chambal, Yamuna, Ramganga, Gomti, Ghagra and Main Ganga Basins) 
5 Brahmaputra and Barak Basins 590713.6 
Total 1881340.6 
No. Region 
area 1000 km2 
Annual Runoff 
1 Rivers falling into Arabian Sea (except the Indus system) 481 63 
2 Indus Basin in India 354 22 
Rivers falling into Bay of Bengal (except Ganga and 
1210 34 
4 Ganga System 978 50 
5 Brahmaputra System 506 75 
It may be interesting to note that out of the 16.83 x 10
of water, only 20% is utilised at present, 
giving considerable scope for further development of water resources.  
Success of any water resources development project depends on timely and sufficient availability of 
water. Hence proper assessment of this natural resource assumes great importance. Therefore, 
Hydrological investigation from the first step in any water resources development scheme involving 
design construction and operation of hydraulic structures is of importance. An engineer is supposed to 
have an idea of the practical applications of Hydrology. The applications of hydrology are:  
? Hydrology is used to estimate the probable maximum flood at a proposed site of dam, bridge etc. 
? The variation of water production from a catchment can be calculated and described by hydrology.  
? Engineering hydrology helps in determining the relation between a catchment surface water and 
ground water resources.  
? The expected flood flows over a spillway at a highway culvert, or in an urban storm drainage 
system can be known through hydrology.  
? Hydrology helps us to know the required reservoir capacity in order to assure adequate water for 
irrigation or municipal water supply in drought conditions.  
? Hydrology helps in the design of river training works.  
? Dependable yields from the stream for generation of hydroelectric power can be calculated.  
? Water supply to township and sewerage schemes can be properly designed.  
? Water resources account of a river basin can be prepared.  
? Operation of reservoirs can be done in an efficient manner.  
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FAQs on Hydrology & Irrigation Engineering Formulas for Civil Engineering Exam - Engineering Hydrology - Civil Engineering (CE)

1. What are some common formulas used in hydrology and irrigation engineering?
Ans. Some common formulas used in hydrology and irrigation engineering include: - The Rational Method formula, used to estimate peak runoff rates: Q = CiA, where Q is the peak runoff rate, C is the runoff coefficient, i is the rainfall intensity, and A is the catchment area. - The Manning's equation, used to calculate the flow rate in an open channel: Q = (1.49/n) * A * R^(2/3) * S^(1/2), where Q is the flow rate, n is the Manning's roughness coefficient, A is the cross-sectional area of flow, R is the hydraulic radius, and S is the slope of the channel. - The Penman-Monteith equation, used to estimate evapotranspiration rates: ET = (0.408 * Δ * (Rn - G) + γ * (900 / (T + 273)) * u2 * (es - ea)) / (Δ + γ * (1 + 0.34 * u2)), where ET is the evapotranspiration rate, Δ is the slope of the saturation vapor pressure curve, Rn is the net radiation, G is the soil heat flux, γ is the psychrometric constant, T is the air temperature, u2 is the wind speed at 2 meters above the ground, es is the saturation vapor pressure, and ea is the actual vapor pressure. - The Hazen-Williams equation, used to calculate the flow rate in a pipe: Q = 1.318 * C * d^2.63 * h^0.54, where Q is the flow rate, C is the Hazen-Williams coefficient, d is the diameter of the pipe, and h is the hydraulic grade line slope. - The Thornthwaite equation, used to estimate potential evapotranspiration: PET = (0.6 * (10 * T / I)^a), where PET is the potential evapotranspiration, T is the mean monthly temperature, I is the heat index, and a is a coefficient that depends on the latitude.
2. How is the Rational Method formula used in hydrology and irrigation engineering?
Ans. The Rational Method formula is used in hydrology and irrigation engineering to estimate peak runoff rates from a catchment area. It is commonly used in the design of stormwater drainage systems. The formula is Q = CiA, where Q is the peak runoff rate, C is the runoff coefficient, i is the rainfall intensity, and A is the catchment area. The runoff coefficient represents the fraction of rainfall that becomes runoff, and it depends on various factors such as land use, soil type, and slope. The rainfall intensity is based on the design storm event and can be determined from rainfall frequency analysis. By using the Rational Method formula, engineers can estimate the peak runoff rate and design the stormwater drainage system accordingly.
3. What is the Manning's equation and how is it used in open channel flow calculations?
Ans. The Manning's equation is a widely used formula in open channel flow calculations. It is used to determine the flow rate in an open channel based on the channel geometry and roughness characteristics. The equation is Q = (1.49/n) * A * R^(2/3) * S^(1/2), where Q is the flow rate, n is the Manning's roughness coefficient, A is the cross-sectional area of flow, R is the hydraulic radius, and S is the slope of the channel. The Manning's roughness coefficient represents the resistance to flow and depends on the roughness characteristics of the channel. The hydraulic radius is the ratio of the cross-sectional area to the wetted perimeter and is a measure of the efficiency of the channel in carrying flow. The slope of the channel is the change in elevation per unit distance. By applying the Manning's equation, engineers can calculate the flow rate in open channels and design hydraulic structures such as canals and rivers.
4. How is evapotranspiration estimated in hydrology and irrigation engineering?
Ans. Evapotranspiration is the combined process of evaporation from the Earth's surface and transpiration from plants. It is an important component in hydrology and irrigation engineering as it influences water availability and irrigation requirements. One commonly used equation to estimate evapotranspiration is the Penman-Monteith equation. The Penman-Monteith equation takes into account various meteorological parameters such as net radiation, soil heat flux, air temperature, wind speed, and vapor pressure deficit. The equation is ET = (0.408 * Δ * (Rn - G) + γ * (900 / (T + 273)) * u2 * (es - ea)) / (Δ + γ * (1 + 0.34 * u2)), where ET is the evapotranspiration rate, Δ is the slope of the saturation vapor pressure curve, Rn is the net radiation, G is the soil heat flux, γ is the psychrometric constant, T is the air temperature, u2 is the wind speed at 2 meters above the ground, es is the saturation vapor pressure, and ea is the actual vapor pressure. By using the Penman-Monteith equation, engineers can estimate evapotranspiration rates for different locations and periods, which helps in water resource management and irrigation planning.
5. What is the Hazen-Williams equation and how is it used in pipe flow calculations?
Ans. The Hazen-Williams equation is commonly used in pipe flow calculations to determine the flow rate in a pipe based on the pipe diameter and hydraulic grade line slope. The equation is Q = 1.318 * C * d^2.63 * h^0.54, where Q is the flow rate, C is the Hazen-Williams coefficient, d is the diameter of the pipe, and h is the hydraulic grade line slope. The Hazen-Williams coefficient represents the roughness characteristics of the pipe and is determined based on the material and condition of the pipe. The hydraulic grade line slope is the change in hydraulic head per unit length of the pipe. By applying the Hazen-Williams equation, engineers can calculate the flow rate in pipes and design water distribution systems for various applications such as drinking water supply and irrigation.
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