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Paths to Modernisation Class 11 History

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 Page 1

Theme 10.Paths to Modernization
? There are different paths to modernization. The theme tells a 
fascinating story of how different historical conditions led 
Japan and China on divergent paths to building independent 
and modern nations.
? Dynastic histories, Official records, Scholarly writings, 
popular literature and Religious literature
China Japan
1.Vast continental country
2.Three major river 
systems-the Yellow, the 
Yangtze and the Pearl
3.Mountainous region
1.Small island country
Group of islands-
2.Lacks major river 
3.50% area is in 
mountainous active 
earthquake zone
Divergent Ethnic group-
Han, Uighur, Hui, Manchu
and Tibetan.
Homogenous ethnic group 
Language Cantonese, Chinese Japanese
Food Wheat,pastries,dumplings,d
Rice,fish(Raw fish)or 
(sashimi or sushi)
Political System
? B y the 12
century, power was shifted from emperor to 
shoguns at Edo (Modern Tokyo)
? The country was divided into 250 domains under daimyo or 
lords. They were asked to stay at the capital in order to avert 
? The Samurai were the ruling elite and served the Shoguns 
and daimyo. 
? The 16
century brought three important changes for future 
? a. peasantry was disarmed to end war
? b.autonomy was given to daimyo
? surveys to ensure productivity and revenue
? Japan had large cities –Edo, Osaka and Kyoto led to the 
growth of a commercial economy and a vibrant culture.
? Increased use of money and creation of stock market led the 
economy in new ways.
? The period witnessed some social and cultural changes 
.Chinese influence was questioned and study of Japanese
literature promoted
The Meiji Restoration
? In 1853, the USA sent Commodore Matthew Perry to Japan 
with demands for trade and diplomatic relations. 
? The arrival of Perry brought significant change in Japanese 
? In 1868,a movement removed the Shogun from power and 
brought emperor to Edo(Tokyo)
? The Japanese were aware about the European colonization in 
India and other countries. 
? Some scholars wanted to learn new ideas from Europe and 
others sought to exclude the Europeans.
Page 2

Theme 10.Paths to Modernization
? There are different paths to modernization. The theme tells a 
fascinating story of how different historical conditions led 
Japan and China on divergent paths to building independent 
and modern nations.
? Dynastic histories, Official records, Scholarly writings, 
popular literature and Religious literature
China Japan
1.Vast continental country
2.Three major river 
systems-the Yellow, the 
Yangtze and the Pearl
3.Mountainous region
1.Small island country
Group of islands-
2.Lacks major river 
3.50% area is in 
mountainous active 
earthquake zone
Divergent Ethnic group-
Han, Uighur, Hui, Manchu
and Tibetan.
Homogenous ethnic group 
Language Cantonese, Chinese Japanese
Food Wheat,pastries,dumplings,d
Rice,fish(Raw fish)or 
(sashimi or sushi)
Political System
? B y the 12
century, power was shifted from emperor to 
shoguns at Edo (Modern Tokyo)
? The country was divided into 250 domains under daimyo or 
lords. They were asked to stay at the capital in order to avert 
? The Samurai were the ruling elite and served the Shoguns 
and daimyo. 
? The 16
century brought three important changes for future 
? a. peasantry was disarmed to end war
? b.autonomy was given to daimyo
? surveys to ensure productivity and revenue
? Japan had large cities –Edo, Osaka and Kyoto led to the 
growth of a commercial economy and a vibrant culture.
? Increased use of money and creation of stock market led the 
economy in new ways.
? The period witnessed some social and cultural changes 
.Chinese influence was questioned and study of Japanese
literature promoted
The Meiji Restoration
? In 1853, the USA sent Commodore Matthew Perry to Japan 
with demands for trade and diplomatic relations. 
? The arrival of Perry brought significant change in Japanese 
? In 1868,a movement removed the Shogun from power and 
brought emperor to Edo(Tokyo)
? The Japanese were aware about the European colonization in 
India and other countries. 
