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Important Questions: Poets & Pancakes | English Class 12 PDF Download

Short Answer Type Questions

Q1: Who was the English visitor to the studios and what was the purpose of his visit?
The English visitor to the studios was Stephen Spender, an English poet and editor of the British periodical 'The Encounter'. He visited the studio to deliver a speech at the invitation of Mr. Vasan, the boss of Gemini Studios. However, his purpose of visit and the reason behind his speech were not understood by the audience, and his identity was discovered by Asokamitran years later by chance.

Q2: How does the author describe the incongruity of an English poet addressing the audience at Gemini Studios?
The author describes the incongruity of an English poet addressing the audience at Gemini Studios by highlighting the language barrier and the cultural differences. The English poet's speech was in English, which the Tamil-speaking audience did not understand. The author also mentions that the poet's accent was indistinct, making it difficult for the audience to comprehend his words. This resulted in a lack of connection or understanding between the poet and the audience.

Q3: Why did the 'boy' in the makeup department come to the author? Why was the author praying for crowd shooting all the time?
Ans: The 'boy' in the makeup department came to the author to express his frustration and to highlight what he perceived as the author's wasted talent. He believed that the makeup department was fit for barbers and perverts and wanted to enlighten the author about his own literary talent. The author, however, found the 'boy's' epical narrations tiresome and prayed for crowd shooting all the time to keep the 'boy' busy and avoid his lengthy conversations.

Q4: What were the positive qualities of Subbu that the writer admired?
The writer admired Subbu for his multi-faceted genius and his contributions to Gemini Studios. Subbu had a deep understanding of the technicalities and details of film-making. He was not only a good actor but also a poet and writer. Additionally, Subbu was civil, friendly, and completely devoted to his boss, Mr. Vasan.

Q5: Why was Subbu considered number two at Gemini Studios?
Subbu was considered number two at Gemini Studios because of his close association with the boss, Mr. Vasan. Subbu pushed his way to the forefront by flattery and became the right-hand man of Mr. Vasan. His multi-faceted genius, including his skills as an actor, writer, and poet, made him indispensable to the studio. Subbu's ability to come up with alternative ideas and solutions also contributed to his position as number two at Gemini Studios.

Q6: Why was the Moral Re-armament Army welcomed at the Gemini Studios?
Ans: The Moral Re-armament Army was welcomed at the Gemini Studios because of their political affiliations and their stance against international communism. The boss of Gemini Studios, Mr. Vasan, played into their hands as he shared their aversion to communism. The people at Gemini Studios also held similar anti-communist views, making them a suitable host for the Moral Re-armament Army in India.

Q7: Which example of national integration in Gemini Studios is given in 'Poets and Pancakes'?
The example of national integration in Gemini Studios given in 'Poets and Pancakes' is the makeup department. The department was headed by individuals from different regions and backgrounds, including a Bengali, Maharashtrian, Kannadiga, Andhra, Madras Indian Christian, and Anglo-Burmese. This diverse representation in the makeup department showcased the spirit of national integration within Gemini Studios.

Q8: Why did the author appear to be doing nothing at Gemini studios?
: The author appeared to be doing nothing at Gemini Studios because his job involved cutting out newspaper clippings and storing them in files. This job was not directly related to the process of film-making at the studio, which led to the perception that the author was doing nothing. However, his work of organizing newspaper clippings was significant in its own way.

Q9: What made the lawyer lose his job? What does the writer find so funny about the situation?
The lawyer lost his job when the boss terminated the services of the poets and writers in the Gemini Studios' Story Department. As the legal adviser of the assembly of writers, the lawyer's job became redundant with the closure of the Story Department. The writer finds the situation funny because the lawyer lost his job simply because the poets and writers were told to go, highlighting the absurdity of the situation.

Q10: Kothamangalam Subbu was treated with regard in the Gemini Studios. Why?
Kothamangalam Subbu was treated with regard in the Gemini Studios because he held the number two position and was highly valued for his loyalty and contributions. Subbu used his creativity to his boss's advantage and made the art of film-making appear easy. He inspired others when commanded and had a charitable and friendly nature, earning him the respect and regard of his colleagues.

Q11: Describe the make-up room of Gemini Studios.
Ans: The make-up room of Gemini Studios looked more like a hair-cutting salon with incandescent lights at all angles and half a dozen large mirrors. The lights made the room so hot that those subjected to make-up had to put up with its ‘fiery misery’.

