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Class 10 Civics Chapter 1 Question Answers - Democratic Politics - II

Short Answer Type Questions (3 Marks)

Q1: “Belgium shifted from a unitary to a federal form of government”. What key changes were brought in the political system under the above mentioned shift ?
Ans: (i) Many powers of the central government were given to state governments of the two regions of the country.
(ii) The regional governments were given constitutional powers that were no longer dependent on the central government.
(iii) Apart from the central government and the state government there is a third kind of government known as community government. This government has the power regarding cultural, educational and language related issues.

Q2: “Federations are contrasted with unitary governments”. Explain by giving examples from Sri Lanka and Belgium.
In a unitary system, there is either one level of government or the sub-units are subordinate to the central government. This means the central government can issue orders to provincial or local governments. 
For example: Sri Lanka operates as a unitary state, where the national government has significant power. An example is a law passed that mandates the state to protect and promote Buddhism.

In contrast, a federal system divides powers between the central government and state governments. Here, the central government cannot dictate actions to state governments, which have their own powers and responsibilities. Both levels of government are accountable to their respective citizens. 
For instance: Belgium transitioned to a federal system in 1993, granting constitutional powers to regional governments, making them independent from the central government.

Q3: Mention any three features of an ideal federal system.
(i) The federal system which safeguards and promotes unity of the country, while at the same time accommodates regional diversity.
(ii) Governments at different levels should agree to some rules of power-sharing. They should also trust that each would abide by its part of the agreement.
(iii) An ideal federal system has both aspects : mutual trust and agreement to live together.

Q4: Mention any two subjects which are included in the union list. Explain by giving reasons why these are included in the union list.
Defence and foreign affairs are two subjects included in the Union List.

Reasons for their inclusion:

  • National importance: Both subjects are crucial for the security and diplomatic relations of the country.
  • Uniform policy: A consistent approach is necessary across the nation to effectively manage these areas.

Q5: ‘All states in the Indian Union do not have identical powers. Justify. –
(i) Some states like Jammu and Kashmir has its own Constitution.
(ii) Many provisions of the Indian Constitution are not applicable to this State without the approval of the State Assembly.
(iii) Indians who are not permanent residents of this State cannot buy land or house here. Similar special provisions exist for some other States of India as well.

Q6: “Federal power sharing is more effective today than it was in the early years after the Constitution came into force”. Explain.
How is federal power sharing more effective today than in the early years? Explain.
Federal power sharing is more effective today than it was in the early years after the Constitution came into force.

  • Centre-State relations: Initially, when the ruling party at the State level differed from that at the Centre, the Central Government often undermined State powers. They misused the Constitution to dismiss rival State governments, which weakened the spirit of federalism. This changed significantly after 1990 with the rise of regional political parties.
  • Coalition Governments: The era of coalition governments began as no single party secured a clear majority in the Lok Sabha. Major national parties formed alliances with regional parties, fostering a new culture of power sharing and respect for State autonomy.
  • Supreme Court Judgement: The Supreme Court of India established strict guidelines for imposing President’s rule. These guidelines made it challenging for the Central Government to dismiss State governments arbitrarily, further enhancing federal power sharing.

Q7: ‘The sharing of power between the Union government and the state governments is basic to the structure of the Indian Constitution’. Explain.
(i) Under a federal government, the fundamental provisions cannot be unilaterally changed by one level of the government and the same is true for India,
(ii) The Parliament cannot on its own change the fundamental structure of the Constitution. Any change in it has to be first passed by both the Houses of the Parliament with at least two-third majority. Then it has to be ratified by the legislatures of at least half of the total states.

Q8: Mention any four features of federalism.  
Explain four features of the federal form of government.
(i) The power is divided between a central authority and its various constituent units.
(ii) Different tiers of the government govern the same citizens.
(iii) The fundamental provisions of the government cannot be unilaterally changed by one level of government.
(iv) It has a dual objective, i.e., to safeguard and promote the unity of the country, and also to accommodate the regional diversity.

Q9: “There is a need for power sharing within the states”. Explain.
(i) A vast country like India cannot be run only through these two-tiers. States in India are as large as independent countries of Europe. In terms of population, Uttar Pradesh is bigger than Russia, Maharashtra is about as big as Germany.
(ii) Many of Indian states are internally very diverse. There is thus a need for power sharing within these states.
(iii) The third tier is also required to principle of decentralisation of power.