? Some scholars wanted to learn new ideas from Europe and 
others sought to exclude the Europeans.
? Some favoured gradual and limited opening to the outer 
? The govt.adopted a policy with the slogan ‘rich country, 
strong army’ to create a sense of nationhood and to 
transform subjects into citizens.
? The new govt also tried to build the ‘emperor system’-(King, 
bureaucracy and military-part of this system)
? Emperor was treated as the descendant of Sun Goddess and 
leader of westernization. His birthday was declared as 
national holiday. He wore western style military uniforms.
Meiji Reforms
Educational Reforms
? Universal and compulsory Education system for boys and 
girls began to be implemented from 1870s.
? The curriculum had been based on western ideas but 
emphasis was given on the study of Japanese history. 
? The ministry of education controlled the curriculum, selected 
textbooks and conducted teachers’ training. 
? Text books taught the children to respect their parents, be 
loyal to the nation and become good citizens.
Administrative Reforms
? The Meiji govt.introduced a new administrative system by 
altering old village and domain boundaries. 
? Each administrative unit was to have sufficient revenue to 
maintain the local schools and health facilities. 
? It also served as a centre of recruitment for the army. 
? All young men over twenty had to undergo a period of 
military service.
? A modern military force was also developed.
Constitutional Reforms
? The govt set up a legal system to regulate the formation of 
political groups, control meetings and impose strict 
? All these measures invited opposition.
Economic Reforms
? Modernization of economy was an important aspect of Meiji
? Funds were raised by levying an agricultural tax. 
? The first railway line was constructed between Tokyo and 
Yokohama in 1870-72.
? Machines required for textile industry was imported from 
? Foreign technicians were used to train works and teach in 
universities and schools. 
? Even Japanese students were sent to foreign countries.
? In 1872, modern banking institutions were launched. 
? The govt helped companies like Mitsubishi and Sumitomo 
providing subsidies and tax benefits to become major 
? Till the end of the Second World War, Zaibatsu, big business 
organization controlled by individual families, dominated the 
? The population increased from 35 million in 1872 to 55 
million in 1920.
Page 3

Theme 10.Paths to Modernization
? There are different paths to modernization. The theme tells a 
fascinating story of how different historical conditions led 
Japan and China on divergent paths to building independent 
and modern nations.
? Dynastic histories, Official records, Scholarly writings, 
popular literature and Religious literature
China Japan
1.Vast continental country
2.Three major river 
systems-the Yellow, the 
Yangtze and the Pearl
3.Mountainous region
1.Small island country
Group of islands-
2.Lacks major river 
3.50% area is in 
mountainous active 
earthquake zone
Divergent Ethnic group-
Han, Uighur, Hui, Manchu
and Tibetan.
Homogenous ethnic group 
Language Cantonese, Chinese Japanese
Food Wheat,pastries,dumplings,d
Rice,fish(Raw fish)or 
(sashimi or sushi)
Political System
? B y the 12
century, power was shifted from emperor to 
shoguns at Edo (Modern Tokyo)
? The country was divided into 250 domains under daimyo or 
lords. They were asked to stay at the capital in order to avert 
? The Samurai were the ruling elite and served the Shoguns 
and daimyo. 
? The 16
century brought three important changes for future 
? a. peasantry was disarmed to end war
? b.autonomy was given to daimyo
? surveys to ensure productivity and revenue
? Japan had large cities –Edo, Osaka and Kyoto led to the 
growth of a commercial economy and a vibrant culture.
? Increased use of money and creation of stock market led the 
economy in new ways.
? The period witnessed some social and cultural changes 
.Chinese influence was questioned and study of Japanese
literature promoted
The Meiji Restoration
? In 1853, the USA sent Commodore Matthew Perry to Japan 
with demands for trade and diplomatic relations. 
? The arrival of Perry brought significant change in Japanese 
? In 1868,a movement removed the Shogun from power and 
brought emperor to Edo(Tokyo)
? The Japanese were aware about the European colonization in 
India and other countries. 
? Some scholars wanted to learn new ideas from Europe and 
others sought to exclude the Europeans.
