VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) PDF Download

VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures

The next level of complexity in VLE algorithms arise when one has to account for non-ideal behaviour for both the gas and liquid phases. This may obtain at pressures away from atmospheric and if the constituent molecules form a non-ideal liquid phase. The general approach to VLE of such system involves correcting both sides of the Raoult’s law to incorporate the effect of non-ideal behaviour. If the pressures are moderately high the truncated virial EOS may be used to describe the gas phase behaviour, whereas the liquid phase non-ideality is defined by a suitable activity coefficient model. The activity coefficient based approach is preferred for moderate pressures, as under such conditions the liquid phase properties may be conveniently regarded as independent of pressure, hence only temperature effects on the activity coefficients need be accounted for. This approach, of course, is rendered inaccurate at relatively high pressures, where both the gas and liquid phases need to be described using fugacity coefficients derived typically from a cubic (or a higher order) EOS. This is dealt with in the next section. Presently the VLE algorithms for low to moderate pressure range are introduced.  The starting point is the eqn. (6.126):  

VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                                                     ..(6.126) 
Applying it to VLE: 

VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                                                         ..(6.127)
For gas phase, we use eqn. 6.129: 

VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)
For liquid phase (using eqn. 6.164): 

VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)
Applying eqn. 6.127: 

VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                                           ..(7.45)

From basic fugacity function for liquid phase (eqn.6.119): 

VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)              ..(6.119)

Using eqn. 6.119 in 6.128 we may write the phase equilibria relation as:

VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)              ..(7.46)  

Where  VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                                           ..(7.47)

One may show that the Pontying (exponential factor) in the last equation is usually ~ 1 for low to moderate pressure range, hence one may write:

VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                                                                                           ..(7.48) 

For a gas mixture obeying the truncated virial EOS (by eqn. 6.98): 

VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                                                                                 ..(7.49) 

Specifically for a binary using eqns. 6.149 and 6.150: 

VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)

VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                                                                  ..(6.149) 

Using the last four equations it follows that:                                                 ..(6.150) 


VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                                                         ..(7.50) 

And  VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                                                       ..(7.51) 

It may be shown that for a multi-component the general expression for Φi is provided by: 


VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                                   ..(7.52)
Now,VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)


VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                                                   ..(7.53) 

The approximation made in eqn. 7.53 is a reasonable one, as at low to moderate pressures the dependence of γi γi on ‘P’ may be neglected (as at such conditions the liquid phase properties are not strongly pressure dependent). The same five classes as provided in table 7.1 may be solved using this modified form of the Raoult’s law. In all cases eqn. 7.46 provides the starting point for calculation, which may be re-written is two principal alternate forms as follows:

VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                                                                                                  ..(7. 54 & 7.55) 

Since  VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)

VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)


VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                                 ........(7.56)

Similarly since VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)it follows that: '

VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                           ........(7.57)

We may also re-write eqn. 7.46 in terms of the K-factor (as used for Raoult’s Law in eqn. 7.37) as follows: 

VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                           ........(7.58)


y= Kixi                                                                                               ..(7.59)


VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                           ........(7.60)

From eqn. 7.59, it follows that:

VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                           ........(7.61)

From eqn. 7.60: 

VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)

Note that when Φi= γi = eqn. 7.46 reduces to the ideal case of Raoult’s Law.  

Bubble pressure: 

Given T and {xi } , to calculate P and { yi} : 

a) Start with given T, { xi } , Antoine constants, ∈ (error value for convergence)

b) Set all {Φi} = 1.0, Evaluate VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) , {γi } , Calculate P using eqn. 7.56

c) Calculate { yi } using eqn.7.54

d) Now evaluate {Φi} , using eqns. 7.52

e) Calculate Pnew using eqn. 7.56

f) Is δP <∈ ? 

g) If ‘No’, go to step ‘c’ and calculate new { yi } with last {Φi}

h) If ‘Yes’, end at last P, and { yi}


Dew Point Pressure: 

Given T and {yi } , to calculate P and {xi}

a) Start with T and {yi } ; Antoine constants; ε and δ (error values for convergence); start with Raoult’s law by setting all {Φi} = 1.0, and all {γi} = 1.0; Evaluate VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) , then calculate P using eqn. 7.57; Now evaluate { xi } by eqn. 7.55; Evaluate {γi } using appropriate activity coefficient model Liquid-phase; recalculate  P using eqn. (7.65),  revise {Φ i} using given { yi } and last P. b) Calculate new set { xi } using eqn. 7.55

b) Calculate new set { xi } using eqn. 7.55

c) Normalize { xi } using i (n) VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)  , and use normalized { xi } to compute {γi }

d) Use last {γi} to calculate P by eqn. 7.57 e) Is δP <ε ?

f) If ‘Yes’ then Plast =Pd(f)


Bubble Temperature: 

