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Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET PDF Download

Example: Planetary Motion 

Consider the motion of a planet due to the force exerted by Sun. Using polar coordinates we can write the Lagrangian for the planet as

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

We have

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

The Euler- Lagrange equation for the angle variable is

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

which gives

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET(8)

This is the statement of conservation of energy which follows from Kepler's second law.
The equation for the radial variable is

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

from which we get

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

Substituting from (8), we can write this as

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

From the above we get

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET(9)

which is a statement of conservation of energy.


Validity of Euler Lagrange Equation in Generalized Coordinates

t was seen that the degrees of freedom of two particles connected by a rigid rod is 5, and not 6, as the constraint of keeping the length xed bewteen the two masses reduces the number of independent quantities by 1. It is easy to see that a rigid body has 6 degrees of freedom, independent of the number of particles N . This is seen by the following argument. Starting with two particles, which has ve degrees of freedom, add a third particle non-collinear with the former two. This should increase the degree of freedom by 3. However, we have now introduced two additional constraints, viz., the distance between this newly added particle and the former two must remain constant. These two constraints, therefore, add only one additional degree of freedom and not three. Thus a system of rigidly connected three non-collinear masses brings in only one additional degree of freedom, making the number of degrees of freedom 6. If we now add a 4th particle, we bring in three constraints requiring that the distance between the 4th particle and the earlier three. Thus the 4th particle does not bring in any more degrees of freedom. The argument can now be repeated when we add more particles as the only independent constraints are three, distance between keeping the distance between the newly added particle and any three non-collinear particles being given, determines all other distance uniquely. Thus a rigid body can only have 6 degrees of freedom.
If the number of degrees of freedom is 3N - k = d, k being the number of independent constraints, the number of generalized coordinates required to specify the con guration of the system is d. We could, of course, choose any d cartesian coordinates x1, x2,........., xd for this purpose. However, this choice is not unique. Let qbe d functions ofthese x1, x2,........., xd with a non-vanishing Jacobian,

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

The new qis need not even have the dimension of length (e.g. in spherical polar, the coordinates θ and φ are dimensionless.) This new set q1, q2,..........,qare known as the generalized coordinates.

Since Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NETare independentt of one another, the velocities Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NETare also independent set. These are known as the generalized velocities. [Lest there is confusion, I wish to emphasize that the number of generalized coordinates for a system with 3N degrees of freedom is 3N , it is only when the constraints are taken care of, it reduces to 3N k and one only needs these many independent coordinates to completely specify the system.]

We denote by Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET the partial derivative of xi with respect to qj , when the remaining d 1 generalized coordinates are held xed.The real velocities associated with x= dxi/dt and Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

If xi has no explicit time dependence (time dependence could arise, for instance, due to moving constraints), the last term of the above vanishes and we are left with

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

which gives

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

This relationship is referred  as Dot Cancellation Theorem.
We will now show that the validity of the Euler Lagrange equation is not restricted to the Cartesian coordinates alone; they are equally valid in generalized coordinates. We have

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET(10)

We also have,

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET(11)

where, in the last step, we have used in dot-cancellation relation. Taking time derivative of both sides of (11), we get

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since the last term is zero because the velocities Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET are independent of the generalized coordinates. This establishes Euler Lagrange equation for the generalized coordinates.

The Brachistoschrone Problem 

The word "Brachistochrone" is derived from the greek words brachistos meaning the shortest and chromous meaning time - i.e. it is about the shortest time problem.
Consider a bead sliding frictionlessly along a wire in a vertical plane from the point (x1, y1) to the point (x2, y2), where ylies lower than than y1. The problem is to design a path for which the time to slide is the shortest. Let us take the origin to be at the rst point (x1, y1) and take y to be positive downwards. The shape of the wire is given by y = f (x) ≥ 0. The wire is taken to lie below and to the right of the origin so that x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0 along its path.
The time to come down is

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

The speed of the bead as it comes down is determined by the conservation of energy. Since y is positive downwards, the total energy must remain zero if the potential energy is taken to be zero at the origin. Thus we must have

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET


Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

It is convenient to convert this to an integral over y

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

where x' = dx/dy. Thus the Lagrangian function is a function of x' and y.

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

Euler-Lagrange equation is

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

As Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET has no dependence on x, the rst term of the above vanishes Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET is constant.

