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Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics PDF Download

Q1: One mole of gas is contained in cube of side 0.2m.if these molecules, each of mass 5 x 10-26kg, moves with translation speed 1 483ms-1 ,calculate the pressure exerted by the gas on the side of cube .
Ans: Time interval between successive collision .Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics =  4.83 x1023 N-S
Force exerted for one molecule Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics = 0.582 x 10-19N
Total force exerted by one mole gas is ( 6 x1023 ) x ( 0.582 x 10-19 N ) = 3.49 x 104N
Average pressure is givenKinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics = 2.95 x 105 NM-2

Q.2. Calculate the fraction of gas molecules which have the mean–free path in the range λ to 2λ .

Ans: The fraction of gas molecules that do not undergoes collision after path length x is Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics. Therefore the fraction of molecules that has free path values between  λ to 2λ is
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics = 0.37 - 0.14 = 0.23

Q.3. The molecules of a gas move an average speed of 1 450ms-1 . If  η = 16.6 x 10-6 Nsm-2, ρ = 1.25kgm-3 and n = 2.7 x 1025 m-3. Calculate the mean free path and diameter of the gas molecules.

Ans: We can write as
λ = Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
On inserting the given numerical values, we get
λ = Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics = 8.85 x 10-8m
λ = Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
We can invert this relation to express d in terms of λ :
d = Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics = Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics = 3.42 x 10-10m

Q.4. (a) Three closed vessel A, B and C at the same temperature T and contains gases which obey the MB distribution of velocities. Vessel A contains only O2 , B only N2 and C a mixture of equal quantities O2 and N2 . If the average speed of the O2 molecules in vessel A is v1 , that of N2 molecules in vessel B in v2 , calculate the average speed of the molecules in vessel C
(b) The temperature of an ideal gas is increased from 120K to 480K . The rms velocity of the gas molecules is v , at 480K Calculate the rms velocity of the gas molecule.
Ans: (a) The average speed of molecules of an ideal gas is given by
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics for same gas.
Since, the percentage of A & C are same, average speed of O2 molecules will be equal in A & C i.e. v1 .
(b) Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
= Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
v1 = 2v

Q.5. (a) Two identical containers A and B with friction less pistons contain the same ideal gas at the same temperature and same volume V . The mass of the gas in A is mA and that in B is mB . The gas in each cylinder is allowed to expand isothermally to the same volume 2V . The changes in the pressure in A & B are found to be ΔP and 1.5ΔP respectively. Then find the ratio Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
(b) Find the ratio of the speeds of sound in nitrogen gas to that in helium gas, at 300K
Ans: (a) Process is isothermal. Therefore, T = constt × Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics volume is increasing, therefore pressure will decrease.
In Chamber (A)
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
= Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
In Chamber (B) Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
= Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
From (1) & (2)
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
3mA = 2mB
(b) v = Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
= Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
= √3/5

Q.6. Plot the Density of states as a function of energy and momentum in three, two and one dimensional systems.
(a) 3D
(b) 2D
(c) 1D
Ans:Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics

Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics

Q.7. In the interstellar space, the density of hydrogen molecule H2 is about one molecule / cm3 .Taking the diameter of H2 approximately 1A0 , calculate
(a) Average velocity of the molecule at kinetic temperature is 100K
(b) Mean free path of the Hmolecules
(c) Collision frequency
Ans: ρ = 1 molecule / cm3 diameter d = 1A0 T = 300K
m  = 2x (1.67 x 10-24) = 3.34 x 10-24 gm
(a) Average velocity
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics = 1 x 105cm/sec
(b)  Mean free path λ = Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics = 2 x 1015 cm
(c) v = Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics = 2 collision per second

Q.8. The mean free path of the molecules of a gas at a pressure p and temperature T is 3x107m . Calculate the mean free path if 
(a) the temperature is doubled and 
(b) the pressure is doubled.
Ans: (a) We know
λ = Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
When the temperature is doubled, we note that the mean free path will increase by a factor of two. Hence,
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics = 6 x10-7 m
(b) When the pressure is doubled, the mean free path will be halved:
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics = 1.5 x10-7 m

Q.9. (a) At the room temperature, the rms speed of the molecules of a certain diatomic gas is found to be 1930m/ s . What is the name of the gas?
(b) If one mole of a monatomic gas (γ = 5/ 3) is mixed with one mole of a diatomic gas (γ = 7/ 5) . Calculate the value of γ for the mixture?
Ans: (a) Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics = 300K
1930m/s = Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
M = 2 g/ mol or the gas is H.
(b) γ1 = 5/3 means gas monatomicKinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
γ2 = 7/5 means gas diatomic Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics

Cv (for mixture) = Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
= Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
Cp = Cv + R = 3R
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics = 1.5

Q.10. (a) The average translational energy and the rms speed of molecules in a sample of oxygen gas at 300K are 6.21x10-21 J & 484m/ s respectively. The corresponding values at 600K are nearly (assuming ideal gas behavior)
(b) The average translational energy of O2 (molar mass 32) molecules at a particular temperature is 0.048eV . Calculate the translation K.E. of N2 (molar mass 28 ) molecules in eV at the same temperature?
(c) A vessel contains 1mole of O2 gas (molar mass 32) at a temperature T . The pressure of the gas is P' . An identical vessel containing one mole of the gas (molar mass 4 ) at a temperature 2T , Calculate the pressure.
(d) A vessel contains a mixture of one mole of O2 & two moles of N2  at 300K .
Calculate the ratio of the average rotational kinetic energy per O2  molecule to per Nmolecule.

Ans: (a) Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics = √2
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics = 684.37m/s
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
K.E = 6.21 x 2 x10-21 J
= 12.42 x 10-21 J

(b) Average translational energy of an ideal gas molecule is 3/2kT which depends on temperature only, Therefore if same temperature 0.048eV

(c) PV = μ RT
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
P ∝ T
P' = 2P

(d) Average kinetic energy per molecule per degree of freedom= 1/2kT. Since, both the gases are diatomic and at same temperature ( 300K ), both will have same rotational DOF = 2 therefore, both the gases will have the same average rotational K ×E× per molecule
=Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics= kT

Q11: If a black body emits photon at the rate of 1600 Js-1 at 527°C what will be the rate of emission of photon by the same body when its temperature is 127°C
(a) 100 J/s
(b) 200 J/s
(c) 250 J/s
(d) More than one of the above
(e) None of the above
100 J/s
A black body is an object that absorbs all the radiant energy reaching its surface. No actual body is perfectly black; the concept of a black body is an idealization with which the radiation characteristics of real bodies can be compared.

Properties of the black body:

  • It absorbs all the incident radiation falling on it and does not transmit or reflect regardless of wavelength and direction
  • It emits the maximum amount of thermal radiation at all wavelengths at any specified temperature
  • It is a diffuser emitter (i.e. the radiation emitted by a black body is independent of direction)

Stefan's Law: According to it the radiant energy emitted by a perfectly black body per unit area per sec (i.e. emissive power of black body) is directly proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature i.e.
E ∝ T4 ⇒ E = σT4
Here,Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - PhysicsThus this equation is also known as Intensity of radiated energy
Whereas, Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
Here R is the rate of radiation emitted and for this the equation can be modified as
R = AσT4
The value of Stefan's constant is 5.67 × 10-8 W/m2 K4.
σ = a constant called Stefan’s constant,
T = temperature of black-body
E = energy radiated per unit area per unit time.
Q = Amount of heat radiation emitted by perfectly black body.
t =Time for which black body radiates emitted
A = surface area of Black body

Given that,
Rate of emission of  photon at 527°C, R1 = 1600 Js-1
Temperature of surface, T2 = 127°C = 127 + 273 = 400 K
 Temperature of surface, T1 = 527°C = 800 K
Now according to Stefan’s Law
 R = AσT4
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
By substituting the given value
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics

Q12: Find the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of 5 mole of water by 10°C.
(a) 4.5R
(b) 45R
(c) 450R
(d) More than one of the above
(e) None of the above
Ans: 450R
Specific heat capacity of water:

  • We can use the law of equipartition of energy to determine the specific heat of the water.
  • We treat water like a solid.
  • We consider every atom vibrating about its mean position. So the average energy of each atom is given as,

⇒ E = 3kBT

  • The water molecule has three atoms, two hydrogens, and one oxygen.
  • If NA is the number of molecules in one mole of water, then the average energy of one mole of water is given as,

⇒ U = 9NAkBT = 9RT

Where kB = Boltzmann constant, T = absolute temperature, and R = universal gas constant

  • So the molar specific heat of water is given as,

⇒ C = 9R

  • This is the value observed and the agreement is very good.
  • In the calorie, gram, degree units, water is defined to have unit specific heat.
  • The predicted specific heats are independent of temperature.


