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Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams PDF Download

Introduction (Series of Real Numbers)

A finite series is given by the terms of a finite sequence, added together. For example, we could take the finite sequence
(2k + 1)10k=1 
Then the corresponding example of a finite series would be given by all of these terms added together,
3 + 5 + 7 + .... + 21
We can write this sum more concisely using sigma notation. We write the capital Greek letter sigma, and then the rule for the kth term. Below the sigma we write ‘k = V . Above the sigma we write the value of k for the last term in the sum, which in this case is 10. So in this case we would have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
and in this case the sum of the series is equal to 120
In the easy way, an infinite series is the sum of the terms of an infinite sequence. An example of an infinite sequence is
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
And then the series obtained from this sequence would be
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
With a sum going on forever. Once again we can use sigma notation to express this series. We write down the sigma sign and the rule for the k-th term. But now we put the symbol for infinity above the sigma, to show that we are adding up an infinite number of terms. In this case we would have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Key points: A finite series is given by all the terms of a finite sequence, added together.
A infinite series is given by all the terms of an infinite sequence, added together.
An expression of the form a1 + a2 + a3 + ... + an + ... where each an is a real number, is called an infinite series of real numbers and is denoted by Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams an or ∑ is called the nth term of the series ∑ an.

Example 1: Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Example 2: Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is a n infinite series- The sequence of partial sums looks like:
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
We saw above that this sequence converges to 2, so
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Example 3: The number n!, read n factorial, is defined as the product of the first n positive integers; 
n! = 1 - 2 ..... n
<n!> is an important sequence. Its first few terms are
1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, ...
By convention, 0! is defined by 0! = 1.

  • 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + .... = Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams 
  • 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + .... = Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams1/n
  • 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + ... = Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams1/2n
  • 1 + 1/4 + 1/9 + 1/16 + ... = Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams1/n2
  • 1- 1 + 1- 1 + 1 - 1 + ... =Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams (-1)n
  • Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
  • Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
  • Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Sequence of Partial Sums of Series

Recall : A sequence {an} is a function which assigns a real number an to each natural number n : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5......i.e., a sequence is an ordered list of real numbers : a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, ...,

Example 1: Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams generates the sequence Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Definition: An infinite series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams an is the sum of the numbers in the sequence {an}, i.e., Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams an = a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + ... .

Example 2: Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
We need a more precise definition of an infinite series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams an. Begin by constructing a new sequence of partial sums by letting (This step by step by step process will be called the Sequence of Partial Sums Test for the infinite series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsan.)
S1 = a1,
S2 = a1 + a2,
S3 = a1 + a2 + a3,
S4 = a1 + a2 + a3 + a4,
Sn = a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + ... + an.
We can now say that the value of the infinite series is precisely the value of the limit of its sequence of partial sums, i.e.,
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams an = a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + ....
= Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams (a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + ... + an)
= Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams Sn.

Examples of Partial Sums

For the sequence 1, 1, 1, 1,..., we have Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams1 = N → ∞. Thus, Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsis divergent.
For the sequence 1, -1, 1, -1,..., we have S1 = 1, S2 = 0, S3 = 1, etc. In general , SN = 1 for N odd and SN = 0 for N even. Thus,Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams (-1)n is oscillatory.

The Harmonic Series

If one computes the partial sums for Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams 1/n one finds S1 = 1, S2 = 3/2 = 1.5, S3 = 11/6 ≈ 1.87, S10 ≈ 2/93, S20 ≈ 3.40, S1000 ≈ 7.49, S100,000 ≈ 12.09. If fact, SN → ∞ So that Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams 1/n diverges.
If one computes the partial sums for Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams 1/n2, then one obtains S1 = 1, S2 = 5/4 = 1.25, S3 = 49/36 ≈ 1.36, S10 ≈ 1.55, S100 ≈ 1.63, S1000 ≈ 1.64.
In fact,Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams1/n2 = (2) = π2/6 ≈ 1.644934068

  • A series ∑ an is said to be convergent, if the sequence <sn> of partial sums of ∑ an is convergent. If Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive ExamsSn = s, then S is called the sum of the series ∑ an. We write S = Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsan.
  • The series ∑ an is said to be divergent, if the sequence <Sn> of partial sums of ∑ an is divergent,.
  • The series ∑ an is said to oscillate, if the sequence <Sn> of partial sums of ∑ an oscillates.

Example : (Geometric series) The series 1 + r + r2 + r3 + ... (r > 0) converges if r < 1 and diverges if r > 1.

Convergence of a Geometric Series

a geometric series with ratio r diverges if Irl ≥ 1. If 0 < Irl <1, then the series converges to the sum
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Proof: It is easy to see that the series oscillates if r = ±1. then sn = a + ar +ar2 + .... + arn- 1. multiplication by r yields
rSn = ar + ar2 +... +arn.
Subtracting the second equation from the first produces Sn - rSn = a - ar2. Therefore. Sn (1 - r) = a(1 - rn). and the partial sum is
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
If 0 < Irl < 1, it follows that rn → 0 as n → ∞, and you obtain
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
which means that series converges and its sum is a/(1 - r). It is left to you to show that the series diverges if Irl > 1.
Example can be given, such as an = n is an unbounded sequence with no limit point and an = 1, if n is even; an = n, if n is odd is an unbounded sequence with a limit point 1.

