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TN History Textbook: Geographical Discoveries | Old & New NCERTs for IAS Preparation (Must Read) - UPSC PDF Download

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235 234
2. The Renaissance spirit and the consequent scientific discoveries
were also responsible for geographical discoveries. The art of
ship-building developed along with the invention of Mariner’s
Compass. The astronomical and other scientific discoveries
raised the hope of the adventurers to explore new sea routes.
3. The travel accounts of Marco Polo and Nicolo Polo about China
and India kindled great enthusiasm among the Europeans about
the fabulous wealth of the Eastern countries. Other accounts
of the voyages also encouraged explorations. A Merchants
Handbook described all known trade routes between Europe
and the Far East. Similarly, the Secrets of the Faithful
Crusader told about Asiatic cities.
4. Other factors such as the spirit of adventure, desire for new
lands and competition for exploration between European nations
had also stimulated the explorers venturing into the seas.
 The first great wave of expeditions was launched by Portugal.
Its ruler was Henry (1394-1460) generally known
as “the Navigator”. As a result of
his efforts, the Madeira and
Azores Islands were discovered.
The main project of Henry the
Navigator was the exploration of
the West Coast of Africa. His
sailors discovered the Cape Verde
Islands. Although Henry died in 1460, his zeal
provided stimulus to the Portuguese for further explorations. In 1487
Bartholomew Diaz reached the southern tip of Africa and called it
“the Cape of Storms” due to a terrible storm he experienced there.
Later it was renamed as “the Cape of Good  Hope” because it provided
hope that access to the Indian Ocean was possible. Vasco da Gama
The Geographical Discoveries of the 15
 and 16
constitute an important chapter in the history of the modern world. It
is also known as the Age of Discovery. The new sea routes to the
East as well as the discovery of new continents like the America
radically transformed the course of history. The adventurous spirit
of the sailors like Bartholomew Diaz, Christopher Columbus and
Ferdinand Magellan ultimately led to these historic discoveries. There
are several causes that led to these discoveries.
Causes for the Geographical Discoveries
1. In 1453, the Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople, the
important trade route to the East. Thus, the Turks began to
control the European trade with the East. They imposed heavy
duties on the goods. On the other hand, the Arab traders
continued their trade through the Coasts of India and got huge
profits in spice trade. Therefore, the Europeans were forced
to find an alternative route to the East.
Learning Objectives
Students will acquire knowledge about
1. The causes leading to the geographical discoveries.
2. The role of Portugal in exploring the new sea routes.
3. The role of Spain in the discovery of new continents.
4. Other geographical discoveries.
5. The impact of geographical discoveries.
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235 234
2. The Renaissance spirit and the consequent scientific discoveries
were also responsible for geographical discoveries. The art of
ship-building developed along with the invention of Mariner’s
Compass. The astronomical and other scientific discoveries
raised the hope of the adventurers to explore new sea routes.
3. The travel accounts of Marco Polo and Nicolo Polo about China
and India kindled great enthusiasm among the Europeans about
the fabulous wealth of the Eastern countries. Other accounts
of the voyages also encouraged explorations. A Merchants
Handbook described all known trade routes between Europe
and the Far East. Similarly, the Secrets of the Faithful
Crusader told about Asiatic cities.
4. Other factors such as the spirit of adventure, desire for new
lands and competition for exploration between European nations
had also stimulated the explorers venturing into the seas.
 The first great wave of expeditions was launched by Portugal.
Its ruler was Henry (1394-1460) generally known
as “the Navigator”. As a result of
his efforts, the Madeira and
Azores Islands were discovered.
The main project of Henry the
Navigator was the exploration of
the West Coast of Africa. His
sailors discovered the Cape Verde
Islands. Although Henry died in 1460, his zeal
provided stimulus to the Portuguese for further explorations. In 1487
Bartholomew Diaz reached the southern tip of Africa and called it
“the Cape of Storms” due to a terrible storm he experienced there.
Later it was renamed as “the Cape of Good  Hope” because it provided
hope that access to the Indian Ocean was possible. Vasco da Gama
The Geographical Discoveries of the 15
 and 16
constitute an important chapter in the history of the modern world. It
is also known as the Age of Discovery. The new sea routes to the
East as well as the discovery of new continents like the America
radically transformed the course of history. The adventurous spirit
of the sailors like Bartholomew Diaz, Christopher Columbus and
Ferdinand Magellan ultimately led to these historic discoveries. There
are several causes that led to these discoveries.
