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Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

Previous Year Questions 2024

Q1: (i) Two magnetic field lines do not intersect each other. Why?
(ii) How is a uniform magnetic field in a given region represented? Draw a diagram in support of your answer.     (2024)

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Ans: (i) If they intersect then at the point of intersection, there would be two directions of magnetic field or compass needle would point towards two directions, which is not possible.
(ii) Uniform magnetic field is represented by equidistant parallel straight lines
Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

Q2: Strength of magnetic field produced by a current carrying solenoid DOES NOT depend upon:     (2024)
 number of turns in the solenoid
(b) direction of the current flowing through it
(c) radius of solenoid
(d) material of core of the solenoid

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Ans: (b)
The strength of the magnetic field in a solenoid depends on factors like the number of turns of wire and the radius of the solenoid. However, the direction of the current (whether it flows one way or the opposite) does not affect the strength of the magnetic field itself; it only changes the direction of the field. Therefore, the correct answer is (b).

Q3: Assertion - Reason based questions:     (2024)
These questions consist of two statements — Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
 Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Assertion (A): The deflection of a compass needle placed near a current carrying wire decreases when the magnitude of an electric current in the wire is increased.
Reason (R): Strength of the magnetic field at a point due to a current carrying conductor increases on increasing the current in the conductor.

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Ans: (d)
The assertion states that the deflection of a compass needle decreases as the current increases, which is false. The reason explains that the magnetic field strength increases with more current, which is true. Therefore, the correct answer is (d), as the assertion is false while the reason is true.

Q4: Draw a diagram to show the pattern of magnetic field lines on a horizontal sheet of paper due to a straight conductor passing through its centre and carrying current vertically upwards. Mark on it (i) the direction of current in the conductor and (ii) the corresponding magnetic field lines. State right hand thumb rule and check whether the directions marked by you are in accordance with this rule or not.     (2024)

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Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

Right-Hand Thumb Rule: When a current-carrying straight conductor is being held in right-hand such that the thumb points towards the direction of current, then fingers will wrap around the conductor in the direction of the magnetic field lines.

Q5: (a) Draw a labelled diagram to show the pattern of magnetic field lines produced due to a current carrying straight conductor. Mark on it the direction of current in the conductor and the direction of magnetic field lines.
(b) Name the device used to magnetise a piece of magnetic material. Draw a labelled diagram to show the arrangement used for the magnetisation of a cylinder made of soft iron.     (2024)

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Ans: (a) 
Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current
(b) Permanent magnet / Current carrying solenoid/ Electromagnet
Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

Q6: A rectangular loop ABCD carrying a current I is situated near a straight conductor XY, such that the conductor is parallel to the side AB of the loop and is in the plane of the loop. If a steady current I is established in the conductor as shown, the conductor XY will       (2024)
Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current(a)
remain stationary.
(b) move towards the side AB of the loop.
(c) move away from the side AB of the loop.
(d) rotate about its axis.

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Ans: (b)
A rectangular loop ABCD carrying a current I is situated near a straight conductor XY, such that the conductor is parallel to the side AB of the loop and is in the plane of the loop. If a steady current I is established in the conductor as shown, the conductor XY will move towards the side AB of the loop.

Q7: Two statements are given  one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (A), (B), (C) and (D) as given below.     (2024)
Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).  
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.  
(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.  
Assertion (A): Magnetic field lines never intersect each other.
Reason (R): If they intersect, then at the point of intersection, the compass needle would point towards two directions, which is not possible. 

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Ans: (a)

The assertion states that magnetic field lines never intersect, which is true. The reason explains that if they did intersect, a compass needle would point in two different directions at that point, which is also true. Since the reason correctly explains why the assertion is true, the correct answer is (a).

Q8: A student fixes a sheet of white paper on a drawing board. He places a bar magnet in the centre of it. He sprinkles some iron filings uniformly around the bar magnet. Then he taps the drawing board gently and observes that the iron filings arrange themselves in a particular pattern.     (2024)
(a) Why do iron filings arrange in a particular pattern?
(b) What does the crowding of iron filings at the ends of the magnet indicate?  
(c) What do the lines, along which the iron filings align, represent?  
(d) If the student places a cardboard horizontally in a current carrying solenoid and repeats the above activity, in what pattern would the iron filings arrange? State the conclusion drawn about the magnetic field based on the observed pattern of the lines.

