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Variation of Flow Parameters in Time and Space
Hydrodynamic parameters like pressure and density along with flow velocity may vary from one point to another and also from one instant to another at a fixed point.

According to type of variations, categorizing the flow:

Steady and Unsteady Flow

  • Steady Flow
    A steady flow is defined as a flow in which the various hydrodynamic parameters and fluid properties at any point do not change with time.

          In Eulerian approach, a steady flow is described as,
Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering



  1. Velocity and acceleration are functions of space coordinates only.
  2. In a steady flow, the hydrodynamic parameters may vary with location, but the spatial distribution of these parameters remain invariant with time.

        In the Lagrangian approach,

  1. Time is inherent in describing the trajectory of any particle.
  2. In steady flow, the velocities of all particles passing through any fixed point at different times will be same.
  3. Describing  velocity as a function of time for a given particle will show the velocities at different points through which the particle has passed providing the information of velocity as a function of spatial location as described by Eulerian method. Therefore, the Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches of describing fluid motion become identical under this situation. 

  • Unsteady Flow
    An unsteady Flow is defined as a flow in which the hydrodynamic parameters and fluid properties changes with time. 

Uniform and Non-uniform Flows

  • Uniform Flow

The flow is defined as uniform flow when in the flow field the velocity and other hydrodynamic parameters do not change from point to point at any instant of time.

For a uniform flow, the velocity is a function of time only, which can be expressed in Eulerian description as
            Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering


  1. For a uniform flow, there will be no spatial distribution of hydrodynamic and other parameters.
  2. Any hydrodynamic parameter will have a unique value in the entire field, irrespective of whether it 

             changes with time − unsteady uniform flow   OR

             does not change with time − steady uniform flow.

Thus ,steadiness of flow and uniformity of flow does not necessarily go together.


  •  Non-Uniform Flow

           When the velocity and other hydrodynamic parameters changes from one point to another the flow is defined as non-uniform.

 Important points:

  •  For a uniform flow, there will be no spatial distribution of hydrodynamic and other parameters.
  • Any hydrodynamic parameter will have a unique value in the entire field, irrespective of whether it 

             changes with time − unsteady uniform flow   OR

             does not change with time − steady uniform flow.

  • Thus ,steadiness of flow and uniformity of flow does not necessarily go together.


  •  Non-Uniform Flow

           When the velocity and other hydrodynamic parameters changes from one point to another the flow is defined as non-uniform.

           Important points:

           1. For a non-uniform flow, the changes with position may be found either in the direction of flow or in directions perpendicular to it.

           2.Non-uniformity in a direction perpendicular to the flow is always encountered near solid boundaries past which the fluid flows.

Reason: All fluids possess viscosity which reduces the relative velocity (of the fluid w.r.t. to the wall) to zero at a solid boundary. This is known as no-slip condition.

 Four possible combinations

1. Steady Uniform flowFlow at constant rate through a duct of uniform cross-section (The region close to the walls of the duct is disregarded)
2. Steady non-uniform flowFlow at constant rate through a duct of non-uniform cross-section (tapering pipe)
3. Unsteady Uniform flowFlow at varying rates through a long straight pipe of uniform cross-section. (Again the region close to the walls is ignored.)
4. Unsteady non-uniform flowFlow at varying rates through a duct of non-uniform cross-section.

Material Derivative and Acceleration

  • Let the position of a particle at any instant t in a flow field be given by the space coordinates (x, y, z) with respect to a rectangular cartesian frame of reference.

  • The velocity components u, v, w of the particle along x, y and z directions respectively can then be written in Eulerian form as

    u = u (x, y, z, t)
     v = v (x, y, z, t) 
     w = w (x, y, z, t)

  • After an infinitesimal time interval t , let the particle move to a new position given by the coordinates (x + Δx, y +Δy , z + Δz).

  • Its velocity components at this new position be u + Δu, v + Δv and w +Δw.

  • Expression of velocity components in the Taylor's series form:

Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering


The increment in space coordinates can be written as -
Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

Substituting the values of  Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  in above equations, we have
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  •   In the limit    Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  the equation becomes

Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

Material Derivation and Acceleration...contd. from previous slide

  • The above equations tell that the operator for total differential with respect to time, D/Dt in a convective field is related to the partial differential as:

    Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

    Explanation of equation 7.2 :

  • The total differential D/Dt is known as the material or substantial derivative with respect to time.

  • The first termVariation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  in the right hand side of is known as temporal or local derivative which expresses the rate of change with time, at a fixed position.