Causes for the Geographical Discoveries
1. In 1453, the Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople, the
important trade route to the East. Thus, the Turks began to
control the European trade with the East. They imposed heavy
duties on the goods. On the other hand, the Arab traders
continued their trade through the Coasts of India and got huge
profits in spice trade. Therefore, the Europeans were forced
to find an alternative route to the East.
Learning Objectives
Students will acquire knowledge about
1. The causes leading to the geographical discoveries.
2. The role of Portugal in exploring the new sea routes.
3. The role of Spain in the discovery of new continents.
4. Other geographical discoveries.
5. The impact of geographical discoveries.
237 236
It is popularly called the Papal Bull (order of Pope). According to it
an imaginary line was drawn dividing the globe into east and west.
Spain was given the right to possess the lands on the west and Portugal
on the east of the Pope’s line. Thus, Spain could not use sea route
through the Cape of Good Hope to reach the East Indies.
Therefore, Spain planned to reach the east by sailing westwards.
On August 10,  1519, Ferdinand Magellan had sailed with five Spanish
ships – namely, Trinidad, San Antonio, Concepcion, Victoria, and Santiago
- from the port of Sevilla. The fleet of Magellan crossed an arduous
373-mile long passage on the southern end of South America. This strait
is now named the Strait of Magellan. Then he entered an ocean which
was calmer than the Atlantic. Therefore, he named it the Pacific Ocean.
While crossing the Pacific, the sailors suffered for want of food and
drinking-water. At last, on March 6, 1521, they reached the Philippines,
where Magellan was killed by the natives. The survivors with the only
remaining ship, the Victoria arrived at Sevilla through the Cape of Good
Hope on September 9, 1522. It was the first voyage undertaken round
the world.
Other Geographical Discoveries
 In 1497, John Cabot was sent by Henry VII
of England to explore the seas. He discovered the
Newfoundland. In his next expedition, he reached
North America and explored it. But he was not able
to find any people there and returned to England
disappointed. However, this voyage
resulted in the claim of England to
the mainland of North America. In
1534, Jacques Cartier from France went to the North
America and explored the region. He found the Red
Indian settlements and named that region as Canada.
successfully used this route and reached India in 1498. Vasco da
Gama’s discovery  of a new sea-route to India was a most significant
event in the history of Europe and Asia.
Next to Portugal, Spain began to explore the
sea route to the  east. Christopher Columbus, a
Genoese sailor, planned to discover a new sea route
to the East by traveling westwards.
After securing monetary assistance
from King Ferdinand and Queen
Isabella of Spain, he set sail on
August 3, 1492 across the Atlantic. After a long
and difficult voyage he reached an island of the
Bahamas on Oct 12, 1492. He thought that he had
reached the shores of India. Therefore, he called
the natives of that island Indians. He made three more voyages and
explored the islands in the Caribbean Sea and Central America. These
islands are even today called as the West Indies.
 Later in 1501, Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian
navigator, with the support of the king of Spain
explored the areas of South America. He came
to the conclusion that what Columbus discovered
was not India but a “New World”. Therefore the
new continent was named as
America. However, Columbus
is considered as the discoverer
of America.
In 1493, Pope Alexander VI issued a Bull in
order to prevent any dispute between Spain and
Portugal in exploring new sea routes and new lands.
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2. The Renaissance spirit and the consequent scientific discoveries
were also responsible for geographical discoveries. The art of
ship-building developed along with the invention of Mariner’s
Compass. The astronomical and other scientific discoveries
raised the hope of the adventurers to explore new sea routes.
3. The travel accounts of Marco Polo and Nicolo Polo about China
and India kindled great enthusiasm among the Europeans about
the fabulous wealth of the Eastern countries. Other accounts
of the voyages also encouraged explorations. A Merchants
Handbook described all known trade routes between Europe
and the Far East. Similarly, the Secrets of the Faithful
Crusader told about Asiatic cities.
4. Other factors such as the spirit of adventure, desire for new
lands and competition for exploration between European nations
had also stimulated the explorers venturing into the seas.
 The first great wave of expeditions was launched by Portugal.
