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Radioactivity | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced PDF Download

First time Henri Bacqueral observed that there are certain substance which Emitts radiation on their own and named this phenomenon as "RADIOACTIVITY " and the substance are known as "RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCE ".

The common radioactive elements are 

Uranium salt (potassium Uranium sulphate) was the first compound found to be radioactive. 
Tritium  is the lightest radioactive element.

Madam curie and piere curie isolated  polonium and radium from pitch blend 

 observed that three kinds of rays are emitted by radioactive elements and named them as alpha ray,bita ray and gama ray . type of rays were deflected towards the negative plate which indicates that they carry  positive charged partials  and are called alpha rays. These rays were found to be consists of positively charged partials He  ion (Hellium nucleus).

2.The second type of Ray were deflected towards the positive electrode  which shows that these are negatively charged partials  these are called bita rays. These partials have the same (e/m) value as the cathode ray. Therefore bita partials were considered to be stream of electron.

3.Third type of rays were not deflected at all and therefore they are neutral. These are called gama rays. These rays are regarded as energy electromagnetic wave. Having no charge and negligible mass.

Radioactivity is a nuclear phenomenon 

In an alpha emissions removal of 2 protons and 2 neutrons at a time from the nucleus. So,mass number is reduced by 4 unit and atomic number is reduced by 2 unit 

1.Bita emissions (positron emission)
2.Bita -- emissions (simply bita emission)

1.Bita emission --- in this case inside the Nucleus when a proton is converted into neutron a new type of partials is formed called positron .

Positron is equivalent to electron in mass but the charge is opposite to electron 
Mass of positron =1/(1837) amu 
Charge on positron = 1
                                            In this case atomic number is reduced by 1 unit but there is no change in mass number. 

In this case inside the Nucleus when a neutron is converted into proton a new type of partials is formed called  bita partial which is equivalent to electron. 
              When a bita partials is ejected from the nucleus as a result charge inside the Nucleus is increased by 1 unit. So, removal of bita partials means atomic number is increased by 1 unit but mass number remains the same. 

In gama emission there is no change in atomic number and mass number but energy is reduced during gama emission.
Since gama rays is an electromagnetic wave and wave is a form of energy.

Number of alpha partials emitted =change in.                                                                                 mass
Number of bita particals emitted =2×(number of alpha particals)-(change in atomic number)

Note: emission of 1 alpha and two bita partials gives the  isotopes

Isotope:Isotope are those particals which have same atomic number but different mass are called Isotope. 

The document Radioactivity | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced is a part of the JEE Course Physics for JEE Main & Advanced.
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FAQs on Radioactivity - Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

1. What is radioactivity and how does it occur?
Ans. Radioactivity is the spontaneous emission of radiation from the nucleus of an unstable atom. It occurs when the nucleus of an atom is unstable and tries to become more stable by releasing energy in the form of radiation.
2. What are the different types of radiation emitted during radioactivity?
Ans. There are three main types of radiation emitted during radioactivity: alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. Alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons, beta particles are high-energy electrons or positrons, and gamma rays are electromagnetic waves.
3. How does radioactivity affect living organisms?
Ans. Radioactivity can have harmful effects on living organisms. When exposed to high levels of radiation, it can damage cells and DNA, leading to cell death or mutations. This can result in various health issues, including cancer and other radiation-related diseases.
4. What are some natural sources of radioactivity?
Ans. Natural sources of radioactivity include radioactive elements present in the Earth's crust, such as uranium, thorium, and radon gas. These elements can be found in soil, rocks, and even in the air we breathe. Cosmic rays from space also contribute to natural background radiation.
5. How can radioactivity be detected and measured?
Ans. Radioactivity can be detected and measured using various instruments, such as Geiger-Muller counters and scintillation detectors. These devices can detect the presence of radiation and measure its intensity. The unit used to measure radioactivity is the becquerel (Bq), which represents one radioactive decay per second.
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