Q12: How was strict hierarchy maintained in the make-up room?
Each make-up man was allotted his task according to his designation. The chief make¬up man put make-up on the chief actors and actresses, his senior assistant attended to the “second” hero and heroine, the junior assistant the main comedian. The actors who played the crowd were the responsibility of the office boy.

Q13: Why did the office boy go to the author? Why was the author praying for crowd s*hooting?
The author worked in a cubicle, apparently with nothing to do. The office boy, frequently barged in to enlighten him on how Gemini Studios was allowing his great literary talent to go waste in a department fit for barbers and perverts. The author’s only hope of reprieve was to pray that make-up for crowd shooting would call him away.

Q14: What advantage did the office boy think Subbu had?
Ans: The office boy believed that Subbu’s advantage was by virtue of being born a Brahmin. This would have given him greater exposure to a more affluent society, greater opportunities and better openings.

Q15: What were Subbu’s literary achievements?
Subbu was an accomplished poet who addressed his poetry to the masses, in spite of being talented enough to write higher forms of poetry. His works included several ‘story poems’, and a full length novel, ‘Thilana Mohanambal’.

Q16: Who was Subbu’s enemy? Why?
Subbu’s success and his undisputed position as No. 2 of Gemini Studios made the office boy his enemy. He firmly believed that Subbu was responsible for all his woes, humiliating neglect, and ignominy.

Q17: Subbu was charitable and generous. Why did he have enemies?
Subbu’s closeness to the Boss and his desire to please him, made him appear to be a sychophant. His readiness to say nice things about everyone was misconstrued as cunning. So Subbu had enemies like the office boy who wished the direct things for him.

Q18: How did the legal advisor ruin an actress’ career?
When an extremely talented but temperamental actress lost her temper and blew up the producer on the sets, the lawyer quietly recorded the outburst. He then played back the recording. Utterly shocked and dumbfounded, this actress was unable to deal with the shock and terror she experienced, and her career ended.

Q19: How did the lawyer lose his job?
The lawyer lost his job when the story department of Gemini Studios was closed down. This was the first time in human history that a lawyer lost his job because the poets were asked to go home.

Q20: What did the khadi clad poets believe about Communism?
Though none of them had any abiding political ideology, they worshipped Gandhiji and were averse to Communism. To them, a Communist was a man with no filial or conjugal love, could easily kill his parents and children, and was always out to spread unrest and violence.

Q21: What role does the MRA play in the narrative?
Frank Buchman’s Moral Rearmament army was a kind of counter-movement to international Communism. They presented two plays in the Gemini Studios, with simple and homely messages, in an effort to counter the spread of communism in southern India.

Q22: Why was the English poet who visited Gemini Studios as baffled as his audience?
The poet was baffled to address an audience that was utterly dazed and silent. No one understood his accent or the content of his speech. The audience was baffled as they had no idea why an English poet had been invited to a film studio that made Tamil films for the simplest sort of people.

Q23: Why did Stephen Spender visit Gemini Studios?
Stephen Spender was a disillusioned communist. He had been invited to talk on his journey into Communism and his disillusioned return to the people of Gemini Studios who too were anti-communism.

Q24: Why does Asokamitran say that prose writing is not the true pursuit of a genius?
Asokamitran feels that prose writing requires a lot of patience and perseverance.The prose writer’s mind should be so shrunken that no rejection can disappoint him. Nothing breaks his resolve to keep making fresh copies of his prose writings to send to one editor after, another.

Q25: The boss of Gemini Studios had nothing to do with Spender’s poetry but not with his ‘God that failed’. Explain.
Years later, the mystery of Stephen Spender’s visit to Gemini Studios became clear to the author when he chanced upon the book,‘The God That Failed’, and read Spender’s essay. He realised that the Boss, S.S.Vasan, had deliberately brought the English poet to Gemini Studios to destroy all illusions about Communism among its simple inmates.

Q26: What does the author refer to as Pancake? Name the actresses who must have used it.
Pancake was the brand name of a make-up material. Truckloads of this material were used by Gemini Studios. Greta Garbo, Miss Gohar and Vyajayantimala might have used it. But Rati Agnihotri might not have even heard of it.

Q27: Where was the make-up department of the Gemini Studios? Does the author think the building was what it was believed to be?
The make-up department was located in the upstairs of a building that was believed to have been Robert Clive’s stables. But the author does not think it was actually so. There were many buildings in the city supposed to have been Clive’s residences.

