This curriculum aims to equip learners with essential employability skills and subject-specific competencies required for success in today’s digital and professional environments. The curriculum is divided into two main parts:
Part A: Employability Skills (50 hours)
- Focuses on building foundational skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time management, critical for professional success in any field.
Part B: Subject-Specific Skills
Provides detailed learning outcomes and practical skills in various technical domains, including:
- Digital Documentation (Advanced): Advanced skills in document formatting, image handling, template creation, and managing tables of contents.
- Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced): Data analysis, goal seeking, linking data, sharing and reviewing spreadsheets, and automating tasks using macros.
- Database Management System: Concepts of relational databases, creating and managing tables, queries, forms, and reports.
- Managing Health and Safety: Knowledge and practical skills related to maintaining safety and health in the workplace, handling emergencies, and preventing accidents.
Part-A: Employability Skills
Total Duration: 50 Hours
Note: The detailed curriculum/topics to be covered under Part A: Employability Skills can be downloaded from the CBSE website.
Part-B: Subject Specific Skills
Unit 1: Digital Documentation (Advanced)
Learning Outcomes:
- Apply Styles in the Document: Styles/categories in Writer, Styles and Formatting window, Using Fill Format, Creating and updating new styles from selection, Load style from template or another document, Creating a new style using drag-and-drop, Applying styles.
- Insert and Use Images in the Document: Options to insert images from various sources, Modifying, resizing, cropping, and deleting images, Creating drawing objects and setting or changing their properties, Resizing and grouping drawing objects, Positioning images in the text.
- Create and Use Template: Templates in Writer, Using predefined templates, Creating a custom template, Setting up a custom template, Using and changing templates, Updating a document.
- Create Table of Contents: Table of Contents, Hierarchy of headings, Customization of table of contents, Character styles, Maintaining a table of contents.
Unit 2: Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced)
Learning Outcomes:
- Analyse Data Using Scenarios and Goal Seek: Using consolidating data, Creating subtotals, Using “what if” scenarios and tools, Using goal seek and solver.
- Link Spreadsheets Data: Setting up multiple sheets, Creating references to other sheets by using keyboard and mouse, Creating references to another document by using keyboard and mouse.
- Create and Edit Hyperlinks: Relative and absolute hyperlinks, Hyperlinks to the sheet, Linking to external data, Linking to registered data sources.
- Share and Review a Spreadsheet: Setting up a spreadsheet for sharing, Opening and saving a shared spreadsheet, Recording changes, Add, edit, and format comments, Reviewing changes (view, accept, or reject changes), Merging and comparing sheets.
- Use Macros in Spreadsheet: Using the macro recorder, Creating a simple macro, Using a macro as a function, Passing arguments to a macro, Passing the arguments as values, Writing macros to work like built-in functions, Accessing cells directly, Sorting columns using macros.
Unit 3: Database Management System
Learning Outcomes:
- Appreciate the Concept of Database Management System: Concept and examples of data and information, Concept of database, Advantages and features of a database, Concept and examples of Relational Databases, Concept and examples of field, record, table, and database, Concept and examples of primary key, composite primary key, and foreign key, Database management system (DBMS) software.
- Create and Edit Tables Using Wizard and SQL Commands: Introduction to LibreOffice Base, Database objects – tables, queries, forms, and reports, Terms in database – table, field, record, Steps to create a table using the table wizard, Data types in databases, Option to set primary key.
- Perform Operations on Table: Inserting data into the table, Editing records in the table, Deleting records from the table. Sorting data in the table, Referential integrity, Creating and editing relationships – one to one, one to many, many to many, Field properties
- Retrieve Data Using Query: Database query, Defining query, Query creation using wizard, Creation of query using design view. Editing a query, Applying criteria in a query – single field, multiple fields, using wildcard, Performing calculations, Grouping data, Structured Query Language (SQL).
- Create Forms and Reports Using Wizard: Forms in BASE, Creating a form using the wizard, Steps to create a form using Form Wizard, Options to enter or remove data from forms, Modifying forms, Changing labels and backgrounds, Searching records using forms, Inserting and deleting records using forms, Concept of reports in Base, Creating a report using the wizard.
Unit 4: Managing Health and Safety
Learning Outcomes:
- Maintain Workplace Safety: Basic safety rules to follow at the workplace, such as: Fire safety, Falls and slips, Electrical safety, Use of first aid, Case studies of hazardous situations
- Prevent Accidents and Emergencies: Accidents and emergencies, Types of accidents, Handling accidents, Types of emergencies,
- Protect Health and Safety at Work: Hazards and sources of hazards, General evacuation procedures, Healthy living.