Example 1: The series ∑ (- 1)n-1 oscillates.

Example 2: Perform the following index shifts.
(a) Write Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsarn-1 as a series that starts at n = 0.
(b) Write Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive ExamsSeries of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams as a series that starts at n = 3.

(a) In this case we need to decrease the initial value by 1 and so the n in the term must increase by 1 as well.
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams arn-1 = Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams ar(n+1)-1 = Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsarn
(b) For this problem we want to increase the initial value by 2 and so all the n's in the series terms must decrease by 2.
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Note: The nature of a series is not affected by the addition, alteration or omission of a finite number of terms or by multiplication of all the terms by a fixed non-zero number.
(a) ∑ (un ± vn) = s ± t
(b) ∑ kun = ks, k ∈ R

Example 3: Convergent and Divergent Geometric Series
(a) The geometric series
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
has a ratio of r = 1/2 with a = 3, Because 0 < Irl < 1, the series converges and its sum is
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(b) The geometric series
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
has a ratio of r = 3/2. Because Irl ≥ 1. the series diverge.

Example 4: A Geometric Series for a Repeating Decimal
Use a geometric series to write Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams as the ratio of two integers.
Solution: For the repeating decimal Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams, you can write
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
For this series, you have a = 8/102 and r = 1/102. So.
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Theorem : Limit of nth Term of a Convergent Series
If Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsan converges, then Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsan = 0.
Proof: Assume that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams an = Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams Sn = L
Then, because Sn = Sn-1 + an and Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
it follows that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
which implies that {an} converges to 0.
Theorem : nth Term Test for Divergence
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Example 5: Using the nth Term Test for Divergence
(a) For the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams2n. we have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
So, the limit of the nth term is not 0 and the series diverges.
(b) For the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams .
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
So, the limit of the nth term is not 0 and the series diverges.
(c) For the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams 1/n, we have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams 1/n = 0
Because the limit of the nth term is 0. The nth-Term Test for Divergence does not apply and you can draw no conclusion about convergence or divergence.

Tests of Convergence of Series

Some important comparison series

1. Geometric series
∑un = 1 + r + r2 + r3 + ... + rn-1 + rn + ....

  • is convergent, when    I r I < 1
  • is divergent, when    r ≥ 1
  • is oscillating finitely, when r = -1
  • is oscillating infinitely, when r < -1

2. Hyperharmonic series (or p-series)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

  • is convergent when p > 1
  • is divergent, when p ≤ 1

3. The Auxiliary Series
The series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is convergent if p > 1 and divergent if p ≤ 1.

Comparison Test

Test I. First Comparison Test
Let ∑un and ∑vn be two positive term series such that
un ≤ k vn   ∀ n ≥ m.        ...(1)
(k being a fixed positive number and m a fixed positive integers)
(i) ∑vn converges  ⇒  ∑un converges.
(ii) ∑udiverges   ⇒ ∑un diverges.
Proof: Let <Sn> and <Tn> be the sequence of partial sums of the series ∑uand ∑vrespectively.
For n ≥ m, we have
Sn - Sm = (u1 + u2 + ... + um + um+1 + um+2 + ... + un) - (u1 + u2 + ... + um)
or Sn - Sm = um+1 + um+2 + ... + un.          ... (2)
Tn - Tm = vm+1 + vm+2 + ... + vn.        .... (3)
From (1) and (2), we obtain
Sn - Sm ≤ k (vm+1 + vm+2 +
or Sn - S≤ k (Tn - Tm) using (3)
or Sn ≤ k Tn +a,                  ... (4)
where a = Sm - k Tm is a fixed number.
(i) Suppose ∑ vn converges.
The sequence <Tn> of partial sums of ∑vn is bounded above i.e., there exists a positive real number t such that
Tn ≤ t   ∀ n.          ...(5)
From (4) and (5),
Sn ≤ kt + a   ∀   n.
Thus the sequence <Sn> of partial sums of ∑un is bounded above and so ∑un is convergent.
(ii) Suppose ∑un diverges.
Then Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams S= + ∞            .... (6)
From (4) and (6), we obtain
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
It follows that the sequence <Tn> of partial sums of the series ∑un diverges and so ∑vn diverges.

Example 1: Test for convergence the series:
(i) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams 1/logn,
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams 1/n2logn
Solution: (i) We know log n < n for all n ≥ 2.
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Since ∑1/n diverges, so by First Comparison Test,Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams 1/log n, diverges.
(ii) We know Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Since ∑1/n converges, so by First Comparison Test, Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges

Example 2: Test for the convergence of the series:
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Solution: We that n ! ≥ 2n-1 ∀ n ≥ 2.
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams being a geometric series with common ratio 1/2 < 1 is convergent. Hence, by First Comparison Test, ∑1/n! is convergent.
Test II. Second Comparison Test
If ∑un and ∑vn are two positive term series such that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams     ....(1)
(i) ∑vconverges   ⇒ ∑uconverges,
(ii) ∑un diverges   ⇒ ∑vdiverges,
Proof: For n ≥ m, we have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
∴ un ≤ k  vn  ∀  n ≥ m,        ....(2)
where k = um/vm is a fixed positive number.
(i) ∑vn converges  ⇒  ∑un converges,
(ii) ∑un diverges    ⇒ ∑vn diverges.
Test III. Limit Form Test
Let ∑un and ∑vn be two positive term series such that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams(I is finite and non-zero).
Then ∑un and ∑vn converge or diverge together.
Proof: Since un/vn > 0 for all n, so Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Thus / > 0, as / ≠ 0
Let ε > 0 be some number such that / - ε > 0.
Since Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams un/vn = /, so there exists a positive integer m such that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
or - ε < un/vn < / + ε ∀ n ≥ m, where vn > 0 ∀ n.
∴ (- ε) vn < un < (/ + ε) vn   ∀ n ≥ m.         ....(1)
From (1), we consider
un < (- ε) vn ∀ n ≥ m.         ....(2)
(Here / + ε is a fixed positive number)
Applying First Comparison Test in (2), we obtain
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams   ... (A)
From (1), we consider
(/ - ε) vn < un ∀ n ≥ m
or vn < kun  ∀ n ≥ m,           ....(3)
where k = 1// - ε > 0 is a fixed number.
Applying First Comparison Test in (3), we obtain
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams  ...(b)
From (A) and (B), it follows that
∑un converges    ⇔         ∑vn converges,
∑vn diverges       ⇔          ∑vn diverges.
Hence the two series ∑un and ∑vn converge or diverge together.

  • In order to apply the Limit form test to a given series ∑un, we have to select a series ∑v(which is usually a p-series) in which the nth term of vn behaves as un, for large values of n.

Example 3: Test each of the following series for convergence:
(i) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(i) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
The nth term of this series of Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
So ∑un and ∑vn converge or diverge together (Limit From Test). Since Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges, so ∑un converges.
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
The nth term is Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Now Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams and finite.
So ∑un and ∑vn converge or diverge together.
Since ∑vn = ∑1/n diverges, so ∑un diverges.

Example 4: Test for convergence the series
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Solution: We have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
So ∑un and ∑vn converge or diverge together.

Example 5: Test for converges the series
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Solution: We have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
So ∑un and ∑vn converge or diverge together.
Since ∑vn = E 1/n2 converges, so the given series ∑un also converges.

Example 6: Test for convergence the series whose nth term is
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsso that ∑vn converges.
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
So ∑un and ∑vn converge or diverge together.
Since ∑vconverges, so the given series ∑un also converges.

Example 7: Test for the convergence of the series:
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
So ∑un and ∑vn converge or diverge together.
Since ∑vn converges, so the given series ∑un converges.

Example 8: Test for the convergence of the series whose n* term is
{(n3 + 1)1/3 - n}.
Solution: Let
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
So ∑un and ∑vn converge or diverge together.
Since ∑vn converges, so ∑un converges.

Example 9: Test for convergence the series
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Solution: The nth term of the given series is
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
So ∑un and ∑vn converge or diverge together.
Since ∑vn = ∑1/n5/2 converges, so the given series converges.

Example 10: Test the convergence of the series S Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams.
Solution: We have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Thus the two series ∑un and ∑vn converge or diverge together. Since ∑vn = ∑1/n diverges, so the given series ∑un diverges.

Example 11: Show that the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsconverges.
Solution: The nth term of the given series is
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsun/vn = 1, so that ∑un and ∑vn converge or diverge together.
Since ∑vn = ∑1/n2 converges, so the given series ∑un also converges.

Example 12: Show that the series 1 + a + b + a2 + b2 + a3 + b3 + ..., 0 < a < b < 1 is convergent.
Solution: Since 0 < a < b < 1, an < bn ∀ n ≥ 0.
Since ∑bn is a geometric series with common ratio b, 0 < b < 1 ; ∑bn is convergent. Hence, by First comparison test, the given series ∑un is convergent.

Ratio Test

Test IV. D'Alembert’s Ratio Test
Let ∑un be a positive terms series such that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams  ... (1)
(i) ∑un converges if / > 1,
(ii) ∑un diverges if /< 1.
Test fails if / = 1.
Proof. Case I. Let / > 1.
We can choose some ε > 0 such that / - ε > 1 or α > 1, α = / - ε.
Using (1), there exists a positive integer m1 such that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams    ...(2)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams , being a geometric series with common ratio 1/α < 1, is convergent.
Hence ∑un is convergent (by Second Comparison Test is applied in (2)).
Case II. Let / < 1.
We can choose another ε > 0 such that / + ε < 1
β < 1, β = / + ε.
Using (1), there exists a positive integer m2 such that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams       ....(3)
where ∑vn = ∑1/βn, being a geometric series with common ratio 1/β > 1, is divergent. Hence, by Second Comparison Test as applied in (3), ∑un is divergent.
Case III. We shall give examples of two series : one convergent and the other divergent but both satisfying
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
The series ∑un = ∑1/n is divergent, but
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
The series ∑un = ∑1/n2 is convergent, but
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Remark 1: Another equivalent form of Ratio Test is as follows:
If ∑un is a positive term series such that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams         ...(1)
(i) ∑un is convergent if / < 1.
(ii) ∑un is divergent if / > 1.
Proof: We have Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams m, where m = 1//.
Then ∑un converges if m > 1        1// > 1 ⇒ / < 1,
and ∑un converges if m < 1    ⇒ 1// < 1 ⇒ / < 1.
Remark 2 : If ∑un is a positive term series such that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsthen ∑un is convergent.
Proof : It is given that the sequence Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams diverges to ∞.
So there exists a positive integer m such that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
where ∑vn = ∑1/2n, being a geometric series with common ratio 1/2 <1, is convergent. Hence, by Second Comparison Test, ∑un is convergent.
Remark 3: If ∑un is a positive term series such that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsthen ∑un is convergent.
Proof : For ε = 1/2, there exists a positive integer m such that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
The result now follows by Remark 2.

