Ans: (c)
'Samvad Kaumudi' was published by Raja Ram Mohan Roy. Ram Mohan Roy started publishing the Bengali weekly newspaper Samvad Kaumudi in Kolkata around the beginning of the nineteenth century.
Q2: Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow: (4 & 5 marks )(CBSE 2024)
‘Krishnaji Trimbuck Ranade inhabitant of Poona intends to publish a News Paper in the Marathi Language with a view of affording useful information on every topic of local interest. It will be open for free discussion on subjects of general utility, scientific investigation and the speculations connected with the antiquities, statistics, curiosities, history and geography of the country and of the Deccan especially... the patronage and support of all interested in the diffusion of knowledge and Welfare of the People is earnestly solicited.’ Bombay Telegraph and Courier, 6 January, 1849
“The task of the native newspapers and political associations is identical to the role of the Opposition in the House of Commons in Parliament in England. That is of critically examining government policy to suggest improvements, by removing those parts that will not be to the benefit of the people, and also by ensuring speedy implementation.
These associations ought to carefully study the particular issues, gather diverse relevant information on the nation as well as on what are the possible and desirable improvements, and this will surely earn it considerable influence.
Native Opinion, 3 April, 1870
(i) Analyse the primary objective proposed by Ranade for publishing Marathi Language newspaper.
Ans: In order to educate the people, Krishnaji intended to publish important information regarding developments in society in the fields of science, politics, and other subjects.
(ii) Why did the Bombay Telegraph emphasize the role of newspaper in promoting welfare of Deccan region?
Ans: The deccan region is geographically separated from Bombay by western ghats so, Bombay telegraph could have acted as a bridge, informing the people of the deccan about relevant developments and bring attention to the specific problems faced by deccan people.
(iii) What were the key responsibilies attributed to native newspapers? Mention any two.
Ans: The following were the key responsibilities attributed to newspapers during 19th-century:
(1) Newspapers were instrumental in shaping public opinion and creating a sense of shared identity which was important during the rise of the Indian national movement.
(2) Newspapers often serves as a watcher on the british colonial government, criticise policies, exxposed corruptions and highlight injustice faced by Indians.
Ans: The shift from hand printing to mechanical printing brought about the print revolution in Europe. This revolution was characterized by the following:
Q4: Who was Menocchio? (1 Mark) (2023)
Ans: Menocchio was an Italian miller and self-educated philosopher who was put on trial by the Inquisition for his unorthodox beliefs and interpretations of religious texts.
Q5: Which one of the following aspects was common between the writings of B.R. Ambedkar and E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker? (1 Mark) (2023)
(a) Wrote on the caste system in India
(b) Highlighted the experiences of woman
(c) Raised awareness about cultural heritage
(d) Motivated Indians for their national freedom
Ans: (a)
Both B.R. Ambedkar and E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker (also known as Periyar) focused on the issues related to the caste system in India. They criticized the discrimination faced by lower castes and worked towards social justice and equality for all.
Q6: Which one of the following aspects was common among the writings of Kailashbashini Debi, Tarabai Shinde and Pandita Ramabai? (1 Mark) (2023)
(a) Demanded economic equality for masses
(b) Highlighted the experiences of women
(c) Raised awareness about cultural heritage
(d) Motivated Indians for their national freedom
Ans: (b)
Kailashbashini Debi, Tarabai Shinde, and Pandita Ramabai all wrote about the struggles and experiences of women in society. They focused on issues like women's rights, education, and social reform, advocating for better treatment and opportunities for women in India.
Ans: Japan
Buddhist missionaries from China brought hand printing technology to Japan around A.D. 768-770. This technology allowed for the production of printed texts, which helped spread Buddhist teachings and literature throughout Japan.
Q8: ‘Vellum’ is
(a) Printing on palm leaves
(b) Printing on paper
(c) A parchment made from the skin of animals
(d) Printing on cloth.
Ans: (c)
'Vellum' is a high-quality writing material made from the prepared skin of animals, usually calves or goats. It was commonly used in the past for important documents, manuscripts, and books because of its durability and smooth surface for writing.
Q9: Who invented the Printing Press? (CBSE 2020)
Ans: Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing the Printing Press.
Q10: Who brought the knowledge of woodblock printing technique to Italy during the 13th century? (2020)
Ans: Marco Polo is believed to have brought the knowledge of woodblock printing technique to Italy during the 13th century.
