Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Network Models
Try yourself:Consider the given project network, where numbers along various activities represent normal time. The free float on activity 4-6 and the project duration, respectively, are

For 4 – 6 Free float = (Ej – Ei) – dij = (8 – 2) – 4
= 6 – 4 = 2
Project duration , E = 13
therefore, (2, 13)
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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Network Models
Try yourself:For a particular project, eight activities are to be carried out. Their relationships with other activities and expected durations are mentioned in the table below.

If duration of activity f is changed to 10 days, then the critical path for the project is
If duration of activity F has changed to 10 days, critical path remains the same and project duration will increase to 19 days.

As activity F is only in the critical path.
∴ Critical path will remain same i.e. A-D-F-H
Project duration changes to 19 days.
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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Network Models
Try yourself:The project activities, precedence relationships and durations are described in the table. The critical path of the project is

Path QSUW = Q + S + U + W = 4 + 5 + 5 +10 = 24 days.
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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Network Models
Try yourself: For the network below, the objective is to find the length of the shortest path from node P to node G. Let dij be the length of directed arc from node i to node j.Let sj, be the length of the shortest path from P to node j. Which of the following equations can be used to find SG?


dij = length of direction from node i to node j.
Sj = length of the shortest path from P to node j.
There will be two possible paths to reach from P to G.
1. By reaching (P to Q) and then (Q to G)
2. By reaching (P to R) and then (R to G)
∴ SG = min {SO + dOG, SR + dRG}
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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Network Models
Try yourself:A project has six activities (A t o F ) w it h respective activity durations 7,5,6,6,8,4 days.The network has three path A-B, C-D and EF. All the activities can be crashed with the same crash cost per day.The number of activities that need to be crashed to reduce the project duration by 1 day is

As the network has three paths A-B, C-D, and E-F. they can be drawn as:

The network has three paths
A - B = 7 + 5 = 12 days
C - D = 6 + 6 = 12 days
E - F = 8 + 4 = 12 days
Here we can see that all three paths are critical.
If we crash any one activity in either A-B, C-D, and E-F by one day, the project duration will remain the same.
Similarly, if we crash any two activities from paths A-B, C-D, and E-F by one day, the project duration will still be the same.
To reduce the project duration by 1 day, we need to crash 3 activities from all critical paths.
∴ the number of activities to be crashed to decrease the project duration by 1 day = 3.
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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Network Models
Try yourself:An assembly activity is represented on an Operation Process Chart by the symbol
Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Network Models
Try yourself: A project consists of activities A to M shown in the net in the following figure with the duration of the activities marked in daysThe project can be completed

Project completed = Activity C + Activity F + Activity K + Activity M
⇒ 4 + 9 + 3 + 8 = 24
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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Network Models
Try yourself:The symbol used for Transport in work study is
Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Network Models
Try yourself:In the construction of networks , dummy activities are introduced in order to
Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Network Models
Try yourself:In PERT chart, the activity time distribution is
Beta distribution extended to the Maximum & Minimum & gives strict definition for the mean & variance
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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Network Models
Try yourself:Consider the following PERT network:
The optimistic time, most likely time and pessimistic time of all the activities are given in the table below:The critical path duration of the network (in days) is


EST = Earliest start time LFT = Latest Finish Time \ Path along which EST & LFT is equal are called critical path Critical path duration is 18 days.
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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Network Models
Try yourself:The expected time (te) of a PERT activity in terms of optimistic time (t0), pessimistic time (tp) and most likely time (tl) is given by
Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Network Models
Try yourself:Consider a PERT network for a project involving six tasks (a to f)
The expected completion time of the project is
⇒ a – c – e – f
⇒ 30 + 60 + 45 + 20 = 155 days
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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Network Models
Try yourself: In PERT analysis a critical activity has
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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Network Models
Try yourself:A dummy activity is used in PERT network to describe
Dummy activities often have a zero completion time & are used to represents precendence relationship.
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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Network Models
Try yourself: In PERT, the distribution of activity times is assumed to be