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Print Culture & the Modern World Summary Class 10 Social Science Chapter 2

The First Printed Books

Print in China

  • The first print technology was created in China, Japan, and Korea, using a method known as hand printing.
  • From AD 594, books in China were printed by pressing paper against inked wooden blocks, which were also invented there.
  • Since the thin sheets could only be printed on one side, the traditional Chinese 'accordion book' was folded and sewn on the side.
  • For a long time, the imperial state was the main producer of printed works in China.
  • China had a vast bureaucratic system that employed its staff through civil service exams, leading to the mass printing of textbooks for these exams.
  • Skilled artisans could replicate beautiful calligraphy with great precision.
  • Wealthy women started reading, and many began publishing their own poetry and plays.
  • Wives of scholar-officials published their writings, and courtesans shared their stories.
  • This emerging reading culture coincided with new technology.
  • In the late 19th century, printing began to shift to mechanical methods as Western printing techniques were introduced when Western powers established themselves in China.
  • Shanghai became the centre of this new print culture, serving Western-style schools.

Print in Japan

  • Between AD 768-770, Buddhist missionaries from China brought hand-printing technology to Japan.
  • The oldest Japanese printed book, the Buddhist Diamond Sutra, was produced in AD 868 and contains six sheets.

    • In the 11th century, Chinese paper reached Europe through the silk route.
    • In 1295, explorer Marco Polo returned to Italy after spending years in China, bringing knowledge of woodblock printing.
    • Italians began to create books using woodblocks, and this technology quickly spread across Europe.
    • As the need for books grew, booksellers across Europe started exporting them widely.
    • However, the production of handwritten manuscripts could not keep up due to:
      • Copying being costly, labor-intensive, and time-consuming.
      • Manuscripts being delicate and difficult to manage.
    • The breakthrough came in Strasbourg, Germany, where Johann Gutenberg invented the first-known printing press in the 1430s.

Gutenberg and the Printing Press

  • Gutenberg learned the art of polishing stones, became a master goldsmith, and also acquired the expertise to create lead moulds used for making trinkets.
  • Based on this knowledge, Gutenberg adapted existing technology to design his innovation.
  • By 1448, Gutenberg perfected the system. The first book he printed was the Bible.
  • Between 1450 and 1550, printing presses were set up in most countries of Europe.

The Print Revolution and Its Impact

A New Reading Public

  • Access to books created a new culture of reading.
  • However, the rates of literacy in most European countries were very low till the twentieth century which was a major hurdle in spreading of this culture.
  • So printers began publishing popular ballads and folk tales, and such books would be profusely illustrated with pictures.

Religious Debates and the Fear of Print

  • People believed can lead to the fear of the spread of rebellious and irreligious thoughts.
  • In 1517, the religious reformer Martin Luther wrote ‘Ninety Five Theses’ criticising many of the practices and rituals of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • This led to a division within the Church and to the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.

Print and Dissent

  • In the 16th century, Menocchio, an Italian miller, read local books and reinterpreted the Bible.
  • His views on God and Creation angered the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Menocchio was tried and executed for heresy as a result.
  • To tackle such dissent, the Church enforced strict regulations on publishers and booksellers.
  • They maintained an Index of Prohibited Books starting in 1558.

The Reading Mania

  • By the end of the eighteenth century, in some parts of Europe literacy rates were as high as 60 to 80 percent.
  • In England, Penny chapbooks were carried by petty pedlars known as chapmen and sold for a penny.
  • In France were the ‘Biliotheque Bleue’ - low priced small books printed on poor quality paper and bound in cheap blue covers.
  • Newspapers and journals carried information about wars and trade, as well as news of developments in other places.

‘Tremble, therefore, tyrants of the world!’

  • By the mid-18th century, many believed books could drive progress and enlightenment, ending tyranny and promoting reason. 
  • French novelist Louise-Sebastien Mercier viewed the printing press as a powerful tool for change. In his novels, reading transforms heroes, making them enlightened. 
  • Mercier famously warned tyrants to fear the power of print.

Print Culture and the French Revolution

  • Print culture created the conditions within which French Revolution occurred.
  • Print popularized the ideas of the Enlightenment thinkers and created a new culture of dialogue and debate.
  • By the 1780s, literature mocked the royalty and criticized their morality were large in number.

The Nineteenth Century

Children, Women and Workers

  • In 1857, in France, a children’s press, devoted to literature for children alone was set up.
  • Women became important as readers as well as writers.
  • Penny Magazines were especially meant for women, manuals teaching proper behaviors and housekeeping.
  • In the nineteenth century, lending libraries in England became a medium for educating white-collar workers, artisans and lower-middle-class people.

