Dr .Wheeler coined the term "Indus", which is the main river of Asia.
IVC is spread across Pakistan , India , some parts of Afghanistan..
To understnad its extent , here is a picture of IVC extreme ends ..
SUKTAGENDOR, was originally a port,which later was cut off from sea due to coastal upliftment.
IVC has different group of cities , which were discovered at that time...
# HARAPPA- in 1921 , it was discovered on the banks of river Ravi by Dayaram Sahni. (to remember Ravi river , connect this with letters RA in haRAppa.)
891 seals made of steatite were discovered( mother Goddess of Fertility made on it.)
Red sandstone naked male torso ( shows traces of Jainism) was discovered.
Citadels, slave habitats were present.
It was established and deestablished 5 times(as they couldn't fight with natural forces.)
# MOHENJODARO- in 1922, it was discovered on river Indus by Rakhal Das Bannerjee (R.D.Bannerjee)
Also called as Mound Of Dead.
established and deestablished 7 times.
Great Bath was found (burnt brick used.)
Great Granary /great hall/ multipillared assembly hall was found.
streets run east to west at 90 degrees.
Bronze dancing girl statue found.
Steatite statue of priest (made of silicate minerals)
Seals bearing Pashupati ( shiva)
Most common animal on seals- Unicorn
#ROPAR- on the banks of Satluj river (Punjab).
Evidence of burying a dog below the human burial was found.
#LOTHAL- port city , Gujarat.
Artificial brick dockyard .
earliest cultivation of rice.
#KALIBANGAN- on Ghaggar river, Rajasthan.( indicates black bangles)
#KOT DIJI- Pakistan , 5 figures of mother goddess were found.
#SURKOTADA-remains of Horse were found.
alongwith this, there are some latest sites-
#DHOLAVIRA- in Rann of Kutch , Gujarat , discovered by R.S.Bisht.
#GANVERIVALA - Pakistan discovered by Rafeeq Mugal
#RAKHI GARHI-Jeend , Haryana discovered by Rafeeq Mugal
#KHIRSARA VILLAGE-western Kutch.
* were earliest to produce cotton
*Boustrophedon script (right to left in 1 line and left to right in other)
*chief male diety was Pashupati on seals in yogic posture with 3 faces and 2 horns , surrounded by 4 animals- Tiger, Elephant, Rhino, Buffalo , also 2 deers at his feet.
(to remember, REDBulleT wherein R stands for Rhino, E for elephant, D for deer, B for buffalo, t for tiger.)
*Chief female diety - Mother Goddess
*Sacred tree- Peepal
*Sacred plant- Tulsi
*Sacred animal - Humped Bull
*Burial practices- body lying on its back , head towards north.
*Causes of Decline- Depression in land due to floods
Decreased fertility of soil.
Decline in trade.
Ecological imbalance.
After this Aryans came into existence
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