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NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE PDF Download


Q.1. Three waves A, B and C of frequencies 1600 kHz, 5 MHz and 60 MHz, respectively are to be transmitted from one place to another. Which of the following is the most appropriate mode of communication: 
(a) A is transmitted via space wave while B and C are transmitted via sky wave
(b) A is transmitted via ground wave, B via sky wave and C via space wave
(c) B and C are transmitted via ground wave while A is transmitted via sky wave
(d) B is transmitted via ground wave while A and C are transmitted via space wave
Ans. (b)
Key concept: The radio waves emitted from a transmitter antenna can reach the receiver antenna by the following mode of operation.

  • Ground wave propagation
  • Sky wave propagation
  • Space wave propagation

Mode of communication frequency range:

  • Ground wave propagation— 500 kHz to 1710 kHz
  • Sky wave propagation — 2 MHz to 40 MHz
  • Space wave propagation— 54 MHz to 42 GHz

So, A is transmitted via ground wave, B via sky wave and C via space wave.

Q.2. A 100m long antenna is mounted on a 500m tall building. The complex can become a transmission tower for waves with λ
(a) ~ 400 m
(b) ~ 25 m
(c) ~ 150 m
(d) ~ 2400 m
(a) Length of the building (l) is
l = 500 m
and length of antenna = 100 m
and we know, wavelength of the wave which can be transmitted by
L = λ/4.
So, λ~  4l = 4 x 100 = 400 m
Wavelength (λ) is nearly equal to 400 m.

Q.3. A 1 KW signal is transmitted using a communication channel which provides attenuation at the rate of – 2dB per km. If the communication channel has a total length of 5 km, the power of the signal received is [gain in NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
(a) 900 W
(b) 100 W
(c) 990 W
(d) 1010 W
P= 1 kW = 1000 W
Rate of attenuation of signal = -2dB/km
Length of total path = 5km
Gain in attenuation = 5(-2) dB = -10dB
NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
Taking antilog
NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
P= 100 Watt

Q.4. A speech signal of 3 kHz is used to modulate a carrier signal of frequency 1 MHz, using amplitude modulation. The frequencies of the side bands will be
(a) 1.003 MHz and 0.997 MHz
(b) 3001 kHz and 2997 kHz
(c) 1003 kHz and 1000 kHz
(d) 1 MHz and 0.997 MHz
The process of changing the amplitude of a carrier wave in accordance with the amplitude of the audio frequency (AF) signal is known as amplitude modulation (AM).
In AM, frequency of the carrier wave remains unchanged.
Side band frequencies: The AM wave contains three frequencies fc, (fc + fm) and (fc - fm), fc is called carrier frequency, (fc + fm) and (fc - fm) are called side band frequencies.
(fc +fm): Upper side band (USB) frequency
(fc -fm): Lower side band (LSB) frequency
Side band frequencies are generally close to the carrier frequency.
According to the problem, frequency of carrier signal is fc = 1 MHz and frequency of speech signal = 3 kHz
= 3 x 10-3 MHz
= 0.003 MHz
We know that, Frequencies of side bands = (fc ± fm)
= (1 + 0.003) and (1 – 0.003)
So, side band frequencies are 1.003 MHz and 0.997 MHz.

Q.5.  A message signal of frequency ωm is superposed on a carrier wave of frequency ωc to get an amplitude modulated wave (AM).
The frequency of the AM wave will be
(a) ωm
(b) ωc
(c) NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
(d) NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
The process of changing the amplitude of a carrier wave in accordance with the amplitude of the audio frequency (AF) signal is known as amplitude modulation (AM).
In AM, frequency of the carrier wave remains unchanged or we can say that the frequency of modulated wave is equal to the frequency of carrier wave. Now, according to the problem, frequency of carrier wave is fc.
Thus the amplitude modulated wave also has frequency fc.

Q.6. I-V characteristics of four devices are shown in Figure
NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
Identify devices that can be used for modulation:
(a) i and iii
(b) Only iii
(c) ii and some regions of iv
(d) All the devices can be used

Ans. (c)
A square law modulator is the device which can produce modulated waves by the application of the message signal and the carrier wave.
Square law modulator is used for modulation purpose. Characteristics shown by (i) and (iii) correspond to linear devices.
And by (ii) corresponds to square law device which shows non-linear relations. Some part of (iv) also follow square law.
Hence, (ii) and (iv) can be used for modulation.

Q.7. A male voice after modulation-transmission sounds like that of a female to the receiver. The problem is due to
(a) Poor selection of  modulation index (selected 0 < m < 1)
(b) Poor bandwidth selection of amplifiers
(c) Poor selection of carrier frequency
(d) Loss of energy in transmission
In this problem, the frequency of modulated signal received becomes more, due to improper selection of bandwidth.
This happens because bandwidth in amplitude modulation is equal to twice the frequency of modulating signal.
But, the frequency of male voice is less than that of a female.