  • The last three terms in the right hand side of  are together known as convective derivative which represents the time rate of change due to change in position in the field.

    Explanation of equation 7.1 (a, b, c):

  • The terms in the left hand sides of Eqs (7.1a) to (7.1c) are defined as x, y and z components of substantial or material acceleration.

  •  The first terms in the right hand sides of Eqs (7.1a) to (7.1c) represent the respective local or temporalaccelerations, while the other terms are   convective accelerations.

    Thus we can write,
    Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
    (Material or substantial acceleration) = (temporal or local acceleration) + (convective acceleration)

    Important points:

  • In a steady flow, the temporal acceleration is zero, since the velocity at any point is invariant with time.
  • In a uniform flow, on the other hand, the convective acceleration is zero, since the velocity components are not the functions of space coordinates.
  • In a steady and uniform flow, both the temporal and convective acceleration vanish and hence there exists no material acceleration.

             Existence of the components of acceleration for different types of flow is shown in the table below.
           Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

  • In vector form, Components of Acceleration in Cylindrical Polar Coordinate System ( r, q , z )
    Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering 
    Fig 7.1 Velocity Components in a cylindrical Polar Coordinate System
  • In a cylindrical polar coordinate system (Fig. 7.1 ), the components of acceleration in r, θ and z directions can be written as
    Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

    Explanation of the additional terms appearing in the above equation:   

  • The term  Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  appears due to an inward radial acceleration arising from a change in the direction of Vθ ( velocity component in the azimuthal direction ) with θ as shown in Fig. 7.1. This is known as centripetal acceleration.

  • The term  VrVθ/r represents a component of acceleration in azimuthal direction caused by a change in the direction Vr of with θ

Variation of Flow Parameters in Time and Space


      Definition: Streamlines are the Geometrical representation of the of the flow velocity.  


  •  In the Eulerian method, the velocity vector is defined as a function of time and space coordinates.

  •  If for a fixed instant of time, a space curve is drawn so that it is tangent everywhere to the velocityvector, then this curve is called a Streamline.

          Therefore, the Eulerian method gives a series of instantaneous streamlines of the state of motion (Fig. 7.2a).
              Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
                Fig 7.2a    Streamlines

Alternative Definition:

A streamline at any instant can be defined as an imaginary curve or line in the flow field so that the tangent to the curve at any point represents the direction of the instantaneous velocity at that point.


  • In an unsteady flow where the velocity vector changes with time, the pattern of streamlines also changes from instant to instant.

  • In a steady flow, the orientation or the pattern of streamlines will be fixed.

From the above definition of streamline, it can be written as

Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering            (7.3)  

Description of the terms:

        1. Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering is the length of an infinitesimal line segment along a streamline at a point .

        2.Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineeringis the instantaneous velocity vector.

The above expression therefore represents the differential equation of a streamline. In a cartesian coordinate-system, representing

Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

the above equation ( Equation 7.3 ) may be simplified as

Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

Stream tube:

A bundle of neighboring streamlines may be imagined to form a passage through which the fluid flows. This passage is known as a stream-tube.
Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
      Fig 7.2b    Stream Tube


           Properties of Stream tube:

       1. The stream-tube is bounded on all sides by streamlines.

       2. Fluid velocity does not exist across a streamline, no fluid may enter or leave a stream-tube except through its ends.

       3. The entire flow in a flow field may be imagined to be composed of flows through stream-tubes arranged in some arbitrary positions.

Path Lines

        Definition:  A path line is the trajectory of a fluid particle of fixed identity as defined by Eq. (6.1).

Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
                       Fig 7.3    Path lines

A family of path lines represents the trajectories of different particles, say, P1, P 2, P3, etc. (Fig. 7.3).

       Differences between Path Line and Stream Line
Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
Note: In a steady flow path lines are identical to streamlines  as the Eulerian and Lagrangian versions become the same


Streak Lines

Definition: A streak line is the locus of the temporary locations of all particles that have passed though a fixed point in the flow field at any instant of time.

      Features of a Streak Line:

  • While a path line refers to the identity of a fluid particle, a streak line is specified by a fixed point in the flow field.

  • It is of particular interest in experimental flow visualization.

  • Example:  If dye is injected into a liquid at a fixed point in the flow field, then at a later time t, the dye will indicate the end points of the path lines of particles which have passed through the injection point.

  • The equation of a streak line at time t can be derived by the Lagrangian method.

