Mechanical properties of metal indicate the nature of its inherent behavior under the action of the external force.
Or, we can say mechanical properties are the properties of the metal which are associated with its ability to resist failure under the action of external forces.
Some of the most important Mechanical properties of the metal are:
1. Ductility
Ductility is the property by virtue of which material can be stretched to a reduced section under the action of tensile force.
Large deformations are thus possible in ductile materials before the absolute failure or rupture takes place, some of the examples are mild steel, aluminium, copper, manganese, lead, nickel, brass, bronze, monal metal etc.
Question for Mechanical Properties of Metals
Try yourself:It is the property of the material or a structure indicating the extent to which it can deform beyond the limit of yield deformation before failure or fracture is termed as:
The property of a material by virtue of which, it can be drawn into the wire with the application of tensile force is known as ductility.
It is the property of a structure that indicates yield deformation before the fracture in the structure.
It is measured as the ratio of elongation of the material at the fracture during the tensile test to the original length, expressed as a percentage.
It may also be expressed as the ratio of reduction in the cross-sectional area in the fractured specimen to the original cross-section area.
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2. Brittleness
Brittleness is the lack of ductility i.e. material can not be stretched. In brittle materials, failure takes place with a relatively smaller deformation. This property is undesirable. For brittle materials fracture point & ultimate points are same, and after proportional limit very small strain is seen. Some of the examples are cast iron, concrete and glass.
Brittle Metal
To distinguish between these two types of materials, materials with strain less than 5% at fracture point are regarded as brittle and those having strains greater than 5% at fracture point are called ductile. (This value for mild steel at fracture is about 25%).
Question for Mechanical Properties of Metals
Try yourself:The tendency of material to fracture without appreciable deformation is called ______.
Brittleness: The property of a material by which it cannot be drawn out by tension into a smaller section is called brittleness. A brittle material fails instantly under the load without any significant deformation. E.g. cast iron, concrete, glass, etc.
Plasticity: Plasticity is a mechanical property of materials that shows the ability to deform under stress without breaking while retaining the deformed shape after the load is lifted. Metals with higher plasticity are better for forming. E.g. aluminium, copper etc.
Stiffness: Stiffness is expressed as Young’s modulus, also known as the modulus of elasticity. As one of the primary mechanical properties of materials, it defines the relationship between stress and strain. The bigger its value, the stiffer the material. Stiff material does not compress nor elongates easily.
Toughness: A tough material can take hard blows without rupturing. Toughness is often defined as a material’s ability to absorb energy without cracking. It is a combination of strength and plasticity.
Hardness: High-hardness values show that a material resists localized pressures. In simple terms, hard material is not easy to scrape or punctuate with lasting marks (plastic deformation).
Fatigue Strength: It expresses a material’s ability to withstand cyclic stresses.
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3. Malleability
The property by which a material can be uniformly extended in all direction without rupture. A malleable material possess a high degree of plasticity. This property is of great use in operations like forging, hot rolling, drop (stamping) etc.
Question for Mechanical Properties of Metals
Try yourself:A good malleable material possess: _______.
Malleability is the property by virtue of which a material may be hammered or rolled into thin sheets without rupture.
This property generally increases with the increase of temperature.
Malleability is the ability of a metal to exhibit large deformation or plastic response when being subjected to a compressive force.
Lead, soft steel, wrought iron, silver, copper and aluminum are some materials in order of diminishing malleability.
Graphite is soft (Van der Walls forces) between two sheets of carbon atoms. But It is not malleable like metal, because of lack of plastic deformation (no dislocation movement in its structure).
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4. Toughness
The property which enables materials to absorb energy without fracture. This property is very desirable in case of cyclic loading or shock loading.
The “Modulus of toughness” is measured as area under entire stress-strain curve and is the energy absorbed by material of the specimen per unit volume upto fracture stage.
Modulus of toughness
Sty is the tensile yield strength,
Stu is the tensile ultimate strength,
εy is the strain at yield,
εu is the ultimate strain (total strain at failure), and
E is the elastic modulus.
The modules of toughness will depend upon ultimate tensile strength and strain at failure (fracture strain). Hence the material which is very ductile will exhibit a higher modulus of toughness as the case with mild steel.
