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4.9. Absorption with chemical reaction 
Operations in which one or more components of a gas phase are absorbed into a liquid phase are common throughout the chemical process industries and frequently serve to achieve desired reactions among components in the two phases (Lee & Tsui, 1999). Such operations are often called reactive absorption because of the combination of reaction and absorptive mass transport. There are a number of cases in which a gas, on absorption, reacts chemically with a component of the liquid phase. In such processes, the conditions in gas phase are similar to those of an entirely physical absorption process, but in the liquid phase, there is a liquid film followed by a reaction zone. As an example, in the absorption of carbon dioxide by caustic soda, the carbon dioxide reacts directly with the caustic soda. An advantage of absorption plus reaction is the increase in the mass-transfer coefficient. This may be due to a greater effective interfacial area. The process hydrodynamics can also be directly involved via correlations for the hold-up, pressure drop, and mass transfer coefficients, etc.

4.9.1. Absorption-Reaction Model 
The fundamental relations governing simultaneous diffusion and chemical reaction of a dissolved species have been reviewed by Danckwerts (1970). For one-dimensional diffusion of a single species (A) with diffusivity independent of concentration
Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                         (4.47)
The reaction rate term r, is generally a function of solute concentration and of one or more liquid reactant concentrations. If these reactant concentrations vary appreciably, continuity equations for each reactant must be solved simultaneously with Equation (4.47) to obtain the solute concentration profile. An increase in the rate of absorption caused by reaction is a result of a concentration drop in the bulk liquid phase.
Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                    (4.48)
As per film model, the concentration gradient at the interface becomes steeper while the mass transfer coefficient kL remains unchanged.

4.9.2 Absorption accompanied by irreversible first-order reaction 
The bulk concentration becomes zero when the absorption process is accompanied by a fast irreversible first-order reaction. Then as per film theory the following balance can be written:
Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                                       (4.49)
The reaction rate term r = k1CA for an irreversible reaction. k1 is the rate constant. The Equation (4.49) can be solved by incorporating boundary conditions:
Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                         (4.50)
Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                            (4.51)
The absorption rate RA can be estimated from the concentration profile
Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                           (4.52)
By introducing the solution of Equations (4.49-4.51) one can get
Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                             (4.53)
Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                      (4.54)
This can be interpreted as ratio of diffusion time Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering to reaction time (1/k1). When Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering , then tanh Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering  and Equation (4.7) can be written as
Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                                                                          (4.55)

The Equation (4.55) indicates that the absorption rate is independent of the mass transfer coefficient and therefore the hydrodynamic conditions prevailing at the interface. The Equation (4.55) can be used to estimate the interfacial area (Si) in gas-liquid reactor as
Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                                                                                                        (4.56)
where Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering is the initial molar flow and U is the overall gas phase conversion. Therefore the specific interfacial area (the interfacial area per unit volume of liquid (VL) in the reactor) can be expressed as
Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                                                                                            (4.57)

As per Danckwert’s surface renewal theory, the absorption rate can be derived as
Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                                                             (4.58)
The ratio of specific absorption rate (RA) to the   Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering k is called enhancement factor of absorption from the diffusion regime. The Equation (4.58) also forms the basis for the calculation of absorption rate referred to as the liquid volume (VL):
Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                                                                                (4.59)

Example Problem 4.3. 
In a batch catalytic reactor, chlorination with toluene is carried out. It is found from the reaction that the film mass transfer coefficient (kL) is 5 X 10-4 cm/s, the specific interfacial area is 3.6 cm-1 . The liquid holdup (εL) of the reactor was 0.74. The reaction is first order and the equilibrium constant (k1) of the reaction is 3.5X10-4 s -1 . The overall gas phase conversion is 80%. The initial molar concentration of the gas phase was 1.2 X 10-7 mol/cm3 . Find out the enhancement factor of the absorption and the rate of absorption for this reaction. The diffusivity of the chlorine is 3.74 X 10-5 cm2/s.

The parameter M from Equation (4.54) is equal to
Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering
Therefore the enhancement factor can be found from the Equation (4.58) as
Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering
The chlorine concentration as a function of physical solubility can be calculated from the relation:
Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering 
Therefore the absorption rate (RAa) can be calculated from the Equation (4.59) as
Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering
=2.64 X 10-10 mol/cm3s

The document Absorption With Chemical Reaction | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering is a part of the Chemical Engineering Course Mass Transfer.
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FAQs on Absorption With Chemical Reaction - Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering

1. What is absorption with chemical reaction in chemical engineering?
Absorption with chemical reaction is a process in chemical engineering where a gas is dissolved into a liquid, and at the same time, a chemical reaction occurs between the gas and the liquid. This process is commonly used for the removal of harmful gases or pollutants from industrial exhaust streams.
2. How does absorption with chemical reaction differ from regular absorption?
Regular absorption is the process of transferring a gas from a gas phase into a liquid phase without any chemical reaction. On the other hand, absorption with chemical reaction involves not only the physical transfer of gas but also a chemical reaction between the gas and the liquid. This additional reaction step allows for the removal and conversion of pollutants or undesired components in the gas phase.
3. What are the advantages of absorption with chemical reaction in comparison to other gas treatment methods?
Absorption with chemical reaction offers several advantages over other gas treatment methods. Firstly, it allows for the simultaneous removal and conversion of pollutants, leading to a more efficient and effective treatment process. Additionally, it can handle a wide range of gas compositions and concentrations. The process can also be designed to recover valuable products from the gas stream through chemical reactions, making it economically attractive in certain applications.
4. What are some common applications of absorption with chemical reaction in chemical engineering?
Absorption with chemical reaction finds applications in various industries. It is commonly used for the removal of acid gases, such as sulfur dioxide (SO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S), from flue gases in power plants and industrial processes. It is also utilized for the removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from air streams in the chemical and petrochemical industries. Additionally, it can be used for the recovery and purification of valuable chemicals from gas streams.
5. What factors are important to consider in the design of an absorption with chemical reaction system?
Designing an absorption with chemical reaction system requires consideration of several factors. The selection of the appropriate solvent and absorbent is crucial to achieve the desired reaction and gas removal efficiency. The operating conditions, such as temperature, pressure, and flow rates, must be carefully determined to ensure optimal performance. The choice of reactor type, such as packed bed or tray column, also affects the system's performance. Lastly, the study of reaction kinetics and mass transfer rates is essential for accurate design and scale-up of the system.
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