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Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE) PDF Download

Instructional Objectives:

The objectives of this lesson are as follows:

  • Understand the moving load effect in simpler term
  • Study various definitions of influence line
  • Introduce to simple procedures for construction of influence lines


In earlier lessons, you were introduced to statically determinate and statically indeterminate structural analysis under non-moving load (dead load or fixed loads). In this lecture, you will be introduced to determination of maximum internal actions at cross-sections of members of statically determinate structured under the effects of moving loads (live loads).

Common sense tells us that when a load moves over a structure, the deflected shape of the structural will vary. In the process, we can arrive at simple conclusion that due to moving load position on the structure, reactions value at the support also will vary.

From the designer’s point of view, it is essential to have safe structure, which doesn’t exceed the limits of deformations and also the limits of load carrying capacity of the structure.

Definitions of influence line

In the literature, researchers have defined influence line in many ways. Some of the definitions of influence line are given below.

  • An influence line is a diagram whose ordinates, which are plotted as a function of distance along the span, give the value of an internal force, a reaction, or a displacement at a particular point in a structure as a unit load move across the structure.
  • An influence line is a curve the ordinate to which at any point equals the value of some particular function due to unit load acting at that point.
  • An influence line represents the variation of either the reaction, shear, moment, or deflection at a specific point in a member as a unit concentrated force moves over the member.

Construction of Influence Lines

In this section, we will discuss about the construction of influence lines. Using any one of the two approaches (Figure 37.1), one can construct the influence line at a specific point P in a member for any parameter (Reaction, Shear or Moment). In the present approaches it is assumed that the moving load is having dimensionless magnitude of unity. Classification of the approaches for construction of influence lines is given in Figure 37.1.

Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Tabulate Values

Apply a unit load at different locations along the member, say at x. And these locations, apply statics to compute the value of parameter (reaction, shear, or moment) at the specified point. The best way to use this approach is to prepare a table, listing unit load at x versus the corresponding value of the parameter calculated at the specific point (i.e. Reaction R, Shear V or moment M) and plot the tabulated values so that influence line segments can be constructed.

Sign Conventions

Sign convention followed for shear and moment is given below.

ParameterSign for influence line
Reaction RPositive at the point when it acts upward on the beam.
Shear V

Positive for the following case

Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Moment MMoving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Influence Line Equations

Influence line can be constructed by deriving a general mathematical equation to compute parameters (e.g. reaction, shear or moment) at a specific point under the effect of moving load at a variable position x.

The above discussed both approaches are demonstrated with the help of simple numerical examples in the following paragraphs.

Numerical Examples
 Example 1:

Construct the influence line for the reaction at support B for the beam of span 10 m. The beam structure is shown in Figure 37.2.

Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

As discussed earlier, there are two ways this problem can be solved. Both the approaches will be demonstrated here.

Tabulate values:
As shown in the figure, a unit load is places at distance x from support A and the reaction value RB is calculated by taking moment with reference to support A. Let us say, if the load is placed at 2.5 m. from support A then the reaction RB can be calculated as follows (Figure 37.3).

Σ MA = 0 : RB x 10 - 1 x 2.5 = 0 ⇒ RB = 0.25

Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Similarly, the load can be placed at 5.0, 7.5 and 10 m. away from support A and reaction RB can be computed and tabulated as given below.

Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Graphical representation of influence line for RB is shown in Figure 37.4.

Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Influence Line Equation:
When the unit load is placed at any location between two supports from support A at distance x then the equation for reaction RB can be written as

Σ MA = 0 : RB x 10 – x = 0 ⇒ RB = x/10

The influence line using this equation is shown in Figure 37.4.

Example 2:
Construct the influence line for support reaction at B for the given beam as shown in Fig 37.5.

Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

As explained earlier in example 1, here we will use tabulated values and influence line equation approach.

Tabulate Values: 
As shown in the figure, a unit load is places at distance x from support A and the reaction value RB is calculated by taking moment with reference to support A. Let us say, if the load is placed at 2.5 m. from support A then the reaction RB can be calculated as follows.

