Grade 10 Exam  >  Grade 10 Notes  >  Health and Physical Education for Grade 10  >  NCERT Textbook: Safety Measures for Healthy Living

NCERT Textbook: Safety Measures for Healthy Living | Health and Physical Education for Grade 10 PDF Download

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 Page 1

Our ancient scriptures give great emphasis on safe and sound 
life. Rigveda says, “Self preservation is the first law of nature.”  
Thus, safety and security should be our primary concern. 
However, injuries and accidents cannot be predicted. These 
may occur anywhere and anytime. If they are not managed 
properly, they may have consequences like physical or 
mental disability. Therefore, they need to be prevented and 
managed properly. We try to minimise accidents with the 
help of safety measures. In this chapter we will be learning 
about precautions to keep ourselves safe and secure. First 
aid is essential before advanced medical care is available. 
Drug or substance abuse and its effects and prevention are 
also discussed in this chapter.
Safety at the Work Place Many injuries and accidents are reported at work place as 
well as in playfield. Factors like congested space, faulty 
equipments, improper methodology and carelessness cause 
these. For example, while working with chemicals in chemistry 
laboratory, working with equipment in physics laboratory or 
on playground, one needs to be careful. Every action (with or 
without equipment) govern with proper rules and methodology 
which are helpful to minimise chances of accidents. 
Safety while working with machines
Machines, whether hand operated or automatic, make 
life easy and comfortable. But they may be the cause of 
physical injuries and accidents if not handled carefully. 
There are certain dos and don’ts for safety while working on  
machines —
 • Wash hands to remove oil and grease or use chalk 
powder for proper handling.
 • Avoid wearing loose clothes. They can get entangled 
with machines.
Safety MeaSureS  
for HealtHy 
 l iving Chap-10.indd   181 8/24/2020   11:45:08 AM
Page 2

Our ancient scriptures give great emphasis on safe and sound 
life. Rigveda says, “Self preservation is the first law of nature.”  
Thus, safety and security should be our primary concern. 
However, injuries and accidents cannot be predicted. These 
may occur anywhere and anytime. If they are not managed 
properly, they may have consequences like physical or 
mental disability. Therefore, they need to be prevented and 
managed properly. We try to minimise accidents with the 
help of safety measures. In this chapter we will be learning 
about precautions to keep ourselves safe and secure. First 
aid is essential before advanced medical care is available. 
Drug or substance abuse and its effects and prevention are 
also discussed in this chapter.
Safety at the Work Place Many injuries and accidents are reported at work place as 
well as in playfield. Factors like congested space, faulty 
equipments, improper methodology and carelessness cause 
these. For example, while working with chemicals in chemistry 
laboratory, working with equipment in physics laboratory or 
on playground, one needs to be careful. Every action (with or 
without equipment) govern with proper rules and methodology 
which are helpful to minimise chances of accidents. 
Safety while working with machines
Machines, whether hand operated or automatic, make 
life easy and comfortable. But they may be the cause of 
physical injuries and accidents if not handled carefully. 
There are certain dos and don’ts for safety while working on  
machines —
 • Wash hands to remove oil and grease or use chalk 
powder for proper handling.
 • Avoid wearing loose clothes. They can get entangled 
with machines.
Safety MeaSureS  
for HealtHy 
 l iving Chap-10.indd   181 8/24/2020   11:45:08 AM
Healt H and PHysical e ducation - c lass X
Do You Know?
Types of pesticides are
1. Insecticides
2. Larvicides
3. Herbicides
4. Fungicides
5. Bactericides
6. Rodenticides
 • Concentrate on work and avoid talking.
 • Switch off electricity if the machine is not in use.
 • Keep extra or spare parts carefully in proper places so 
that they do not fall on any one. 
 • Avoid touching the moving parts of any machine.  
This may tear-off the skin or cause burn due to heat.
Certain safety equipment and gadgets are used in various areas —
 • Helmets
 • Spectacles
 • Gloves
 • Apron
 • Insulating Boots
 • Face Mask
Handling insecticides 
Insecticides are chemicals or herbs to kill or drive away 
household and agriculture pests like rats, cockroaches, etc.  
While they are safe to use if proper instructions are followed 
but carelessness may cause serious accidents.
Common insecticides are —
 1. sprays – agricultural insecticides that kill crop pests.
 2. tablets kept in grain containers to control grain 
 3. naphthalene balls – used in cupboards and drawers 
to preserve clothes from clothes moth. 
