(i) Which one is the most advanced means of communication?
(a) Newspaper
(b) Radio
(c) Television
(d) Internet
(ii) Which of these belong to postal communication?
(a) Money order
(b) Telephone
(c) Computer
(d) E-mail
(iii) Who invented the telephone?
(a) Alexander Bell Graham
(b) Tim Burners Lee
(c) Martin Cooper
(d) None of these
(iv) Written form of communication is done through
(a) Radio
(b) Smartphones
(c) Smoke signal
(d) Satellite
(v) Which of these does not belong to mass media?
(a) Newspaper
(b) Radio
(c) Magazine
(d) Telephone
(i) We can send an ___________ through the internet.
(ii) _________, ________ and ________ are the means of mass communication.
(iii) We send and receive money through ___________.
(iv) A FAX (Facsimile Automated Xerox) machine uses a __________ line for instantly sending written messages.
(v) Mass communication includes the distribution of information through radio, television, newspapers, magazines, and __________.
(i) Today, communication has become very fast and easy.
(ii) Postal service is the oldest and cheapest means of communication.
(iii) An electronic mail can be sent by postal communication.
(iv) Urgent messages were sent through telegrams, and this service is still widely used in India.
(v) Mobile phones or smartphones have multiple uses, including making phone calls, sending SMS, surfing the internet, and more.
(i) What is the use of the internet?
(ii) What do you mean by communication?
(iii) How did the people in ancient times communicate?
(iv) Which is the fastest means of communication?
1. What is communication? |
2. Why is effective communication important? |
3. What are the different types of communication? |
4. How can one improve their communication skills? |
5. What are the barriers to effective communication? |
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