Example 1: Test for the convergence of the series:
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Solution: Let
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By applying ratio test -
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Example 2: Test for convergence the series
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Solution: We have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Ratio Test, the given series diverges.

Example 3: Test for convergence the series
(i) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(i) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Ratio Test, ∑un converges of 1/x > 1 i.e., x < 1 and ∑un diverges if 1/x < 1 i.e., x > 1. The test fails for x = 1.
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
 Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
So ∑un and ∑vn converge or diverge together.
Since ∑vn = ∑1/n2 converges, so ∑un converges (for x = 1).
Hence the given series converges for x ≤ 1 and diverges for x > 1.
(ii) We have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Ratio Test, the given series converges if 1/x > 1 i.e., x < 1 and diverges if 1/x < 1 i.e., x > 1. The test fails for x = 1.
For x = 1, un = Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
So ∑un and ∑vn converge or diverge together. Since ∑vn converges, therefore ∑un also converges (for x = 1).
Hence the given series converges for x ≤ 1 and diverges for x > 1.

Example 4: Test for the convergence of the series:
(i) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(iii) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(i) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Ratio Test, ∑un converges if 1/x2 > 1 i.e., x2 < 1 i.e., x < 1 and diverges if x2 > 1 i.e., x > 1. The test fails if x = 1.
For x = 1,
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Since ∑vn = ∑1/√n diverges, so ∑un diverges (for x = 1).
Hence the given series converges if x < 1 and diverges if x ≥ 1.
(ii) We have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Ratio Test, ∑un converges if 1/x > 1 i.e., x < 1 and diverges if x > 1. The test fails if x = 1.
For x = 1,
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Since ∑vn = ∑1/n√n converges, so ∑un converges (for x = 1).
Hence the given series converges if x ≤ 1 and diverges if x > 1.
(iii) We have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Ratio Test, ∑un converges if 1/x > 1 i.e., x < 1 and diverges if x > 1. The test fails if x = 1.
For x = 1,
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
As done in part (ii), ∑un converges if x = 1.
Hence the given series converges if x ≤ 1 and diverges if x > 1.

Example 5: Test for convergence the series:
(i) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsfor all Positive values of x.
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(i) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence, by Ratio Test, ∑un converges.
(ii) We have Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Ratio test, ∑un converges if 1/x > i.e., x < 1 and diverges if 1/x < 1 i.e., x > 1. For x = 1, we have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
So the given series diverges for x = 1. Hence the given series converges if x < 1 and diverges if x ≥ 1.

Example 6: Test for convergence the series:
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
for all positive values of x.
Solution: Ignoring the first term of the series, we have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Ratio Test, ∑un converges if 1/x > 1 i.e., x < 1 and ∑un diverges if x > 1. Ratio Test fails if x = 1.
For x = 1,
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Since ∑1/n2 converges, so by First Comparison Test, Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsconverges.
Hence ∑un converges for x ≤ 1 and diverges for x > 1.

Example 7: Test for convergence the series with nth term:
(i) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(i) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams By Ratio Test, the given series converges if 1/x > 1 i.e., x < 1 and diverges if x > 1. The test fails if x = 1.
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
So ∑un and ∑vn converge or diverge together.
Since ∑vn diverges, so ∑un diverges (for x = 1).
Hence the given series converges if x < 1 and diverges if x ≥ 1.
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Ratio Test, the given series converges if 1/x > i.e., x < 1 and diverges if 1/x < 1 i.e., x > 1. The test fails if x = 1.
For x = 1,
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
So ∑un and ∑vn converge or diverge together.
Since ∑v= ∑1/n diverges, so ∑un diverges (for x = 1).
Hence the given series converges if x < 1 and diverges if x ≥ 1.

Example 8: Test for the convergence of the series
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Solution: We have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams Hence ∑un is convergent, by Ratio Test.

Example 9: Test for the convergence of the series:
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Solution: Ignoring the first term, we have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Ratio Test, ∑un converges if 1/x > 1 i.e., x < 1 and diverges if x > 1. Ratio Test fails if x = 1.
For x = 1,
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
i.e.Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsun = 1 ≠ 0. So ∑un diverges for x = 1.
Hence ∑un converges if x < 1 and diverges if x ≥ 1.

Raabe’s Test

Let ∑un be a positive term series such that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Then (i) ∑un converges if / > 1, (ii) ∑un diverges if / < 1.
The test fails if / = 1.
Note: Raabe's test is applied when D'Alembert's ratio test fails
Proof. Case I. Let / > 1.
We can choose some ε > 0 such that / — ε > 1 or α > 1, α = / - ε.
From (1), there exists a positive integer m such that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
or nun - nun+1 > α un+1   ∀ n ≥ m
or nun - (n + 1)un + 1 > (α - 1) un + 1 ∀ n ≥ m.
Putting n = m, m + 1, m + 2, .... n - 1 and adding, we get
mum - nun > (α - 1) (um+1 + um+2 + ... + un)
or (α - 1) (Sn - Sm) <mum - num < mum,  (where Sn = u1 + u2 + ... + um + um+1 + ... + un)
Sn < S+ m/α-1 um ∀ n.
where S+ m/α - 1 um is a fixed positive number.
It follows that the sequence <Sn> is bounded above and so the given series is convergent.
Case II. Let / < 1.
We can choose another ε > 0 such that + ε < 1.
From (1), there exists a positive integer m1 such that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Since ∑vn = ∑1/n diverges, so by Second Comparison Test, ∑un diverges.
Case III. Consider the two series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams and Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams where the first series is divergent and the second series is convergent but for both the series
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Remark: Raabe’s Test is applied when D’Alembert’s ratio fails.
When Ratio test fails i.e., when Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams Raabe’s test may be applied.

