Cleavage brings about:
(i) the distribution of the cytoplasm of the zygote, amongst the blastomeres,
(ii) increased mobility of the protoplasm, which facilitates morphogenetic movements necessary for cell differentiation, germ layer formation and the formation of tissue and organs,
(iii) the restoration of the cell size and the nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio characteristic of the species.
(iv) Unicellular zygote is converted into a multicellular embryo.
Cleavage V/S Cell Division1. Morula -
2. Blastulation -
The function of the zona pellucida -
Interstitial implantation– The blastocyst is buried deep inside the wall of the uterus and covered by the endometrial tissues lying under the epithelium. This type of implantation occurs in human beings. After implantation endometrium is known as decidua.
Morula V/S Blastula
3. Gastrulation -
(a) Differentiation of blastomere: As a result of differentiation of blastomere; three germinal layers i.e. ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm are formed.
(b) Morphogenetic Movements: During the gastrula stage blastomere performs amoeboid movement and reaches their definite place in the embryo because after the gastrulation organogenesis has to start in the embryo.
(a) Epiboly: Movement of ectoderm forming blastomere
(b) Emboly: Movement of mesoderm and endoderm forming blastomere.
Blastula v/s Gastrula
124 videos|210 docs|207 tests
1. What is cleavage in cellulation or segmentation? | ![]() |
2. How is cleavage different from cellulation or segmentation? | ![]() |
3. What are the phases of cleavage? | ![]() |
4. What is the significance of cleavage in embryonic development? | ![]() |
5. How does cleavage contribute to the formation of different cell types in the embryo? | ![]() |