Question: The cooperative year in India ends on
Ans: June 30
Question: What is the indicator of economic prosperity?
Ans: Increase in G.D.P. at fixed prices
Question: Which is concerned with quality control of products in India?
Ans: ISI
Question: Which is mainly concerned with the integrated development of arid zones of Rajasthan, Haryana and Gujarat?
Ans: DDP
Question: The main objective of Antyodaya Programme is:
Ans: Upliftment of rural poor
Question: Which is the largest public sector bank?
Ans: State Bank of India
Question: Which nation holds the first position in our foreign trade?
Ans: USA
Question: The Reserve Bank of India was set up in
Ans: 1935
Question: The Reserve Bank of India was nationalised in
Ans: 1949
Question: The Planning Commission was established in
Ans: 1950
Question: The industry that provides the largest employment is
Ans: Textiles
Question: Which State in India has the largest number of factory workers? "
Ans: Maharashtra
Question: Of the total revenue tax of the Union Government, Indirect Taxes account for nearly
Ans: 80%
Question: Our country enjoys monopoly in the export of
Ans: Mica
Question: The term ‘bulls and bears’ is associated with
Ans: Stock market
Question: The Imperial Bank of India was the original name of
Ans: State Bank of India
Question: Which European country was the first buyer of Maruti Cars?
Ans: Hungary
Question: The Boothalingam Committee dealt with
Ans: Wages
Question: All India Khadi and Village Industries Board was set up during the
Ans: First Plan
Question: The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission was set up in
Ans: 1970
Question: The creation of core sector and joint sector was proposed by
Ans: Rajamannar Committee
Question: A perspective plan is drawn up for a period of
Ans: 15 to 20 years
Question: When was National Development Council founded?
Ans: 1952
Question: What is the average size of a holding in India?
Ans: 1.82 hectares
Question: The first country-wide agricultural census was taken in our country in
Ans: 1970-71
Question: The Wanchoo Committee probed into
Ans: Direct Taxes
Question: The Finance Commission is appointed after the expiry of
Ans: 5 years or earlier
Question: The Bank Rate is the rate at which RBI extends credit to
Ans: Commercial Bank
Question: The RBI has helped to finance our foreign trade through the bank called
Question: NABARD was set up in 1982 on the recommendation of
Question: According to Planning Commission the poverty line is defined in urban areas by
Ans: 2,100 daily calories/person
Question: According to Planning Commission, the poverty line is defined in rural areas by
Ans: 2,400 daily calories/person
Question: The Plan Holiday covered the period
Ans: from 1966-69
Question: The life expectancy during 1991-96 was
Ans: about 60 years
Question: Seasonal unemployment pertains mainly to
Ans: Agriculture
Question: The most important objective of Indian Planning is increase
Ans: in per capita income
Question: What is the term used for indigenous bills of exchange in India?
Ans: Hundis
Question: The Bearer Bonds Scheme aimed at
Ans: Mopping up black money
Question: Which is the apex organisation for industrial finance in our country?
Question: What is the main objective of IMF loan to India?
Ans: To help India meet the balance of payment problem.
Question: The agricultural commodity whose export gets us the maximum foreign exchange is
Ans: Tea
Question: What is the main cause of population explosion in India?
Ans: Fall in death rate due to medical advancement
Question: The main objective of Community Development Project is
Ans: All round development of people in rural areas
Question: Our country exports large amounts of iron from Kudremukh from the port called
Ans: New Mangalore
Question: Who recommends support prices of food-grains in our country?
Ans: Agricultural Prices Commission
Question: What is the main function of National Development Council?
Ans: It reviews working of the National Plan from time to time.
Question: Which state has the largest share of capital investment and industrial production?
Ans: Maharashtra
Question: The commodity imported by India from Sri Lanka is
Ans: Clove oil
Question: What was the status of the Planning Commission?
Ans: It is an advisory body
Question: Decimal coinage was introduced in our country in:
Ans: 1962
Question: What is the main cause for increased agricultural production in India?
Ans: Use of improved seeds, fertilizers and pesticides
Question: What will be the result of covering the budget deficit by printing currency notes?
Ans: Inflation
Question: Under what heading or category does salaries of Government Servants come in the Budget?