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Ans: (i) Terrestrial /Grassland / cropland
Aquatic /Pond
(ii) First trophic level are always producers or autotrophs as they can capture the solar energy and convert it into chemical energy.
1% energy is captured.
(iii) Because energy flows in one direction only.
Justification: when energy passes from one trophic level to other it cannot revert back.

Q9: The current-carrying device which produces a magnetic field similar to that of a bar magnet is:     (2024)
A straight conductor
(b) A circular loop
(c) A solenoid
(d) A circular coil

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Ans: (c)
A solenoid is a coil of wire that, when carrying an electric current, creates a magnetic field similar to that of a bar magnet, with distinct north and south poles. This means that a solenoid can generate a uniform magnetic field inside it, making it behave like a bar magnet. Therefore, the correct answer is (c).

Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

A uniform magnetic field exists in the plane of the paper as shown in the diagram. In this field, an electron (e-) and a positron (p+) enter as shown. The electron and positron experience forces:     (2024)
both pointing into the plane of the paper.
(b) both pointing out of the plane of the paper.
(c) pointing into the plane of the paper and out of the plane of the paper respectively.
(d) pointing out of the plane of the paper and into the plane of the paper respectively.

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Ans: (a)

The direction of the current is taken as opposite to the flow of electron or in the direction of the flow of protons.

Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of CurrentIn the given figure, the proton and electron are moving in the opposite direction to each other and perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field. So, current due to both electron and proton are in the same direction. Hence, the forces acting on both will be in the same direction. By Fleming's left-hand rule the direction of force is pointing into the plane of the paper

Q11: (a) What happens when a bundle of wires of soft iron is placed inside the coil of a solenoid carrying a steady current? Name the device obtained. Why is it called so?
(b) Draw the magnetic field lines inside a current carrying solenoid. What does this pattern of magnetic field lines indicate?     (2024)

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Ans: (a) 

  • It gets magnetised.
  • Electromagnet. 
  • It behaves as a magnet only when current passes through the solenoid.

Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current
This pattern indicates that the magnetic field is uniform.

Q12: The pattern of the magnetic field produced inside solenoid is:   (2024)
(a) Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current
(b) Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current
(c)Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current
Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

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Ans: (a)
The pattern of the magnetic field inside a solenoid is uniform and parallel, resembling straight lines. This means that the magnetic field strength is consistent throughout the solenoid, making it effective for applications requiring a stable magnetic field. Therefore, the correct answer is (a).

Previous Year Questions 2023

Q1: Assertion (A) : The magnetic field lines around a current carrying straight wire do not intersect each other.
Reason (R) : The magnitude of the magnetic field produced at a given point increases as the current through the wire increases.     (2023)
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of the Assertion (A)
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of the Assertion (A)
(c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is False.
(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.

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Sol: Assertion is true and reason is also true, but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion. Magnetic field lines around a current carrying straight wire do not intersect each other because at the point of intersection there will be two directions which is not possible. Also, the strength of magnetic held increased by increasing the magnitude of the current in the wire.

Q2: Draw the pattern of the magnetic field produced around a vertical current carrying straight conductor passing through a horizontal cardboard. Mark the direction of current and the magnetic field lines. Name and state the rule which is used to determine the direction of magnetic field associated with a current carrying conductor.  (2023)

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Ans: The pattern of magnetic field produced around a vertical current carrying straight conductor passing through a horizontal cardboard is shown in figure. The magnitude of magnetic field produced is
(i) ∝ I (ii) ∝ 1/r
Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current
Right hand thumb rule is used to determine the direction of magnetic field associated with a current carrying conductor.
It states that you are holding a current carrying straight conductor in your right hand such that the thumb points towards the direction of current. Then your finger will wrap around the conductor in the direction of the field lines of the magnetic field.

Q3: An alpha particle enters a uniform magnetic field as shown. The direction of force experienced by the alpha particle is ____  (2023)

Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

(a) Towards right
(b) towards left
(c) Into the page
(d) Out of the page     

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Sol: According to the Fleming’s left hand rule, the I direction of force is out of the page.

Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

Q4: A constant current flows in a horizontal wire in the plane of the paper from east to west as shown in the figure. The direction of the magnetic field will be north to south at a point N      (2023)

Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

(a) Directly above the wire
(b) Directly below the wire
(c) Located in the plane of the paper on the north side of the wire
(d) Located in the plane of the paper on the south side of the wire       

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Ans: (a)
Sol: According to right hand thumb rule, the point is ; at the direction above the wire.

Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

Q5: Assertion : A current carrying straight conductor experiences a force when placed perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field.
Reason : The net charge on a current carrying conductor is always zero,   (2023)
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.      

