James Herriot was a vet surgeon. He had many great experiences of curing pet dogs and cats. He has given a very interesting and touching expression of his experiences. In this lesson, he has given the description of a dog’s disease. Mrs. Pumphrey’s dog Tricki was seriously ill. James Herriot treated the dog without medicine or surgery.
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Introduction: A Triumph of Surgery
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Pulled up = stopped (रोक दी)
Shocked = sudden attack (अचानक आघात पंहुचा)
Hugely = excessive(अत्यधिक)
Bloated = swollen(फूला हुआ)
Bloodshot = red coloured (लाल रंग का)
Sausage = unbaked meat (कवाब)
Started = to look with fixed eyes(घूरना)
Lolled = hanged out the tongue (लपकना)
Listless = careless (असावधान)
Malnutrition = lack of proper diet (कुपोषढ़)
Malt = barley (जौ)
Rheumy = a body disease (गाठिआग्रस्त)
Relent = to feel sorry (पछिताना)
Tackle = to seize (पकड़ना ,सुलझाने का प्रयास करना)
Wondered = surprised (हैरान होना)
Mentioned = referred(बताना)
Lumbago = backache (कमर दर्द, कटिवात)
Severe = hard, (कठोर)
Strict = hard (कठोर)
Wrung = twisted (मरोड़ना)
Set off = started (चल दिया)
Determined = with a set mind (डरः निश्चय के साथ)
Regime = rule (नियम)
Immediately = just then (तुरंत)
Concern = anxiety(चिंता)
Tottering= staggering (लड़खड़ाना)
Wardrobe = cupboard (अलमारी)
Drooping = hanging down (झुकना)
Harness = ornamental clothes (साज-सज्जा के वस्त्र)
Distraught = upset (परेशान)
Bouts = fits (बार -बार होना)
Panting = gasping (हाफना)
Swooned = fainted (वेहोश हो जाना)
Pine = to lament (विलाप करना)
Wailings = moanings (कराहते)
Marched out = walked out (बाहर चले जाना)
Wrapped = covered (लिपटा हुआ)
Pith roused = awoke (जगा दिया)
With maids = lady servants; (नौकरानियाँ)
Stuff = things (वस्तुऍ)
Glanced = gave a rapid look (सरसरी नजर से देखना)
Pathetic = full of pity (करूद्धजनक)
Gasping = panting (हाँफते हुए)
Wag = shake(हिलाना)
Surgery = operation (शल्य -चिकित्शा)
Surged = crowded (उमड़ पढ़ना)
Carpet = fabric for covering the floor (कालीन)
Sniffing = breathing through nose (सूघना)
Ignored = overlooked (अबहेलना करना)
Made up = prepared (तैयार किया)
Kept an eye = observed (नजर रखना)
Whimper = mutering (रिरियाना, कम आवाज में रोना)
Engulfed = encircled (घिरा हुआ)
Greyhound = hunter dog (स्लेटी रंग का कुत्ता)
Slightly = a little bit, (थोड़ा सा)
Slopped = spilled (छलकाना)
Jostling = pushing (धकेलना)
Rapid = fast (तीब्र)
Scrimmages = fight (झगड़ा)
Tramped = crushed (कुचलना)
Squashed = defeated (पराजित हुआ)
Accepted = approved (स्युईकार किया)
Gang = group (समूह )
Crew = group (दल)
Hovered = hungover (मड़राना)
Anxiously = curiously (उत्सुकतापूर्वक)
Bulletins = news (समाचार)
Dodged = avoided (टालना)
Convalescing = gaining health (स्यास्थ्य लाभ होा )
Dawn on = to appear (प्रकट होना)
Ceremonial = festival (ऊत्सव)
Occasion= opportunity (अवसर)
Constitution = physical structure (शारीरिक ढांचा)
Inhaled = to breath through nose (भांप लेना)
Reverently = with respect (सम्मान पूर्वक)
Sustained = maintained (बनाए रखना)
Temptation = attraction (आकर्षड़)
Gleaming = shining (चमकदार)
Chauffeur = driver (चालक)
Interior = inner (अंदर)
Clasped = seized firmly (कसकर पकड़ना)
Hurtling = running with speed (तेज़ी से भागना)
Flapping = waving (फड़फड़ाना)
Transformed = changed (परिवर्तित होना)
Lithe = elastic (लचीला)
Passage = sideway (गलियारा)
Tremendous = huge (विशाल)
Leap = jump (कूदना)
Startled = surprised (हैरान)
Chauffeur = a motor car driver (चालक)
1. Who was James Herriot? | ![]() |
2. What is the meaning of the word "triumph"? | ![]() |
3. What is the main focus of the book series "All Creatures Great and Small"? | ![]() |
4. What is the significance of surgery in James Herriot's life? | ![]() |
5. How has James Herriot's work impacted the field of veterinary medicine? | ![]() |