This document provides essential formulas for calculating profit and loss in transactions. It covers the basics of cost price, selling price, and the conditions for profit or loss. Key formulas include those for calculating profit percentage, loss percentage, selling price, and cost price. Additionally, it explains how to calculate successive discounts and handle percentage increase and decrease problems. These formulas are useful for anyone dealing with pricing, business transactions, or financial calculations.
Cost Price – It is basically the price at which a commodity or object is bought at. e.g. Shopkeeper buying Sugar from a Farmer to sell in his grocery store. In its short form, it is denoted as C.P.
Selling Price – The price at which the commodity is sold at. e.g. Shopkeeper selling sugar to his customer. In its short form is denoted as S.P.
Gain or Profit – If the Cost Price is less than the Selling Price, gain is made.
Loss – If Cost price is greater than the Selling price, Loss is incurred.
1. C.P in case of gain:
2. C.P in case of Loss:
3. S.P in case of Gain:
4. S.P in case of Loss:
Now, that was easy, but now let’s suppose they had said, discounts were 17% and 24% then the process becomes a little tricky but we guarantee once you practice this trick you can solve any problem within 20 seconds.
Now the above problem may look confusing, but if you practice enough. The whole above problem will take about 45 seconds.
Case 1: If there are two discounts
The formula for total discount in case of successive discounts:
If the first discount is x% and the 2nd discount is y%, then the Successive Discount Formula –
Total discount = ( x + y – xy /100)%
Example: The marked price of a shirt is Rs.1000. A shopkeeper offers 10% discount on this shirt and then again offers 20% discount on the new price. How much will you have to pay, finally?
Sol: As the successive discount is 10% and 20%
Total discount = ( x + y – xy / 100 ) %
x = 10% and y = 20%
Total discount = [ 10 + 20 – ( 10 x 20) / 100] % = ( 30 – 200 /100 ) % = 28%
Discount = 28% of 1000 = ( 28 / 100 ) x 1000 = Rs 280
Selling price (SP)= Marked price (MP) – Discount = 1000-280 = Rs720
Case 2: If there are three discounts:
It means a discount on the discount on the discount. (Analogous to Compound Interest rate, which signifies interest on interest)
If there are three discounts, x%, y% and z%, then find the total discount of x % and y % first and, using it find the total discount with z %
Example: The marked price of a shirt is Rs.1000. A shopkeeper offers 10% discount on this shirt and then again offers 20% discount on the new price, and then and then again offers 30% discount on the new price . How much will you have to pay, finally?
As the successive discount is 10% and 20% and then again 30%.Here we will move step by step and first calculate it for only two discounts, and then whatever the result comes, again calculating it fotr the result we got and the remaining discount.
Total discount = (x + y – xy / 100) %
Now, d= 28 % & z = 30 %
Total discount = (d + z – dz / 100) %
Tips and Tricks to Solve Succesive Discount based Questions
The most important question is which discount is better among Successive discount and One Time Discount. So here by means of an example, we will explain the simple tricks to solve these Successive Discount baesed questuion quickly
Example: The marked price of a shirt is Rs.1000. A shopkeeper offers
Case 1: 10% discount on this shirt and then again offers 20% discount on the new price.
Case 2: 29 % discount
Which is the better deal?
But to arrive to this point we have to do a hell lot of calculation.What you can do is use shortcut technique
Now try to Solve the same Question yourself, with 25% increase and 25% decrease.
It was quiet obvious to think that answer will be 100 but its not.
There is no direct formula for such kind of problems.
155 videos|483 docs|888 tests
1. What is the formula for calculating profit? | ![]() |
2. How can I calculate the loss percentage? | ![]() |
3. What is the formula for calculating successive discounts? | ![]() |
4. How do I calculate the increase percentage? | ![]() |
5. How can I calculate the decrease percentage? | ![]() |