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Syllabus and Strategy for Reasoning | RBI Grade B Mock Test Series & Past Year Papers 2025 - Bank Exams PDF Download

Reasoning checks your mental ability as in your decision-making skills or your ability to analyze different aspects . Reasoning makes you think rationally, it will help you to make decisions efficiently and effectively. So as to make sure you excel in this skill during exams and in everyday life ahead, EduRev has prepared this step by step guide for the Reasoning Section to help aspirants like you score great marks in the Reasoning section of your Banking Exam.

Syllabus and Strategy for Reasoning | RBI Grade B Mock Test Series & Past Year Papers 2025 - Bank ExamsImportance of Reasoning Section in banking exams

  • We all know that reasoning aptitudehelps in measuring the mental, verbal and numerical abilityof an individual to evaluate his/her inborn skills and capacity for learning and acquiring new skills..

  • You will need logical reasoning ability in future to make important decisions of banksyou are working in 

  • It is a vital elementincluded in every competitive examto judge the mental strength of the aspirants.

  • Due to these reasons, Reasoning aptitude is included to enhance the mental skills of the candidates.

Through EduRev's Step-by-step guide you'll be able enhance your skills in the reasoning section of banking exams

Step by Step guide for Reasoning

Syllabus and Strategy for Reasoning | RBI Grade B Mock Test Series & Past Year Papers 2025 - Bank Exams

Step 1: Understand the Weightage, Exam Pattern and Syllabus of the section

It's critical to have a thorough understanding of the exam's specific requirements before beginning to study.

Weightage of Reasoning

  • It is present at both stages. It is for 35 marks in prelims and in mains, it is for 60 marks which includes computer aptitude as well.
  • There is a negative markingof 0.25 marks per incorrect option.
  • Theaverage timeto solve this section is 20 minutes in prelims and 60 minutes in mains.
  • There is one markfor the correct answer.

Exam Pattern of Reasoning

ExamNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
Prelims353520 Minutes
Mains (PO)456060 Minutes
Mains (Clerk)506045 Minutes

Syllabus of Reasoning

For PrelimsFor Mains

Alphanumeric Series

Verbal Reasoning



Data sufficiency

Seating Arrangement


Double line-up



Alphabet Coding


Seating arrangement

Blood Relations

Coded inequalities

Directions & Distances




Ranking & Position

Blood Relations

Data sufficiency

Coding Decoding

Coding Decoding


Coded inequalities


Course of action 

Critical Reasoning

Analytical Decision Making

According to the latest trend of examinations, 60-70 % of questions of reasoning asked in the exam are only puzzles. Other important topicslike Logical Reasoning, Syllogism, Data Sufficiency, Direction and Distance, Blood Relation, Ranking, Direction Sense, etc.

Step 2: Conceptual understanding is important!

  • No questions shouldn’t be solved without acquiring the knowledge of the concept first. You need to understand the basics of the topics. You should understand that if he/she does not focus on concept learning, it’ll take a longer time to attempt the question and the accuracy level will not be high
  • You should refer to the videos in the Reasoning Ability playlist to understand and test your abilities.

Firstfocus on puzzles and seating arrangement as 60-70% of the questions of reasoning are from these two topics only. One needs to build strong basics on these topics so to be able to attempt the maximum number of questions.

Once you’ve built a strong foundation of these two topics, move on to the other topicslike:

These topics are very easy to understand. These are just one liner questions which help you score more while occupying less time. You SHOULD practice puzzles and seating arrangement questions while practicing these topics.

Once you’re done with concept learning, move on to practicing these topics.

Step 3: Practice more often

Acquired the knowledge? Time to enhance your skills. 

Once you’ve learnt the concept, keep practicing the different sets of questions. 



Seating Arrangement

  • Start with an easy level of questions. Don't jump to mains level questions
  • Solve at least2-3 sets of such types of questions each. 
  • Once you’re a little confident about the topics, move on to mains level of questions along with the pre level questions.Solve 1 set of mains level and 5-6 sets of pre level. 
  • Aim to get to 10+ sets of pre level set and 1 set of mains level questions daily.


  • Syllogism will help you to get a score if you are good at it.
  • It is true that syllogism is one of the scoring and easiest topics of the reasoning section.
  • Solve at least 10 questions daily


Coded inequalities

  • Direct and coded inequality questions are frequently asked in the prelims of banking exams.
  • For this, you should be aware of the symbol's fundamental meanings and their relative importance, such as the difference between < and >= or and =.
  • While practicing, be clear when dealing with either-or and neither-nor cases.
  • Solve at least 10 questions daily


Coding Decoding

  • Questions can be asked from both old as well as new patterns.
  • You have to learn all the basic rules of the topic before attempting the questions.
  • Revise all the basic rules of the topic and practice its questions for deep understanding.
  • This topic generally comes under the easy category. Hence, it will be easier to get good marks on this topic.
  • Solve at least 10 questions daily

5. Logical reasoning

  • The questions asked from this topic are based on assumptions, a course of action, cause and effect, conclusions, the strength of arguments, interference, etc.

  • It is important to practice Reasoning verbal as much as possible.