    If a fluid particle   Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering   passes through a fixed point  Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  in course of  time t, then the Lagrangian method of description gives the equation

    Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering        (7.5)

    Solving for Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering ,

            Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering      (7.6)

    If the positions Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering of the particles which have passed through the fixed point Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering are determined, then a streak line can be drawn through these points

    Equation: The equation of the streak line at a time t is given by

    Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering    (7.7)

    Substituting Eq. (7.5) into Eq. (7.6) we get the final form of equation of the streak line,
    Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering         (7.8)

    Difference between Streak Line and Path Line
    Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
    Fig 7.4    Description of a Streak line

    Above diagram can be described by the following points:

    Describing a Path Line:

    a)  Assume P be a fixed point in space through which particles of different identities pass at different times.

    b) In an unsteady flow, the velocity vector at P will change with time and hence the particles arriving at P at different times will traverse

         different paths like PAQ,  PBR and PCS which represent the path lines of the particle.

    Describing a Streak Line:

    a) Let at any instant these particles arrive at points Q, R and S.

    b) Q, R and S represent the end points of the trajectories of these three particles at the instant.

    c) The curve joining the points S, R, Q and the fixed point P will define the streak line at that instant.

     d) The fixed point P will also lie on the line, since at any instant, there will be always a particle of some identity at that point.

    Above points show the differences.


        a) For a steady flow, the velocity vector at any point is invariant with time

        b) The path lines of the particles with different identities passing through P at different times will not differ

        c) The path line would coincide with one another in a single curve which will indicate the streak line too.

          Conclusion: Therefore, in a steady flow, the path lines, streak lines and streamlines are identical.

The document Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering is a part of the Mechanical Engineering Course Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering.
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FAQs on Variation of Flow Parameters in Time & Space - 1 - Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

1. How do flow parameters vary in time and space in civil engineering?
Ans. Flow parameters in civil engineering, such as velocity, pressure, and discharge, can vary both in time and space. In time, the variation is observed over different time intervals, such as hourly, daily, or seasonal changes. In space, the variation occurs due to differences in topography, geometry, and boundary conditions. These variations are crucial to understand and analyze the behavior of fluid flow in civil engineering projects, such as water distribution systems, stormwater management, and river hydraulics.
2. What are the main factors influencing the variation of flow parameters in civil engineering?
Ans. Several factors influence the variation of flow parameters in civil engineering. These factors include topography, channel geometry, roughness of surfaces, boundary conditions, precipitation patterns, and land use changes. For example, in a river system, the variation in flow parameters can be influenced by changes in the river's cross-sectional shape, obstructions like bridges or dams, and changes in upstream and downstream boundary conditions. Understanding and accounting for these factors is crucial for accurate hydraulic design and analysis in civil engineering projects.
3. How can flow parameters be measured and monitored in civil engineering projects?
Ans. Flow parameters in civil engineering projects can be measured and monitored using various techniques. Some common methods include flow velocity measurement using current meters or acoustic Doppler instruments, pressure measurement using pressure sensors, and discharge measurement using stream gauging stations or flow meters. In addition, advanced techniques like remote sensing and numerical modeling can also be employed to estimate flow parameters based on satellite imagery or computer simulations. These measurement and monitoring techniques help engineers assess and manage the performance of hydraulic systems and ensure their proper functioning.
4. Why is it important to study the variation of flow parameters in civil engineering?
Ans. Studying the variation of flow parameters in civil engineering is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps engineers understand the behavior of fluid flow in different scenarios, allowing them to design and optimize hydraulic systems accordingly. Secondly, it enables the assessment of potential risks and vulnerabilities in civil engineering projects, such as flood-prone areas or water distribution networks. By studying the variation of flow parameters, engineers can develop appropriate mitigation strategies and infrastructure designs to ensure the safety and efficiency of these projects. Lastly, understanding flow parameter variations is essential for sustainable water resource management and environmental impact assessment in civil engineering projects.
5. What are the challenges in predicting and managing the variation of flow parameters in civil engineering?
Ans. Predicting and managing the variation of flow parameters in civil engineering projects can pose several challenges. Firstly, the complexity and non-linearity of fluid flow phenomena make accurate predictions difficult, especially in complex systems like urban drainage networks or river systems with varying topography. Secondly, the availability and accuracy of data for input parameters, such as rainfall patterns or surface roughness, can affect the reliability of predictions. Additionally, uncertainties associated with climate change and land-use changes further complicate the estimation and management of flow parameter variations. Overcoming these challenges requires the integration of advanced measurement techniques, robust modeling approaches, and adaptive management strategies to ensure the resilience and sustainability of civil engineering projects.
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