Σ MA = 0 : RB x 7.5 - 1 x 2.5 = 0 ⇒ RB = 0.33

Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Similarly one can place a unit load at distances 5.0 m and 7.5 m from support A and compute reaction at B. When the load is placed at 10.0 m from support A, then reaction at B can be computed using following equation.

Σ MA = 0 : RB x 7.5 - 1 x 10.0 = 0 ⇒ RB = 1.33

Similarly a unit load can be placed at 12.5 and the reaction at B can be computed. The values of reaction at B are tabulated as follows.

Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Graphical representation of influence line for RB is shown in Figure 37.7.

Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Influence line Equation:

Applying the moment equation at A (Figure 37.6),

Σ MA = 0 : RB x 7.5 - 1 x x = 0 ⇒ RB = x/7.5

The influence line using this equation is shown in Figure 37.7.

Example 3:
Construct the influence line for shearing point C of the beam (Figure 37.8)

Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Tabulated Values:

As discussed earlier, place a unit load at different location at distance x from support A and find the reactions at A and finally computer shear force taking section at C. The shear force at C should be carefully computed when unit load is placed before point C (Figure 37.9) and after point C (Figure 37.10). The resultant values of shear force at C are tabulated as follows.

Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Figure 37.9: The beam structure – a unit load before section

Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Figure 37.10: The beam structure - a unit load before section

Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Graphical representation of influence line for Vc is shown in Figure 37.11. 
Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Influence line equation:
In this case, we need to determine two equations as the unit load position before point C (Figure 37.12) and after point C (Figure 37.13) will show different shear force sign due to discontinuity. The equations are plotted in Figure 37.11.

Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Figure 37.12: Free body diagram – a unit load before section

Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Influence Line for Moment:
Like shear force, we can also construct influence line for moment.

The document Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE) is a part of the Civil Engineering (CE) Course Structural Analysis.
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FAQs on Moving Load & Its Effects on Structural Members - 1 - Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

1. What is a moving load and how does it affect structural members?
Ans. A moving load refers to a load that moves along a structural member, such as a vehicle traveling on a bridge. When a moving load passes over a structural member, it induces dynamic forces and vibrations, which can result in additional stresses and deflections in the member. These dynamic effects need to be considered in the design and analysis of structural members to ensure their safe and efficient performance.
2. What are the potential effects of a moving load on a structural member?
Ans. The effects of a moving load on a structural member can include increased stresses, deflections, and vibrations. These effects can lead to fatigue accumulation, where repeated loading and unloading cycles weaken the member over time. Additionally, the dynamic forces induced by the moving load can cause resonance or amplification of vibrations at specific frequencies, which can further compromise the structural integrity of the member.
3. How is the impact of a moving load on a structural member calculated?
Ans. The impact of a moving load on a structural member is calculated using dynamic analysis techniques. These techniques involve considering the vehicle's characteristics, such as speed, weight, and wheel spacing, as well as the structural properties of the member, such as its stiffness and damping. By simulating the interaction between the moving load and the member, engineers can determine the resulting forces, stresses, and deflections to ensure that the member can safely withstand the load.
4. What are the design considerations for structural members subjected to moving loads?
Ans. When designing structural members subjected to moving loads, several considerations need to be taken into account. These include determining the magnitude and distribution of the load, analyzing the member's response to the load-induced forces and vibrations, assessing the member's fatigue life, and designing appropriate support systems to minimize the dynamic effects. Additionally, factors such as material selection, structural detailing, and maintenance practices play a crucial role in ensuring the long-term performance and safety of the member.
5. How does the speed of a moving load affect its impact on structural members?
Ans. The speed of a moving load has a significant impact on its effects on structural members. As the speed increases, the dynamic forces and vibrations induced by the load also increase. This can result in higher stresses and deflections in the member, potentially leading to accelerated fatigue damage. Therefore, it is important to consider the speed of the moving load when analyzing and designing structural members to ensure their safe and efficient performance under different operating conditions.
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