? Some favoured gradual and limited opening to the outer 
? The govt.adopted a policy with the slogan ‘rich country, 
strong army’ to create a sense of nationhood and to 
transform subjects into citizens.
? The new govt also tried to build the ‘emperor system’-(King, 
bureaucracy and military-part of this system)
? Emperor was treated as the descendant of Sun Goddess and 
leader of westernization. His birthday was declared as 
national holiday. He wore western style military uniforms.
Meiji Reforms
Educational Reforms
? Universal and compulsory Education system for boys and 
girls began to be implemented from 1870s.
? The curriculum had been based on western ideas but 
emphasis was given on the study of Japanese history. 
? The ministry of education controlled the curriculum, selected 
textbooks and conducted teachers’ training. 
? Text books taught the children to respect their parents, be 
loyal to the nation and become good citizens.
Administrative Reforms
? The Meiji govt.introduced a new administrative system by 
altering old village and domain boundaries. 
? Each administrative unit was to have sufficient revenue to 
maintain the local schools and health facilities. 
? It also served as a centre of recruitment for the army. 
? All young men over twenty had to undergo a period of 
military service.
? A modern military force was also developed.
Constitutional Reforms
? The govt set up a legal system to regulate the formation of 
political groups, control meetings and impose strict 
? All these measures invited opposition.
Economic Reforms
? Modernization of economy was an important aspect of Meiji
? Funds were raised by levying an agricultural tax. 
? The first railway line was constructed between Tokyo and 
Yokohama in 1870-72.
? Machines required for textile industry was imported from 
? Foreign technicians were used to train works and teach in 
universities and schools. 
? Even Japanese students were sent to foreign countries.
? In 1872, modern banking institutions were launched. 
? The govt helped companies like Mitsubishi and Sumitomo 
providing subsidies and tax benefits to become major 
? Till the end of the Second World War, Zaibatsu, big business 
organization controlled by individual families, dominated the 
? The population increased from 35 million in 1872 to 55 
million in 1920.
? The govt encouraged migration as a measure to reduce 
? At first migration was encouraged to the northern island of 
Hokkaido (autonomous and indigenous people lived area) 
and then to Hawai and Brazil and to the growing colonial 
empire of Japan.
? As industries developed, people shifted to towns.
Industrial Workers
? The number of workers in industries increased from 
700,000in 1870 to 4 million in 1913.
? They were employed in units without having electricity and 
? Half of the employees who worked in modern factories were 
? They organized the first modern strike in 1886.
? It was only after 1930s that the male workers began to 
outnumber women. 
? The size of the factories enlarged from less than 5 workers to 
more than 100 workers. 
? The rapid industrialization and demand for natural resources 
such as timber led to environmental destruction.
? Tanaka Shozo launched the first protest movement against 
industrial pollution in 1897 with 800 villagers.
Aggressive Nationalism
? The Meiji constitution had created a parliament called Diet 
with limited powers. 
? Those leaders who restored Meiji govt, controlled power. 
? They founded political parties and formed ministries.
? Gradually, they lost power to national unity and cabinets 
formed according to party lines. 
? The emperor was the commander of the army. It was 
interpreted that the army and the navy had independent 
? In 1899, the prime minister ordered that only military 
generals and admirals could become ministers.
? All these strengthened the army. The strengthening of army 
was related with the fear that Japan was at the mercy of the 
western powers.
Westernization and Tradition
? There were different views on Japans relation with other 
? Some intellectuals like Fukazawa Yukichi, expressed the 
view that Japan must ‘expel Asia’. By this he meant that 
Japan must shed its ‘Asian characteristics and become part 
of the west. 
? The next generation questioned the view of accepting
western ideas. 
? The Philosopher Miyake Setsurei argued that each nation 
must develop its special talents in the interest of world 
? Some others were attracted to western liberalism and wanted 
a democratic Japan rather than a military one.
? Ueki Emori, a leader of Popular Rights Movement, 
demanded the establishment of a constitutional govt.
