Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering PDF Download

Stream Function
Let us consider a two-dimensional incompressible flow parallel to the x - y plane in a rectangular cartesian coordinate system. The flow field in this case is defined by
u = u(x, y, t)
v = v(x, y, t)
w = 0 

The equation of continuity is
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

If a function ψ(x, y, t) is defined in the manner

Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical EngineeringStream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

so that it automatically satisfies the equation of continuity (Eq. (10.1)), then the function is known as stream function. 
Note that for a steady flow, ψ is a function of two variables x and y only.

Constancy of ψ on a Streamline

Since ψ is a point function, it has a value at every point in the flow field. Thus a change in the stream function ψ can be written as
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

The equation of a streamline is given by

Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

It follows that dψ = 0 on a streamline.This implies the value of ψ is constant along a streamline. Therefore, the equation of a streamline can be expressed in terms of stream function as

ψ(x, y) = constant   (10.3)

Once the function ψ is known, streamline can be drawn by joining the same values of ψ in the flow field.

Stream function for an irrotational flow
In case of a two-dimensional irrotational flow 

Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

Conclusion drawn:For an irrotational flow, stream function satisfies the Laplace’s equation

Physical Significance of Stream Funtion ψ

Figure 10.1 illustrates a two dimensional flow.
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
Fig 10.1   Physical Interpretation of Stream Function

Let A be a fixed point, whereas P be any point in the plane of the flow. The points A and P are joined by the arbitrary lines ABP and ACP. For an incompressible steady flow, the volume flow rate across ABP into the space ABPCA (considering a unit width in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the flow) must be equal to that across ACP. A number of different paths connecting A and P (ADP, AEP,...) may be imagined but the volume flow rate across all the paths would be the same. This implies that the rate of flow across any curve between A and P depends only on the end points A and P.

Since A is fixed, the rate of flow across ABP, ACP, ADP, AEP (any path connecting A and P) is a function only of the position P. This function is known as the stream function ψ.

The value of ψ at P represents the volume flow rate across any line joining P to A. 
The value of ψ at A is made arbitrarily zero. If a point P’ is considered (Fig. 10.1b),PP’ being along a streamline, then the rate of flow across the curve joining A to P’ must be the same as across AP, since, by the definition of a streamline, there is no flow across PP'

The value of ψ thus remains same at P’ and P. Since P’ was taken as any point on the streamline through P, it follows that ψ is constant along a streamline. Thus the flow may be represented by a series of streamlines at equal increments of ψ.

In fig (10.1c) moving from A to B net flow going past the curve AB is
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

The stream function, in a polar coordinate system is defined as
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

The expressions for Vr and Vθ in terms of the stream function automatically satisfy the equation of continuity given by
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

Stream Function in Three Dimensional and Compressible Flow
Stream Function in Three Dimensional Flow

In case of a three dimensional flow, it is not possible to draw a streamline with a single stream function.

An axially symmetric three dimensional flow is similar to the two-dimensional case in a sense that the flow field is the same in every plane containing the axis of symmetry.

The equation of continuity in the cylindrical polar coordinate system for an incompressible flow is given by the following equation
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
For an axially symmetric flow (the axis r = 0 being the axis of symmetry),  the term  Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  ,and simplified equation is satisfied by  functions defined as 
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering    (10.4)

The function ψ , defined by the Eq.(10.4) in case of a three dimensional flow with an axial symmetry, is called thestokes stream function.

Stream Function in Compressible Flow
For compressible flow, stream function is related to mass flow rate instead of volume flow rate because of the extra density term in the continuity equation (unlike incompressible flow)

The continuity equation for a steady two-dimensional compressible flow is given by
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

Hence a stream function ψ is defined which will satisfy the above equation of continuity as
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering     [where ρ0 is a reference density]       (10.5)

ρ0 is used  to retain the unit of ψ same as that in the case of an incompressible flow. Physically, the difference in stream function between any two streamlines multiplied by the reference density ρ0 will give the mass flow rate through the passage of unit width formed by the streamlines.


Continuity Equation: Integral Form
Let us consider a control volume  Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering   bounded by the control surface S. The efflux of mass across the control surface S is given by
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering 

where Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering is the velocity vector at an elemental area( which is treated as a vector by considering its positive direction along the normal drawn outward from the surface).
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
Fig 10.2  A Control Volume for the Derivation of Continuity Equation (integral form)

The rate of mass accumulation within the control volume becomes

Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
where dStream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering is an elemental volume, ρ is the density and Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering is the total volume bounded by the control surface S. Hence, the continuity equation becomes (according to the statement given by Eq. (9.1))
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering    (10.6)

The second term of the Eq. (10.6) can be converted into a volume integral by the use of the Gauss divergence theorem as
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

Since the volume Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering does not change with time, the sequence of differentiation and integration in the first term of Eq.(10.6) can be interchanged. 
Therefore Eq. (10.6) can be written as

Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering    (10.7)

Equation (10.7) is valid for any arbitrary control volume irrespective of its shape and size. So we can write
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering   (10.8)


Conservation of Momentum:  Momentum Theorem
In Newtonian mechanics, the conservation of momentum is defined by Newton’s second law of motion.

Newton’s Second Law of Motion

  • The rate of change of momentum of a body is proportional to the impressed action and takes place in the direction of the impressed action.
  • If a force acts on the body ,linear momentum is implied.
  • If a torque (moment) acts on the body,angular momentum is implied.

Reynolds Transport Theorem
A study of fluid flow by the Eulerian approach requires a mathematical modeling for a control volume either in differential or in integral form. Therefore the physical statements of the principle of conservation of mass, momentum and energy with reference to a control volume become necessary.
This is done by invoking a theorem known as the Reynolds transport theorem which relates the control volume concept with that of a control mass system in terms of a general property of the system.

