Sequence & Series of complex numbers
First consider the useful facts
The △ in-equality : If z1 & z2 are arbitrary complex no., then
Taking positive sq. root yields the desired inequality.
Note equality occur in (i)
Defn A seq. {zn} of complex no. is said to converge to a complex no. z if the seq. {|zn- z|} of real no. converge to 0
Proof forward Part :
Assume that zn → z then |zn- z|→ 0
Converse Part : Assume that Re(zn) → Re(z) & Im(zn) → Im(z)
|zn - z|= |(xn + iyn )- (x+ iy)| where, zn = xn + iyn & z = x + iy
Note: {zn} can’t converge to more than one limit.
If exists is unique.
→ 0 as n→∞ (∵0 ≤|z|≤ 1)
Defn A seq. {zn} of complex no. is called a Cauchy seq. if for each 𝜖 > 0, there exists (N=N(𝜖)) an integer N s.t.
Cauchy Criteria for convergence in complex plane {zn} converges iff {zn} is a Cauchy seq.
Forward part: Assume that zn → z then
Re(zn) → Re(z) & Im(zn) → Im(z)
Proved before
Here {Re(zn)} & {Im(zn)} both are Cauchy seq. being convergent seq. of real no.
Converse part: suppose {zm} is a Cauchy seq. , then using
implies both {Re(zn) & Im(zn)} are cauchy seq. of real no. hence both converges,
implies {zn} converges
Defn The infinite series of complex nos. is said to be converge if the seq. {Sn},
of paritial sum S is convergent.
from the Cauchy criterion, i.e. “a seq. is conv. iff it is a Cauchy seq”, we see that converges iff {Sn}is a cauchy seq.
For each
from this it follows that convergence of
(i. e. a neccessary cond for the series
to converge is that zn →0 as n→ ∞
Remark's in the case of sequence we have, converges to z iff
converges to Re(z) converge to Im(z).
A sufficient condn for cgces of
i.e. absolutely convergent series is cgt.
also, as with real series, we say a series is said to be absolutely convergent if the series
+ve real no. is convergent. Futher using the fact that
Implies that “every absolutely convergent series is convergent.” Converse is not true e.g.
absolutely and hence cgt.
Generalized Cauchy’s nth root test: let be a series of complex term such that
(a) if ℓ < 1 then series cgs abs.
(b) if ℓ >1 then series div.
(c) if ℓ = 1 the series may or may not conv.
Generalised D’ lembert Ratio test: then
(a) if L < 1, then the series cgs absolutely
(b) if l > 1, the series div.
(c)if l≤1≤ L, no conclusion.
complex analysis ( Bak & Newmann)
Topology of the complex plane
1.5 Definition
(i) is called an open disc of radius r centered at z0 , also called nbhd of z0.
(ii) circle
= circle with center z0 , radius r.
(iii) subset is called
If for every
, there exists r > 0 . It means that some disc arround z lies entirely in S. for instance, the interior of a circle
the entire complex plane
half plane (Re(z) , Im(z) <0 , Re(z) ) ect. are open sets. An open disc is an open set.
(iv) A set is s. t. b open iff for each
Note: is not open
Note: is open in
but not in
(v) set S is called closed if its complement
= Coll of points whose neighbourhood have a non empty intersection with both S and
(ix) = closure of S
(x) S is bdry iff for some r > 0.
(xi) S is compact iff S is closed bdd
(xii) set S is said to be disconneced if there exists two disjoint open set s. t.
(xiii) S is s. t. b. disconnected iff S is a union of two non empty disjoit open subsets.
(xiv) S is called connected if it is not disconnected. in other words, S is connected if and only if, each pair of points z1, z1 of S can be connected by an arc lying in S
is calle the line segment with and points z1 & z2 and denoted by [z1,z2]
∴ if for each
then the line segment [z1, z2] , (where z1 , z2 ∈S ) is said to be containe in S.
→ by a polygonal line from z1 to zn … . a finite union of line segments of the form
(z1 and zn are said to be polygonally connected)
→ A set S is said to be polygonally connected if any two points of S can be connected by a polygonal line (basically horizonal or verticaly) contained in S.
27 docs|150 tests
1. What is a sequence of complex numbers? | ![]() |
2. How is the nth term of a sequence of complex numbers determined? | ![]() |
3. What is a series of complex numbers? | ![]() |
4. How can we determine the sum of an infinite series of complex numbers? | ![]() |
5. Can a sequence or series of complex numbers be divergent? | ![]() |