Example 1: Test for convergence the series:
(i) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(i) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Ratio Test, ∑un converges if 1/x > 1 i.e., x < 1 and diverges if x > 1. The test fails if x = 1. We shall now apply Raabe’s Test.
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Raabe’s Test, ∑un converges (for x = 1).
Hence the given series converges for x ≤ 1 and diverges for x > 1.
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Ratio Test, ∑un converges if 1/x > 1 i.e., x < 1 and diverges if x > 1. The test fails if x = 1.
For x = 1,
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Raabe’s Test, ∑un diverges (for x = 1)
Hence the given series converges for x < 1 and diverges for x ≥ 1.

Example 2: Examine the convergence of the following series:
(i) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Solution: (i) We have

Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Ratio test, ∑un converges if 1/x2 > 1 i.e., x < 1 (as x > 0) and diverges if x > 1. The test fails for x = 1.
For x = 1,
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Raabe’s test, ∑un converges (for x = 1).
Hence the given series converges for x ≤ 1 and diverges for x > 1.
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Ratio test, ∑un converges if 1/x2 > 1 i.e., x < 1 (as x > 0) and diverges if x > 1. The test fails for x = 1.
For x = 1,
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Raabe’s Test, ∑un converges (for x = 1).
Hence the given series converges for x ≤ 1 and diverges for x > 1.
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Ratio test, ∑un converges if 1/x2 > 1 i.e., x < 1 (as x > 0) and diverges if x = 1.
For x = 1,
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By Raabe’s Test, ∑un converges (for x = 1).
Hence the given series converges for x ≤ 1 and diverges for x > 1.

Example 3: Test for convergence the series:
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Solution: On ignoring the first term, we have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Thus Ratio test fails. We shall now apply Raabe’s test.
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence, the given series is divergent.

De Morgan and Bertrand’s Test

If ∑un be a series of positive terms; such that:
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(i) if / > 1, ∑un is convergent
(ii) (ii) if / > 1, ∑un is divergent
Proof: In which follows, we shall compare ∑un with the auxiliary series
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
which is known to be convergent if p > 1 and divergent if p ≤ 1.
Now, we have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams   ...(1)
Case (i). Let / > 1. Choose a number p such that / ≥ p > 1.
By comparison test of the second type the series ∑un will be convergent if there exists a positive integer m such that [ n ≥ m
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams n ≥ p + terms containing n or log n in the denominator ...(2)
Taking limits on both sides of (2) as n → ∞ we get
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
/ > p ⇒ I > 1 a s p > 1.
Thus, ∑un converges if > 1.
Case (ii). Proceed as in case (i) yourself.

Logarithmic Ratio Test

If ∑un be a series of positive terms; such that:
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(i) if / > 1, ∑un is convergent
(ii) if / > 1, ∑un is divergent
(iii) if / > 1, ∑un may converge or diverge. So test fails.
Proof: Let / > 1 and let us choose ε > 0 such that / - ε > 1. Let / - ε = λ so that / > 1.
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
⇒ there exists a positive integer m such that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
⇒ un/un+1 > eλ/n, [ n ≥ m         ...(1)
We now that the sequence <(1 + 1/n)n> converges to e and hence
e ≥ (1 + 1/n)n, [ n ∈ N
⇒ eλ/n ≥ (1 + 1/n)λ         ... (2)
From (1) and (2), we have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams    ...(3)
where vn = 1/nλ.
Since λ > 1, so ∑vn converges. Then, using comparison test of second type it follows that the given series ∑un also converges.
(ii) Prove as in part (i).
Note 1. The above Logarithmic test is alternative to Raabe’s test and should be used when D'Alembert’s ratio test fails and when either e occurs in un/un+1 or n occurs as an exponent in un/un+1.
Note 2. When Raabe's test fails we may use De Morgan’s and Bertrand’s test given below. Again, when logarithmic test fails we may use second logarithmic ratio test.