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so that

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

where we have, for reasons to become clear later, chosen the constant to be 1=2R.
This gives

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

resulting in

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We can parameterise the above by taking

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Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

Thus the shortest path is given by the pair of parameterised equations

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

These are parametric equations for a cycloid.

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

Fig. 5: The path of a brachistochrone is shown in red 

The lowest point of the brachistochrone corresponds to θ = π. The path is a curve traced out by a xed point on the circumference of a circle of radius R as the circular disk moves on a horizontal 
oor. The constant R is determined by the condition that the curve must pass through the point y = y2. Thus if y2 is the lowest point then y2 y1 = 2R. an interesting point is that the time taken to descend to the lowest point is independent of the point from which it was released, i.e., it speeds up appropriately to cover the distance to the lowest position in the same time. The time is calculated as follows:

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

With the above substitution, i.e.,

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

we have,

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET(15)


The Spring Pendulum 

As a second example, we consider a spring pendulum, in which the bob of the pendulum is connected to the support not by means of an inextensible string but by means of a spring whose length can only vary along its length (this can be achieved by encasing the spring in tube, for instance).

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

Let the instantaneous distance of the bob from the support be l + x, where l is the natural length of the spring. We choose x to be one of the generalized coordinates and the angle θ that the spring makes with the vertical as the other (note that unlike the case of simple pendulum which only had one degree of freedom, we now have two). The kinetic
and the potential energies of the system are given in terms of these coordinates and the corresponding velocities as

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

The Lagrangian is of course, L = T − V . The Euler- Lagrange equations for the x coordinates are 

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

The equation is readily identifiable as the equation for the radial acceleration with the first term on the right being the centripetal acceleration term Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET  which should be taken to the left to give the total radial acceleration. The second term is the radial component of the weight and the third term is the spring force. The equation (16) can be interpreted in the rotating frame in which case the first term gives the centrifugal force. The equation for the θ coordinate is

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET(17)

The right hand side of this equation is the torque of the weight about the point of suspension. The left hand side is the rate of change of the angular momentum as can be easily seen, since the tangential velocity is Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET and the distance from the support is (l + x). Explicitly differentiating (17) and cancelling a common factor, we can rewrite this equation as

Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 | Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

This can be interpreted in the rotating frame, the rst term being the angular acceleration term and the second the Coriolis term.

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FAQs on Variational Principle : Euler-Lagrange Equation and its Applications - 2 - Physics for IIT JAM, UGC - NET, CSIR NET

1. What is the Euler-Lagrange equation?
Ans. The Euler-Lagrange equation is a fundamental equation in the calculus of variations. It is used to find the function that minimizes or maximizes a certain functional. In the context of the variational principle, the Euler-Lagrange equation provides necessary conditions for the extremum of a functional.
2. How is the Euler-Lagrange equation derived?
Ans. The Euler-Lagrange equation is derived by considering variations of the functional with respect to the function to be minimized or maximized. By applying the principle of stationary action, variations of the functional are set to zero, and then the Euler-Lagrange equation is obtained by taking the derivative of the functional with respect to the function and equating it to zero.
3. What are the applications of the Euler-Lagrange equation?
Ans. The Euler-Lagrange equation has various applications in physics. It is used in classical mechanics to derive the equations of motion for particles and systems. It is also used in field theory to find the equations governing the behavior of fields. Additionally, it is employed in optics, quantum mechanics, and other areas of physics where the variational principle is applicable.
4. Can the Euler-Lagrange equation be used to solve real-world problems?
Ans. Yes, the Euler-Lagrange equation can be used to solve real-world problems. It provides a powerful mathematical tool for finding the extremum of functionals, which often correspond to physical quantities of interest. By applying the Euler-Lagrange equation, one can determine the optimal path, trajectory, or field configuration that minimizes or maximizes a given functional.
5. Are there any limitations or assumptions associated with the Euler-Lagrange equation?
Ans. The Euler-Lagrange equation relies on certain assumptions and limitations. It assumes that the function being varied is smooth and well-behaved. Additionally, it assumes that the functional is well-defined and differentiable. In some cases, the functional may have constraints that need to be taken into account. Moreover, the Euler-Lagrange equation may not always have a unique solution, and additional conditions or techniques may be required to find the extremum.
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