Q28: In what sense was Subbu loyal to the boss?
Subbu was totally loyal to the boss. He fully identified himself with him. He put all his creativity to the benefit of his boss. He felt inspired whenever commanded. He could suggest to the boss a number of ways to deal with a difficult scene or situation in a film.

Q29: In what way was Subbu better than the office boy?
Subbu was No. 2 at Gemini Studios. However, in reality he was in no better position than the office boy. He had to face more difficulties. But Subbu had more affluent exposure and many abilities.

Q30: What was the poet’s preconceived idea about a Communist?
The poet’s thought that a Communist was a godless person. He loved neither his children nor his wife. He was a terrorist, always prepared to cause violence and unrest among innocent and ignorant people.

Long Answer Type Questions

Q11: Asokamitran has used humour and satire effectively in ‘Poets and Pancakes’. Discuss.
In the chapter, ‘Poets and Pancakes’, Asokamitran uses a lot of subtle humour and satire to highlight human foibles. Petty professional differences and inconsequential differences not only keep our minds occupied but also bring out a subtle humour that is spontaneous without being superfluous. The characterisation of the office boy, Subbu and the legal advisor, have subtle touches of humour. Asokamitran’s chatty style changes from one thought to the other rather quickly. For example, he makes fun of the makeup applied to artists which can change any decent looking person into a hideous crimson hued monster. Such references invoke laughter. The purpose of the visits of the Moral Rearmament Army and the English poet also baffles everyone. Satire is also directed towards people who are against communism and can go to any length to oppose it. The writer’s tone of ridicule is devoid of the slightest trace of mockery, which is most commendable.

Q12: Why and how was the Moral Re-Armament Army welcomed at the Gemini Studios?
Frank Buchman’s Moral Re-Armament Army comprising of a group of two hundred people belonging to twenty nationalities visited Madras in 1952. The MRA was seen to be a counter movement to international communism and people at the Gemini Studios did not think highly of communism and communists. But Mr. Vasan, the boss at Gemini Studios was fascinated by the MRA, so they could not have found a ‘warmer’ host than Gemini Studios in India. The MRA presented two plays ‘Jotham Valley’ and ‘The Forgotten Factor’ in the most professional manner. Six hundred people of the Gemini Studios saw the plays many times. These plays conveyed simple messages but their sets and costumes were ‘first rate’. They impressed both the Tamil drama community and the Gemini Studios. The sunrise and sunset scenes of ‘Jotham Valley’ continued to be copied for years to come.

Q13: What political significance does Gemini Studios’ invitation to Moral Re-Armament army and Stephen Spender show?
The Moral Re-Armament army was a kind of counter movement to Communism and the people at the Gemini Studios had a natural aversion towards Communists and Communism. They considered that the aim of Communists was to spread unrest and violence. So by being a ‘warm host’ to the Moral Re¬Armament army the people at the Gemini Studios actually displayed a counter movement to the ideas of Communism. By inviting Stephen Spender, once again the purpose of the Gemini Studios was to highlight how a renowned English poet, who was once attracted to Communism, was later completely disillusioned by it. This further strengthened their aversion to Communism and they were able to publicly display this aversion.

Q14: Why is Subbu described as a many-sided genius? Give a reasoned answer.
It is through the character of Kothamangalam Subbu, that the author depicts a caricature of the so-called ‘go-getters’ who are not really talented but manage to create an aura of talent around themselves. Though officially on the rolls of the Story Department at Gemini Studios, he was always with the boss. Subbu directs all his energies and creativity to his boss’ advantage. He delves into the various spheres of film-making successfully giving the impression of being a brilliant story-writer, a talented actor and a man who is always ready with many solutions for any problem. He makes the art of filmmaking appear rather easy for his boss. Thus Subbu with his scheming nature takes advantage of his boss’ gullibility and passes off himself as a multi-sided genius with multi-faceted abilities.