Q11: By 1448, Gutenberg perfected the system of printing. The first book he printed was the ______. (2020)
Ans: The first book printed by Gutenberg was the Bible.
Q12: Wooden or Metal frames in which types are laid and the text composed for printing was known as? (2020)
Ans: The frames in which types are laid and the text composed for printing are known as printing plates or printing blocks.
Q13: Name the first book printed by Gutenberg Press. (2020)
Ans: The first book printed by Gutenberg Press was the Gutenberg Bible or the 42-line Bible.
Q14: Who were called 'Chapmen? (2020)
(a) Bookseller
(b) Paper seller
(c) Workers of printing press
(d) Seller of penny chap books’
Ans: (d)
'Chapmen' were itinerant traders or peddlers who sold cheap books known as chapbooks, often for just a penny. These chapbooks included stories, poems, and other entertaining content, making literature accessible to a wider audience in earlier times.
Q15: Which one of the following was NOT the reason for the popularity of scientific ideas among the common people in eighteenth century Europe? (2020)
(a) Printing of ideas of Isaac Newton
(b) Development of printing press
(c) Interest of people in science and reason
(d) Traditional aristocratic groups supported it
Ans: (d)
In the eighteenth century, traditional aristocratic groups often resisted scientific ideas because they threatened their authority and long-standing beliefs. Instead, the popularity of scientific ideas among common people was mainly driven by the printing press, the works of thinkers like Isaac Newton, and a growing interest in science and reason.
Q16: Why was reading of manuscript not easy in India ? Choose the appropriate reason from the following options: (CBSE 2020, 15)
(a) Manuscripts were highly cheap
(b) Manuscripts were widely spread out
(c) Manuscripts were written in English and Hindi
(d) Manuscripts were fragile.
Ans: (d)
Manuscripts in India were often made from materials like palm leaves or handmade paper, which made them delicate and prone to damage. This fragility made it difficult to read and handle them frequently, limiting access for many people.
Q17: Select the correct pair from the following Column A and Column B. (2020)
(a) a
(b) b
(c) c
(d) d
Ans: (b)
Sol: Raja Ram Mohan Ray - Sambad Kaumudi
Q18: Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow:
From the early nineteenth century, there were intense debates around religious issues. Different groups confronted the changes happening within colonial society in different ways, and offered a variety of new interpretations of the beliefs of different religions. Some criticised existing practices and campaigned for reform, while others countered the arguments of reformers. These debates were carried out in public and in print. Printed tracts and newspapers not only spread the new ideas, but they shaped the nature of the debate. A wider public could bow participate in these public discussions and express their views. New ideas emerged through these clashes of opinions. This was a time of intense controversies between social and religious reformers and the Hindu orthodoxy over matters like widow immolation, monotheism, Brahmanical priesthood and idolatry. In Bengal, as the debate developed, tracts and newspapers proliferated, circulating a variety; of arguments. To reach a wider audience, the ideas were printed in the everyday, spoken language of ordinary people. (2020)
(i) Analyse any one issue of intense debate around religious issues. (1 mark)
(ii) Examine the role of print media in these debates. (2 marks)
Ans: (i) Issue of intense debate around religious issues - widow immolation.
(ii) Role of print media:
(a) Print spread the new ideas as well as shaped these ideas.
(b) It increased public participation in public discussions.
(c) Public discussions and expression of views
(d) Argumentative ideas were circulated
Q19: Read the sources given below and answer the questions that follows: (2020)
Source - (i): Religious Reform and Public Debates
There were intense controversies between social and religious reformers and the Hindu orthodoxy over matters like widow immolation, monotheism, brahmanical priesthood and idolatry. In Bengal, as the debate developed, tracts and newspapers proliferated, circulating a variety of argument.
Source - (ii): New Forms of Publication
New literary forms also entered the world of reading lyrics, short stories, essays about social and political matters. In different ways, they reinforced the new emphasis on human lives and intimate feelings, about the political and social rules that shaped such things.
Source - (iii): Women and Print
Since social reforms and novels had already created a great interest in women’s lives and emotions, there was also an interest in what women would have to say about their own lives.
Source - (i): Religious Reform and Public Debates
(i) Evaluate how did the print shape the nature of the debate in the early nineteenth century in India.