Its ruler was Henry (1394-1460) generally known
as “the Navigator”. As a result of
his efforts, the Madeira and
Azores Islands were discovered.
The main project of Henry the
Navigator was the exploration of
the West Coast of Africa. His
sailors discovered the Cape Verde
Islands. Although Henry died in 1460, his zeal
provided stimulus to the Portuguese for further explorations. In 1487
Bartholomew Diaz reached the southern tip of Africa and called it
“the Cape of Storms” due to a terrible storm he experienced there.
Later it was renamed as “the Cape of Good  Hope” because it provided
hope that access to the Indian Ocean was possible. Vasco da Gama
The Geographical Discoveries of the 15
 and 16
constitute an important chapter in the history of the modern world. It
is also known as the Age of Discovery. The new sea routes to the
East as well as the discovery of new continents like the America
radically transformed the course of history. The adventurous spirit
of the sailors like Bartholomew Diaz, Christopher Columbus and
Ferdinand Magellan ultimately led to these historic discoveries. There
are several causes that led to these discoveries.
Causes for the Geographical Discoveries
1. In 1453, the Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople, the
important trade route to the East. Thus, the Turks began to
control the European trade with the East. They imposed heavy
duties on the goods. On the other hand, the Arab traders
continued their trade through the Coasts of India and got huge
profits in spice trade. Therefore, the Europeans were forced
to find an alternative route to the East.
Learning Objectives
Students will acquire knowledge about
1. The causes leading to the geographical discoveries.
2. The role of Portugal in exploring the new sea routes.
3. The role of Spain in the discovery of new continents.
4. Other geographical discoveries.
5. The impact of geographical discoveries.
237 236
It is popularly called the Papal Bull (order of Pope). According to it
an imaginary line was drawn dividing the globe into east and west.
Spain was given the right to possess the lands on the west and Portugal
on the east of the Pope’s line. Thus, Spain could not use sea route
through the Cape of Good Hope to reach the East Indies.
Therefore, Spain planned to reach the east by sailing westwards.
On August 10,  1519, Ferdinand Magellan had sailed with five Spanish
ships – namely, Trinidad, San Antonio, Concepcion, Victoria, and Santiago
- from the port of Sevilla. The fleet of Magellan crossed an arduous
373-mile long passage on the southern end of South America. This strait
is now named the Strait of Magellan. Then he entered an ocean which
was calmer than the Atlantic. Therefore, he named it the Pacific Ocean.
While crossing the Pacific, the sailors suffered for want of food and
drinking-water. At last, on March 6, 1521, they reached the Philippines,
where Magellan was killed by the natives. The survivors with the only
remaining ship, the Victoria arrived at Sevilla through the Cape of Good
Hope on September 9, 1522. It was the first voyage undertaken round
the world.
Other Geographical Discoveries
 In 1497, John Cabot was sent by Henry VII
of England to explore the seas. He discovered the
Newfoundland. In his next expedition, he reached
North America and explored it. But he was not able
to find any people there and returned to England
disappointed. However, this voyage
resulted in the claim of England to
the mainland of North America. In
1534, Jacques Cartier from France went to the North
America and explored the region. He found the Red
Indian settlements and named that region as Canada.
successfully used this route and reached India in 1498. Vasco da
Gama’s discovery  of a new sea-route to India was a most significant
event in the history of Europe and Asia.
Next to Portugal, Spain began to explore the
sea route to the  east. Christopher Columbus, a
Genoese sailor, planned to discover a new sea route
to the East by traveling westwards.
After securing monetary assistance
from King Ferdinand and Queen
Isabella of Spain, he set sail on
August 3, 1492 across the Atlantic. After a long
and difficult voyage he reached an island of the
Bahamas on Oct 12, 1492. He thought that he had
reached the shores of India. Therefore, he called
the natives of that island Indians. He made three more voyages and
explored the islands in the Caribbean Sea and Central America. These
islands are even today called as the West Indies.
 Later in 1501, Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian
navigator, with the support of the king of Spain
explored the areas of South America. He came
to the conclusion that what Columbus discovered
was not India but a “New World”. Therefore the
new continent was named as
America. However, Columbus
is considered as the discoverer
of America.
In 1493, Pope Alexander VI issued a Bull in
order to prevent any dispute between Spain and
Portugal in exploring new sea routes and new lands.