Certain dos and don’ts for safety while using insecticides 
are —
 1. household insecticides
 2. agriculture insecticides
 3. insecticide tablets in grain containers
Household insecticides
 • Spray cans should be kept away from children and 
destroyed after use.
 • Keep the nozzle of the insecticide container away from 
 • Container used for spray need to be shaken well 
before use otherwise the liquid content may spoil 
your hand.
 • One should read the information brochure attached 
with container and avoid frequent use of sprays.
 • One should not keep the  windows and doors closed for 
long after the spray.
Activity 10.1
 •Enlist and paste 
pictures of the safety 
equipment’s  or gadgets 
of any five sports of 
your choice.
 • Name the tablets kept 
in grain containers to 
control grain insect.
 • Enlist five household 
Chap-10.indd   182 8/24/2020   11:45:08 AM
Page 3

Our ancient scriptures give great emphasis on safe and sound 
life. Rigveda says, “Self preservation is the first law of nature.”  
Thus, safety and security should be our primary concern. 
However, injuries and accidents cannot be predicted. These 
may occur anywhere and anytime. If they are not managed 
properly, they may have consequences like physical or 
mental disability. Therefore, they need to be prevented and 
managed properly. We try to minimise accidents with the 
help of safety measures. In this chapter we will be learning 
about precautions to keep ourselves safe and secure. First 
aid is essential before advanced medical care is available. 
Drug or substance abuse and its effects and prevention are 
also discussed in this chapter.
Safety at the Work Place Many injuries and accidents are reported at work place as 
well as in playfield. Factors like congested space, faulty 
equipments, improper methodology and carelessness cause 
these. For example, while working with chemicals in chemistry 
laboratory, working with equipment in physics laboratory or 
on playground, one needs to be careful. Every action (with or 
without equipment) govern with proper rules and methodology 
which are helpful to minimise chances of accidents. 
Safety while working with machines
Machines, whether hand operated or automatic, make 
life easy and comfortable. But they may be the cause of 
physical injuries and accidents if not handled carefully. 
There are certain dos and don’ts for safety while working on  
machines —
 • Wash hands to remove oil and grease or use chalk 
powder for proper handling.
 • Avoid wearing loose clothes. They can get entangled 
with machines.
Safety MeaSureS  
for HealtHy 
 l iving Chap-10.indd   181 8/24/2020   11:45:08 AM
Healt H and PHysical e ducation - c lass X
Do You Know?
Types of pesticides are
1. Insecticides
2. Larvicides
3. Herbicides
4. Fungicides
5. Bactericides
6. Rodenticides
 • Concentrate on work and avoid talking.
 • Switch off electricity if the machine is not in use.
 • Keep extra or spare parts carefully in proper places so 
that they do not fall on any one. 
 • Avoid touching the moving parts of any machine.  
This may tear-off the skin or cause burn due to heat.
Certain safety equipment and gadgets are used in various areas —
 • Helmets
 • Spectacles
 • Gloves
 • Apron
 • Insulating Boots
 • Face Mask
Handling insecticides 
Insecticides are chemicals or herbs to kill or drive away 
household and agriculture pests like rats, cockroaches, etc.  
While they are safe to use if proper instructions are followed 
but carelessness may cause serious accidents.
Common insecticides are —
 1. sprays – agricultural insecticides that kill crop pests.
 2. tablets kept in grain containers to control grain 
 3. naphthalene balls – used in cupboards and drawers 
to preserve clothes from clothes moth. 
Certain dos and don’ts for safety while using insecticides 
are —
 1. household insecticides
 2. agriculture insecticides
 3. insecticide tablets in grain containers
Household insecticides
 • Spray cans should be kept away from children and 
destroyed after use.
 • Keep the nozzle of the insecticide container away from 
 • Container used for spray need to be shaken well 
before use otherwise the liquid content may spoil 
your hand.
 • One should read the information brochure attached 
with container and avoid frequent use of sprays.
 • One should not keep the  windows and doors closed for 
long after the spray.
Activity 10.1
 •Enlist and paste 
pictures of the safety 
equipment’s  or gadgets 
of any five sports of 
your choice.
 • Name the tablets kept 
in grain containers to 
control grain insect.
 • Enlist five household 
Chap-10.indd   182 8/24/2020   11:45:08 AM
Safety Mea Sure S for Healt Hy l iving • If accidently sprayed on your body parts, immediately 
wash with plenty of water and soap.