Q15: Subbu was ‘tailor-made for films’. How did he use his genius in various activities in the Gemini Studios?
The author portrays Subbu as a man of versatile abilities who could delve into various aspects of film-making successfully. Subbu had mastered all the arts related to film-making ranging from story-writing to poetry and characterisation. He was in fact ‘tailor-made’ for film-making. Film-making seemed rather easy with an expert like Subbu walking around as he understood all the trivialities and technicalities of film-making. Subbu was the one who gave ‘a new direction and definition’ to the Gemini Studios during its golden years. Subbu directed his entire energies and creativity to his boss, Mr. Vasan’s advantage. If his boss was dissatisfied with one scene Subbu would offer him many alternatives. He understood all the complications of film-making and could showcase his talent in every artistic arena.

Q16: ‘Subbu was a troubleshooter.’ Do you agree with this statement? Give an account of Subbu’s qualities of head and heart.
Subbu was a perfectly selfish go-getter whose obsequiousness brought him close to his boss and shot him to number two position at Gemini Studios. He was a very conniving person who took advantage of his boss’ gullibility and portrayed himself as a rather competent and able person. Though he was undeserving and lacked talent, he always remained cheerful and did not let anything dampen his spirits. He always had something good to say about everyone. Film-making appeared easy with an expert like Subbu around. He used all his energy and creativity to his boss’ advantage. Subbu was also a great poet and an amazing actor. He wrote truly original poems for the masses and as an actor he played secondary roles better than the main actors. His sycophancy to his boss earned him enemies. Also he angered many such people who considered themselves much more talented and deserving than him.

Q17: Describe the make-up department of the Gemini Studios. How did it prepare the players for a movie?

The make-up department of the Gemini Studios was located in the upstairs of Robert Clive’s stables. They bought and lavishly used truckloads of a make-up material called Pancake. The make-up room contained large mirrors and bright lights set at various angles. It looked like a hair-cutting salon. It was a terrible experience for an actor or actress to undergo the make-up.
The lights generated intense heat. The members of the make-up department represented different parts of India. It symbolised national integration. Ninety-five per cent of the shooting of a film during those days was done on the sets. It demanded that every pore of the actors’ faces should be closed. Thus, they were painted, and looked ugly. A strict hierarchy was maintained. The chief make-up man made the hero and the heroine ugly. The office boy painted the crowd players ugly.

Q18: What was Moral Rearmament Army? Describe their visit to the Gemini Studios.
Ans: Frank Buchman’s Moral Rearmament Army visited the Gemini Studios in 1952. It was a drama company. In reality, it was a counter movement to international communism. It had two-hundred players and was called an international circus. The players belonged to twenty different nationalities.
They presented two plays in the most professional manner. The plays represented simple homilies and the costumes and sets were superb. Their play, ‘Jotham Valley” impressed the Tamil theatre. They imitated the sunrise and sunset scenes in their manner for years. The scenes were played on a bare stage with a white background and a tune played on the flute.Though the MRA was anti-communist and the anti-communist feeling existed at the Studios, the coming of the MRA had no impact on the attitude of the bosses; their enterprises went on as usual.

The document Important Questions: Poets & Pancakes | English Class 12 is a part of the Class 12 Course English Class 12.
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FAQs on Important Questions: Poets & Pancakes - English Class 12

1. Who are the main characters in the story "Poets & Pancakes"?
Ans. The main characters in the story "Poets & Pancakes" are Rajaram, a poet and writer, and Mr. Sampath, the owner of a popular film magazine.
2. What is the central theme of the story "Poets & Pancakes"?
Ans. The central theme of the story "Poets & Pancakes" is the struggle and sacrifices faced by artists in the entertainment industry, particularly in the world of cinema.
3. How does the story "Poets & Pancakes" depict the challenges faced by artists?
Ans. The story "Poets & Pancakes" depicts the challenges faced by artists through the character of Rajaram, who struggles to make a living as a writer in the film industry. It highlights the exploitation, lack of recognition, and the compromises artists often have to make to survive in the industry.
4. What is the significance of the title "Poets & Pancakes"?
Ans. The title "Poets & Pancakes" symbolizes the contrast between the artistic and commercial aspects of the film industry. "Poets" represents the creative and artistic side, while "Pancakes" symbolizes the commercial and profit-driven nature of the industry. It reflects the conflict between art and commerce faced by artists in the story.
5. How does the story "Poets & Pancakes" comment on the power dynamics in the film industry?
Ans. The story "Poets & Pancakes" comments on the power dynamics in the film industry by portraying the control and influence of producers and directors over artists. It showcases how artists are often at the mercy of those in power and how they are forced to comply with their demands to maintain their careers. The story sheds light on the unequal power relationships that exist in the industry.
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