Ans: Print played a significant role in shaping the nature of debate in early 19th century India. Here are some points to consider:
Source - (ii): New Forms of Publication
(ii) To what extent do you agree that print opened up new worlds of experience and gave a vivid sense of diversity of human lives?
Ans: Print indeed opened up new worlds of experience and provided a vivid sense of diversity of human lives. Here's why:
Source - (iii): Women and Print
(iii) To what extent did the print culture reflect a great interest in women's lives and emotions? Explain.
Ans: The print culture did reflect a great interest in women's lives and emotions. Here's why:
Q20: Why was 'Gulamgiri' book written by Jyotiba Phule in 1871? (2020)
Ans: The book 'Gulamgiri' was written by Jyotiba Phule in 1871 to criticize the caste system and advocate for the rights and upliftment of lower-caste and oppressed individuals in Indian society.
Q21: Name the book published by Raja Ram Mohan Roy. (2020)
Ans: Raja Ram Mohan Roy published the book 'Tuhfat-ul-Muwahhidin' (A Gift to Monotheists).
Q22: Name the author of 'Amar Jiban'. (2020)
Ans: The author of 'Amar Jiban' is Rassundari Devi.
Q23: Why was the Vernacular Press Act passed in 1878? (2020)
Ans: The Vernacular Press Act was passed in 1878 by the British colonial government in India to control and regulate the vernacular press, which was seen as a threat to their rule and criticized British policies.
Q24: Examine the steps taken by the British under the Vernacular Press Act, 1878. (2020 C)
Ans: (b)
The Diamond Sutra is considered the oldest known printed book, dated to 868 AD. It is a Buddhist scripture and was printed in China using woodblock printing techniques. Although it is a Chinese text, the Diamond Sutra is significant in Japanese and East Asian Buddhism as well. The book is recognized for its historical importance as an early example of printed literature.
Thus, the correct answer is (b) Diamond Sutra.
Q26: Which one of the following was NOT the reason for the popularity of scientific ideas among the common people in eighteenth century Europe?
(a) Printing ideas of Isaac Newton
(b) Development of printing press
(c) Interest of people in science and reason
(d) Traditional aristocratic group supported it (CBSE 2019)
Ans: (d)
In eighteenth-century Europe, scientific ideas became popular among the common people due to several factors:
(a) Printing ideas of Isaac Newton: The spread of Newton's ideas through printed materials made scientific knowledge more accessible.
(b) Development of printing press: The printing press played a crucial role in distributing scientific ideas widely and quickly.
(c) Interest of people in science and reason: The Enlightenment period sparked curiosity and an interest in science, logic, and rational thought among the general populace.
Thus, the correct answer is (d) Traditional aristocratic group supported it.
Q27: Explain the meaning of the term ‘Calligraphy’. (Al 2019,2014)
Ans: Calligraphy is the art of decorative handwriting or lettering.
Q28: How had the Imperial State in China been the major producer of printed material for a long time? Explain with examples. (Delhi) 2019)
Ans: The Imperial State in China had been the major producer of printed material for a long time due to the following reasons:
Q29: "Print Revolution in the sixteenth-century Europe transformed the lives of people." Support the statement with suitable arguments. (AI 2019)
Ans: The Print Revolution in sixteenth-century Europe had a significant impact on the lives of people. The following arguments support this statement:
Q30: How had a large number of new readers among children, women and workers increased in nineteenth century Europe? Explain with examples. (CBSE 2019)
Ans: Primary education was made compulsory in the 19th century.
(1) In 1857, a children’s press was set up in France.
(2) One such publishing company was the Grimm Brothers who collected several folktales and poems and eventually edited them which proved unsuitable for the readers and thus published in 1812.
(3) For women many penny magazines were being written.
(4) For workers libraries were devoted where the tired workers from their daily chores can come and even write about their life.
(5) They wrote political tract and autobiographies too.
Q31: ‘‘Printing brought the reading public and hearing public closer.’’ Substantiate the statement with appropriate argument. (CBSE 2019)
Ans: New reading and hearing public intermingled because:
(1) Large numbers of books were printed and available. These books were written with every class and group in mind and hence it attracted every section.
(2) Books were available at ease and at cheap cost.