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Ans: (b)
Sol: Magnetic force, F = qvBsinθ
In current carrying wire, net charge is zero because of equal number of electrons and protons present in the wire, but only electrons are moving.

Q6: (i) Why is an alternating current (A.C.) considered to be advantageous over direct current (D.C.) for the long distance transmission of electric power? 
(ii) How is the type of current used in household supply different from the one given by a battery of dry cells? 
(iii) How does an electric fuse prevent the electric circuit and the appliances from the possible damage due to short circuiting or overloading.        (2023)

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Ans: (i) It is because that over a long distance to a distant places, the loss of electric power is very less in case of A.C. as compared to D.C.
(ii) The current used in household supply is alternating in nature while the current given by battery is direct in nature.
(iii) Electric fuse protects circuits and appliances by stopping the flow of any unduly high electric current. It consists of a piece of wire made of a metal or an alloy of appropriate melting point, for example aluminium, copper, iron, lead etc. If a current larger than the specified value flows through the circuit, the temperature of the fuse wire increases. This melts the fuse wire and breaks the circuit.

Previous Year Questions 2022

Q1: Give reason for the following 
(i) There is either a convergence or a divergence of magnetic field lines near the ends of a current carrying straight solenoid. 
(ii) The current carrying solenoid when suspended freely rests along a particular direction.     (2022)

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Ans: (i) There is either a convergence or a divergence of magnetic field lines near the ends of a current carrying straight solenoid because it behaves similar to that of a bar magnet and has a magnetic field line pattern similar to that of a bar magnet. Thus the ends of the straight solenoid behaves like poles of the magnet, where the converging end is the south pole and the diverging end is the north pole.
(ii) The current carrying solenoid behaves similar to that of a bar magnet and when freely suspended aligns itself in the north-south direction.

Q2: A student fixes a sheet of white paper on a drawing board using some adhesive materials. She places a bar magnet in the centre of it and sprinkles some iron filings uniformly around the bar magnet using a salt-sprinkler. On tapping the board gently, she observes that the iron filings have arranged themselves in a particular pattern. 
(a) Draw a diagram to show this pattern of iron filings. 
(b) What does this pattern of iron filings demonstrate?
(c) (i) How is the direction of magnetic field at a point determined using the field lines? Why do two magnetic field lines not cross each other?      (2022)

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Ans: (a) The pattern of iron filings is shown below.
Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

 (b) This pattern of iron filings demonstrate that the magnet exerts its influence in the region surrounding it. Therefore, the iron filings experience a force. The lines along which the iron filings align themselves represent magnetic field lines.
(c) (i) The direction of magnetic field is determined by placing a small compass needle in the magnetic field. The N-pole of the compass indicates the direction of magnetic field at that point.
Magnetic field lines never intersect each other because it is not possible to have two directions of magnetic field at the same point.

Q3: (i) What is a solenoid?
(ii) Draw the pattern of magnetic field lines of the magnetic field produced by a solenoid through which a steady current flows.   (2022)

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Ans: (i) A coil of many circular turns of insulated copper wire wrapped closely in the shape of a cylinder is called a solenoid.

Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

Q4: When is the force experienced by a current - carrying straight conductor placed in a uniform magneticfield
(i) Maximum;
(ii) Minimum?     (2022)

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Ans: The magnitude of force experienced by a current carrying conductor placed in a uniform magnetic field is
(i) maximum when the conductor is placed perpendicular to the magnetic field,
(ii) minimum when the conductor is placed parallel to the magnetic field.

Q5: (i) Name and state the rule to determine the direction of force experienced by a current carrying straight conductor placed in a uniform magnetic field which is perpendicular to it.
(ii) An alpha particle while passing through a magnetic field gets projected towards north. In which direction will an electron project when it passes through the same magnetic field?     (2022)

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Ans: (i) Fleming's left-hand rule is used to determine the direction of magnetic force experienced by a current carrying straight conductor placed perpendicularly in a uniform magnetic field.
Fleming's left-hand rule, states that when left hand’s thumb, forefinger and centre finger are held mutually perpendicular to one another and adjusted in such a way that the forefinger points in the direction of magnetic field, and the centre finger points in the direction of the current, then the direction in which thumb points, gives the direction of force acting on the conductor.
(ii) As we know that, an alpha particle is positively charged. It is given that an alpha particle while passing through a magnetic field gets deflected (projected) towards north. Since an electron is negatively charged, it will deflect in ODDOsite direction i.e.. south.