Page 4

Theme 10.Paths to Modernization
? There are different paths to modernization. The theme tells a 
fascinating story of how different historical conditions led 
Japan and China on divergent paths to building independent 
and modern nations.
? Dynastic histories, Official records, Scholarly writings, 
popular literature and Religious literature
China Japan
1.Vast continental country
2.Three major river 
systems-the Yellow, the 
Yangtze and the Pearl
3.Mountainous region
1.Small island country
Group of islands-
2.Lacks major river 
3.50% area is in 
mountainous active 
earthquake zone
Divergent Ethnic group-
Han, Uighur, Hui, Manchu
and Tibetan.
Homogenous ethnic group 
Language Cantonese, Chinese Japanese
Food Wheat,pastries,dumplings,d
Rice,fish(Raw fish)or 
(sashimi or sushi)
Political System
? B y the 12
century, power was shifted from emperor to 
shoguns at Edo (Modern Tokyo)
? The country was divided into 250 domains under daimyo or 
lords. They were asked to stay at the capital in order to avert 
? The Samurai were the ruling elite and served the Shoguns 
and daimyo. 
? The 16
century brought three important changes for future 
? a. peasantry was disarmed to end war
? b.autonomy was given to daimyo
? surveys to ensure productivity and revenue
? Japan had large cities –Edo, Osaka and Kyoto led to the 
growth of a commercial economy and a vibrant culture.
? Increased use of money and creation of stock market led the 
economy in new ways.
? The period witnessed some social and cultural changes 
.Chinese influence was questioned and study of Japanese
literature promoted
The Meiji Restoration
? In 1853, the USA sent Commodore Matthew Perry to Japan 
with demands for trade and diplomatic relations. 
? The arrival of Perry brought significant change in Japanese 
? In 1868,a movement removed the Shogun from power and 
brought emperor to Edo(Tokyo)
? The Japanese were aware about the European colonization in 
India and other countries. 
? Some scholars wanted to learn new ideas from Europe and 
others sought to exclude the Europeans.
? Some favoured gradual and limited opening to the outer 
? The govt.adopted a policy with the slogan ‘rich country, 
strong army’ to create a sense of nationhood and to 
transform subjects into citizens.
? The new govt also tried to build the ‘emperor system’-(King, 
bureaucracy and military-part of this system)
? Emperor was treated as the descendant of Sun Goddess and 
leader of westernization. His birthday was declared as 
national holiday. He wore western style military uniforms.
Meiji Reforms
Educational Reforms
? Universal and compulsory Education system for boys and 
girls began to be implemented from 1870s.
? The curriculum had been based on western ideas but 
emphasis was given on the study of Japanese history. 
? The ministry of education controlled the curriculum, selected 
textbooks and conducted teachers’ training. 
? Text books taught the children to respect their parents, be 
loyal to the nation and become good citizens.
Administrative Reforms
? The Meiji govt.introduced a new administrative system by 
altering old village and domain boundaries. 
? Each administrative unit was to have sufficient revenue to 
maintain the local schools and health facilities. 
? It also served as a centre of recruitment for the army. 
? All young men over twenty had to undergo a period of 
military service.
? A modern military force was also developed.
Constitutional Reforms
? The govt set up a legal system to regulate the formation of 
political groups, control meetings and impose strict 
? All these measures invited opposition.
Economic Reforms
? Modernization of economy was an important aspect of Meiji
? Funds were raised by levying an agricultural tax. 
? The first railway line was constructed between Tokyo and 
Yokohama in 1870-72.
? Machines required for textile industry was imported from 
? Foreign technicians were used to train works and teach in 
universities and schools. 
? Even Japanese students were sent to foreign countries.
? In 1872, modern banking institutions were launched. 
? The govt helped companies like Mitsubishi and Sumitomo 
providing subsidies and tax benefits to become major 
? Till the end of the Second World War, Zaibatsu, big business 
organization controlled by individual families, dominated the 
? The population increased from 35 million in 1872 to 55 
million in 1920.