Ans: Current expenditure
Question: Which is responsible for collection and publication of monetary and financial information?
Ans: R.B.I.
Question: Whose signature is found on 50 rupee currency note?
Ans: Governor, R.B.I.
Question: Regional Rural Banks started functioning in our country in
Ans: 1975
Question: A scheduled bank is one which is included in 2nd schedule of the
Ans: R.B.I. Act
Question: What is associated with ‘Paper Gold’?
Ans: IMF’s Special Drawing Rights
Question: Which form of generation has played the greatest part in improving the power situation in India?
Ans: Thermal generation
Question: The Life Insurance Corporation (L.I.C.) is an example of
Ans: Investment banks
Question: Which is the most important small-scale industry in India?
Ans: Handloom
Question: At the end of British rule, what per cent of the national income was generated by agriculture in India?
Ans: 59
Question: When was Garibi Hatao accepted as a strategic development goal for the first time?
Ans: The Fifth Plan
Question: The Bhagvati Committee Report dealt with Unemployment problem
Ans: yes
Question: The National Horticulture Board was set up in
Ans: 1984
Question: Where is the headquarters of the National Horticulture Board?
Ans: Gurgaon
Question: The Indian Council of Agricultural Research was set up as a registered society in
Ans: 1923
Question: India is the first country to evolve a hybrid of
Ans: Cotton
Question: About what per cent of the growth in agriculture can be attributed to increased fertilizer use?
Ans: 70%
Question: The National Seeds Corporation was set up for meeting requirement of quality seeds in
Ans: 1963
Question: Where is the Satellite Laboratory for Remote Sensing and Locust Breeding Grounds located?
Ans: Jodhpur
Question: According to Food and Agricultural Corporation, the per capita availability of foodgrains per day should be
Ans: 440 gms
Question: Land ceiling laws were re-enacted by the State in conformity with the National guidelines issued in
Ans: 1972
Question: The country’s basic law for acquisition of land for public purposes and for companies is the Land Acquisition Act of
Ans: 1894
Question: The Bonded Labour System (Abolition), Act was passed in
Ans: 1976
Question: The Zamindari System was abolished in our country in
Ans: 1952
Question: For calculating the consumer price index the new base year that has been fixed is
Ans: 1960
Question: What does Dear Money Policy do?
Ans: It controls inflation
Question: The industry which suffers the most from sickness in our country is
Ans: Cotton textiles
Question: The tax called Octroi is imposed by
Ans: Municipal Bodies
Question: The Tea Trading Corporation of India was established in
Ans: 1971
Question: The Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act was passed in
Ans: 1985
Question: The Indian National Trade Union Congress was started in
Ans: 1947
Question: The Payment of Gratuity Act was passed in
Ans: 1972
Question: Beginning of industrial licensing in our country was marked by the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act of
Ans: 1951
Question: Which was the first to recognise the mutual dependence between the private and public sectors?
Ans: Industrial Policy Resolution, 1956
Question: What is the average size of agricultural holdings in the country?
Ans: 1.7 hectares.
Question: When was the first Cooperative Credit Societies Act, which was designed to combat rural indebtedness and to provide for registration of credit societies in the country, passed?
Ans: 1904.
Question: Name the year in which the system of rationing was introduced for the first time in the country?
Ans: 1943-44.
Question: What is India’s rank in the world production of sugar?
Ans: Second.
Question: What place does India occupy in the world in the manufacture of cotton woven fabrics?
Ans: Second.
Question: Which state has the largest number of factories in the country?
Ans: Maharashtra.
Question: Which state has the distinction of having the largest number of registered small-scale industries?
Ans: West Bengal.
Question: From which year did the Trade Fair Authority of India, set up as Government company under the Companies Act, start functioning?
Ans: 1957.
Question: In terms of the percentage allocation of the plan outlay which Five Year Plan accorded the highest priority to transport and communication?
Ans: Second Plan.
Question: Where are the headquarters of the South Central Railway?
Ans: Secunderabad.
Question: Which Railway zone in the country is the largest in terms of route kilometres?
Ans: Northern.
Question: Since when were Railway finances separated from general revenues?
Ans: 1924-25.
Question: From which year was the production of steam locomotives discontinued?
Ans: 1972.
Question: In terms of route kilometreage what is India’s rank among world railway systems?