 • If pesticide is accidently sprayed on your clothes,  
remove them immediately.
 • Do not use if any member of your family suffers from 
allergy and asthma.
Agriculture insecticide
In addition to the precautions mentioned above, remember 
to —
 • cover your body parts with a dress used for this 
purpose. Wash this thoroughly after every scheduled 
spray and do not use it if not washed and dried. It can 
cause serious insecticide poisoning.
 • cover your eyes and face with spectacles and mask.
 • take a bath as soon as possible after the spray.
Insecticide tablets in grain containers
 • Always use the tablets after tying in a cloth piece. 
 • Wash hands with soap and water as soon as you touch 
the tablets.
 • Keep the tablets out of reach of children.
 • Remove the tablets before boiling rice or giving wheat 
for grinding.
 • Shift the patient to the hospital if a tablet is ingested 
Handling electricity and electric gadgets
Electricity is a boon for modern civilisation.  However, if 
due care is not taken while handling electricity and electric 
gadgets, it may prove fatal. For safe use of electric gadgets, 
follow the guidelines given below —
 • Always use MCBs (Miniature Circuit Breakers) installed 
at main switch board.
 • Immediately change the heated sockets and switches if 
there is sparking.
 • Always read the accompanying instructions before 
using the gadget.
 • Do not touch any electric switch or gadget with moist 
 • Do not leave the electric gadgets on, if not being used.
 • Always wear shoes or rubber slippers while using a 
gadget to prevent electric shock in accidental leaking 
of current.
Do You Know?
Insecticides are chemicals 
or herbs to kill or drive 
away household pests 
like rats, cockroaches etc.
Chap-10.indd   183 8/24/2020   11:45:08 AM
Page 4

Our ancient scriptures give great emphasis on safe and sound 
life. Rigveda says, “Self preservation is the first law of nature.”  
Thus, safety and security should be our primary concern. 
However, injuries and accidents cannot be predicted. These 
may occur anywhere and anytime. If they are not managed 
properly, they may have consequences like physical or 
mental disability. Therefore, they need to be prevented and 
managed properly. We try to minimise accidents with the 
help of safety measures. In this chapter we will be learning 
about precautions to keep ourselves safe and secure. First 
aid is essential before advanced medical care is available. 
Drug or substance abuse and its effects and prevention are 
also discussed in this chapter.
Safety at the Work Place Many injuries and accidents are reported at work place as 
well as in playfield. Factors like congested space, faulty 
equipments, improper methodology and carelessness cause 
these. For example, while working with chemicals in chemistry 
laboratory, working with equipment in physics laboratory or 
on playground, one needs to be careful. Every action (with or 
without equipment) govern with proper rules and methodology 
which are helpful to minimise chances of accidents. 
Safety while working with machines
Machines, whether hand operated or automatic, make 
life easy and comfortable. But they may be the cause of 
physical injuries and accidents if not handled carefully. 
There are certain dos and don’ts for safety while working on  
machines —
 • Wash hands to remove oil and grease or use chalk 
powder for proper handling.
 • Avoid wearing loose clothes. They can get entangled 
with machines.
Safety MeaSureS  
for HealtHy 
 l iving Chap-10.indd   181 8/24/2020   11:45:08 AM
Healt H and PHysical e ducation - c lass X
Do You Know?
Types of pesticides are
1. Insecticides
2. Larvicides
3. Herbicides
4. Fungicides
5. Bactericides
6. Rodenticides
 • Concentrate on work and avoid talking.
 • Switch off electricity if the machine is not in use.
 • Keep extra or spare parts carefully in proper places so 
that they do not fall on any one. 
 • Avoid touching the moving parts of any machine.  
This may tear-off the skin or cause burn due to heat.
Certain safety equipment and gadgets are used in various areas —
 • Helmets
 • Spectacles
 • Gloves
 • Apron
 • Insulating Boots
 • Face Mask
Handling insecticides 
Insecticides are chemicals or herbs to kill or drive away 
household and agriculture pests like rats, cockroaches, etc.  
While they are safe to use if proper instructions are followed 
but carelessness may cause serious accidents.
Common insecticides are —
 1. sprays – agricultural insecticides that kill crop pests.
 2. tablets kept in grain containers to control grain 
 3. naphthalene balls – used in cupboards and drawers 
to preserve clothes from clothes moth. 
