Objective Type Questions
Q1: Which of the following is not true about development?
a. Different people usually have same goals.
b. Different people can have different goals.
c. Different people can have different as well as conflicting goals.
d. Different people can have different as well as conflicting goals regarding national development.
Q2: Which statement does not justify the need for provision of public facilities
a. Income itself indicate the ability to utilize goods and services
b. Public facilities are provided because people need them
c. Providing public facilities collectively reduces costs
d. Income itself cannot indicate the ability to utilize goods and services
Q3: Which one of the following is not a base for preparation of Human Development Index (HDI)
a. Literacy rate
b. Life expectancy
c. Industrialization
d. Per capita income
Q4: Which of the following is the most important component for comparing different countries
a. Resources
b. Youth in population
c. Per capita income
d. Life expectancy
Q5: Which criteria is used by World Bank for classifying countries?
a. Literacy Rate
b. Life Expectancy
c. Enrolment percentage
d. Per Capita income
Q6: Kerala has low infant mortality rate because it has
a. Low provision of basic health and educational facilities
b. Adequate provision of basic health and educational facilities
c. High mortality rate among elderly people
d. None of the above
Q7: Body mass index is used to calculate
a. Nourishment level
b. Body growth
c. Only a
d. Both a and b
Q8: Assume there are five families in a country. The average per capita income of these families is Rs 10000. If the income of three families is Rs 9500, Rs 10500, Rs 10200 and Rs 9800 respectively, what is the income of the fifth family?
a. Rs 10000
b. Rs 10500
c. Rs 20220
d. Rs 5800
Q9: Which of the following is not a reason for a person which will not prevent him from joining a job which pay high salary?
a. Job security
b. Work environment
c. Facilities for family
d. Power
Q10: Which of the following is true when industrialists want more dam to get more electricity but tribals oppose it?
a. Different persons can have different developmental goals
b. What may be development for one may not be development for the other.
c. For development, people look at a mix of goals.
d. Different persons could have different as well as conflicting notions of a country’s development.
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Q1: The total income of the country divided by its total population is Called
Q2: Which organization publishes the Human Development Report?
Q3: Which state in has the highest literacy rate?
Q4: As per Human Development Report 2006 which neighboring country has the highest income?
Q5: What is sustainable development?
Q6: Development of a country can generally be determined by ____________
Q7: Which of the state has low infant mortality rate?
Q8: What is the full form of HDI?
Q9: Which areas of the world has the largest crude oil reserves?
Q10: Besides money what are the other developmental goals?
Short Answer Type Questions
Q1: What does development mean for a landless rural labourer?
Q2: Do all people of a country have the same notion of development?
Q3: What are the development goals of people other than income?
Q4: Which is the most important criterion for comparing development of countries/states?
Q5: What is meant by total income of a country?
Q6: What is ‘Average Income’ Or ‘Per capita Income’?
Q7: What is the main criterion used by World Bank in classifying different countries?
Q8: Why children in many parts of India are not able to achieve Secondary education?
Q9: Why does Kerala have low infant mortality rate?
Q10 : What are the criterions used by the Human Development Report published by UNDP to compare countries?
Long Answer Type Questions
Q1: How did World Bank classify countries? What criterion did they use? What are its limitations?
Q2: Give three examples where an average income is used for comparing situations.
Or Why do we use average income? What are the limitations to their use?
Q3: Why do you think average income is an important criterion for development? Explain.
Q4: Money in your pocket cannot buy all the goods and services that you may need to live well.
OR Prove by giving examples that income itself is not a completely adequate indicator of material goods and services that citizens were able to use.
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