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Inside our Earth - Class 7 PDF Download

The earth our home leg is a diabetic planet it is constantly undergoing changes inside and outside.

Interior of the earth

Our Earth is covered by the layers

Crust mantle and core

Crust the uppermost layer over the Earth's surface is called crust it is the thinnest of all the layers it is about 35 km on the continental masses and only 5 kilometre on the ocean floor.

The main mineral.  constituent of the continental mass are silica and Aluminium . IIT is first called sial. Just beneath the crust is the mental which extend off to depth of 2900 km below the crust the innermost layer is the core switch a radius about 3500 km it is mainly made up of nickel and iron and is called life the central court has very high temperature.

Rocks and minerals

the earth's crust is made up of various type of rocks any natural number or minerals matter that makes of the earth crust is called a rock rocks can be of different colour size and texture.

there are three major types of rocks igneous rocks sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks.

Igneous rocks

when the molten magma schools in becomes solid Rock stars from and called igneous rocks are also called primary rocks there are two different types of igneous rocks extrusive rocks inclusive rocks.

Extrusive igneous rocks 

When the molten lava comes on the surface of the earth it rapidly cools down and become solid rocks formed in such a way on the cross are called extrusive igneous rocks they have a very fine grained structure for example basalt.

Intrusive igneous rocks

when the molten magma cools deep inside the earth crust solid Rock so formed are called instrusive igneous rocks.

Sedimentary rocks.

Rocks roll down crack and hit each other and are broke down into small particles call sediment s .

When the sediment are deposit by the help of wind water etc. this loss sediments are compressed to form a layer of Rock.

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FAQs on Inside our Earth - Class 7

1. What is the composition of Earth's inner core?
Ans. The inner core of the Earth is primarily composed of solid iron and nickel. It is believed to have a temperature of around 5,000 to 6,000 degrees Celsius.
2. How is the outer core of the Earth different from the inner core?
Ans. Unlike the inner core, the outer core of the Earth is in a liquid state. It is also composed of iron and nickel, but it has a slightly lower density. The outer core is responsible for generating the Earth's magnetic field.
3. What are tectonic plates and how do they move?
Ans. Tectonic plates are large pieces of the Earth's lithosphere that float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath them. These plates are constantly moving due to the convection currents in the asthenosphere. They can collide, separate, or slide past each other, resulting in various geological phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the formation of mountains.
4. How do scientists study the Earth's interior?
Ans. Scientists study the Earth's interior using various techniques, including seismic waves, drilling, and satellite measurements. Seismic waves, generated by earthquakes or artificially created explosions, provide valuable information about the Earth's interior structure. Through drilling, scientists can obtain direct samples from the Earth's crust and study the composition. Satellite measurements help in mapping the Earth's surface and monitoring changes in the Earth's magnetic field.
5. What is the significance of studying the Earth's interior?
Ans. Studying the Earth's interior is crucial for understanding the planet's geological processes, such as plate tectonics, earthquakes, and volcanic activity. It helps us predict and mitigate natural hazards, as well as explore and exploit Earth's resources like minerals, oil, and gas. Understanding the Earth's interior also provides insights into the formation and evolution of our planet and helps us unravel the mysteries of its past and future.
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