Statement of Reynolds Transport Theorem
The theorem states that "the time rate of increase of property N within a control mass system is equal to the time rate of increase of property N within the control volume plus the net rate of efflux of the property N across the control surface”.

Equation of Reynolds Transport Theorem
After deriving  Reynolds Transport Theorem according to the above statement we get
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering   (10.9)


In this equation
N - flow property which is transported
η - intensive value of the flow property

Application of the Reynolds Transport Theorem to Conservation of Mass and Momentum 
Conservation of mass :The constancy of mass is inherent in the definition of a control mass system and therefore we can write
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering     (10.13a)

To develop the analytical statement for the conservation of mass of a control volume, the Eq. (10.11) is used with N = m (mass) and η = 1 along with the Eq. (10.13a).
This gives
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering    (10.13b)

The Eq. (10.13b) is identical to Eq. (10.6) which is the integral form of the continuity equation derived in earlier section. At steady state, the first term on the left hand side of Eq. (10.13b) is zero. Hence, it becomes
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering    (10.13c) 

Conservation of Momentum or Momentum Theorem - The principle of conservation of momentum as applied to a control volume is usually referred to as the momentum theorem.
Linear momentum - The first step in deriving the analytical statement of linear momentum theorem is to write the Eq. (10.11) for the property N as the linear - momentum Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering and accordingly η as the velocity (Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering) Then it becomes
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  (10.14)

The velocity (Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering) defining the linear momentum in Eq. (10.14) is described in an inertial frame of reference. Therefore we can substitute the left hand side of Eq. (10.14) by the external forces Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  on the control mass system or on the coinciding control volume by the direct application of Newton’s law of motion. This gives
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering   (10.15)

This Equation is the analytical statement of linear momentum theorem.
In the analysis of finite control volumes pertaining to practical problems, it is convenient to describe all fluid velocities in a frame of coordinates attached to the control volume.
Therefore, an equivalent form of Eq.(10.14) can be obtained, under the situation, by substituting N as and accordingly η as  Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  , we get
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering   (10.16)

With the help of the Eq. (10.12) the left hand side of Eq. can be written as
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

where  Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  is the rectilinear acceleration of the control volume (observed in a fixed coordinate system) which may or may not be a function of time. From Newton’s law of motion
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
Therefore,  Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering    (10.17)

The Eq. (10.16) can be written in consideration of Eq. (10.17) as
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering   (10.18a)

At steady state, it becomes 
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering    (10.18b)

In case of an inertial control volume (which is either fixed or moving with a constant rectilinear velocity),  Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering and hence Eqs (10.18a) and (10.18b) becomes respectively
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering   (10.18c)

and  Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering   (10.18d)

The Eqs (10.18c) and (10.18d) are the useful forms of the linear momentum theorem as applied to an inertial control volume at unsteady and steady state respectively, while the Eqs (10.18a) and (10.18b) are the same for a non-inertial control volume having an arbitrary rectilinear acceleration.

In general, the external forces Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering in Eqs (10.14, 10.18a to 10.18c) have two components - the body force and the surface force. Therefore we can write

Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  (10.18e)

where  Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  is the body force per unit volume and  Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  is the area weighted surface force.

Angular Momentum
The angular momentum or moment of momentum theorem is also derived from Eq.(10.10) in consideration of the property N as the angular momentum and accordingly η as the angular momentum per unit mass. Thus,
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering   (10.19)

where AControl mass system is the angular momentum of the control mass system. . It has to be noted that the origin for the angular momentum is the origin of the position vector Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

The term on the left hand side of Eq.(10.19) is the time rate of change of angular momentum of a control mass system, while the first and second terms on the right hand side of the equation are the time rate of increase of angular momentum within a control volume and rate of net efflux of angular momentum across the control surface.

The velocity (Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering) defining the angular momentum in Eq.(10.19) is described in an inertial frame of reference.Therefore, the term  d/ dt (ACMS) can be substituted by the net moment ΣM applied to the system or to the coinciding control volume. Hence one can write Eq. (10.19) as
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering    (10.20a)

At steady state
Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering   (10.20b)

The document Stream Function | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering is a part of the Mechanical Engineering Course Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering.
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FAQs on Stream Function - Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

1. What is a stream function?
Ans. A stream function is a mathematical function used in fluid dynamics to describe the flow of an incompressible fluid. It helps visualize and analyze the motion of fluid particles within a flow field.
2. How is a stream function useful in fluid dynamics?
Ans. The stream function provides valuable information about the flow patterns, velocity components, and streamline shapes within a fluid. It helps in solving problems related to fluid flow, such as predicting the behavior of fluids around obstacles or understanding the circulation patterns in a fluid.
3. How is the stream function related to the velocity field?
Ans. The stream function is mathematically related to the velocity field of a fluid through the partial derivatives of the stream function. By taking partial derivatives of the stream function, we can determine the velocity components in terms of the streamlines.
4. Can the stream function be used for compressible fluids?
Ans. No, the stream function is only applicable to incompressible fluids. In compressible fluids, the density of the fluid changes with pressure, making it difficult to define a single stream function. Different mathematical techniques are required to describe the flow of compressible fluids.
5. Are there any limitations to using the stream function in fluid dynamics?
Ans. While the stream function is a valuable tool in fluid dynamics, it has limitations. It can only be used for two-dimensional flow, and it assumes an incompressible and irrotational fluid. Real-life fluid flows often involve three-dimensional effects and may not satisfy these assumptions, requiring more complex mathematical models.
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