To surf on the Net, perform the following steps:
1. Enter the name/address of the website on the address bar.
2. Click on Go B or press enter. You will get the Homepage of the website on the screen.
Now you can click on other links (hyperlinks, underlined links) or use scrollbars or arrow keys to move to other pages or other places within the same page.
Some basic Inter terminology:
WWW | I World Wide Web |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
Server | A computer that provides a service to another computer. |
Search engine | Find web pages with specific content. |
Cookie | A file left on your computer by a website's browser containing your login, password, user preferences and other personalized information. |
Browser | Software used to "browse" the internet. Most common examples are Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. |
Domain name | The unique name that identifies on Internet site. |
HTML | Hyper Text Markup Language - computer code used to create documents on the www. |
HTTP | Hyper Text transfer Protocol - protocol for moving hypertext files across the Internet. |
Downloading | Copying a file from a remote computer to your computer. |
Uploading | Copying a file from your computer to a remote computer. |
Bookmark | Function used to save a webpage location for future reference. |
ASCII | American Standard Code For Information Interchange. |
Home page | Page your computer will go to when you initially log onto the Internet. |
Link hyperlink | Text found on a web page which when clicked, will take you to another web location. |
Back | Moves to pervious page on website. |
Forward | Moves to next page on website. |
Refresh | Starts the process of opening a web page again. |
History | Shows a list of pages visited recently. |
Mail: | Opens a drop-down menu with different options for sending or receiving e-mail. |
E-mail (Electronic mail)
E-mail is short for electronic mail. An email is a letter that is send over a computer network instead of being sent through the post. You can attach documents and photos to e-mails, just like you can include a photo or a document with a letter.
You can also attach computer files such as programs and spreadsheets.
Steps for setting up an E-mail account with Gmail:
Go to in your web browser. This takes you to the Gmail login page.
We don't have an account yet, so it's time to create one. Left-click on the create an Account button.
After clicking on it the Google Account sign-up page will appear.
Now, in the appropriate fields, you need enter the required detail:
A user name for your email address. where user name is the name you enter into the field.
I agree to the google terms of service and privacy policy.
Note: Sometime choosing a user name is often difficult, since so many of the common onces are already taken. Unless you have a highly unusual name, it's likely that your name is already taken. If username is already taken, google will immediately let you know it and suggest alternatives (which as usually whatever you entered with a string of number at the end).
Now, your Gmail email-id is ready for used.
Now, you can log into email at any time by going to Instead of clicking on create new account, however you now type your user name and password into the login fields.
On the left are your navigation items:
Composing and Sending an E-mail Message
Reading an email message
To read an email, click on the subject of the email.
Note: Unread message in your inbox will be bolded.
Replying to a message
Note: The different between "Reply" and "Reply All". Clicking the "Reply" button will send your reply only to the original sender of the message. Clicking the "Reply All" button will send your reply to everyone who received the original message.
Forwarding a message
Some E-mail related terms
33 videos|30 docs|32 tests
1. What is the difference between the internet and the World Wide Web? | ![]() |
2. How does the internet work? | ![]() |
3. What are some common internet protocols? | ![]() |
4. How secure is the internet? | ![]() |
5. What is the future of the internet? | ![]() |