239 238
4. The trading companies slowly captured political power and
established their rule in their respective regions. This led to
Colonialism and Imperialism.
5. Capitalism had grown in Europe along with the policy of
Mercantilism. As a result, the colonies were exploited.
6. The mad rush for new colonies led to mutual rivalry among the
European powers and ultimately resulted in wars.
7. The system of slavery was followed. The European planters in
America imported Negro slaves from Africa to work in their
8. The geographical discoveries solved the problem of over
population in Europe and many Europeans began to settle in
the American continents.
9. The culture of Europe had spread to Asia, Africa and other
parts of the world very rapidly.
Learning Outcome
After learning this lesson the students will be to explain
1. The causes like the fall of Constantinople and scientific
discoveries led to geographical discoveries.
2. Henry the Navigator and his contributions to geographical
3. Early efforts of the Portuguese navigators like Bartholomew
4. The explorations of Christopher Columbus and Amerigo
5. Magellan’s circumnavigation of the Globe.
6.   Impact of the geographical discoveries.
Impact of the Geographical Discoveries
The geographical discoveries had a profound impact on the
economic, political and social conditions in most parts of the world.
The most important among them are:
1. There was a tremendous improvement in the trade and industry
in Europe. It began to reach beyond the Oceans.
2. The expansion of trade provided a stimulus to the development
of ship-building industry. Larger quantities of goods had to be
carried in bigger ships.
3. As the trade developed in large scale, joint-stock companies
and banking enterprises emerged. European companies
established their trade centres in Asia, Africa and Latin
Voyages by Europeans
1492 Columbus claims Bahama Islands and Cuba for Spain
1494 The ‘undiscovered world’ divided between Portugal
1497 John Cabot, Englishman, explores North American
1498 Vasco da Gama reaches Calicut/Kozhikode
1499 Amerigo Vespucci sights South American coast
1522 Magellan circumnavigates the globe
1571 Spanish conquer the Philippines
1600 British East India Company formed
1602 Dutch East India Company formed
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235 234
2. The Renaissance spirit and the consequent scientific discoveries
were also responsible for geographical discoveries. The art of
ship-building developed along with the invention of Mariner’s
Compass. The astronomical and other scientific discoveries
raised the hope of the adventurers to explore new sea routes.
3. The travel accounts of Marco Polo and Nicolo Polo about China
and India kindled great enthusiasm among the Europeans about
the fabulous wealth of the Eastern countries. Other accounts
of the voyages also encouraged explorations. A Merchants
Handbook described all known trade routes between Europe
and the Far East. Similarly, the Secrets of the Faithful
Crusader told about Asiatic cities.
4. Other factors such as the spirit of adventure, desire for new
lands and competition for exploration between European nations
had also stimulated the explorers venturing into the seas.
 The first great wave of expeditions was launched by Portugal.
Its ruler was Henry (1394-1460) generally known
as “the Navigator”. As a result of
his efforts, the Madeira and
Azores Islands were discovered.
The main project of Henry the
Navigator was the exploration of
the West Coast of Africa. His
sailors discovered the Cape Verde
Islands. Although Henry died in 1460, his zeal
provided stimulus to the Portuguese for further explorations. In 1487
Bartholomew Diaz reached the southern tip of Africa and called it
“the Cape of Storms” due to a terrible storm he experienced there.
Later it was renamed as “the Cape of Good  Hope” because it provided
hope that access to the Indian Ocean was possible. Vasco da Gama
The Geographical Discoveries of the 15
 and 16
constitute an important chapter in the history of the modern world. It
is also known as the Age of Discovery. The new sea routes to the
East as well as the discovery of new continents like the America
radically transformed the course of history. The adventurous spirit
of the sailors like Bartholomew Diaz, Christopher Columbus and
Ferdinand Magellan ultimately led to these historic discoveries. There
are several causes that led to these discoveries.
Causes for the Geographical Discoveries
1. In 1453, the Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople, the
important trade route to the East. Thus, the Turks began to
control the European trade with the East. They imposed heavy
duties on the goods. On the other hand, the Arab traders
continued their trade through the Coasts of India and got huge
profits in spice trade. Therefore, the Europeans were forced
to find an alternative route to the East.