  • The questions asked from this topic are always of a moderate level. Hence, it is easy to attempt more questions without wasting time.

Puzzles may occasionally be blended with other exam topics, such as age categories and blood relation, etc to raise the exam's difficulty level. After answering the other, less challenging questions, you simply need to try these last. You can attempt EduRev's practice test series.

Step 4: Manage your time wisely

The main aim of any aspirant should be to conquer the speed in such questions. 

Once you’ve built the foundation of your concepts and have practiced enough, your speed will automatically increase. But now it's time to enhance that speed.

Syllabus and Strategy for Reasoning | RBI Grade B Mock Test Series & Past Year Papers 2025 - Bank Exams

While answering questions, set a timer so you can evaluate how much practise you still need to get. EduRev provides you to test your skills. You can check the Mock Test for Banking and Past year papers playlist here

Step 5: Solve a lot of Mock Tests

  • Start giving mocks. Initially, you need not give many mock tests but week by week give at least 2 Mock tests. Gradually increase the frequency of the Mocks. This will help you identify your weak and strong areas.
  • Give mock tests on alternate days during the last 30 days
  • Once you start giving a lot of tests, you will discover in your analysis the strong and the weak areas in your preparation. 
  • You can practice your Mock test from the EduRev platform with a time limit.
  • EduRev automatically analyzes your exam based on your speed and accuracy.

Tips to score more in the Reasoning Section for Banking Exam:

  • As puzzle  carry the highest weightage, practice different number of puzzles and Seating Arrangement for the Reasoning section in IBPS PO.
  • Questions from other topics like blood relations and direction can also be asked in the form of a puzzle. Do not ignore any of the kind. This will make you lose marks in the Reasoning section for IBPS PO.
  • An important tip to solve difficult puzzles with 100% accuracy is to make 2-3 possibilities for the same puzzle and keep canceling them out as you proceed. Another important point to bear in mind while doing puzzles is not to ignore the important key points while reading the question.
  • If you are good at grasping the information and reading, go for the puzzle first in the exam. Assuming you manage to solve a single puzzle, it will fetch you at least 5 marks depending on the number of questions that are being asked based on that puzzle.
  • If you are good at miscellaneous topics or verbal reasoning, go for them. This will help you secure marks for yourself.
  • Do not waste too much of your time on a single question. If you can not solve it within seconds, skip it for later.
  • The questions asked from Logical Reasoning are based on cause and effect, a course of action, assumptions, conclusions, the strength of arguments, inferences, etc. The number of expected questions on this topic can be 5–6. The level of questions has always been moderate, so you can easily attempt the questions without wasting much of time on them.

The more you practice, the better you get. Only practice can lead to reaching your goal. So, to let you practice and ace the score in the Reasoning Section in IBPS PO exam, EduRev provides you with detailed course for Mock Tests and Previous Year Questions, check it out here.

Knowledge is of no value unless you put it in practice. Work hard, keep practicing, and everything will come up roses in the end.

Check out the sectionalstrategies here:

  • Syllabus and Strategy for English Language 

  • Syllabus and Strategy for Quantitative Aptitude

  • Syllabus of Computer awareness and strategy

  • Syllabus of Banking Awareness/ General knowledge and Strategy

The document Syllabus and Strategy for Reasoning | RBI Grade B Mock Test Series & Past Year Papers 2025 - Bank Exams is a part of the Bank Exams Course RBI Grade B Mock Test Series & Past Year Papers 2025.
All you need of Bank Exams at this link: Bank Exams
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FAQs on Syllabus and Strategy for Reasoning - RBI Grade B Mock Test Series & Past Year Papers 2025 - Bank Exams

1. What is the importance of the Reasoning Section in banking exams?
Ans.The Reasoning Section is crucial in banking exams as it tests a candidate's analytical and logical thinking skills, which are essential for problem-solving in a banking environment. It helps in assessing a candidate's ability to understand and interpret information, make decisions, and draw logical conclusions, all of which are vital for a successful career in banking.
2. How much weightage does the Reasoning Section hold in banking exams?
Ans.The weightage of the Reasoning Section varies depending on the specific banking exam, but it typically accounts for a significant portion of the overall score, often ranging from 20% to 30%. Understanding its weightage helps candidates prioritize their study efforts effectively.
3. What are the key topics covered in the Reasoning Section syllabus for banking exams?
Ans.Key topics in the Reasoning Section syllabus include logical reasoning, analytical reasoning, seating arrangements, puzzles, syllogisms, blood relations, coding-decoding, and input-output. Familiarity with these topics is essential for success in the section.
4. How can I effectively manage my time while solving the Reasoning Section in banking exams?
Ans.To manage time effectively, candidates should practice solving reasoning questions within a set time limit. Prioritizing easier questions first, setting a time limit for each question, and regularly practicing mock tests can help improve speed and efficiency during the actual exam.
5. Why are mock tests important for preparation in the Reasoning Section?
Ans.Mock tests are important as they simulate the actual exam environment, helping candidates get accustomed to the format and types of questions. They also allow candidates to identify their strengths and weaknesses, assess their preparation level, and improve time management skills, ultimately enhancing confidence before the exam.
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