Certain dos and don’ts for safety while using insecticides 
are —
 1. household insecticides
 2. agriculture insecticides
 3. insecticide tablets in grain containers
Household insecticides
 • Spray cans should be kept away from children and 
destroyed after use.
 • Keep the nozzle of the insecticide container away from 
 • Container used for spray need to be shaken well 
before use otherwise the liquid content may spoil 
your hand.
 • One should read the information brochure attached 
with container and avoid frequent use of sprays.
 • One should not keep the  windows and doors closed for 
long after the spray.
Activity 10.1
 •Enlist and paste 
pictures of the safety 
equipment’s  or gadgets 
of any five sports of 
your choice.
 • Name the tablets kept 
in grain containers to 
control grain insect.
 • Enlist five household 
Chap-10.indd   182 8/24/2020   11:45:08 AM
Safety Mea Sure S for Healt Hy l iving • If accidently sprayed on your body parts, immediately 
wash with plenty of water and soap.
 • If pesticide is accidently sprayed on your clothes,  
remove them immediately.
 • Do not use if any member of your family suffers from 
allergy and asthma.
Agriculture insecticide
In addition to the precautions mentioned above, remember 
to —
 • cover your body parts with a dress used for this 
purpose. Wash this thoroughly after every scheduled 
spray and do not use it if not washed and dried. It can 
cause serious insecticide poisoning.
 • cover your eyes and face with spectacles and mask.
 • take a bath as soon as possible after the spray.
Insecticide tablets in grain containers
 • Always use the tablets after tying in a cloth piece. 
 • Wash hands with soap and water as soon as you touch 
the tablets.
 • Keep the tablets out of reach of children.
 • Remove the tablets before boiling rice or giving wheat 
for grinding.
 • Shift the patient to the hospital if a tablet is ingested 
Handling electricity and electric gadgets
Electricity is a boon for modern civilisation.  However, if 
due care is not taken while handling electricity and electric 
gadgets, it may prove fatal. For safe use of electric gadgets, 
follow the guidelines given below —
 • Always use MCBs (Miniature Circuit Breakers) installed 
at main switch board.
 • Immediately change the heated sockets and switches if 
there is sparking.
 • Always read the accompanying instructions before 
using the gadget.
 • Do not touch any electric switch or gadget with moist 
 • Do not leave the electric gadgets on, if not being used.
 • Always wear shoes or rubber slippers while using a 
gadget to prevent electric shock in accidental leaking 
of current.
Do You Know?
Insecticides are chemicals 
or herbs to kill or drive 
away household pests 
like rats, cockroaches etc.
Chap-10.indd   183 8/24/2020   11:45:08 AM
Healt H and PHysical e ducation - c lass X
 • Never try to repair the gadgets yourselves, if you are 
not trained.
 • Always switch the electric supply off before and after 
using the gadgets.
 • Never be in close proximity with electric wires, fire and 
water. Always use dry sand in case of fire to douse it.
 • Always get the servicing of the electrical gadgets done 
as per schedule.
 • Use government approved (ISI mark), electrical gadgets  
and fittings.
f ir St a id You must have met with certain emergency situations 
when you needed urgent medical treatment but it was not  
available immediately. You might have seen someone 
helping a person by providing first aid and then in reaching  
the hospital. 
What is First Aid?
First aid is the immediate and essential temporary care 
given to a wounded, injured or sick person, in an emergency 
situation to reduce the suffering of the patient, prevent 
further complication of injury or sickness before availing 
professional medical assistance.
Priorities of First Aid
Remember the following priorities before giving first aid — 
 1. Maintain ABC
 a) Airway: Clear the airway if blocked
 b) Breathing: Check breathing and give artificial 
respiration if necessary.
 c) Circulation: Give chest compressions if heart has 
 2. Check and stop bleeding by applying pressure 
 3. Immobilise broken bones 
 4. Cool the burns
 5. Treat eye, nose and ear injuries
 6. Tie simple bandages and dressings over wounds
 7. Transfer the patient to the nearest health centre
When is First Aid required?
There are many conditions where first aid is required. You 
have studied a few in Class IX.
Activity 10.2
 • Discuss with your 
classmates the need of 
first aid.
 • List the most essential 
items in a First Aid Box 
and draw a diagram.
Do You Know?
C-A-B means —
 • compression
 • airways
 • breathing
It helps to perform CPR.