On the other hand the “Modulus of resilience” depends upon yield strength and hence a material with higher yield strength will have higher modulus of resilience
The ‘Modulus of resilience’ is the maximum elastic energy per unit volume that can be absorbed without attaining plastic stage. Modulus of resilience (u)=
Higher toughness a desirable property in materials used for gears, chains, crane hooks, freight car etc. Higher resilience is desirable in springs.
5. Hardness
Hardness is defined as the resistance to indentation or scratching or surface abrasion.
Based upon this there are two methods of hardness measurement : (i) Scratch hardness - Commonly measured by Mohr's test. (ii) Indentation hardness (abrasion) measured by deformation. 1. Brinell hardness method 2. Rockwell hardness 3. Vickers hardness 4. Knoop hardness
It should be noted that ductile materials are tough and brittle materials are hard.
6. Fatigue
It has been found that material behave differently under the static loading and dynamic loading.
The behaviour of material under variable loads (dynamic loads) is referred to as “fatigue”. In recent past several failures of structures have been noted due to fatigue.
Factors affecting fatigue are: (i) Loading conditions (ii) Frequency of loading (iii) Corrosion (iv) Temperature (v) Stress concentration
Question for Mechanical Properties of Metals
Try yourself:A member which is subjected to reversible tensile or compressive stresses may fail at stresses lower than the ultimate stresses of the material. This property of metal is called_______.
Plasticity of the metal-
(i) The characteristics of the metal by which it undergoes inelastic strain beyond those at the elastic limit is Known as plasticity.
(ii) Plasticity can be described as the increase in strain at the same stress level. The ductile metals shows more plasticity.
Workability of the metal-
(i) Workability is defined as the extent to which a material be deformed in a specific metal working process without the formation of cracks. If ductility of the material is high the material can be mechanically worked with ease.
Fatigue of the metal-
(i) A member which is subjected to reversible tensile or compressive stresses may fail at stresses may fail at stresses lower than the ultimate stresses of the material. This property of metal is called fatigue of the metal.
(ii) Due to cyclic or reverse cyclic loading fracture failure may occur if total accumulated strain energy exceeds the toughness. Fatigue causes rough fracture surface even in ductile metals.
(i) It is a permanent deformation which is recorded with passage of time at constant loading. It is plastic deformation in nature.
(ii) The temperature at which creep is uncontrollable is called homologous temperature.
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7. Creep & Stress Relaxation
At any temperature, a material will progressively deform with the passage of time under constant loading, even if the stress is below yield point, this phenomenon is called creep. However such deformation is negligibly small at lower temperature.
At higher temperature, due to greater mobility of atoms, most of the material sloose their strength and elastic constants also get reduced. Hence greater deformation at elevated temperature results even under constant loading. Therefore creep is more pronounced at higher temperature, hence it must be considered for design of engines & furnaces.
The temperature at which the creep becomes very appreciable is half of the melting point temperature on absolute scale and is known as “Homologous temperature”.
If a wire of metal is stretched between two immovable supports, so that it has an initial tension stress so. The stress in the wire gradually diminishes, eventually reaching a constant value. This process, which is a manifestation of creep, is called “Stress relaxation”.
FAQs on Mechanical Properties of Metals - Strength of Materials (SOM) - Mechanical Engineering
1. What are the common mechanical properties of metals?
Ans. Common mechanical properties of metals include strength, hardness, ductility, elasticity, and toughness.
2. How are the mechanical properties of metals tested?
Ans. The mechanical properties of metals are typically tested using methods such as tensile testing, hardness testing, impact testing, and fatigue testing.
3. What is the difference between strength and hardness in metals?
Ans. Strength refers to the ability of a metal to withstand an applied force without deforming or breaking, while hardness refers to the resistance of a metal to penetration or indentation.
4. How does ductility affect the performance of metals in engineering applications?
Ans. Ductility is the ability of a metal to deform under tensile stress before fracturing. Metals with high ductility are preferred in engineering applications where deformation is required without fracture.
5. Why is it important to understand the mechanical properties of metals in material selection for manufacturing processes?
Ans. Understanding the mechanical properties of metals is crucial in material selection for manufacturing processes to ensure that the chosen metal can withstand the specific mechanical stresses and loads it will be subjected to in its intended application.