Given P and {xi } , to calculate T and {yi }

a) Solve for T and {yi } first by assuming Raoult’s Law algorithm for bubble temperature

b) Using solution in ‘a’ estimate {Ki } using eqn. 7.58 with the given values of P and {xi } ; latest values of T and {yi }

c) Next calculate {Kixi }

d) Calculate all VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)

e) Using normalized { yi } , recalculate {Ki } and VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)

f) HasVLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) changed? If yes return to step ‘d’ 


g) IfVLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)has not changed between two successive iterations between steps ‘c’ and ‘d’ is  VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)


If yes, the last values of T and { yi ≡ Kixi } give the final bubble temperature Tb(f) ,and vapour compositions. 

i) If no, and lastVLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) > 1 then Tlast >Tb(f) ; revise to new T as: Tnew  = Tlast  VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)  and return to step (c).and return to step ‘b’.

j) If no, and last ii VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)<1 then Tlast >Tb(f) ; revise to new T as: new last VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) and return to step (c).and return to step ‘b’



Dew Temperature: 

Given P and { yi  } , to calculate T and {xi  }

a) Solve for T and {xi  } first by assuming Raoult’s Law algorithm for dew temperature

b) Using solution in ‘a’ estimate {Ki  } using eqn. 7.58 with the given values of P and { yi  } ; latest values of T and {xi }

c) Next calculateVLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)

d) Calculate all  VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)

e) Using normalized { xi } , recalculate {Ki } and  VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)

f) HasVLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) changed? If yes return to step ‘d’ 

g) If VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)has not changed between two successive iterations between steps ‘c’ and ‘d’ is VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)


h) If yes, the last values of T and { xi ≡ yi /Ki } give the final dew temperature Td(f) ,and liquid phase compositions.  

i) If no, and VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) , then Tlast <Td( f) ; revise to new T as: new VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) and return to 
step (b).

j) If no, and VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) , then Tlast >Td ( f) ; revise to new T as: new VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) and return to 
step (b).


Flash Distillation Calculations : The procedure for non-ideal systems takes a form similar to that adopted for systems obeying Raoult’s Law except that one needs to additionally check for existence of both liquid and vapour phases following flash. The algorithm comprises the following steps.

a) Start with flash T, P and feed composition { z}

b) At the given T, calculate dew pressure Pd by putting { y} = { z }

c) Next calculate bubble pressure Pb by putting { x } = {z }

d) Is P< P<Pb ? If no, the vapour phase has not formed. 

e) If yes, compute VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) , and V as =  VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)

f) Use VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) , to get {ki} using eqn.  7.58

g) Then use eqn. 7.42 and 7.43 to evaluateϕ and dϕ / dV .

h) Using Newton-Raphson method, findV

i) With last V compute { xi } using eqn. 7.40 and { yi } by eqn. 7.38    

j) Re-calculate VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) , and {ki}  using eq n. 7.58 ii i Φ γ K

k) Check if the change in each parameter xi ,yi , and V between steps ‘e’ and ‘j’ is within predefined error values chosen for convergence.

l) If yes, then the last values of xi ,yi , and V constitute the solution

m) If no, return to step ‘f’ with the last values of xi ,yi , and V

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FAQs on VLE Algorithms for Low to Moderate Pressures - Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)

1. What are VLE algorithms in civil engineering and how are they used for low to moderate pressures?
Ans. VLE algorithms, or Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium algorithms, are computational tools used in civil engineering to predict the behavior of vapor and liquid phases under different pressure conditions. These algorithms are particularly relevant for low to moderate pressures, as they assist in determining the phase equilibrium and properties of mixtures in civil engineering processes.
2. Why is it important to consider low to moderate pressures in civil engineering projects?
Ans. Low to moderate pressures are commonly encountered in civil engineering projects, such as water distribution systems, drainage systems, and pipelines. Understanding the behavior of fluids, including the phase equilibrium, at these pressures is crucial for designing efficient and safe systems. Therefore, considering low to moderate pressures ensures the optimal performance and sustainability of civil engineering projects.
3. How do VLE algorithms contribute to the design of water distribution systems?
Ans. VLE algorithms play a significant role in the design of water distribution systems by assisting in determining the phase equilibrium and properties of the water and air mixture. These algorithms help engineers calculate critical parameters like pressure drops, flow rates, and the occurrence of vapor lock, ensuring the efficient and reliable operation of the system.
4. Are VLE algorithms only applicable to water-related civil engineering projects?
Ans. No, VLE algorithms are not limited to water-related civil engineering projects. They can be applied to various fluids and mixtures encountered in different civil engineering applications. For example, VLE algorithms can be used to analyze the behavior of gases in soil, determine the moisture content of soil, and optimize the design of chemical processes involving liquids and vapors.
5. Can VLE algorithms be used to predict the occurrence of vapor lock in drainage systems?
Ans. Yes, VLE algorithms can be utilized to predict the occurrence of vapor lock in drainage systems. By considering the pressure conditions, fluid properties, and phase equilibrium, these algorithms can help engineers identify and mitigate the potential risks of vapor lock, which can disrupt the functioning of drainage systems and lead to significant issues such as backflow and flooding.

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