? The govt encouraged migration as a measure to reduce 
? At first migration was encouraged to the northern island of 
Hokkaido (autonomous and indigenous people lived area) 
and then to Hawai and Brazil and to the growing colonial 
empire of Japan.
? As industries developed, people shifted to towns.
Industrial Workers
? The number of workers in industries increased from 
700,000in 1870 to 4 million in 1913.
? They were employed in units without having electricity and 
? Half of the employees who worked in modern factories were 
? They organized the first modern strike in 1886.
? It was only after 1930s that the male workers began to 
outnumber women. 
? The size of the factories enlarged from less than 5 workers to 
more than 100 workers. 
? The rapid industrialization and demand for natural resources 
such as timber led to environmental destruction.
? Tanaka Shozo launched the first protest movement against 
industrial pollution in 1897 with 800 villagers.
Aggressive Nationalism
? The Meiji constitution had created a parliament called Diet 
with limited powers. 
? Those leaders who restored Meiji govt, controlled power. 
? They founded political parties and formed ministries.
? Gradually, they lost power to national unity and cabinets 
formed according to party lines. 
? The emperor was the commander of the army. It was 
interpreted that the army and the navy had independent 
? In 1899, the prime minister ordered that only military 
generals and admirals could become ministers.
? All these strengthened the army. The strengthening of army 
was related with the fear that Japan was at the mercy of the 
western powers.
Westernization and Tradition
? There were different views on Japans relation with other 
? Some intellectuals like Fukazawa Yukichi, expressed the 
view that Japan must ‘expel Asia’. By this he meant that 
Japan must shed its ‘Asian characteristics and become part 
of the west. 
? The next generation questioned the view of accepting
western ideas. 
? The Philosopher Miyake Setsurei argued that each nation 
must develop its special talents in the interest of world 
? Some others were attracted to western liberalism and wanted 
a democratic Japan rather than a military one.
? Ueki Emori, a leader of Popular Rights Movement, 
demanded the establishment of a constitutional govt.
? Some other groups advocated voting rights for women and 
this forced the announce a constitution.
Daily Life 
The transformation into a modern society was also reflected in the 
daily life of the people. The patriarchal family system gave way to 
nuclear family system. The new concept of family system had 
created new demands for new types of domestic goods, houses and 
family entertainments.
Overcoming Modernity
? In 1943 a Symposium on ‘Overcoming Modernity’ was held 
in Japan. 
? Overcoming Modernity debated how to combat the west 
while being modern.
? Moroi Saburo, a composer raised the question that how to 
rescue music from the art of sensory stimulation and restore 
it to an art of the spirit. He rejected the composition of 
Japanese music on western instruments.
? The philosopher Nishitani Keiji defined ‘modern’ as the 
unity of three streams of western thought: the Renaissance, 
the Reformation and the rise of natural sciences. He argued 
that Japan’s moral energy had helped it to escape 
colonialism. It was the duty of Japan to establish a new 
order, a Greater East Asia.
Re-emergence of Japan as a Global Economic Power
? After the defeat in the Second World War, Japan was 
demilitarized and a constitution was introduced. 
? Article 9 of the Constitution had a’ no war clause’ that 
renounces the use of war as an instrument of state policy.
? Agrarian reforms, the re-establishment of trade unions and 
an attempt to dismantle monopoly houses (zaibastu) etc were 
put into practice. 
? Political parties were revived. 
? According to the new constitution, elections were held in 
1946 and right to vote for women granted.
? The rebuilding of Japanese economy after defeat was called 
a post war miracle. Its roots can be seen in its long history. 
? The demand created by the Korean and the Vietnamese wars 
also helped the Japanese economy. 
? The 1964 Olympics in Tokyo are often said to mark the 
reemergence of Japan.
? Similarly, the Shinkansen high speed rail networks (bullet 
trains) have come to represent the ability of the Japanese to
use advanced technologies. 
? The problems of industrialization had its effect on health and 
? Cadmium poisoning was followed by mercury poisoning in 
Minamata in the 1960s.