Q10: Mention any four difficulties of the local government in India. 
(i) Most states have not transferred significant powers to the local governments.
(ii) There is a shortage of resources.
(iii) Elections are not held regularly.
(iv) The Gram Sabhas are not held regularly.

Long Answer Type Questions (5 Marks)
Q11: Explain the major key features of federalism.
Describe any four features of the federalism.
Key Features of Federalism:

  • Multiple Levels of Government: Federalism involves two or more levels of government, typically a central government and state or provincial governments.
  • Same Citizens, Separate Jurisdictions: Different tiers govern the same citizens, but each has its own jurisdiction over specific areas like legislation, taxation, and administration.
  • Constitutional Authority: The Constitution defines the powers of each government level, ensuring their existence and authority are constitutionally protected.
  • Rigid Constitution: Changes to fundamental constitutional provisions cannot be made unilaterally; they require consent from both levels of government.
  • Judicial Oversight: Courts interpret the Constitution and resolve disputes between government levels, acting as an impartial arbiter.
  • Financial Autonomy: Each government level has clearly defined sources of revenue to maintain its financial independence.
  • Dual Objectives: Federalism aims to promote national unity while accommodating regional diversity, necessitating mutual trust and agreement between government levels.

Q12: ‘India is a federal country.’ Explain by giving examples.
Explain the three fold distribution of legislative powers between the Union Government and the State Governments.
Mention any five main features which make India a federal country.
India is a federal country.

  • Division of powers:The Constitution separates the powers of the central and state governments into three lists:
    • Union List
    • State List
    • Concurrent List
  • Three-tier system:India has a three-tier system of government:
    • Union Government
    • State Government
    • Local Self-Government
  • Unequal powers: Not all states have the same powers. For instance, Jammu and Kashmir has its own Constitution, and some Indian Constitution provisions do not apply without state assembly permission.
  • Consent required: Changes to fundamental provisions cannot be made unilaterally. The Parliament cannot alter the Constitution's fundamental structure without agreement from both levels of government.
  • Separate income sources: The Constitution specifies financial powers. The central government collects income tax and excise duty, while state governments manage land revenue and stamp duty.

Q13: How is federalism practised in India ? Explain.
‘The real success of federalism in India can be attributed to the nature of democratic politics in India.’ Explain.
Federalism in India is practised through several key mechanisms:

  • Linguistic States: After independence in 1950, the boundaries of various states were altered to create new ones. This aimed to group people who spoke the same language and shared common culture, ethnicity, or geography.
  • Language Policy: The Indian Constitution does not designate any language as the national language. While Hindi is recognised as an optional language, the central government does not impose it on states where other languages are predominant. Additionally, there are 22 other languages acknowledged as Scheduled Languages.
  • Centre-State Relations: Strengthening relations between the Centre and states is crucial for federalism. Although the Constitution outlines the powers of the Union and state governments, the Union can still influence states in various ways. Historically, the central government has misused its powers to dismiss state governments led by rival parties, which undermines the essence of federalism and democracy. The judiciary has played a significant role in restoring the autonomy of state governments that were dismissed arbitrarily.

Q14: “The creation of linguistic states was the first and major test for democratic politics in our country.” Justify this statement.
In 1947, the boundaries of several old States in India were changed to create new States. This was aimed at ensuring that people who spoke the same language lived together in the same State. However, some States were formed based on cultural, ethnic, or geographical differences rather than language. Examples include:

  • Nagaland
  • Uttarakhand
  • Jharkhand

The demand for linguistic States initially raised concerns among national leaders about potential disintegration of the country. The Central Government resisted this idea for a time. However, the formation of linguistic States has ultimately contributed to a more united India and simplified administration.

Q15: Explain how law making powers are  shared between centre and states in India ? Mention three subjects each of Union List and State List.
Describe the division of power between the central and the state governments in India.
How are the powers divided between the states and centre? Explain with examples.
In 1947, the boundaries of several old States in India were altered to create new States. This was aimed at ensuring that people who spoke the same language lived together. Some States, however, were formed based on cultural, ethnic, or geographical differences, such as Nagaland, Uttarakhand, and Jharkhand.

Initially, there was concern among national leaders that forming States based on language could lead to the country's disintegration. The Central Government resisted the idea for some time. However, experience has shown that:

  • The creation of linguistic States has actually strengthened national unity.
  • It has simplified administration across the country.

