We know that when ω = 2πK/N and N→∞,ω becomes a continuous variable and limits summation become −∞ to+∞.
Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT)
We know that,
Where, is continuous and periodic in ω and with period 2π .…eq(1)
… From Fourier series
ω becomes continuous and because of the reasons cited above.
Inverse Discrete Time Fourier Transform
(The Fourier Transform pair)
Necessary and sufficient condition for existence of Discrete Time Fourier Transform for a non-periodic sequence x(n) is absolute summable.
Properties of DTFT
Earlier, we studied sampling in frequency domain. With that basic knowledge, we sample X(ejω) in frequency domain, so that a convenient digital analysis can be done from that sampled data. Hence, DFT is sampled in both time and frequency domain. With the assumption x(n)=xp(n)
Hence, DFT is given by −
And IDFT is given by −
n = 0,1,….,N−1 …eq(4)
Twiddle Factor
It is denoted as WN and defined as Its magnitude is always maintained at unity. Phase of
. It is a vector on unit circle and is used for computational convenience. Mathematically, it can be shown as −
It is function of r and period N.
Consider N = 8, r = 0,1,2,3,….14,15,16,….
Linear Transformation
Let us understand Linear Transformation −
We know that,
Note − Computation of DFT can be performed with N2 complex multiplication and N(N-1) complex addition.
Matrix of linear transformation
IDFT in Matrix form is given by
Comparing both the expressions of and
Therefore, WN is a linear transformation matrix, an orthogonal (unitary) matrix.
From periodic property of WN and from its symmetric property, it can be concluded that,
Circular Symmetry
N-point DFT of a finite duration x(n) of length N≤L, is equivalent to the N-point DFT of periodic extension of x(n), i.e. xp(n) of period N. and . . Now, if we shift the sequence, which is a periodic sequence by k units to the right, another periodic sequence is obtained. This is known as Circular shift and this is given by,
The new finite sequence can be represented as
Example − Let x(n)= {1,2,4,3}, N = 4,
x′p(n) = x(n−k, modulo N) ≡ x((n−k)) N; ex − if k = 2i.e 2 unit right shift and N = 4,
Assumed clockwise direction as positive direction.
Conclusion − Circular shift of N-point sequence is equivalent to a linear shift of its periodic extension and vice versa.
Circularly even sequence −
Conjugate even −
Circularly odd sequence −
Conjugate odd −
For any real signal x(n),
Time reversal − reversing sample about the 0th sample. This is given as;
Time reversal is plotting samples of sequence, in clockwise direction i.e. assumed negative direction.
Some Other Important Properties
Other important IDFT properties x(n)⟷X(k)
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