? Air pollution caused problems in the 1970s.
? The 1960s witnessed the growth of civil society movements.
? Pressure groups began to demand recognition of these 
problems as well as compensation for the victims. 
? By 1980s the Govt took strong measures to regulate 
environmental issues.
Page 5

Theme 10.Paths to Modernization
? There are different paths to modernization. The theme tells a 
fascinating story of how different historical conditions led 
Japan and China on divergent paths to building independent 
and modern nations.
? Dynastic histories, Official records, Scholarly writings, 
popular literature and Religious literature
China Japan
1.Vast continental country
2.Three major river 
systems-the Yellow, the 
Yangtze and the Pearl
3.Mountainous region
1.Small island country
Group of islands-
2.Lacks major river 
3.50% area is in 
mountainous active 
earthquake zone
Divergent Ethnic group-
Han, Uighur, Hui, Manchu
and Tibetan.
Homogenous ethnic group 
Language Cantonese, Chinese Japanese
Food Wheat,pastries,dumplings,d
Rice,fish(Raw fish)or 
(sashimi or sushi)
Political System
? B y the 12
century, power was shifted from emperor to 
shoguns at Edo (Modern Tokyo)
? The country was divided into 250 domains under daimyo or 
lords. They were asked to stay at the capital in order to avert 
? The Samurai were the ruling elite and served the Shoguns 
and daimyo. 
? The 16
century brought three important changes for future 
? a. peasantry was disarmed to end war
? b.autonomy was given to daimyo
? surveys to ensure productivity and revenue
? Japan had large cities –Edo, Osaka and Kyoto led to the 
growth of a commercial economy and a vibrant culture.
? Increased use of money and creation of stock market led the 
economy in new ways.
? The period witnessed some social and cultural changes 
.Chinese influence was questioned and study of Japanese
literature promoted
The Meiji Restoration
? In 1853, the USA sent Commodore Matthew Perry to Japan 
with demands for trade and diplomatic relations. 
? The arrival of Perry brought significant change in Japanese 
? In 1868,a movement removed the Shogun from power and 
brought emperor to Edo(Tokyo)
? The Japanese were aware about the European colonization in 
India and other countries. 
? Some scholars wanted to learn new ideas from Europe and 
others sought to exclude the Europeans.
? Some favoured gradual and limited opening to the outer 
? The govt.adopted a policy with the slogan ‘rich country, 
strong army’ to create a sense of nationhood and to 
transform subjects into citizens.
? The new govt also tried to build the ‘emperor system’-(King, 
bureaucracy and military-part of this system)
? Emperor was treated as the descendant of Sun Goddess and 
leader of westernization. His birthday was declared as 
national holiday. He wore western style military uniforms.
Meiji Reforms
Educational Reforms
? Universal and compulsory Education system for boys and 
girls began to be implemented from 1870s.
? The curriculum had been based on western ideas but 
emphasis was given on the study of Japanese history. 
? The ministry of education controlled the curriculum, selected 
textbooks and conducted teachers’ training. 
? Text books taught the children to respect their parents, be 
loyal to the nation and become good citizens.
Administrative Reforms
? The Meiji govt.introduced a new administrative system by 
altering old village and domain boundaries. 
? Each administrative unit was to have sufficient revenue to 
maintain the local schools and health facilities. 
? It also served as a centre of recruitment for the army. 
? All young men over twenty had to undergo a period of 
military service.
? A modern military force was also developed.
Constitutional Reforms
? The govt set up a legal system to regulate the formation of 
political groups, control meetings and impose strict 
? All these measures invited opposition.
Economic Reforms
? Modernization of economy was an important aspect of Meiji
? Funds were raised by levying an agricultural tax. 
? The first railway line was constructed between Tokyo and 
Yokohama in 1870-72.
? Machines required for textile industry was imported from 
? Foreign technicians were used to train works and teach in 
universities and schools. 
? Even Japanese students were sent to foreign countries.
? In 1872, modern banking institutions were launched. 
