Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE) PDF Download

Q1: Consider the data of f(x) given in the table.  
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)The value of f(1.5) estimated using second-order Newton's interpolation formula is (rounded off to 2 decimal places). (2024 SET-1)
0.16 to 0.18
Sol: It is based on  2nd order interpolation
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
f(x) = 0.3010(x − 1) + ((-0.1249)/2) (x − 1)(x − 2)
f(x) = 0.3010(1.5 − 1) + ((-0.1249)/2) (1.5 − 1)(1.5 − 2)
f(1.5) = 0.1505 + 0.0156 = 0.1661

Q1: A function f(x), that is smooth and convex-shaped between interval (x1, xu) is shown in the figure. This function is observed at odd number of regularly spaced points. If the area under the function is computed numerically, then ____ (2023 SET-1)
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)(a) the numerical value of the area obtained using the trapezoidal rule will be less than the actual.
(b) the numerical value of the area obtained using the trapezoidal rule will be more than the actual.
(c) the numerical value of the area obtained using the trapezoidal rule will be exactly equal to the actual.
(d) with the given details, the numerical value of area cannot be obtained using trapezoidal rule.
Sol: Approximated function has under estimation so numerical value of the area obtained using trapezoidal rule will be less than the actual.
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

Q1: Consider the following recursive iteration scheme for different values of variable P with the initial guess x1 = 1 :
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

For P = 2, x5  is obtained to be 1.414, rounded-off to three decimal places. For P = 3, x5 is obtained to be 1.732, rounded-off to three decimal places.
If P = 10, the numerical value of x5 is _________ . (round off to three decimal places) (2022 SET-1)
3.1 to 3.2
Sol: Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Converges when xn + 1 = x= α
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
When P = 2, x5 = √2 = 1.4124
When P = 3, x5 = √3 = 1.732
When P = 10, x5 = √10 = 3.162

Q1: Numerically integrate, f(x) = 10x − 20xfrom lower limit a = 0 to upper limit b = 0.5. Use Trapezoidal rule with five equal subdivisions. The value (in units,round off to two decimal places) obtained is __________ (2021 SET-2)
0.38 to 0.42
Sol: y = 10x - 20x2
a = 0, b = 0.5, n = 5
So, h = (b-a)/n = 0.1
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
= 0.40

Q2: The value of Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE) using the trapezoidal rule with four equal subintervals is (2021 SET-1)
(a) 1.718
(b) 1.727
(c) 2.192
(d) 2.718
Sol: Let Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Then Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
The formula of trapezoidal rule to the given data is given by
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

Q1: The integral Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE) is estimated numerically using three alternative methods namely the rectangular, trapezoidal and Simpson's rules with a common step size. In this context, which one of the following statement is TRUE? (2020 SET-2)
(a) Simpsons rule as well as rectangular rule of estimation will give NON-zero error.
(b) Simpson's rule, rectangular rule as well as trapezoidal rule of estimation will give NON-zero error.
(c) Only the rectangular rule of estimation will given zero error.
(d) Only Simpson's rule of estimation will give zero error.
: (d)
Sol: Because integral is a polynomial of 3rd degree so Simpson's rule will give error free answer.

Q1: The value of the function f(x) is given at n distinct values of x and its value is to be interpolated at the point x*, using all the n points. The estimate is obtained first by the Lagrange polynomial, denoted by IL and then by the Newton polynomial, denoted by IN. Which one of the following statements is correct? [2019 : 1 Mark, Set-ll]
(a) IL is always greater than IN 

(b) No definite relation exists between IL and IN
(c) IL and IN are always equal
(d) IL is always less than IN        

Ans: (c)

Q1: The quadratic equation 2x2 - 3x + 3 = 0 is to be solved numerically starting with an initial guess as x0 = 2. The new estimate of x after the first iteration using Newton-Raphson method is ______.    [2018 : 1 Mark, Set-II]
Ans: 1 to 1
Sol: Given 
f(x) = 2x2 - 3x + 3, x0 = 2
f'(x) = 4x - 3
By Newton-Rapshon
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

Q1: Consider the equation du/dt = 3t2 + 1 with u = 0 at t = 0. This is numerically solved by using the forward Euler method with a step size. Δt = 2. The absolute error in the solution in the end of the first time step is _____________.    [2017 : 2 Marks, Set-I]
Ans: 7.95 to 8.05
Sol:  du/dt = 3t2 + 1
f(u , f) = 3t2 + 1
u0 = 0
t0 = 0
Δt = 2
By Euler’s method
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
After first iteration u = 2 when t = 2
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Absolute error = Exact value - approx value
= 10 -2
= 8

Q1: Newton-Raphson method is to be used to find foot of equation 3x - ex + sinx = 0. If the initial trail value of the roots is taken as 0.333, the next approximation for the root would be __________.    [2016 : 1 Mark, Set-I]
Ans: 0.355 to 0.365
Sol: According to Newton-Raphson Method:
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
or, f' (x) = 3 - ex + cosx
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
∴ X1 = 0.36

Q1: For step-size, Δx = 0.4, the value of following integral using Simpson’s 1/3 rule is _________.  [2015 : 2 Marks, Set-II]

Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Ans: 1.36 to 1.37
Sol: a = 0,b = 0.8, Δx = 0.4

f{x) = 0.2 + 25x - 200x2 + 675x3 - 900x4 + 400x5

Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

By Simpson’s 1/3 Rule

Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

0 = y(0) = 0.2

y1 = y (0.4) = 2.456

y2 = y(0.8) = 0.232

Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

= 1.367

Q2: In Newton-Raphson iterative method, the initial guess value (xini) is considered as zero while finding the roots of the equation:
f(x) = -2 + 6x - 4X2 + 0.5.x3.
The correction, Δx, to be added to xini in the first iteration is ___________.  [2015 : 1 Mark, Set-II]

Ans: 2.32 to 2.34
Sol: f (x) = - 2 + 6x - 4x2 + 0.5x3
f '(x) = 6 - 8x + 1 .5x2
xini = 0
By Newton Raphson Method,

Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

Q3: The quadratic equation x2 - 4x + 4 = 0 is to be solved numerically, starting with the initial guess x0 = 3. The Newton-Raphson method is applied once to get a new estimate and then the Secant method is applied once using the initial guess and this new estimate. The estimated value of the root after the application of the Secant method is  _____.    [2015 : 2 Marks, Set-I]
Ans: 2.32 to 2.34
Sol: f(x) = x2 - 4x + 4
f'(x) = 2x - 4
x0 = 3
f (3) = 1, f'(3) = 2
By Newton Rapshon method,

Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

f(5/2) = 25/4 -10 + 4 = 1/4
By Secant method,

Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

Q4: The integral Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE) is evaluated analytically as well as numerically using a single application of the trapezoidal rule. If I is the exact value of the integral obtained analytically and J is the approximate value obtained using the trapezoidal rule, which of the following statements is correct about their relationship?  [2015 : 1 Mark, Set-I]
(a) J > I 
(b) J < I 
(c) J = I 
(d) insufficient data to determine the relationship    
Ans: (a)

Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

Exact value is computed by integration which follows thee exact shape of graph while computing the area.
Whereas, in Trapezoidal rule, the lines joining each points are considered straight lines which is not the exact variation of graph all the time like as shown in figure.
∴ J > I
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Here, f(x) = x2
or,  f'(x) = 2x
or, f''(x) = 2 > 0
Since f''(x) is positive, the error is negative.
Since error = exact - approximate.
= I - J
and since error is negative in this case J > I is true.

Q1: The magnitude as the error (correct to two decimal places) in the estimation of following integral using simpson 1/3 rule. Take the step length as 1.    [2013 : 2 Marks]
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Sol: Using Simpson’s Rule,
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
= 245.33
The value of integral,
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
∴Magnitude of error = 245.33 - 244.8 = 0.53

Q1: The error in Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE) for a continuous function estimated with h = 0.03 using the central difference formula Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE) Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE) The values of x0 and f(x0) are 19.78 and 500.01, respectively. The corresponding error in the central difference estimate for h = 0.02 is approximately.  [2011 : 2 Marks]
(a) 1.3 x 10-4 
(b) 3.0 x 10-4 
(c) 4.5 x 10-4 
(d) 9.0 x 10-4     
Ans: (d)
Sol: Error in central difference formula is 0(h2)
This means,
error ∝ h2
If error for h = 0.03 is 2 x 10-3 then,
Error for h = 0.02 is approximately

Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

Q2: The estimate of Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE) Obtained using Simpson's rule with three-point function evaluation exceeds the exact value by    [2011 : 2 Marks]
(a) 0.235 
(b) 0.068 
(c) 0.024 
(d) 0.012
Ans: (d)
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Approximate value by Simpson’s rule with 3 point is,
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
(npt is the number of pts and ni is the number of intervals)
Hero Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
The tabic is
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
So the estimate exceeds the exact value by,
Approximate value - Exact value
= 0.012499
≈ 0.012

Q3: The square root of a number N is to be obtained by applying the Newton Raphson iterations to the equation x2 - N = 0. If i denotes the iteration index, the correct iterative scheme will be  [2011 : 1 Mark]
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Ans: (a)
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

Q1: The table below gives values of a function F(x) obtained for values of x at intervals of 0.25.
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)
The value of the integral of the function between the limits 0 to 1 using Simpson’s rule is   [2010 : 2 Marks]
(a) 0.7854 
(b) 2.3562 
(c) 3.1416 
(d) 7.5000
Ans: (a)
Numerical Methods | Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

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FAQs on Numerical Methods - Topic wise GATE Past Year Papers for Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering (CE)

1. What are numerical methods and why are they important in solving mathematical problems?
2. What are some common numerical methods used for solving differential equations?
Ans.Common numerical methods for solving differential equations include the Euler method, Runge-Kutta methods, and the finite difference method. These methods provide systematic approaches to approximate the solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations.
3. How do numerical methods differ from analytical methods?
Ans.Numerical methods provide approximate solutions through computational algorithms, while analytical methods yield exact solutions through mathematical derivations. Numerical methods are particularly useful when analytical methods are not applicable or are too complicated.
4. What role does error analysis play in numerical methods?
Ans.Error analysis is crucial in numerical methods as it helps in assessing the accuracy of the numerical solutions obtained. It involves estimating both truncation errors (due to approximation) and round-off errors (due to finite precision in calculations) to ensure that the results are reliable.
5. Can numerical methods be applied to real-world problems, and if so, how?
Ans.Yes, numerical methods are widely applied to real-world problems in fields such as engineering, economics, and natural sciences. They are used for simulations, optimizations, and modeling complex systems where analytical solutions are not practical, enabling decision-making and predictions based on numerical data.

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