The syllabus for CAT is not well defined, and thus it is easy to lose track of what all one needs to study to crack this exam and get into your dream IIM. To help you with your preparation EduRev, after exhaustive research of previous year papers, and interviews of toppers have formed not just the syllabus but also a timetable that paves the way for your dream IIM.
EduRev ensures that you study what matters so that your time is used in the most efficient way possible. This timetable focuses not only on all the concepts and types of questions asked in CAT Exam but also on the speed at which you are solving those questions. Here is the timetable to study for CAT from EduRev:
Note: Apart from the timetable, students need to spend at least 1 hour every day reading newspapers and solving sudoku, to help train the brain for solving quizzes and reading comprehensions.
By the end of week one, you will familiarize yourself with the CAT Syllabus and would have a clear idea about the topics that are asked in CAT. Additionally, you will have a fair idea about your initial level of knowledge before proceeding with the preparation. Make sure you have a mind map at this moment of time about how your preparation journey would look like, how much hours you need to devote everyday to bag that one seat in a prestigious institution.
1. Day 1 to 3 - Quantitative Aptitude (Quant)
2. Day 4 - Quant Topic-wise Tests
3. Day 5 and 6 - Verbal Ability
4. Day 7 - Attempt a few Mock Tests
In week 2, you will spend your time studying important topics under Quantitative Aptitude. Further, your time will be spent revising concepts like Tenses, Vocabulary, and General Grammar under Verbal Ability. There might not be questions directly asked from these topics, but their knowledge would prove indispensable while attempting questions in Reading Comprehension and Verbal Ability as well.
1. Day 1 and 2 - Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation (LRDI)
2. Day 3 - LRDI Topic-wise Tests
3. Day 4 and 5 - Verbal Ability (VA)
4. Day 6 - Verbal Ability
5. Day 7 - Mock Tests
Make sure that you solve one RC every day from RC of the Day: 100 RCs and have a brief look at all the topics you have covered throughout the week. Logical reasoning needs continuous revision of formulas and tricks, so gear up with that and revision must be the key element of your every weekend.
1. Day 1 and 2 - VA
2. Day 3 - VA Topic-wise Tests
3. Day 4 - 5 - Quant
4. Day 6 - Quant topic wise Tests
5. Day 7 - Mock Tests
As the whole week consisted of logical and analytical concepts, so try to analyse topic wise test of each of the chapter that you have attempted and re-attempt all the questions that you faced difficulty in. Make sure you keep an eye on timer while solving and improve your problem solving capability with every practice.
1. Day 1 and 2 - LRDI
2. Day 3 - LRDI Topic wise Tests
3. Day 4 - VA
4. Day 5 - VA Topic wise tests
5. Day 6 - VA
6. Day 7 - Mock Tests
Start reading Daily Reads for VARC: News Resources in week 5. Also revise concepts of English Grammar that were covered earlier in this week. You may also look through all the concepts of Quantitative Aptitude and tests that you have covered.
1. Day 1 and 2 - Quant
2. Day 3 - Quant Topic wise Tests
3. Day 4 and 5 - LRDI
4. Day 6 - LRDI Topic-wise tests
5. Day 7 - Mock Tests
By the end of Week 6, you would have learned about a variety of topics for CAT preparation and have a fair idea about the kind of effort you need to put in to ace the exam. Make sure you go through quant formulas that you have studied earlier this week and keep taking tests to check the hold on the concepts.
1. Day 1 and 2 - VA
2. Day 3 - Verbal Topic wise tests
3. Day 4 and 5 - Quant
4. Day 6 - Quant Topic-wise Tests
5. Day 7 - Mock Tests
In this whole week, you have gone through various concepts of english grammar and quantitative aptitude. For grammar, revision of the rules is the key and for quant, have a look at all your tests, analyze your performance, try to attempt all the questions you found difficulty in under a time constraint.
1. Day 1 and 2 - LRDI
2. Day 3 - LRDI Topic-wise Tests
3. Day 4 - VA
4. Day 5 and 6 - VA
5. Day 7 - Mock Tests
Make sure you practice Aeon Based RCs under time, brush up your whole grammar skills that you have studied till date and attempt more mock tests of Grammar and Quantitative Aptitude to keep a check on your performance and improve with every growing day whether in terms of calculations, memorizing grammar rules or knowing the right quant formula at a quick pace.
1. Day 1 to 3 - Quant
2. Day 4 - Quant Topic-wise tests
3. Day 5 - VA
4. Day 6 - LRDI
5. Day 7 - Mock Tests
By this week you should be able to know basics of your Mathematics topics, Solve new RCs. Make sure you attempt more and more sectional tests regularly.
1. Day 1 and 2 - Quant
2. Day 3 - Quant Topic-wise tests
3. Day 4 and 5 - VA
4. Day 6 - LRDI
5. Day 7 - Mock Tests
Revision of concepts should be the prime motive by now. Make sure you follow up through your notes by every then and now, Revision and tests should be the primary motive.
1. Day 1 and 2 - VA
2. Day 4 and 5 - Quant
3. Day 6 - LRDI
4. Day 7 - Revision
By this week, you should be able to attempt the whole Mock tests, refer to previous year questions and solve as much PYQs possible to know the weak areas and work on them.
After week 12, Your primary aim should be revision, attempting mock tests, Solving PYQs and analyzing your performance every single day. Your vision should be improving your efficiency with every other test.
1. Day 1 and 2 - Revision continued
2. Day 3 and 4 - SNAP Tests
3. Day 4 and 5 - XAT Tests
4. Day 6 and 7 - Mock Tests
1. Day 1 to 5 - Revision from Courses at EduRev
2. Day 6 and 7 - Mock Tests
1. Day 1 to 5 - Revision from Courses at EduRev
2. Day 6 and 7 - Mock Tests
1. Day 1 to 5 - Revision from Courses at EduRev
2. Day 6 and 7 - Mock Tests
1. Day 1 to 5 - Revision from Courses at EduRev
2. Day 6 and 7 - Mock Tests
With our timetable keep your progress tracked and study what matters.
Happy learning with EduRev!!
191 videos|133 docs|110 tests
1. What is the structure of the CAT exam and how should I prepare for it in 120 days? | ![]() |
2. How can I effectively utilize the EduRev platform for my CAT preparation? | ![]() |
3. What are some important topics to cover in each section of the CAT exam? | ![]() |
4. How can I manage my time effectively while preparing for CAT in 120 days? | ![]() |
5. What role do mock tests play in CAT preparation, and how many should I take in 120 days? | ![]() |