Q.8. A basic communication system consists of
(A) transmitter
(B) information source
(C) user of information
(D) channel
(E) receiver
Choose the correct sequence in which these are arranged in a basic communication system:
A basic communication system consists of an information source, a transmitter, a link (channel) and a receiver or a communication system is the set-up used in the transmission and reception of information from one place to another.
The whole system consist of several elements in a sequence. It can be represented as the diagram given below:
NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
Q.9. Identify the mathematical expression for amplitude modulated wave:
(a) Ac sin [{ωc + k1vm(t )}t + φ ]
(b) Ac sin {ωct + φ + k2 vm(t)}
(c) {Ac + k2 vm(t)} sin (ωct + φ )
(d) Ac vm(t) sin (ωct +  φ )
Consider a signal to be modulated is m(t) =Am sin ωmt where Am is amplitude of modulated signal
Am= Ac + m(t)
A=Ac + Am sin ωmt
NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
ωm = 2πvmφvm (Vm = frequency of signal)
C(t) =Ac sinωe t
Cm(t) =C(t) +m(t)
Cm(t)=Am sin ωct
Cm(t)= Ac[1+μ sin ωmt] sin ωct
= {Ac + μAc  sin ωmt} sin (ωct +φ ) (φ = phase diff.)
Let μAc = k2 
Sin ωmt= vm(t)
∴ Cm(t)={Ac+k2  vm  (t)} sinφ )
so verifies answer (c)

Multiple Choice Questions II

Q.10. An audio signal of 15 kHz frequency cannot be transmitted over long distances without modulation because 
(a) The size of the required antenna would be at least 5 km which is not  convenient.
(b) The audio signal can not be transmitted through sky waves. 
(c) The size of the required antenna would be at least 20 km, which is not convenient. 
(d) Effective power transmitted would be very low, if the size of the antenna is less than 5 km
Ans. (a,b,d)
Frequency of audio signal vm=15 kHZ

=15 × 103 Hz
NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
Size of antenna
NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
Size of antenna= 5 km
Audio frequency signal are of low frequency waves. So the audio wave cannot be transmitted by sky wave as they are absorbed by atmosphere. If the size of the antenna is less than 5 km, the effective power transmission would be very low because of the deviation from resonance of wavelength of wave and antenna length.

Q.11. Audio sine waves of 3 kHz frequency are used to amplitude modulate a carrier signal of 1.5 MHz. Which of the following statements are true?
(a) The side band frequencies are 1506 kHz and 1494 kHz
(b) The bandwidth required for amplitude modulation is 6 kHz
(c) The bandwidth required for amplitude modulation is 3 MHz
(d) The side band frequencies are 1503 kHz and 1497 kHz
Side band frequencies: The AM wave contains three frequencies fc, (fc + fm) and (fc -fm), fc  is called carrier frequency. (fc +fm) and (f- fm) are called side band frequencies.
(fc +fm) Upper side band (USB) frequency
(f- fm) Lower side band (LSB) frequency
Side band frequencies are generally close to the carrier frequency.
According to the problem, frequency of audio sine wave fm = 3 kHz and frequency of earner signal fc = 1.5 MHz = 1500 kHz
Now, side band frequencies
f± f= (I500 ± 3)
= 1503 kHz and 1497 kHz
USB = 1503 kHz and LSB = 1497 kHz
Also,bandwidth = 2 f= 2 x 3 = 6 KHz

Q.12 A TV transmission tower has a height of 240 m. Signals broadcast from this tower will be received by LOS communication at a distance of (assume the radius of earth to be 6.4 × 106 m)
(a) 100 km
(b) 24 km
(c) 55 km
(d) 50 km
h= 240 m R = 6.4 × 10m
For LOS communication range NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
=4 x 8 x 103√3 = 32000 x 1.732 m
= 55.424 km = 55424 m
So, the range 55.424 km covers the range 24 km, 55 km and 50 km.

Q.13. The frequency response curve (Figure) for the filter circuit used for production of AM wave should be
NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEENCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
(a) (i) followed by (ii)
(b) (ii) followed by (i)
(c) (iii)
(d) (iv)

Ans. (a,b,c)
production of amplitude modulated wave bandwidth is given by equal to
Frequency of upper side band- frequency lower side band Bandwidth= (ωcm)-(ωcm)=2ωm

Q.14. In amplitude modulation, the modulation index m , is kept less than or equal to 1 because
(a) m > 1, will result in interference between carrier frequency and message frequency, resulting into distortion.
(b) m > 1 will result in overlapping of both side bands resulting into loss of information. (c) m > 1 will result in change in phase between carrier signal and message signal.
(d) m > 1 indicates amplitude of message signal greater than amplitude of carrier signal resulting into distortion

modulation index  NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
If mf > 1 then Δvmax > vm . This means there will be overlapping of both the side bands of modulated wave resulting into loss of information.