? The govt helped companies like Mitsubishi and Sumitomo 
providing subsidies and tax benefits to become major 
? Till the end of the Second World War, Zaibatsu, big business 
organization controlled by individual families, dominated the 
? The population increased from 35 million in 1872 to 55 
million in 1920.
? The govt encouraged migration as a measure to reduce 
? At first migration was encouraged to the northern island of 
Hokkaido (autonomous and indigenous people lived area) 
and then to Hawai and Brazil and to the growing colonial 
empire of Japan.
? As industries developed, people shifted to towns.
Industrial Workers
? The number of workers in industries increased from 
700,000in 1870 to 4 million in 1913.
? They were employed in units without having electricity and 
? Half of the employees who worked in modern factories were 
? They organized the first modern strike in 1886.
? It was only after 1930s that the male workers began to 
outnumber women. 
? The size of the factories enlarged from less than 5 workers to 
more than 100 workers. 
? The rapid industrialization and demand for natural resources 
such as timber led to environmental destruction.
? Tanaka Shozo launched the first protest movement against 
industrial pollution in 1897 with 800 villagers.
Aggressive Nationalism
? The Meiji constitution had created a parliament called Diet 
with limited powers. 
? Those leaders who restored Meiji govt, controlled power. 
? They founded political parties and formed ministries.
? Gradually, they lost power to national unity and cabinets 
formed according to party lines. 
? The emperor was the commander of the army. It was 
interpreted that the army and the navy had independent 
? In 1899, the prime minister ordered that only military 
generals and admirals could become ministers.
? All these strengthened the army. The strengthening of army 
was related with the fear that Japan was at the mercy of the 
western powers.
Westernization and Tradition
? There were different views on Japans relation with other 
? Some intellectuals like Fukazawa Yukichi, expressed the 
view that Japan must ‘expel Asia’. By this he meant that 
Japan must shed its ‘Asian characteristics and become part 
of the west. 
? The next generation questioned the view of accepting
western ideas. 
? The Philosopher Miyake Setsurei argued that each nation 
must develop its special talents in the interest of world 
? Some others were attracted to western liberalism and wanted 
a democratic Japan rather than a military one.
? Ueki Emori, a leader of Popular Rights Movement, 
demanded the establishment of a constitutional govt.
? Some other groups advocated voting rights for women and 
this forced the announce a constitution.
Daily Life 
The transformation into a modern society was also reflected in the 
daily life of the people. The patriarchal family system gave way to 
nuclear family system. The new concept of family system had 
created new demands for new types of domestic goods, houses and 
family entertainments.
Overcoming Modernity
? In 1943 a Symposium on ‘Overcoming Modernity’ was held 
in Japan. 
? Overcoming Modernity debated how to combat the west 
while being modern.
? Moroi Saburo, a composer raised the question that how to 
rescue music from the art of sensory stimulation and restore 
it to an art of the spirit. He rejected the composition of 
Japanese music on western instruments.
? The philosopher Nishitani Keiji defined ‘modern’ as the 
unity of three streams of western thought: the Renaissance, 
the Reformation and the rise of natural sciences. He argued 
that Japan’s moral energy had helped it to escape 
colonialism. It was the duty of Japan to establish a new 
order, a Greater East Asia.
Re-emergence of Japan as a Global Economic Power
? After the defeat in the Second World War, Japan was 
demilitarized and a constitution was introduced. 
? Article 9 of the Constitution had a’ no war clause’ that 
renounces the use of war as an instrument of state policy.
? Agrarian reforms, the re-establishment of trade unions and 
an attempt to dismantle monopoly houses (zaibastu) etc were 
put into practice. 
? Political parties were revived. 
? According to the new constitution, elections were held in 
1946 and right to vote for women granted.
? The rebuilding of Japanese economy after defeat was called 
a post war miracle. Its roots can be seen in its long history. 
? The demand created by the Korean and the Vietnamese wars 
also helped the Japanese economy. 
? The 1964 Olympics in Tokyo are often said to mark the 
reemergence of Japan.