Q6: A student was asked to perform an experiment to study the force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field. He took a small aluminium rod AB, a strong horseshoe magnet, some connecting wires, a battery and a switch and connected them as shown. He observed that on passing current, the rod gets displaced. On reversing the direction of current, the direction of displacement also gets reversed. On the basis of your understanding of this phenomenon, answer the following questions:

Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

(a) Why does the rod get displaced on passing current through it?
(b) State the rule that determines the direction of the force on the conductor AB.
(c) If the U shaped magnet is held vertically and the aluminium rod is suspended horizontally with its end B towards due north, then on passing current through the rod B to A as shown, in which direction will the rod be displaced?      (2022)

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Ans: (a) On passing current, the rod gets displaced because of a magnetic force exerted on the rod when it is placed in the magnetic field.
(b) Fleming’s left hand rule is used to determine the direction of magnetic force exerted on the conductor AB.
(c) The rod will be displaced towards left according to Fleming’s left-hand rule.

Previous Year Questions 2021

Q1: Why do two magnetic field lines not intersect each other? (2021C)

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Ans: The direction of magnetic field (B) at any point is obtained by drawing a tangent to the magnetic field line at that point. In case, two magnetic field lines intersect each other at the point P as shown in figure, magnetic field at P will have two directions, shown by two arrows, one drawn to each magnetic field line at P, which is not possible.
Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

Q2: Name the instrument used to detect the presence of a current in a circuit. (2021C)

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Ans: Galvanometer is used to detect the current in a circuit.

Q3: What is an electromagnet? (2021C)

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Ans: An electromagnet is a current-carrying solenoid coil which is used to magnetise steel rod inside it.

Q4: (a) Name the poles P, Q, R and S of the magnets in the following figures 'a' and 'b':
Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current
(b) State the inference drawn about the direction of the magnetic field lines on the basis of these diagrams. (Term II, 2021-22)

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Ans: (a) In Figure 'a', poles P and Q of the magnet represents north pole and south pole respectively. In figure 'b', poles R and S of the magnet also represents north pole and south pole respectively.
(b) Magnetic field lines are closed continuous curves directed from north pole to south pole outside the magnet but from south pole to north pole inside the magnet.

Q5: List two factors on which the strength of magnetic field at a point due to a current carrying straight conductor depends. State the rule that determines the direction of magnetic field produced in this case. (Term II, 2021-22C)

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Ans: (i) Strength of magnetic field produced by a straight current-carrying wire at a given point is directly proportional to the current passing through it. inversely proportional to the distance of that point from the wire.
(ii) Right-hand thumb rule: The straight thumb of right hand points in the direction of electric current. The direction of the curl of fingers represents the direction of magnetic field.
Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

Previous Year Questions 2020

Q1: (a) What is an electromagnet? List any two uses.
(b) Draw a labelled diagram to show how an electromagnet is made.
(c) State the purpose of soft iron core used in making an electromagnet.
(d) List two ways of increasing the strength of an electromagnet if the material of the electromagnet is fixed. (2020)

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Ans: (a) An electromagnet is a current-carrying solenoid coil which is used to magnetise steel rod inside it. Electromagnets are used in electric bells and buzzers, loudspeakers and headphones etc.
(b) A strong magnetic field produced inside a solenoid can be used to magnetise a piece of magnetic material, like soft iron, when placed inside the coil. The magnet so formed is called an electromagnet.
Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current
(c) The soft iron core placed in an electromagnet increases the strength of the magnetic field produced. Thus increasing the strength of electromagnet.
(d) The strength of electromagnet can be increased by
(i) Increasing the current passing through the coil.
(ii) Increasing the number of turns in the coil.

Previous Year Questions 2019

Q1: Two circular coils P and Q are kept close to each other, of which coil P carries a current. What will you observe in the galvanometer connected across the coil Q,
(a) if current in the coil P is changed?
(b) if both the coils are moved in the same direction with the same speed?

Give reason to justify your answer in each case.     (CBSE 2011, 2019)

Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

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Ans: (a) If current in the coil P (Fig. 13.24) is increased, we get momentary deflection in galvanometer connected across the coil Q in one direction. However, if current in the coil P is decreased, the deflection in galvanometer is in opposite direction. Due to change of current in coil P, the magnetic field of coil Q also changes and so as induced current is set up in coil Q and the galvanometer shows a deflection.
(b) If both the coils P and Q are moved in the same direction with the same speed, the magnetic field of both the coils remain unchanged. Hence no induced current is set up in coil Q and there is no deflection in the galvanometer.