Learning Objectives
Students will acquire knowledge about
1. The causes leading to the geographical discoveries.
2. The role of Portugal in exploring the new sea routes.
3. The role of Spain in the discovery of new continents.
4. Other geographical discoveries.
5. The impact of geographical discoveries.
237 236
It is popularly called the Papal Bull (order of Pope). According to it
an imaginary line was drawn dividing the globe into east and west.
Spain was given the right to possess the lands on the west and Portugal
on the east of the Pope’s line. Thus, Spain could not use sea route
through the Cape of Good Hope to reach the East Indies.
Therefore, Spain planned to reach the east by sailing westwards.
On August 10,  1519, Ferdinand Magellan had sailed with five Spanish
ships – namely, Trinidad, San Antonio, Concepcion, Victoria, and Santiago
- from the port of Sevilla. The fleet of Magellan crossed an arduous
373-mile long passage on the southern end of South America. This strait
is now named the Strait of Magellan. Then he entered an ocean which
was calmer than the Atlantic. Therefore, he named it the Pacific Ocean.
While crossing the Pacific, the sailors suffered for want of food and
drinking-water. At last, on March 6, 1521, they reached the Philippines,
where Magellan was killed by the natives. The survivors with the only
remaining ship, the Victoria arrived at Sevilla through the Cape of Good
Hope on September 9, 1522. It was the first voyage undertaken round
the world.
Other Geographical Discoveries
 In 1497, John Cabot was sent by Henry VII
of England to explore the seas. He discovered the
Newfoundland. In his next expedition, he reached
North America and explored it. But he was not able
to find any people there and returned to England
disappointed. However, this voyage
resulted in the claim of England to
the mainland of North America. In
1534, Jacques Cartier from France went to the North
America and explored the region. He found the Red
Indian settlements and named that region as Canada.
successfully used this route and reached India in 1498. Vasco da
Gama’s discovery  of a new sea-route to India was a most significant
event in the history of Europe and Asia.
Next to Portugal, Spain began to explore the
sea route to the  east. Christopher Columbus, a
Genoese sailor, planned to discover a new sea route
to the East by traveling westwards.
After securing monetary assistance
from King Ferdinand and Queen
Isabella of Spain, he set sail on
August 3, 1492 across the Atlantic. After a long
and difficult voyage he reached an island of the
Bahamas on Oct 12, 1492. He thought that he had
reached the shores of India. Therefore, he called
the natives of that island Indians. He made three more voyages and
explored the islands in the Caribbean Sea and Central America. These
islands are even today called as the West Indies.
 Later in 1501, Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian
navigator, with the support of the king of Spain
explored the areas of South America. He came
to the conclusion that what Columbus discovered
was not India but a “New World”. Therefore the
new continent was named as
America. However, Columbus
is considered as the discoverer
of America.
In 1493, Pope Alexander VI issued a Bull in
order to prevent any dispute between Spain and
Portugal in exploring new sea routes and new lands.
239 238
4. The trading companies slowly captured political power and
established their rule in their respective regions. This led to
Colonialism and Imperialism.
5. Capitalism had grown in Europe along with the policy of
Mercantilism. As a result, the colonies were exploited.
6. The mad rush for new colonies led to mutual rivalry among the
European powers and ultimately resulted in wars.
7. The system of slavery was followed. The European planters in
America imported Negro slaves from Africa to work in their
8. The geographical discoveries solved the problem of over
population in Europe and many Europeans began to settle in
the American continents.
9. The culture of Europe had spread to Asia, Africa and other
parts of the world very rapidly.
Learning Outcome
After learning this lesson the students will be to explain
1. The causes like the fall of Constantinople and scientific
discoveries led to geographical discoveries.
2. Henry the Navigator and his contributions to geographical
3. Early efforts of the Portuguese navigators like Bartholomew
4. The explorations of Christopher Columbus and Amerigo
5. Magellan’s circumnavigation of the Globe.
6.   Impact of the geographical discoveries.
Impact of the Geographical Discoveries
The geographical discoveries had a profound impact on the
economic, political and social conditions in most parts of the world.
The most important among them are:
1. There was a tremendous improvement in the trade and industry
in Europe. It began to reach beyond the Oceans.
2. The expansion of trade provided a stimulus to the development
of ship-building industry. Larger quantities of goods had to be
carried in bigger ships.