Further Innovations

  • By mid 19th Century, Richard M. Hoe perfected the power driven cylindrical press.
  • In the late 19th century, offset press was developed that can print up to six colours at a time.
  • By the 20th century, electrically operated presses accelerated printing operations.

India and the World of Print

Manuscripts Before the Age of Print

  • In India, manuscripts were copied on palm leaves or on handmade paper.

Print Comes to India

  • In the mid-sixteenth century, the printing press arrived in Goa with Portuguese missionaries.
  • By 1674, around 50 books were printed in the Konkani and Kanara languages.
  • Catholic priests printed the first Tamil book in 1579 at Cochin.
  • In 1713, the first Malayalam book was printed by Catholic priests.
  • By 1710, Dutch Protestant missionaries had printed 32 Tamil texts, many of which were translations of older works.
  • Starting in 1780, James Augustus Hickey began editing the Bengal Gazette, a weekly magazine.

Religious Reform and Public Debates

  • From the early nineteenth century, there were intense debates around religious issues.
  • Different groups offered a variety of new interpretations of the beliefs of different religions.
  • In 1821, Rammohun Roy published the Sambad Kaumudi.
  • In 1810, the first printed edition of the Ramcharitmanas of Tulsidas, a 16th century text published in Calcutta.

New Forms of Publication

  • The novel, a literary firm which had developed in Europe soon acquired distinctively Indian forms and styles.
  • Other new literary forms such as lyrics, short stories, essays about social and political matters also entered the world of reading.
  • Painters like Raja Ravi Varma produced visual images for mass circulation.

Women and Print

  • Liberal husbands and fathers began educating their womenfolk at home.
  • Conservative Hindus believed that a literate girl would be widowed.
  • Muslims feared that educated women would be corrupted by reading Urdu romances.

Print and the Poor People

  • By the end of the nineteenth century, very cheap and small books became available in markets.
  • From this time, issues of caste discrimination began to be discussed in many printed tracts and essays.

Print and Censorship

  • Before 1798, the colonial state under the East India Company was not much concerned about censorship.
  • By 1820s, the Calcutta Supreme Court passed certain regulations to control press freedom.
  • After the revolt of 1857, the attitude to freedom of the press changed. 
  • In 1878, the Vernacular Press Act was passed which provided the government with extensive rights to censor reports and editorials in the vernacular press.
  • Despite repressive measures, nationalist newspapers grew in numbers in all parts of India.

The document Print Culture & the Modern World Summary Class 10 Social Science Chapter 2 is a part of the Class 10 Course Social Studies (SST) Class 10.
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FAQs on Print Culture & the Modern World Summary Class 10 Social Science Chapter 2

1. What is the significance of print culture in the modern world?
Ans. Print culture played a crucial role in shaping modern societies by facilitating the spread of knowledge, ideas, and information. It allowed for the dissemination of literature, political pamphlets, and scientific works, which contributed to the rise of literacy and the democratization of knowledge. This shift helped to break the monopoly of the elite over information, leading to increased social and political awareness among the masses.
2. How did the invention of the printing press impact society?
Ans. The invention of the printing press in the 15th century revolutionized the way information was produced and shared. It made books more accessible and affordable, leading to a significant rise in literacy rates. This technological advancement allowed for the rapid spread of new ideas and challenged the authority of traditional institutions, such as the church and monarchy, thus playing a key role in movements like the Reformation and the Enlightenment.
3. What role did print culture play in the Indian freedom struggle?
Ans. In the Indian freedom struggle, print culture was instrumental in spreading nationalist ideas and mobilizing the masses against colonial rule. Newspapers, journals, and pamphlets became important tools for leaders like Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Mahatma Gandhi to communicate their messages. Print media helped to create a sense of unity and shared identity among Indians, fostering a collective resistance against British imperialism.
4. What are some examples of print media that emerged in the modern era?
Ans. The modern era saw the emergence of various forms of print media, including newspapers, magazines, novels, and academic journals. Notable examples include The Times of London, which provided news and commentary on contemporary issues, and literary magazines like The Atlantic Monthly, which published works by prominent writers. These publications contributed to the development of genres and styles in literature and journalism.
5. How did print culture influence education and literacy?
Ans. Print culture significantly influenced education and literacy by making educational materials more widely available. The proliferation of textbooks, reading materials, and educational pamphlets contributed to the establishment of formal education systems. As a result, literacy rates increased, empowering individuals to engage with texts critically and fostering a culture of learning that continues to this day.
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