Q2: What is the function of a galvanometer in a circuit?    (CBSE 2019)

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Ans: A galvanometer is used to detect the flow of current, if any, in a circuit.

Q3: One of the major causes of fire in office buildings is short-circuiting. List three reasons which may lead to short-circuiting. How can it be prevented?    (CBSE 2019)

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Ans: Three possible reasons of short-circuiting of an electrical circuit are as follows:

  • The insulation of electrical wirings is damaged.
  • The electrical appliance used in the circuit is defective.
  • An appliance of higher power rating is being run on an electrical line of lower power rating.

Short-circuiting can be prevented by the use of electrical fuse of appropriate capacity.

Q4: Draw magnetic field lines produced around a current carrying straight conductor passing through a cardboard. Name, state and apply the rule to mark the direction of these field lines. How will the strength of the magnetic field change when the point where magnetic field to be determined is moved away from the straight conductor? Give reason to justify your answer.      (Allahabad 2019) 

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Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

Right-Hand Thumb Rule. This rule is used to find the direction of the magnetic field due to a straight current-carrying wire.
It states that if we hold the current-carrying conductor in the right hand in such a way that the thumb is stretched along the direction of the current, then the curly finger around the conductor represents the direction of the magnetic field produced by it.
Using a compass needles, we can determine the strength of the magnetic field at various points. If the needle is moved away from the straight wire carrying constant current, the deflection in the needle decreases. It implies that magnetic field strength decreases as the distance increases.

Previous Year Questions 2018

Q1: (a) What are magnetic field lines? How is the direction of magnetic field at a point in a magnetic field determined using field lines? 
(b) Two circular coils 'X' and 'Y' are placed close to each other. If the current in the coil 'X' is changed, will some current be induced in the coil 'Y'? Give reason.
(c) State 'Fleming's right hand rule.    (CBSE 2018C) (5 marks)

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Ans: (a) It is defined as the path along which the hypothetical unit N-pole tends to move in a magnetic field, if free to do so.
By drawing a tangent at that point on the magnetic field lines one can find the direction of magnetic field at that point.
(b) Yes, of the current in coil X is changed, the magnetic field associated with it also changes around the coil 'Y' placed close to 'X'. This change in magnetic field lines linked with 'Y', according to Faraday law of electric magnetic induction, induces a current in the coil Y.
(c) Right-Hand Thumb Rule. This rule is used to find the direction of magnetic field due to a straight current carrying wire.
It states that if we hold the current carrying conductor in the right hand in such a way that the thumb is stretched along the direction of current, then the curly finger around the conductor represent the direction of magnetic field produced by it. This is known as right-hand thumb rule.Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current
Direction of Field Lines due to current carrying straight conductor as shown in figure.

Q2: (a) State Fleming’s left hand rule.
(b) Write the principle of working of an electric motor.
(c) Explain the function of the following parts of an electric motor.
(i) Armature
(ii) Brushes
(iii) Split ring    (CBSE 2018)

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Ans: (a) Fleming’s Left-Hand Rule: Stretch the thumb, forefinger and middle finger of the left hand such that they are mutually perpendicular to each other. If the forefinger pointed towards the direction of magnetic field and middle finger in the direction of current, then the thumb will indicate the direction of motion or force experienced by the conductor. It is to be applied only when the current and magnetic field, both are perpendicular to each other.
(b) Principle of an electric motor: It works on the principle of magnetic effect of current. When a current carrying conductor is placed perpendicular to the magnetic field, it experiences a force. The direction of this force is given by Fleming’s left hand rule.
(c) (i) Armature: It consists of a large number of turns of insulated current-carrying copper wires wound over a soft iron core and rotated about an axis perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field supplied by the two poles of permanent magnet.
(ii) Brushes: Two conducting stationary carbon or flexible metallic brushes constantly touches the revolving split rings or commutator. These brushes act as a contact between commutator and terminal battery.
(iii) Split ring: The split ring acts as a commutator in an electric motor. With the help of split ring, the direction of current through the coil is reversed after every half of its rotation and make the direction of currents in both the arms of rotating coil remains same. Therefore, the coil continues to rotate in the same direction.

Previous Year Questions 2016

Q1: Under what condition is the force by a current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field maximum?    (2016)

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Ans: The force acting on a current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field is maximum when the direction of current is at right angles to the direction of the magnetic field.

Q2: What is an electric fuse ? Briefly describe its function. 