Given N = 5 mole and ΔT = 10°C

  • According to the law of equipartition of energy, the molar specific heat of water is given as,

⇒ C = 9R
Where R = universal gas constant

  • So the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of N mole of water by ΔT temperature is given as,

⇒ E = NCΔT
⇒ E = 5 × 9R × 10
⇒ E = 450R

  • Hence, option 3 is correct.

Q13: For an adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas, the fractional change in its pressure is equal to (where γ is the ratio of specific heats) :
(a)Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
(b)Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
(c)Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
(d) More than one of the above
(e) None of the above
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics

  • An adiabatic expansion is the thermodynamic process in which no exchange in energy or matter is allowed.
  • The equation of state for an adiabatic change is PVγ = constant.

We know,
PVγ = constant.
Differentiating on both sides,
VγdP +PγVγ-1dV = 0
Diving by Vγ/P we have,
dP/P + γ dv/V = 0
so, dP/P = - Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
So, the correct answer is option (1).

Q14: The molecule of a monatomic gas has only three translational degrees of freedom. Thus, the average energy of a molecule at temperature 'T' is ____________.
(a) 3kBT
(b) (3/4) kBT
(c) (1/3)kBT
(d) (3/2)kBT
Ans: (3/2)kBT

  • According to kinetic energy theory, if we increase the temperature of a gas, it will increase the average kinetic energy of the molecule, which will increase the motion of the molecules.
    • This increased motion increases the outward pressure of the gas.

The average kinetic energy (KE) or energy (E) of translation per molecules of the gas is related to temperature by the relationship:
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics (degree of freedom of a monoatomic gas = 3)
Where K E = kinetic energy, kB = Boltzmann constant and T = temperature.
The average energy of a molecule is given by:
KE = E = (3/2)kBT
So option 4 is correct.

Q15: What is the relation between Kinetic energy (E) of a gas and its pressure (P)?
(a)Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
(b)Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
(c)Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
(d)Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
Ans:Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics

  • The pressure in a gas developed due to the collisions between the gaseous molecules.
  • The energy possessed by the molecule of the gas due to its motion is called kinetic energy of the gas molecules.

From the kinetic theory of gases, the pressure (P) exerted by an ideal gas is given by
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
where ρ is the density of ideal gas and C is its root mean square velocity.
We know, density = mass/volume which implies that mass = density × volume. So, for a unit volume of gas, mass= ρ × 1 = ρ
Now, the mean kinetic energy of translation per unit volume of gas (E) = Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - PhysicsKinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
The pressure(P) that is exerted by an ideal gas is equal to two-thirds of the mean kinetic energy of translation(E) per unit volume of the gas:
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics
So option 1 is correct.

The document Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment | Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics is a part of the Physics Course Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics.
All you need of Physics at this link: Physics
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FAQs on Kinetic Theory of Gases: Assignment - Kinetic Theory & Thermodynamics - Physics

1. What is the kinetic theory of gases?
Ans. The kinetic theory of gases is a theory that explains the behavior and properties of gases based on the motion of their particles. It states that gas particles are in constant random motion and that their kinetic energy is directly proportional to their temperature. This theory helps to explain various gas laws and phenomena.
2. How does the kinetic theory of gases explain pressure?
Ans. The kinetic theory of gases explains pressure as the result of the collisions between gas particles and the walls of the container. According to this theory, when gas particles collide with the walls, they exert a force on the walls, causing pressure. The more frequent and energetic the collisions, the higher the pressure.
3. What assumptions are made in the kinetic theory of gases?
Ans. The kinetic theory of gases is based on the following assumptions: - Gas particles are considered to be point masses with negligible volume. - Gas particles are in constant random motion and move in straight lines until they collide with other particles or the container walls. - Collisions between gas particles and the container walls are elastic, meaning there is no net loss of energy. - The average kinetic energy of gas particles is directly proportional to the temperature of the gas.
4. How does the kinetic theory of gases explain temperature?
Ans. According to the kinetic theory of gases, temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of gas particles. As the temperature of a gas increases, the average kinetic energy of its particles also increases. This is because higher temperatures result in greater particle speeds and therefore higher kinetic energies.
5. Can the kinetic theory of gases explain deviations from ideal behavior?
Ans. Yes, the kinetic theory of gases can explain deviations from ideal behavior. In real gases, there are interactions between particles (intermolecular forces) that are not accounted for in the ideal gas law. These interactions can lead to deviations from ideal behavior, particularly at high pressures and low temperatures. The kinetic theory of gases can be modified to include these interactions, resulting in more accurate predictions for real gas behavior.
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