3. As the trade developed in large scale, joint-stock companies
and banking enterprises emerged. European companies
established their trade centres in Asia, Africa and Latin
Voyages by Europeans
1492 Columbus claims Bahama Islands and Cuba for Spain
1494 The ‘undiscovered world’ divided between Portugal
1497 John Cabot, Englishman, explores North American
1498 Vasco da Gama reaches Calicut/Kozhikode
1499 Amerigo Vespucci sights South American coast
1522 Magellan circumnavigates the globe
1571 Spanish conquer the Philippines
1600 British East India Company formed
1602 Dutch East India Company formed
241 240
V. State whether the following statements are True or False.
1. Vasco da Gama reached India in 1598.
2. Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian navigator, with the support of the
king of Spain explored the areas of South America.
VI. Write short notes (Any three points).
1. Henry the Navigator.
2. Ferdinand Magellan
VII. Answer briefly (100 words).
1. Discuss the role of Portugal in exploring the new sea routes.
2. Analyse the causes for the geographical discoveries.
VIII. Answer in detail (200 words).
1. Give an account of the contribution of Spain towards the
discovery of new countries.
2. Examine the impact of the geographical discoveries.
I. Choose the correct answer.
1. Madeira and Azores islands were discovered by
(a) Henry (b) Bartholomew Diaz
(c) Columbus (d) Magellan
II. Fill in the blanks.
1. Vascodagama reached India in …..
2. Canada was discovered by …….
III. Match the following.
1. Bartholomew Diaz a. Bahamas Island
2. Columbus b. Newfoundland
3. Amerigo Vespucci c. Cape of Storm
4. John Cabot d. America
IV. Find out the correct statement. One statement alone is
a. King Ferdinand of Spain is   generally known as “the
b. In 1487 Vasco da Gama reached  the southern tip of Africa
and called it “the Cape of Storms”.
c. Ferdinand Magellan while crossing the clam part of the ocean
named it the Pacific Ocean.
d. John Cabot of England went to the North America and explored
the region.
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FAQs on TN History Textbook: Geographical Discoveries - Old & New NCERTs for IAS Preparation (Must Read) - UPSC

1. What were some of the major geographical discoveries made in Tennessee's history?
Ans. Tennessee's history is marked by several significant geographical discoveries. Some of these include the exploration of the Cumberland Gap by Dr. Thomas Walker in 1750, the discovery of the Tennessee River by French explorers in the late 17th century, and the mapping and exploration of the Great Smoky Mountains by William Bartram in the late 18th century.
2. How did the geographical discoveries in Tennessee contribute to its development?
Ans. The geographical discoveries in Tennessee played a crucial role in its development. The exploration of the Cumberland Gap opened up a major route for westward expansion, allowing settlers to easily access and settle in the region. The discovery of the Tennessee River provided a valuable transportation route for trade and commerce, facilitating economic growth. The exploration and mapping of the Great Smoky Mountains helped in understanding the region's natural resources and promoting tourism.
3. Who were some of the notable explorers involved in the geographical discoveries of Tennessee?
Ans. Several notable explorers were involved in the geographical discoveries of Tennessee. Dr. Thomas Walker, an American physician and explorer, is known for his exploration of the Cumberland Gap. French explorers, including René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, and Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville, discovered the Tennessee River. William Bartram, an American naturalist, explored and mapped the Great Smoky Mountains.
4. What was the significance of the Cumberland Gap in Tennessee's history?
Ans. The Cumberland Gap holds great significance in Tennessee's history. It served as a natural passageway through the Appalachian Mountains, allowing for westward expansion and settlement. The Gap provided a route for pioneers, including Daniel Boone, to cross into Kentucky and beyond. It played a crucial role in the westward expansion of the United States and the development of Tennessee as a frontier state.
5. How did the geographical discoveries in Tennessee impact the region's economy and tourism?
Ans. The geographical discoveries in Tennessee had a significant impact on the region's economy and tourism. The discovery of the Tennessee River provided a valuable transportation route for trade and commerce, contributing to economic growth. It facilitated the development of river-based industries such as steamboat transportation, logging, and agriculture. The exploration and mapping of the Great Smoky Mountains attracted tourists and nature enthusiasts, leading to the establishment of national parks and the growth of the tourism industry in the region.
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