Explain the use of electrical fuse. What type of fuse material is used for fuse wire and why?    (2016)

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Ans: An electric fuse is a device that is used ahead of and in series of an electric circuit as a safety device to prevent the damage caused by short-circuiting or overloading of the circuit.
It is a small, thin wire of a material whose melting point is low. Generally, wire of tin or tin-lead alloy or tin-copper alloy is used as a fuse wire. If due to some fault electric circuit gets short-circuited, then a strong current begins to flow. Due to such a strong flow of current, the fuse wire is heated up and gets melted. As a result, the electric circuit is broken and current flow stops. Thus, possible damage to the circuit and appliances is avoided.

Q3: (a) List four factors on which the magnitude of magnetic force acting on a moving charge in a magnetic field depends. 
(b) How will a fine beam of electrons streaming in west to east direction be affected by a magnetic field directed vertically upwards? Explain with the help of a diagram mentioning the rule applied.     (2016) 

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Ans: (a) The magnitude of the magnetic force acting on a moving charge in a magnetic field depends on:

  • the magnitude of charge
  • speed of moving charge
  • strength of magnetic field
  • the angle between the direction of motion of charge and the direction of magnetic field.
    Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

(b) The electron streaming from west to east is equivalent to a current from east to west. The magnetic field B is vertically upwards and shown by cross marks (x). Hence, in accordance with Fleming’s left-hand rule, the electron will experience a force in north direction and deflected in that direction.

Q4: What is a solenoid? Draw magnetic field lines due to a current-carrying solenoid. Write three important features of the magnetic field obtained.     (2016)

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Ans: A solenoid is a coil of large number of circular turns of wire wrapped in the shape of a cylinder. On passing electric current, a magnetic field is developed. Magnetic field lines are drawn below. The field is along the axis of solenoid such that one end of solenoid behaves as north pole and the other south pole. Thus, field of a solenoid is similar to that of a bar magnet.
Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current
Important features of magnetic field due to a current-carrying solenoid are:

  • Magnetic field lines inside the solenoid are nearly straight and parallel to its axis. It shows that magnetic field inside a solenoid is uniform.
  • Magnetic field of solenoid is identical to that due to a bar magnet with one end of solenoid behaving as a north pole and other end as a south pole.
  • A current-carrying solenoid exhibits the directive and attractive properties of a bar magnet.

Q5: Describe an activity with a neat diagram to demonstrate the presence of magnetic field around a current-carrying straight conductor.    (2016) 

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  • Take a long straight thick copper wire and insert it through the centre of a plain cardboard. Cardboard is fixed so that it is perfectly horizontal and the thick wire is in vertical direction.
  • Prepare an electric circuit consisting of a battery, a variable resistance, an ammeter and a plug key.
  • Connect the copper wire in the circuit between the points X and Y. Sprinkle some iron filings uniformly on the cardboard. Put the plug in key K so that a current flows in the circuit.
    Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current
  • Gently tap the cardboard using a finger. We observe that the iron filings align themselves forming a pattern of concentric circles around the copper wire.
  • These concentric circles represent the magnetic field lines. Direction of field lines is determined by the use of a compass needle. If current is flowing vertically downward then the magnetic field lines are along clockwise direction. If current is flowing vertically upward then the field lines are along anticlockwise direction.

Q6: (a) Describe an activity to draw a magnetic field line outside a bar magnet from one pole to another pole.    (2016) 
(b) What does the degree of closeness of field lines represent? 

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Ans: (a) Take a bar magnet and place it on a sheet of white paper fixed on a drawing sheet. Mark the boundary of magnet. Take a small compass and place it near the north pole of the magnet. Mark the position of two ends of compass needle. Move the needle to a new position so that its south pole occupies the position previously occupied by its north pole. In this way proceed step by step till we reach the south pole of magnet. Join the points marked on the paper by a smooth curve. This curve represents a magnetic field line as shown in Fig.
Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current
(b) The degree of closeness of magnetic field lines signifies the strength of magnetic field.

Q7: What type of current is given by a cell?    (CBSE 2016) 

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Ans: Direct current (D.C.).

Q8: Write any one method to induce current in a coil.   (CBSE 2016) 

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Ans: Whenever magnetic field around a coil is changed, a current is induced in the coil.

Q9: Define magnetic field of a bar magnet.     (CBSE 2016) 

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Ans: The magnetic field of a bar magnet is the region around the magnet in which force due to magnet can be felt.