Q.15. Which of the following would produce analog signals and which would produce digital signals?
(i) A vibrating tuning fork.
(ii) Musical sound due to a vibrating sitar string.
(iii) Light pulse.
(iv) Output of NAND gate

Ans. Analog and digital signals are the gateway of information or we can say that they are used to transmit information through electric signals. In both these signals, the
information such as any audio or video is transformed into electric signals.
The difference between analog and digital technologies is that in analog technology, information is translated into electric pulses of varying amplitude. In digital technology, translation of information is into binary formal (zero or one) where each bit is representative of two distinct amplitudes. So, output of a NAND gate and a light pulse produces a digital signal.
Thus, (a) and (b) would produce analog signal and (c) and (d) would produce digital signals.

Q.16. Would sky waves be suitable for transmission of TV signals of 60 MHz frequency?
A signal of frequency range 1710 kHz to 40 MHz can be transmitted by sky waves.
Frequency of T.V. signals are 60 MHz which is beyond the sky wave so, T.V. transmission cannot be made by sky wave transmission. Given signal can be transmitted by space wave transmission.

Q.17. Two waves A and B of frequencies 2 MHz and 3 MHz, respectively are beamed in the same direction for communication via sky wave. Which one of these is likely to travel longer distance in the ionosphere before suffering total internal reflection?
As the frequency of wave B is more than A and μ α v so refractive index for wave B will be more than A.
NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
Critical angle is inversely proportional to refractive index (sin ic = 1/μ). So critical angle for A will be larger than for B or in other way
vA < vB [Given]
μA < μB
[∴ μ ∝ v (frequency)]
NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
Sin iA > sin iB (sin i α i)
iA > iB
It is clear from figure also that ray B will travel more distance in ionosphere before getting total internal reflection through ionosphere.

Q.18. The maximum amplitude of an A.M. wave is found to be 15 V while its minimum amplitude is found to be 3 V. What is the modulation index?
Maximum amplitude of A.M. wave = Amax 
Minimum amplitude of A.M. wave = Amin 
Amax =Ac+A= 15V …….(I)
Amin= Ac-A= 3 V ……(II)
Where Ac = amplitude of carrier wave, Am= amplitude of A.M. wave
Ac = 9 V
Am = 6 V (From I and II)
∴ Modulation index NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE

Q.19. Compute the LC product of a tuned amplifier circuit required to generate a carrier wave of 1 MHz for amplitude modulation.
Ans. Frequency of tuned amplifier or resonance frequency is given by v =  NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
which generate a carrier wave of I MHz for amplitude modulation
So, we get
NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
Squaring both sides
NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE
Thus, the product of LC is 2.54 x 10-14s.

Q.20. Why is a AM signal likely to be more noisy than a FM signal upon transmission through a channel?
An AM signal likely to be more noisy than FM signal through a channel because in case of AM, the instantaneous voltage of carrier waver waves is varied by the modulating wave voltage So, during the transmission, noise signals can also be added and receiver assumes noise a part of the modulating signal. In case of FM, the frequency of carrier waves is changed as the change in the instantaneous voltage of modulating waves. This can be done by mixing and not while the signal transmitting in channel. So, noise does not affect FM signal or simply we can say that noise signals are difficult to filter out in AM reception whereas FM receivers easily filter out noise.
Important point: In frequency modulation mf (frequency modulation index) is inversely proportional to modulating frequency fm. While in PM it does not vary with modulating frequency. Moreover, FM is more noise immune.

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FAQs on NCERT Exemplars: Communication Systems- 1 - JEE

1. What is a communication system?
Ans. A communication system is a set of devices and procedures used for the transmission and reception of information or signals from one point to another. It involves the process of encoding, transmitting, and decoding messages, allowing for the exchange of information between individuals or machines.
2. How does a communication system work?
Ans. A communication system typically consists of a transmitter, a medium through which the signal is transmitted, and a receiver. The transmitter converts the information or message into a suitable signal, which is then transmitted through the medium, such as wires or radio waves. The receiver receives the signal and converts it back into the original message.
3. What are the different types of communication systems?
Ans. There are various types of communication systems, including wired communication systems and wireless communication systems. Wired communication systems use physical mediums like cables or wires to transmit signals, while wireless communication systems use electromagnetic waves to transmit signals without the need for physical connections.
4. What are the advantages of wireless communication systems?
Ans. Wireless communication systems offer several advantages, such as mobility, convenience, and flexibility. They allow for communication over long distances without the need for physical connections. Wireless systems also enable easy access and communication in areas where wired networks are not feasible or practical.
5. What are the key components of a communication system?
Ans. The key components of a communication system include a source, a transmitter, a channel or medium, a receiver, and a destination. The source generates the information or message to be transmitted, which is then encoded and modulated by the transmitter. The channel or medium carries the signal, and the receiver decodes and demodulates the signal to retrieve the original message. The destination is the intended recipient of the message.
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