Q16: ‘Most federations that are formed by ‘holding together’ do not give equal power to its constituent units.’ Is it true for India? Explain.
“Holding together federations” do not give equal power to its constituent units. Explain the statement with the help of examples in context to India.
Yes, the above statement is true for India.
(i) All states in the Indian Union do not have identical powers. Some states enjoy a special status. Jammu and Kashmir has its own Constitution. Many provisions of the Indian Constitution are not applicable to this state without the permission of the state assembly. Indians who are not permanent residents of this state cannot buy land or house here.
(ii) Similar special provisions exist for Assam and the hill states of North-East India.
(iii) There are some units of Indian Union which enjoy very little power. These are areas which are too small to become an independent state but which could not be merged with any of the existing states. These areas, like Chandigarh, or Lakshadweep or the capital city of Delhi, are called the Union Territories. These territories do not have the powers of a state. The central government has special powers in running these areas.

Q17: Why were the linguistic states created? What are their advantages?
(i) Common Language: Many states were created on the basis of language to ensure that people who speak the same language lived in the same state.
(ii) Common culture, ethnicity or geography: Some States were created not on the basis of language but to recognise differences based on culture, ethnicity or geography. These include States like Nagaland, Uttarakhand and Jharkhand.
The experience has shown that the formation of linguistic States has actually made the country, more united. It has also made administration easier.

Q18: Explain the language policy of Indian Federal. How is it different from Sri Lanka?
Write any four characteristics of language policy of India. 
Describe in brief the language policy of India.
Creation of Linguistic States

  • Common Language: Many states were formed to group people who speak the same language together.
  • Cultural and Ethnic Recognition: Some states, like Nagaland, Uttarakhand, and Jharkhand, were created based on cultural, ethnic, or geographical differences.


  • The formation of linguistic states has contributed to a more united country.
  • It has simplified administration and governance.

Q19: ‘Restructuring the Centre-State relations is an important way in which the Indian Federalism has been strengthened in practice.’ Explain.
: (i) After 90s, many regional political parties have emerged in many states of the country.
(ii) The regional parties are playing a very vital role in forming the Union government.
(iii) The judiciary has played a major role in improving the autonomy of the state governments because many a time, it has rescued the state governments which were dismissed in an arbitrary manner.

Q20: Point out one feature in the practice of federalism in India that is similar to any one feature that is different from that of Belgium.
One similar feature of Federalism between India and Belgium : India and Belgium are both holding together federations where the Central Governments tend to be more powerful vis-a-vis the states.
One different feature of Federalism between India and Belgium : In Belgium, there are three kinds of government – government at the centre, government at the state level and third kind of government is the community government. The community government has the power regarding cultural, educational and language related issues.
But in India, there is no third kind of government, there is no community government.

The document Class 10 Civics Chapter 1 Question Answers - Democratic Politics - II is a part of the Class 10 Course Social Studies (SST) Class 10.
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FAQs on Class 10 Civics Chapter 1 Question Answers - Democratic Politics - II

1. What is federalism and how does it function in a country?
Ans. Federalism is a system of governance in which power is divided between a central authority and various constituent units, such as states or provinces. In a federal system, each level of government has its own responsibilities and powers, which are often outlined in a constitution. This allows for a balance of power, enabling local governments to address regional issues while the national government handles matters of broader significance.
2. What are the advantages of federalism?
Ans. Federalism offers several advantages, including the ability to tailor policies to local needs, fostering innovation through state-level experimentation, and providing multiple levels of government that can serve as checks on each other. Additionally, it can enhance citizen participation by allowing more localized governance, making it easier for people to engage with their government.
3. What are some challenges associated with federalism?
Ans. Challenges of federalism can include conflicts between state and national laws, potential inequalities in resources and services across different regions, and complexities in governance that can lead to inefficiencies. Additionally, coordination between different levels of government can sometimes be difficult, making it challenging to implement cohesive policies.
4. How does federalism impact the distribution of power in a government?
Ans. Federalism impacts the distribution of power by creating a dual system of governance where both the central and state governments have authority. This division allows for a more decentralized approach to governance, preventing the concentration of power in a single entity and promoting democratic principles. Each level of government can operate independently within its jurisdiction while also cooperating on shared issues.
5. Can federalism evolve or change over time?
Ans. Yes, federalism can evolve or change over time due to various factors such as shifts in political power, changes in societal needs, or amendments to the constitution. Historical events, like wars or economic crises, can also prompt re-evaluations of the balance of power between state and national governments, leading to reforms in the federal system.
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