Previous Year Questions 2015

Q1: What is the shape of magnetic field lines due to a straight current-carrying conductor?    (CBSE 2015) 

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Ans: Magnetic field lines form concentric circles around the conductor with conductor at the centre.

Q2: What are magnetic field lines?    (CBSE 2015)

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Ans: A magnetic field line around a magnet is the path along which north pole of a magnetic compass needle points. A magnetic field line gives the direction of magnetic field at a point.

Q3: (a) Describe an activity to show that an electric current-carrying wire behaves like a magnet. 
(b) Write the rule which determines the direction of magnetic held developed around a current-carrying straight conductor.    (CBSE 2015)

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Ans: (a) Take a straight, thick copper wire X Y and connect it to an electric circuit consisting of a battery, key and resistor. Place a small compass near the copper wire. Now put the plugin key K so that a current begins to flow. The compass needle is deflected.
It shows that the current-carrying copper wire is behaving like a magnet.
Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current
(b) The direction of the magnetic field around a straight current-carrying conductor is given by the “right-hand thumb rule”. According to the rule, imagine holding the current-carrying straight conductor in your right hand such that the thumb points towards the direction of the current. Then the fingers of the right hand wrap around the conductor in the direction of the field lines of the magnetic field.
Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

Q4: Out of the three wires live, neutral or earth, which one goes through ON/ OFF switch?    (CBSE 2015)

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Ans: The live wire.

Q5: Why does a current-carrying conductor experience a force when it is placed in a magnetic field?    (CBSE 2015) 

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Ans: A current-carrying conductor produces a magnetic field around it. This magnetic field interacts with the externally applied magnetic field and as a result the conductor experiences a force.

Q6: What is the frequency of A.C. being supplied in our houses?    (CBSE 2015) 

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Ans: 50 Hz.

Q7: Describe an activity to explain how a moving magnet can be used to generate electric current in a coil.    (CBSE 2015) 
A coil made of insulated copper wire is connected to a galvanometer. What will happen to the deflection of the galvanometer if a bar magnet is pushed into the coil and then pulled out of it? Give reason for your answer and name the phenomenon involved. 

Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

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Ans: Take a coil AB of insulated copper wire having a number of turns. Connect the ends of coil to a sensitive galvanometer G. Now take a bar magnet NS and rapidly bring the magnet towards the end B of coil as shown in Fig.
The galvanometer gives momentary deflection in one direction. Now take the magnet away from the coil, the galvanometer again gives momentary deflection but in the opposite direction. It clearly shows that motion of magnet induces, a current in the coil.Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current
Again keep the magnet fixed and gently move the coil AB either towards the magnet or away from the magnet. We get deflection in the galvanometer even now. Thus, an induced current is produced in a coil whenever there is relative motion between the coil and the magnet. This phenomenon is known as electromagnetic induction.

Q8: A metallic conductor is suspended perpendicular to the magnetic field of a horse-shoe magnet. The conductor gets displaced towards left when a current is passed through it. What will happen to the displacement of the conductor if the : 
(i) current through it is increased? 
(ii) horse-shoe magnet is replaced by another stronger horse-shoe magnet? 
(iii) direction of current through it is reversed ?     (CBSE 2015) 

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Ans: (i) On increasing the current flowing through metallic conductor, the force experienced by it is proportionately increased because F ∝ I.
(ii) On using a stronger horse-shoe magnet the magnetic force increases because F
(iii) On reversing the direction of current the direction of force is reversed and conductor is displaced towards right instead of left direction.

Q9: For the current carrying solenoid as shown below, draw magnetic field lines and giving reason explain that out of the three points A, B and C at which point the field strength is maximum and at which point it is minimum.    (CBSE  2015)
Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

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Ans: Outside the solenoid magnetic field is minimum. At the ends of solenoid, magnetic field strength is half that of inside it. So Minimum - at point B; Maximum - at point A
Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

Q10: What is meant by solenoid? How does a current carrying solenoid behave? Give its main use.    (CBSE 2015)

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Ans: Solenoid: A coil of many circular turns of insulated copper wire wound on a cylindrical insulating body (i.e. cardboard etc.) such that its length is greater than its diameter is called solenoid.
Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current
When current is flowing through the solenoid, the magnetic field line pattern resemble exactly with those of a bar magnet with the fixed polarity North and South pole at its ends and it acquires the directive and attractive properties similar to bar magnet. Hence the current carrying solenoid behaves a bar magnet.
Use of current carrying solenoid: It is used to form a temporary magnet called electromagnet as well as permanent magnet.