(3) Text was recited and narrated which made the illiterate interested in knowing the subject and matter of the books.
(4) Knowledge was transferred orally or through performances. The books were filled with pictures for the hearing public to relate to.
(5) The hearing public began formally educating themselves through schools to read these books.
Ans: The Roman Catholic church imposed control over publishers and booksellers to maintain control over the spread of information and to ensure that religious teachings were not challenged or misrepresented.
Q33: Print created the possibility of wide circulation of ideas and introduced a new world of debate and discussion.” Analyse the statement in the context of religion in Europe. (CBSE 2018)
Ans: Print created the possibility of wide circulation of ideas and introduced a new world of debate and discussion. (1) Even the dissenting authors could now publish and present their ideas. This would further lead to debates and discussions. (2) Through the printed message, they could persuade people to think differently, and move them to action. (3) Various ideas could be widely accessed by common people which made them consider other options as this widened their perspectives.
Q34: Why could not manuscripts satisfy the increasing demand of books in Europe during the fourteenth century? (CBSE 2018)
Ans: Manuscripts could not satisfy the increasing demand for books in Europe during the fourteenth century because they were fragile, difficult to handle and could not be carried around or read easily.
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Previous Year Questions: Print Culture & the Modern World
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Ans: The limited circulation of manuscripts in Europe before the introduction of printing technology can be attributed to the following reasons:
Q36: What are the factors that lead to the reading mania in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Europe? (2017)
Ans: The reading mania in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Europe can be attributed to the following factors:
Ans: A manuscript is a handwritten document, typically written on palm leaves or handmade paper. During the nineteenth century, manuscripts had the following limitations:
Q38: How had the earliest printing technology developed in the world? Explain with an example. (2016)
Ans: The earliest printing technology in the world developed in China, Japan, and Korea. In China, woodblocks were used for hand printing. This technology was initially used exclusively by scholar officials. However, it later became common and widespread. The Buddhist missionaries introduced hand printing technology from China to Japan, and Marco Polo brought the knowledge of woodblock printing from China to Italy.
Q39: How did a new reading public emerge with the printing press? Explain. (2016)
'With the printing press, a new public emerged in Europe.' Justify the statement.
Ans: The printing press played a crucial role in the emergence of a new reading public in Europe. The following points explain how this happened:
Q40: Why did British Government curb the freedom of the Indian press after the revolt of 1857? (2016)
Ans: After the revolt of 1857, the attitude towards freedom of the press changed. Enraged English officials clamped down on the Indian press because of their nationalist activities. In 1887, the Vernacular Press Act was passed, providing the government with extensive rights to censor reports. The government kept regular track of the Vernacular newspapers, and when a report was judged as seditious, the newspaper was warned. If the warning was ignored, the press was liable to be seized and the machinery could be confiscated.
Q41: Print culture created the conditions within which the French Revolution occurred. Give any three suitable arguments to support the statement. (2016)
Ans: Print culture played a significant role in creating the conditions for the French Revolution. The following arguments support this statement:
Q42: Describe the impact of the print revolution in Europe during the 15th and 16th century. (2016)
Ans: The impact of the print revolution in Europe during the 15th and 16th century was significant. Here are some key points:
Q43: Explain with example how print culture catered to the requirement of children. (2016)
Ans: Print culture catered to the requirement of children by producing literature specifically for them. Here is an example:
Q44: Explain briefly the initial efforts made by foreigners to introduce printing press in India. (2016)
Ans: Foreigners made initial efforts to introduce the printing press in India. Here are some key points:
Q45: "Print not only stimulated the publication of conflicting opinions amongst communities but it also connected communities and people in different parts of India”. Examine the statement. (2016)
Ans: The statement is accurate as print indeed stimulated the publication of conflicting opinions and connected communities and people across different parts of India. Here's an examination of the statement:
In conclusion, the print revolution in India not only provided a platform for conflicting opinions to be published but also connected communities and people across different parts of the country, contributing to the growth of knowledge, awareness, and national consciousness.
65 videos|517 docs|79 tests
1. What is the significance of print culture in the modern world? | ![]() |
2. How did the invention of the printing press change communication? | ![]() |
3. What role did print culture play in the spread of nationalism? | ![]() |
4. How did print culture impact education during the modern era? | ![]() |
5. What are some challenges faced by print culture in the digital age? | ![]() |