Second Logarithmic Ratio Tests

Let ∑un be a series of positive terms such that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Then the series is
(i) convergent if / > 1
(ii) divergent if / < 1
(iii) no other decision is possible if / = 1.
Proof: In what follows, we shall compare ∑un with the auxiliary series
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
which is known (refer Art.) to be convergent if p > 1 and divergent if p ≤ 1. Now, we have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
by binomial theorem
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams   .... (1)
Case (i). Let / > 1. Choose a number p such that / ≥ p > 1.
By comparison test of the second type, the series ∑un will be convergent if there exists a positive integer m such that [ n > m
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
[ ∵ log (1 + x) = x - x2/2 + x3/3 + .... ]
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
or / ≥ p. But p > 1, so / > 1.
Hence the given series ∑un converges if / > 1.
(ii) Proceed as in case (i) yourself.
Example 1: Examine the convergence of the following series:
(i) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(iii) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(iv) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Solution: (i) Here, we have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence ratio test fails and we now apply Raabe’s test.
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams    ....(1)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence by ratio test, ∑un converges if 1/x2 > 1, i.e., x2 < 1, i.e., x < 1 (as x > 0) and diverges if 1/x2 < 1, i.e., x2 > 1, i.e., x > 1. The test fails if x = 1. In that case, from (1), we have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
and hence
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence, by Raabe’s test, ∑un is convergent.
Thus the given series converges if x ≤ 1 and diverges if x > 1.
(iii) Omitting the first term of the given series as it will not change the nature of the series, we obtain
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams       ...(1)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
∴ By ratio test ∑un converges if 1/x2 > 1, i.e., if x2 < 1 and diverges if 1/x2 < 1, i.e., if x2 > 1. When 1/x2 = 1, i.e., x2 = 1, the ratio test fails. We shall now apply Raabe’s test.
From (1), for x2 = 1,
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence, by Raabe’s test, ∑un converges for x2 = 1.
Thus the given series converges if x2 ≤ 1 and diverges if x2 > 1.
(iv) Omitting the first term, the nth term of the resulting series is
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
[Here the nth term of the A.P., 1, 5, 9, ... is 1 + (n - 1) × 4, i.e., 4n - 3 and the nth term of the A.P., 2, 6, 10, ... is 2 + (n - 1) ×  4, i.e., 4n - 2]
and so
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams          ...(1)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
∴ By ratio test ∑un converges if 1/x2 > 1, i.e., if x2 < 1 and diverges if 1/x2 < 1, i.e., if x2 > 1. When 1/x2 = 1, i.e., x2 = 1, the ratio test fails. We shall now apply Raabe’s test.
From (1), for x2 = 1,
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence, by Raabe's test, ∑un converges.
Thus the given series converges if x2 ≤ 1 and diverges if x2 > 1.

Example 2: Test the convergence of the following series
(i) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Solution: (i) Omitting the first term, we have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams           ....(1)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By ratio test, ∑un converges if 1/ex > 1, i.e., if x < 1/e and diverges if 1/ex < 1, i.e., if x > 1/e. When 1/ex = 1, i.e., x = 1/e, the test fails. Since un/un+1 will involve e for x = 1/ e, we shall apply logarithmic test.
For x = 1/e, from (1)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams n {log e - n log (1 + 1/n)}
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence, by logarithmic test, ∑un diverges.
Thus the given series converges if x < 1/e and diverges if x ≥ 1/e.
(ii) Here
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams           ...(1)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
By ratio test, ∑un converges if 1/ex > 1, i.e. if x < 1/e and diverges if 1/ex < 1, if x > 1/e When 1/ex = 1, i.e., x = 1/e, the test fails. We now apply logarithmic test.
For  x = 1/e, from (1),
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence, by logarithmic test, ∑un diverges.
Thus the given series converges if x < 1/e and diverges if x ≥ 1/e.

Example 3: Test for converges the following series:
(i) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Solution: (i) Here, we have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams    ...(1)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence the ratio test fails and we now apply Raabe’s test.
Using (1),
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams    ...(2)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence the Raabe’s test fails and we now apply De-Morgan’s and Bertrand’s test. From (2),
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
and so
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence, by De-Morgan’s and Bertrand’s test, ∑un diverges.
(ii) Here
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams    ...(1)
Hence the ratio test fails and we now apply Raabe’s test. Using (1),
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams    ...(2)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence, by Raabe’s test, ∑un converges if b - a > 1 and diverges if b - a < 1. When b - a = 1. Raabe’s test fails and we now apply De-Morgan's and Bertrand’s test.
For b - a = 1, from (2), Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence, by De-Morgan’s and Bertrand's test, ∑un diverges. Thus the given series converges if b - a > 1 and diverges if b - a ≤ 1.

Example 4: Test for convergence the following series
(i) Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(ii) x + x1 + 1/2 + x1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + x1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + ...
Solution: (i) Omitting the first term, we have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams   ...(1)
Here Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams and so ratio test fails.
We shall now apply logarithmic test, Using (1), we get
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
= p(1/2n - 3/8n2 + 7/24n3 + ....)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams    ...(2)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence ∑un converges if p/2 > 1, i.e., if p > 2 and diverges if p/2 < 1, i.e., if p < 2 and the test fails if p = 2.
For p = 2, from (2).
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence by second logarithmic ratio test ∑un diverges for p = 2.
Thus the given series converges if p > 1 and diverges if p ≤ 2.
(ii) Here, un = x1 + 1/2 + ... + 1/n,  un+1 = x1 + 1/2 + ... + 1/n + 1/(n +1)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams   ...(1)
Here ratio test fails and we now apply logarithmic test.
From (1),
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams   ...(2)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence ∑un converges if log (1/x) > 1, i.e., if 1/x > e, i.e., if x < 1/e and ∑un diverges if log (1/x) < 1, i.e., if x > 1/e. When x = 1/e, the test fails and we shall now apply second logarithmic test
For x = 1/e, from (2)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence ∑un is divergent for x = 1/e.
Thus, the given series converges if x < 1/e and diverges if x ≥ 1/e