Chap-10.indd   184 8/24/2020   11:45:08 AM
Page 5

Our ancient scriptures give great emphasis on safe and sound 
life. Rigveda says, “Self preservation is the first law of nature.”  
Thus, safety and security should be our primary concern. 
However, injuries and accidents cannot be predicted. These 
may occur anywhere and anytime. If they are not managed 
properly, they may have consequences like physical or 
mental disability. Therefore, they need to be prevented and 
managed properly. We try to minimise accidents with the 
help of safety measures. In this chapter we will be learning 
about precautions to keep ourselves safe and secure. First 
aid is essential before advanced medical care is available. 
Drug or substance abuse and its effects and prevention are 
also discussed in this chapter.
Safety at the Work Place Many injuries and accidents are reported at work place as 
well as in playfield. Factors like congested space, faulty 
equipments, improper methodology and carelessness cause 
these. For example, while working with chemicals in chemistry 
laboratory, working with equipment in physics laboratory or 
on playground, one needs to be careful. Every action (with or 
without equipment) govern with proper rules and methodology 
which are helpful to minimise chances of accidents. 
Safety while working with machines
Machines, whether hand operated or automatic, make 
life easy and comfortable. But they may be the cause of 
physical injuries and accidents if not handled carefully. 
There are certain dos and don’ts for safety while working on  
machines —
 • Wash hands to remove oil and grease or use chalk 
powder for proper handling.
 • Avoid wearing loose clothes. They can get entangled 
with machines.
Safety MeaSureS  
for HealtHy 
 l iving Chap-10.indd   181 8/24/2020   11:45:08 AM
Healt H and PHysical e ducation - c lass X
Do You Know?
Types of pesticides are
1. Insecticides
2. Larvicides
3. Herbicides
4. Fungicides
5. Bactericides
6. Rodenticides
 • Concentrate on work and avoid talking.
 • Switch off electricity if the machine is not in use.
 • Keep extra or spare parts carefully in proper places so 
that they do not fall on any one. 
 • Avoid touching the moving parts of any machine.  
This may tear-off the skin or cause burn due to heat.
Certain safety equipment and gadgets are used in various areas —
 • Helmets
 • Spectacles
 • Gloves
 • Apron
 • Insulating Boots
 • Face Mask
Handling insecticides 
Insecticides are chemicals or herbs to kill or drive away 
household and agriculture pests like rats, cockroaches, etc.  
While they are safe to use if proper instructions are followed 
but carelessness may cause serious accidents.
Common insecticides are —
 1. sprays – agricultural insecticides that kill crop pests.
 2. tablets kept in grain containers to control grain 
 3. naphthalene balls – used in cupboards and drawers 
to preserve clothes from clothes moth. 
Certain dos and don’ts for safety while using insecticides 
are —
 1. household insecticides
 2. agriculture insecticides
 3. insecticide tablets in grain containers
Household insecticides
 • Spray cans should be kept away from children and 
destroyed after use.
 • Keep the nozzle of the insecticide container away from 
 • Container used for spray need to be shaken well 
before use otherwise the liquid content may spoil 
your hand.
 • One should read the information brochure attached 
with container and avoid frequent use of sprays.
 • One should not keep the  windows and doors closed for 
long after the spray.
Activity 10.1
 •Enlist and paste 
pictures of the safety 
equipment’s  or gadgets 
of any five sports of 
your choice.
 • Name the tablets kept 
in grain containers to 
control grain insect.
 • Enlist five household 
Chap-10.indd   182 8/24/2020   11:45:08 AM
Safety Mea Sure S for Healt Hy l iving • If accidently sprayed on your body parts, immediately 
wash with plenty of water and soap.
 • If pesticide is accidently sprayed on your clothes,  
remove them immediately.
 • Do not use if any member of your family suffers from 
allergy and asthma.
Agriculture insecticide
In addition to the precautions mentioned above, remember 
to —
 • cover your body parts with a dress used for this 
purpose. Wash this thoroughly after every scheduled 
spray and do not use it if not washed and dried. It can 
cause serious insecticide poisoning.
 • cover your eyes and face with spectacles and mask.
 • take a bath as soon as possible after the spray.
Insecticide tablets in grain containers
 • Always use the tablets after tying in a cloth piece. 
 • Wash hands with soap and water as soon as you touch 
the tablets.
 • Keep the tablets out of reach of children.
 • Remove the tablets before boiling rice or giving wheat 
for grinding.