? Similarly, the Shinkansen high speed rail networks (bullet 
trains) have come to represent the ability of the Japanese to
use advanced technologies. 
? The problems of industrialization had its effect on health and 
? Cadmium poisoning was followed by mercury poisoning in 
Minamata in the 1960s.
? Air pollution caused problems in the 1970s.
? The 1960s witnessed the growth of civil society movements.
? Pressure groups began to demand recognition of these 
problems as well as compensation for the victims. 
? By 1980s the Govt took strong measures to regulate 
environmental issues.
? The modern history of China has revolved around three 
? a.How to regain sovereignty
? b.End the humiliation of foreign occupation
? c.Bring out equality and development
? Chinese debates were marked by the views of three groups.
Three Groups
1 Lian Qichao-Use traditional ideas in new and different 
way to meet western challenges
2 Republican revolutionaries such as SunYat Sen-Inspired 
by the ideas from the Japan and the West
3 CCP-Wanted to end age old inequalities and expel 
Establishing the Republic
? Manchu dynasty was overthrown and a republic 
proclaimed in 1911 under Sun Yat- Sen.
? His programme was called the Three Principles (San 
min Chui)-nationalism, democracy and socialism.
? Revolutionaries were asked for driving out the 
foreigners to control natural resources, to remove 
inequalities and reduce poverty.
? Revolutionaries advocated reforms-use of simple 
language, abolish foot binding and female 
subordination, equality in marriage and economic 
? Sun Yat-Sen’s ideas based on the ‘four great needs-
Clothing, food, housing and transportation.
? Chiang Kai shek, the leader of the Guomintang 
Party, launched military campaign to control 
warlords and to eliminate the communists.
? He encouraged women to cultivate four virtues-
charities, appearance, speech and work and confined 
to the household.
? SunYat Sen’s programme-regulating capital and 
equalizing land was never carried out. The party 
imposed military order rather than address the 
problem of peasantry.
The Rise of the Communist Party of China
? Japan invaded china in 1937.It weakend china and 
destroyed the lives of common people. 
? China faced two crises:
1. Ecological-soil exhaustion, deforestation and floods
2. Socio-economic-Exploitative land tenure systems, 
indebtedness, primitive technology and poor 
? The CCP was founded in 1921.
? Mao Zedong (1893-1976) emerged as a major leader 
of the CCP. 
? In Russia; revolution was brought by the working 
class in cities. 
? But Mao adopted a different method by basing the 
revolutionary programme on the peasantry.
? Mao and the communists camped at Jiangxi 
from1928to 1934 for securing them from 
Guomintang attacks.
? Mao developed his radical philosophy during this 
time. Peasant soviet was formed and lands were 
confiscated and redistributed among peasants. He
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FAQs on Paths to Modernisation Class 11 History

1. What is modernisation?
Ans. Modernisation refers to the process of transitioning from traditional or outdated practices to contemporary, advanced, and more efficient methods in various aspects of society, such as technology, economy, governance, and culture.
2. How can a country achieve modernisation?
Ans. There are several paths to modernisation that a country can undertake. Some common strategies include investing in education and technology, promoting industrialization, implementing effective governance and policies, fostering international collaborations, and encouraging cultural and social changes.
3. What are the benefits of modernisation?
Ans. Modernisation can bring numerous benefits to a country, including economic growth, improved living standards, increased productivity, technological advancements, enhanced infrastructure, better access to education and healthcare, and greater opportunities for innovation and development.
4. What are the challenges faced in the process of modernisation?
Ans. The process of modernisation often comes with its fair share of challenges. These can include resistance to change from traditionalists, socioeconomic disparities, cultural clashes, environmental concerns, technological disruptions, political instability, and the need for significant investments and resources.
5. How does modernisation impact traditional values and cultures?
Ans. Modernisation can have both positive and negative impacts on traditional values and cultures. While it can lead to the erosion of some traditional practices and beliefs, it can also provide opportunities for cultural exchange, preservation, and revitalization. It is crucial to strike a balance between embracing modernity while valuing and respecting cultural heritage.
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