Ans: Fourth.
Question: Which state in the country has the highest road length?
Ans: Maharashtra.
Question: Approximately what percentage of total buses are being run by public sector undertakings in the country as a whole?
Ans: 40.
Question: Of the total road length in the country, national highways constitute nearly?
Ans: 2 per cent.
Question: In which year was the Border Roads Development Board set up?
Ans: 1960.
Question: The Cochin Shipyard has been set up with the collaboration of which foreign country?
Ans: Japan.
Question: Air-India inaugurated its first international service in June 1948. What was its destination?
Ans: London.
Question: Which state has the highest ratio of urban population?
Ans: Maharashtra.
Question: Which age group in the country accounts for the highest percentage of total population?
Ans: 0-9 years.
Question: What percentage represents the Punjabi-speaking population in the country?
Ans: 2.8.
Question: In which State or Union Territory is the proportion of workforce, or the work participation rate, highest in the country?
Ans: Arunachal Pradesh.
Question: Employment in the public sector has been rapidly increasing. Which activity in the public sector provides maximum employment?
Ans: Services.
Question: Where is the work participation rate lowest in the country?
Ans: Lakshadweep.
Question: The bonded labour system has been abolished all over the country through the Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act. When was this legislation enacted?
Ans: 1976
Question: The Trade Union Act, 1926, provides for the registration of trade unions. What is the minimum number of members necessary for the registration of a trade union?
Ans: Seven.
Question: Which state in the country has the largest number of post offices?
Ans: Uttar Pradesh.
Question: The postal system in India dates back to the year
Ans: 1837.
Question: When was the Postal Index Number (PIN), a numerical postal address code, introduced in the country?
Ans: 1972
Question: The International Subscriber Dialling (ISD) telephone service was first introduced from an Indian city to the U.K. Which was that city?
Ans: Bombay.
Question: In which year was the India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) established?
Ans: 1966.
Question: The largest number of daily newspapers are published in Hindi. Which language in the country occupies the second place in this respect?
Ans: Urdu.
Question: Since when has the census of population on an all-India basis been taken regularly every ten years?
Ans: 1881.
Question: What is the proportion of India’s population compared to the total population of the world?
Ans: One-seventh.
Question: Low, medium and high projections about the future size of the country’s population have been made by the Office of Registrar General of India. What is the medium projection for the year 2001?
Ans: 99.1 crores.
Question: The growth of the country’s population was slow and irregular towards the beginning of the present century. Later on it became rapid and continuous. Which year is generally regarded as the Year of Great Divide?
Ans: 1921.
Question: The annual addition to the population of India is almost equal to the total population of which country?
Ans: Australia.
Question: Which state in the country has the largest Scheduled Caste population?
Ans: Uttar Pradesh.
Question: When was the Planning Commission set up to prepare a blueprint of development for the country?
Ans: 1950.
Question: Who is the ex-officio Chairman of the Planning Commission of India?
Ans: Prime Minister.
Question: Which is the highest body that approves Five Year Plans in the country?
Ans: National Development Council.
Question: In which Five Year Plan was rapid industrialisation with particular emphasis on the development of basic and heavy industries laid down as one of the main objectives?
Ans: Second Plan.
Question: In which year did Parliament declare that the broad objective of economic policy should be to achieve a socialistic pattern of society?
Ans: 1954.
Question: Dadabhai Naoroji was one of the first persons to estimate the country’s national income during the British period. what was his estimate of per capita income for the year 1868?
Ans: Rs. 20.
Question: What was India’s rank in the world in terms of GNP per capita in 1987?
Ans: 168.
Question: What is the target for the reduction of poverty ratio in the country by AD 2000?
Ans: 5 per cent.
Question: The Indian Council of Agricultural Research is an apex body for formulating plans and coordinating research work in agriculture and allied fields. When was it set up?
Ans: 1929.
20 videos|561 docs|160 tests
1. What is the current state of the traditional economy in relation to the UPSC exam? | ![]() |
2. How does the traditional economy differ from other economic systems? | ![]() |
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a traditional economy? | ![]() |
4. How does globalization impact traditional economies? | ![]() |
5. What measures can be taken to support and sustain traditional economies in the face of globalization? | ![]() |