Gauss Test

Theorem: Let Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams an be a series with positive terms. Assuming that there exists a real number p, a real number r > 1 and a real bounded sequence {Bn}n=1 such that for all n 

Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Then the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges if and only if p > 1.
Almost immediately we see that this test is somehow an improved version of Raabe’s test. The only difference is the number r, which in the former test was explicitly set to 2. So Gauss’ test is more general, allowing us to decide convergence of more series. Not surprisingly the proof is very similar.
Proof. If we start with p > 1, then for sufficiently large n we have (for negative terms of {Bn})
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
or (for positive terms of {Bn})
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Since in both cases
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
by using Raabe’s test we can conclude that the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams an converges.
As for the other part of equivalence, we will assume that the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams aconverges and p = 1. By using Bertrand’s test we get
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
With L’Hopital’s rule we get Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams (as n tends to infinity) and therefore the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams an diverges. A contradiction.
If the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsaconverges and p < 1 then (for sufficiently large n)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
and according to Raabe’s test the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsadiverges.
A contradiction. Thus p > 1.
Theorem: Let Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsabe a series with positive terms. Assuming that there exist a real number p, a real number p, a real number r > 1 and a real bounded sequence {Bn} such that for all n.
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams    ... (1)
The seriesSeries of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsadiverges if and only if p ≤ 1.
Proof: Let Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsadiverges if and only if p ≤ 1. Then for sufficiently large n.
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
and by Raabe’s test the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams an converges. A contradiction (hence p ≤ 1).
If p = 1 then by using Bertrand’s test (theorem)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
With L’Hospital’s rule we get Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams (as n tends to infinity) and therefore the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsan diverges.
If p < 1 then for sufficiently large n
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
We finish the proof with Raabe’s test.
An example. We want to determine the character of the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
With (x → ∞)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
we get the final result
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
According to Raabe’s test, the series converges when a > 2 and diverges when a < 2 but we get no information when a = 2. We try Gauss’ test:
First, we try to find p
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Second, we find An
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Third, we try to find r > 1 such that Bn = Annr is bounded
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
If we set r = 2 then
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
And because p = 1 the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive ExamsSeries of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams  diverges.
Therefore, according to Gauss and Raabe’s test, the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges when a > 2 and diverges when a ≤ 2.

Kummer’s test

Here comes probably the most powerful test for convergence, since it applies to all series with positive terms.
Theorem: Let Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsan be a series with positive terms. Then the series converges if and only if there exist a positive number A, positive numbers pn and a number N ∈ N such that for all n > N
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
The series diverges if and only if there exist positive numbers pn such that Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams and a number N ∈ N such that for all n > N
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams    ...(2)
Proof: First we prove the convergence. For the right-to-left implication, we adjust the equation (1)
pnan - pn+1an+1 ≥ Aan+1
With qn = pn/A we can write
qnan - qn+1an+1 ≥ an+1
Since we know the left side of upper inequality, we can construct a sequence {Bn}n=1 such that
qnan - qn+1an+1 = Bn+1an+1,   ∀n  Bn ≥ 1
The sequence {qnan}n=1 is positive and decreasing (follows from (3)).
Therefore it has a limit
0 ≤ Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams anqn < q1a1
Thus the series
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
converges. And because Bn ≥ 1 for all n
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
In words, the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams anBn converges and creates an upper bound for the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams an, therefore the seriesSeries of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams amust converge as well. This is nothing more then just a first comparison criteria. We showed that finding numbers pn is equally hard as finding a convergent series ∑bn which creates an upper bound for the series ∑ain the first comparison test. For left-to-right implication, let p1a1 be a positive number. Now we assume the existence of positive monotonous sequence {Bn}n=1
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams Bn = ∞           ...(4)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive ExamsanBn =P1a1 + a1B1
Now we shift the index n
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsan+1 Bn+1 = P1a1
We define the sequence {pnan}n=1 this way
pn+1an+1 =pnan - an+1 Bn+1
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examspnan = p1a- Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive ExamsSeries of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsak+1Bk+1 = 0
So, using (4) we have (for sufficiently large n)
pnan - pn+1an+1 = an+1Bn+1 ≥ Aan+1 where A > 0
And finally
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
hence the number pn are found.
Remark : In fact, the requirement (4) is not necessary as any positive and monotonous sequence {Bn} with Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams Bn = A ≥ 1 is totally sufficient (where A is an arbitrary constant).
For example, let ∑an be a convergent series. If we let Bn = 1 for all n and we construct numbers pn using the terms from ∑a
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Kummer’s test will confirm the convergence of series ∑a(as would first comparison test). Now the divergence part.
Proof: For the right-to-left implication, we have ∑1/pn = ∞ and from (2) we get
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
We can conclude the divergence of series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsan by using the second comparison test. To prove left-to-right implication (when Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsan is divergent), we can assume, according to the theorem, the existence of positive and monotonous sequence Bn such that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive ExamsB= 0      ...(5)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive ExamsanBn = ∞
We have
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
we get
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
It is not difficult to see, that ∑1/pn = ∞ and pn > 0 for all n, thus we found the numbers we were looking for.
Remark: Again, the requirement (5) is not necessary as any positive and non-increasing {Bn} Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive ExamsBn = A > 0 will do the trick (as it is the monotony we are interested in).
As in the previous remark, if ∑an is a divergent series and if we let Bn = 1 for all n then Kummer’s test will confirm the divergence.
Remark: To sum it up, Kummer’s test is very powerful because it really works for all the series with positive terms. On the other hand, using this test is equally difficult as using the first and second comparison test. The true strength of this test therefore lies in the numbers pn. That is, the form of this test is a masterpiece, not its contents.
To demonstrate the power of Kummer’s test, we show that Raabe’s test and Bertrand’s test are in fact its corollaries. As for Raabe’s test, if we set pn = n, we get
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams compare with for convergence and
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examscompare with for divergence.
We see, that what we can decide with Raabe’s test, we can also decide with Kummer’s test (with pn = n) and vice versa, thus they are equivalent.
As for Kummer’s version of Bertrand’s test, we set pn = n In n and put it into the left side of (1):
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams    .. (6)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
We go back to (1). With (6), if
∃A > 0, ∃N ∈ N, ∀n > N :
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams     ...(7)
then the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsan is convergent.
Compare with Bertrand’s test:
If ∃A > 0, ∃N ∈ N,  ∀n > N:
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams     ...(8)
then the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsan is convergent.
Since ε(n) can get arbitrarily small as n tends to infinity, we can hide it inside the positive constant A. Thus (7) and (8) are equivalent.
Divergence is a bit different and we will see that in this case, the tests are not equivalent. That is, Kummer’s test is slightly stronger. It is because now we have zero as a sharp border, while the constant A from the previous case was quite flexible.
With (2), (6) and pn = n In n : if
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
then the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is divergent. Compare with Bertrand’s test (see (5)) : If
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
then the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams an is divergent.
Now let's consider the series Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Examsan, where an = 1/nInn. Using Bertrand’s test
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(n + 1) In (n + 1) - n In n - In n - 1 = (n + 1) In (1 + 1/n) - 1 = ε(n) ≤ 0 → false Using Kummer’s test (with pn = n In n)
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
0 ≤ 0 → true
There is infinite number of series that can be decided only with Kummer’s version of Bertrand’s test, but if we use limit, the tests are equivalent.