 • Shift the patient to the hospital if a tablet is ingested 
Handling electricity and electric gadgets
Electricity is a boon for modern civilisation.  However, if 
due care is not taken while handling electricity and electric 
gadgets, it may prove fatal. For safe use of electric gadgets, 
follow the guidelines given below —
 • Always use MCBs (Miniature Circuit Breakers) installed 
at main switch board.
 • Immediately change the heated sockets and switches if 
there is sparking.
 • Always read the accompanying instructions before 
using the gadget.
 • Do not touch any electric switch or gadget with moist 
 • Do not leave the electric gadgets on, if not being used.
 • Always wear shoes or rubber slippers while using a 
gadget to prevent electric shock in accidental leaking 
of current.
Do You Know?
Insecticides are chemicals 
or herbs to kill or drive 
away household pests 
like rats, cockroaches etc.
Chap-10.indd   183 8/24/2020   11:45:08 AM
Healt H and PHysical e ducation - c lass X
 • Never try to repair the gadgets yourselves, if you are 
not trained.
 • Always switch the electric supply off before and after 
using the gadgets.
 • Never be in close proximity with electric wires, fire and 
water. Always use dry sand in case of fire to douse it.
 • Always get the servicing of the electrical gadgets done 
as per schedule.
 • Use government approved (ISI mark), electrical gadgets  
and fittings.
f ir St a id You must have met with certain emergency situations 
when you needed urgent medical treatment but it was not  
available immediately. You might have seen someone 
helping a person by providing first aid and then in reaching  
the hospital. 
What is First Aid?
First aid is the immediate and essential temporary care 
given to a wounded, injured or sick person, in an emergency 
situation to reduce the suffering of the patient, prevent 
further complication of injury or sickness before availing 
professional medical assistance.
Priorities of First Aid
Remember the following priorities before giving first aid — 
 1. Maintain ABC
 a) Airway: Clear the airway if blocked
 b) Breathing: Check breathing and give artificial 
respiration if necessary.
 c) Circulation: Give chest compressions if heart has 
 2. Check and stop bleeding by applying pressure 
 3. Immobilise broken bones 
 4. Cool the burns
 5. Treat eye, nose and ear injuries
 6. Tie simple bandages and dressings over wounds
 7. Transfer the patient to the nearest health centre
When is First Aid required?
There are many conditions where first aid is required. You 
have studied a few in Class IX.
Activity 10.2
 • Discuss with your 
classmates the need of 
first aid.
 • List the most essential 
items in a First Aid Box 
and draw a diagram.
Do You Know?
C-A-B means —
 • compression
 • airways
 • breathing
It helps to perform CPR.
Chap-10.indd   184 8/24/2020   11:45:08 AM
Safety Mea Sure S for Healt Hy l iving The can be following situations may arise where you 
might need to provide first aid —
The person is unconscious and not breathing
Here CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) is required. It 
is a life saving measure used when the heart and breathing 
has stopped.
Starting CPR within three minutes of heart stoppage is 
very important or else brain will be damaged.
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): Circulation is 
maintained by chest compressions. Draw a line between the 
two nipples and keep the heel of the hand over the centre 
of this line. Place the other hand over it and give chest 
compressions pressing down the breast bone 1.5 to 2 inches.
Fig. 10.1: Giving chest compressions
The ratio of chest compressions to breathing should be 
30:2 (i.e. 30 chest compressions and 2 artificial breaths per 
minute) as we have to provide a heart rate of approximately 
100 beats per minute.
Open the airway: The 
airway is cleared by finger  
sweep if required. Any foreign 
body, secretion, food, broken 
teeth or tongue falling back are 
The airway is kept open by 
tilting the head backwards and 
lifting the chin upwards.
Fig. 10.2: Head tilt 
and chin lift
Do You Know?
 • CPR (Cardio Pulmonary 
Resuscitation) must 
be given soon after 
breathing has stopped.
 • If you are untrained 
then give CPR only 
through hands for 
100-120 per minute 
and continue until 
signs of movements 
or medical help has 
Activity 10.3
Observe the activity 
perform by teacher 
and do activity under 
the supervision of the 
C- Cardio means heart,
P-  Pulmonary means 
lungs and 
R-  Resuscitation 
means to revive
Chap-10.indd   185 8/24/2020   11:45:10 AM
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NCERT Textbook: Safety Measures for Healthy Living | Health and Physical Education for Grade 10