Q11: What are magnetic field lines? Justify the following statements 
(a) Two magnetic field lines never intersect each other.   
(b) Magnetic field lines are closed curves.     (CBSE 2015)

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Ans: Magnetic field lines: It is defined as the path along which the unit North pole (imaginary) tends to move in a magnetic field if free to do so.
(a) The magnetic lines of force do not intersect (or cross) one another. If they do so then at the point of intersection, two drawn tangents at that point indicate that there will be two different directions of the same magnetic field, i.e. the compass needle points in two different directions which is not possible.
(b) Magnetic field lines are closed continuous curves. They emerge out from the north pole of a bar magnet and go into its south pole. Inside the magnet, they move, from south pole to north pole.

Q12: A current-carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field. Now answer the following : 
(i) List the factors on which the magnitude of force experienced by conductor depends. 
(ii) When is the magnitude of this force maximum? 
(iii) If initially this force was acting from right to left, how will the direction of force change, if : 
(a) direction of magnetic field is reversed? 
(b) direction of current is reversed?    (CBSE 2015)

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Ans: (i) The magnitude of force experienced by the current-carrying conductor when placed in a magnetic field depends on current flowing, length of the conductor, the strength of magnetic field, orientation of conductor in the magnetic field.
(ii) Magnitude of force is maximum when current-carrying conductor is placed at right angles to the direction of magnetic field.
(iii) (a) Direction of force is reversed that is now the force acts from left to right.
(b) Direction of force is reversed that is now the force acts from left to right.

Q13: In our daily life, we use two types of electric current whose current-time graphs are given in Fig. 13.29. 
(i) Name the type of current in two cases. 
(ii) Identify any one source for each type of current. 
(iii) What is the frequency of current in case 
(iv) in our country? 
(v) Out of the two which one is used in transmitting electric power over long distances and why?    (CBSE 2015).
Fig (a)Fig (a)Fig (b)Fig (b)

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Ans:  (i) Current shown in Fig. (a) is direct current (D.C.) but current shown in Fig. (b) is an alternating current (A.C.).
(ii) A cell/battery produces D.C. but an A.C. generator produces A.C.
(iii) In India frequency of A.C. is 50 Hz.
(iv) A.C. is used in transmitting electric power over long distances. It is so because transmission loss of electric power can be minimised for A.C. by employing suitable transformers at generating stations and consuming centres.

Q14: A student fixes a sheet of white paper on a drawing board. He places a bar magnet in the centre of it. He sprinkles some iron filings uniformly around the bar magnet. Then he taps the board gently.
Now answer the following questions : 
(i) What does the student observe? Draw a diagram to illustrate your answer. 
(ii) Why do the iron filings arrange in such a pattern? 
(iii) What does the crowding of the iron filings at the ends of the magnet indicate?    (CBSE 2015)  (5 marks)

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(i) The student observes the magnetic field due to the given bar magnet. The pattern of the magnetic field is shown here.
(ii) There is a magnetic field around the given bar magnet. The iron filings experience a force due to the magnetic field and thus align themselves along the magnetic field lines.
Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current
(iii) The crowding of the iron filings at the ends of the magnet indicates the position of two magnetic poles N and S of a given bar magnet.

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FAQs on Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Previous Year Questions - Magnetic Effects of Current

1. What are the magnetic effects of electric current?
Ans.The magnetic effects of electric current refer to the phenomenon where an electric current flowing through a conductor produces a magnetic field around it. This effect is used in various applications, such as electromagnets and electric motors.
2. How can we demonstrate the magnetic effect of electric current in the classroom?
Ans.One common demonstration involves using a simple circuit with a battery, wires, and a small compass. When the current flows through the wire, the compass needle will deflect, indicating the presence of a magnetic field around the wire.
3. What is the right-hand rule in relation to magnetic fields?
Ans.The right-hand rule is a mnemonic used to determine the direction of the magnetic field around a current-carrying conductor. If you point your thumb in the direction of the current, your fingers will curl in the direction of the magnetic field lines.
4. What are some practical applications of the magnetic effects of electric current?
Ans.Practical applications include electric motors, generators, transformers, and magnetic locks. These devices utilize the magnetic fields generated by electric currents to perform various functions in everyday life.
5. How does the strength of the magnetic field change with the amount of current?
Ans.The strength of the magnetic field produced by a current-carrying conductor is directly proportional to the amount of current flowing through it. Increasing the current will result in a stronger magnetic field, which can be measured using a magnetometer.
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