Root Test

Test IX. Cauchy’s nth Root Test
Let ∑un be a positive terms series such that
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams (un)1/n = I.     ...(1)
Then (i) ∑un converges if < 1, (ii) ∑un diverges if / > 1. Test fails if / = 1.
Proof : Case I. Let < 1.
We can choose some ε > 0 such that / + ε < 1 or α < 1, α = / + ε.
Using (1), there exists a positive integer m1 such that
I (un)1/n - I | < ε     ∀  n ≥ m1.
or / - ε < (un)1/n < + ε        ∀ n ≥ m1.
Consider (un)1/n  < + ε = α      ∀ n ≥ m1.
un < αn    ∀ n ≥ m1.            ...(2)
Since ∑α= α + α2 + .. being a geometric series with common ratio α < 1 is convergent, so by First Comparison Test as applied in (2), ∑un is convergent.
Case II. Let / > 1.
We can choose another ε > 0 such that / — ε > 1 or β > 1, β = / - ε.
Using (1), there exists a positive integer m2 such that
I (un)1/n - / I < ε    ∀ n ≥ m2.
or - ε < (un)1/n < + ε  ∀ n ≥ m2.
Consider l - ε < (un)1/n   ∀ n ≥ m2.
or βn < un         ∀ n ≥ m2.        ...(3)
Since ∑βbeing a geometric series with common ratio β > 1 is divergent, so by First Comparison Test as applied in (3), ∑un is divergent.
Case III. We shall give examples of two series : one convergent and the other divergent, but both satisfying Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams (un)1/n = 1.
The series ∑un = ∑1/n is divergent, but
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
The series ∑un = ∑1/n2 is convergent, but
Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

The document Series of Real Numbers- I | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is a part of the Mathematics Course Mathematics for Competitive Exams.
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FAQs on Series of Real Numbers- I - Mathematics for Competitive Exams

1. What is a series of real numbers?
Ans. A series of real numbers is an infinite sum of terms of a sequence. It can be represented by the symbol Σ (sigma) followed by the terms of the sequence.
2. How do you test the convergence of a series of real numbers?
Ans. To test the convergence of a series of real numbers, one can use various tests such as the comparison test, ratio test, root test, integral test, or the alternating series test. These tests provide criteria to determine if a series converges or diverges.
3. What is the comparison test for convergence of a series?
Ans. The comparison test is a method to determine the convergence of a series by comparing it with another known series. If the terms of the original series are smaller or equal to the terms of a convergent series, then the original series also converges. Similarly, if the terms of the original series are larger or equal to the terms of a divergent series, then the original series also diverges.
4. How does the ratio test work in testing the convergence of a series?
Ans. The ratio test is a convergence test that compares the ratio of consecutive terms in a series. If the absolute value of the ratio of consecutive terms approaches a value less than 1 as the number of terms increases, then the series converges. If the absolute value of the ratio approaches a value greater than 1 or diverges to infinity, then the series diverges.
5. What is the alternating series test and when is it applicable?
Ans. The alternating series test is a convergence test specifically designed for alternating series, where the signs of the terms alternate. If the terms of an alternating series decrease in magnitude and tend to zero, then the series converges. However, it is important to check if the terms satisfy the conditions of the test, such as monotonicity and approaching zero, for the alternating series test to be applicable.
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