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Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE) PDF Download

Instructional Objectives

After reading this chapter the student will be able to

1. Calculate stiffness factors and distribution factors for various members in a continuous beam.
2. Define unbalanced moment at a rigid joint.
3. Compute distribution moment and carry-over moment.
4. Derive expressions for distribution moment, carry-over moments.
5. Analyse continuous beam by the moment-distribution method


In the previous lesson we discussed the slope-deflection method. In slopedeflection analysis, the unknown displacements (rotations and translations) are related to the applied loading on the structure. The slope-deflection method results in a set of simultaneous equations of unknown displacements. The number of simultaneous equations will be equal to the number of unknowns to be evaluated. Thus one needs to solve these simultaneous equations to obtain displacements and beam end moments. Today, simultaneous equations could be solved very easily using a computer. Before the advent of electronic computing, this really posed a problem as the number of equations in the case of multistory building is quite large. The moment-distribution method proposed by Hardy Cross in 1932, actually solves these equations by the method of successive approximations. In this method, the results may be obtained to any desired degree of accuracy. Until recently, the moment-distribution method was very popular among engineers. It is very simple and is being used even today for preliminary analysis of small structures. It is still being taught in the classroom for the simplicity and physical insight it gives to the analyst even though stiffness method is being used more and more. Had the computers not emerged on the scene, the moment-distribution method could have turned out to be a very popular method. In this lesson, first moment-distribution method is developed for continuous beams with unyielding supports.

Basic Concepts

In moment-distribution method, counterclockwise beam end moments are taken as positive. The counterclockwise beam end moments produce clockwise moments on the joint Consider a continuous beam ABCD as shown in Fig.18.1a. In this beam, ends A and D are fixed and hence,θA = θD = 0 .Thus, the deformation of this beam is completely defined by rotations θB and θC at joints B and C respectively. The required equation to evaluate θB and θC is obtained by considering equilibrium of joints B and C. Hence,

∑ MB = 0 ⇒ MBA + MBC = 0                                       (18.1a)

∑ MC = 0 ⇒ MCB + MCD = 0                                      (18.1b)

According to slope-deflection equation, the beam end moments are written as

Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE) is known as stiffness factor for the beam AB and it is denoted by Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE) is the fixed end moment at joint B of beam AB when joint B is fixed.


Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)
Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)
Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                                              (18.2)

In Fig.18.1b, the counterclockwise beam-end moments MBA and MBC produce a clockwise moment MB on the joint as shown in Fig.18.1b. To start with, in moment-distribution method, it is assumed that joints are locked i.e. joints are prevented from rotating. In such a case (vide Fig.18.1b),

θB = θC = 0, and hence

Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)
Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                                   (18.3)

Since joints B and C are artificially held locked, the resultant moment at joints B and C will not be equal to zero. This moment is denoted MB by and is known as the unbalanced moment.

Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)
Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)
Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)


Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

In reality joints are not locked. Joints B and C do rotate under external loads. When the joint B is unlocked, it will rotate under the action of unbalanced moment MB. Let the joint B rotate by an angle θB1 , under the action of MB. This will deform the structure as shown in Fig.18.1d and introduces distributed moment  Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE) in the span BA and BC respectively as shown in the figure. The unknown distributed moments are assumed to be positive and hence act in counterclockwise direction. The unbalanced moment is the algebraic sum of the fixed end moments and act on the joint in the clockwise direction. The unbalanced moment restores the equilibrium of the joint B. Thus, Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)              (18.4)

The distributed moments are related to the rotation θB1 by the slope-deflection equation.

Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                      (18.5)

Substituting equation (18.5) in (18.4), yields 

Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

In general,

Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                  (18.6)

where summation is taken over all the members meeting at that particular joint. Substituting the value of θB1 in equation (18.5), distributed moments are calculated. Thus,Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                      (18.7)

The ratio  Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE) is known as the distribution factor and is represented by DFBA.


Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                 (18.8)

The distribution moments developed in a member meeting at B, when the joint B is unlocked and allowed to rotate under the action of unbalanced moment MB is equal to a distribution factor times the unbalanced moment with its sign reversed.

As the joint B rotates under the action of the unbalanced moment, beam end moments are developed at ends of members meeting at that joint and are known as distributed moments. As the joint B rotates, it bends the beam and beam end moments at the far ends (i.e. at A and C) are developed. They are known as carry over moments. Now consider the beam BC of continuous beam ABCD.

When the joint B is unlocked, joint C is locked .The joint B rotates by θB1 under the action of unbalanced moment MB (vide Fig. 18.1e). Now from slopedeflection equations

Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)
Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                                (18.9)

Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)
Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)
Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

The carry over moment is one half of the distributed moment and has the same sign. With the above discussion, we are in a position to apply momentdistribution method to statically indeterminate beam. Few problems are solved here to illustrate the procedure. Carefully go through the first problem, wherein the moment-distribution method is explained in detail.

The document Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE) is a part of the Civil Engineering (CE) Course Structural Analysis.
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FAQs on Introduction: The Moment Distribution Method - 1 - Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

1. What is the moment distribution method in civil engineering?
Ans. The moment distribution method is a structural analysis technique used in civil engineering to determine the distribution of moments and shear forces in a structure. It is particularly useful for analyzing continuous beams and frames with multiple supports.
2. How does the moment distribution method work?
Ans. The moment distribution method works by distributing the moments at the supports of a structure based on the stiffness of each member. The method involves a series of iterations, where the moments are redistributed until equilibrium is achieved. This iterative process helps to reduce the moments and shear forces in the structure, resulting in a more accurate analysis.
3. What are the advantages of using the moment distribution method?
Ans. The moment distribution method offers several advantages in structural analysis. Firstly, it provides a more accurate representation of the actual behavior of the structure compared to other analysis methods. Secondly, it is relatively simple and intuitive, making it easier for engineers to understand and apply. Additionally, it allows for the consideration of both flexural and axial rigidity in the analysis, which is important for accurately predicting the structural behavior.
4. Are there any limitations or assumptions associated with the moment distribution method?
Ans. Yes, there are limitations and assumptions associated with the moment distribution method. One limitation is that it is not suitable for structures with significant axial deformations or lateral deflections. It also assumes that the structure behaves in a linear-elastic manner, which may not hold true for highly nonlinear materials or extreme loading conditions. Additionally, the method assumes that the joints are rigid and that there is no torsional deformation in the members.
5. How is the moment distribution method applied in practice?
Ans. To apply the moment distribution method in practice, the engineer first determines the stiffness of each member in the structure. Then, the moments at the supports are initially assumed and the distribution factors are calculated. The method involves a series of iterations, where the moments are redistributed based on the distribution factors until equilibrium is achieved. The final moments and shear forces can then be used to analyze the structural behavior and design the necessary reinforcement.
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