Q.1. When Mrs. Pumphery listened about the dog’s hospitalization, she was_________
(a) Angry
(b) Agitated
(c) Almost unconscious
(d) Emotional
Correct Answer is Option (c)
Q.2. “I think I know a cure for you”. Here ‘cure’ refers to _________
(a) Treatment
(b) Punishment
(c) Regulating Tricki’s upkeep
(d) Diagnosis
Correct Answer is Option (c)
Q.3. The narrator called Mrs.Pumphery after _________
(a) 25 days
(b) 15 days
(c) 20 days
(d) 30 days
Correct Answer is Option (b)
Q.4. What made James Herriot expect a call from Mrs. Pumphrey?
James Herriot’s encounter with Mrs. Pumphrey and Tricki made him expect a call for help. He was sure that the extra diet and no physical activity would soon put Tricki’s health in danger. And just as anticipated, Mrs Pumphrey called the vet a few days afterwards.
Q.5. What ‘extra’ did Mrs. Pumphrey start to give Tricki and why?
Mrs. Pumphrey thought that Tricki was suffering from malnutrition, as he was weak and listless. So, she started to give him extra snacks like cod-liver oil and malt between the main meals and Horlicks after dinner to make him stronger. She also continued his cream cakes and chocolates.
Q.6. What made Mrs. Pumphrey call the vet?
Tricki had become fat and lazy. He used to lie on his rug and pant. He also refused to eat his favorite dishes. His bouts of vomiting added to Mrs. Pumphrey’s worry and hence she decided to call Dr. James Herriot, the vet.
Q.7. How can you say that it was hard for Mrs. Pumphrey to part with her doting pet?
Mrs. Pumphrey treated Tricki as her own child. She loved him very much. It was very difficult for her to see Tricki in such a situation. She was distraught when she had to make the decision to hospitalise Tricki, for her love for him knew no bounds. It was a terrible and tearful moment for her but she agreed to Herriot’s suggestion for the betterment of her pet.
Q.8. Was Tricki suffering from any ailment in reality? If not, then what made him inactive and lethargic?
No, Tricki was not suffering from any ailment. It was his greed for food and the love of his mistress that spoilt his health to such an extent. He was being overfed every day and that made him obese and lethargic. That is why his health showed rapid improvement when his diet was controlled.
Q.9. Write the character sketch of Mrs. Pumphrey.
Mrs. Pumphrey was a very wealthy lady. She was very loving to her dog. She pampered and overfed him. She gave him lots of nutritious food. Tricki was very greedy. He never refused food. This made him hugely fat and lazy. Mrs. Pumphrey was worried about him. She thought that he was suffering from malnutrition and so she eventually gave him more energy food.
She almost swooned when Herriot told her that Tricki must be hospitalized for a fortnight. She thought that Tricki would pine and die if he did not see his even for a single day. Mrs. Pumphrey is impractical but very compassionate and caring. She and her staff members arranged and provided all possible comforts such as beds, cushions and toys to Tricki. She regularly enquired about his health from Dr Herriot. She gratefully thanked Dr Herriot for saving Tricki’s life and called it “A triumph of Surgery.”
Q.10. Write the character sketch of Dr. James Herriot.
Dr. James Herriot is a competent veterinary surgeon. He is really worried about Tricki. He understands that the real fault of the dog is his greed for food. Dr. Herriot instructs Mrs Pumphrey to keep Tricki on a very strict diet. Dr. James Herriot is practical and pragmatic. He doesn’t give any medical treatment to the dog. He feeds the dog with only water. His method works. The grateful mistress thanks Dr. Herriot and calls his feat “A triumph of Surgery!” Dr. James is clever enough to enjoy the best of both the worlds. He is tempted to keep Tricki as a permanent guest. It was a happy period for Dr. Herriot and his friends. He used to enjoy eggs for breakfast and wine and brandy for lunch.
Extract Based Questions
Q.11. I tried to sound severe : "Now I really mean this, If you don't cut his food right down and give him more exercise he is going to be really ill. You must harden your heart and keep him on a very strict diet".
(a) The speaker tried to sound severe because _______
(b) For whom was the advice given __________
(c) Find the word in the extract which is a synonym of the word 'serious'.
1. severe 2. strict 3. exercise 4. sound
(d) The antonym of 'hardened' is _________.
(a) The speaker tried to sound severe to make Mrs Pumphrey take his advice seriously and act on it.
(b) The advice was given for Tricki because he had become obese and lazy. He was unwell and the speaker wanted him to be on a strict diet.
(c) 1. 'severe'
(d) The antonym is 'softened'.
Q.12. ‘And did you cut down on the sweet things as I told you?’
(a) What sweet things are being referred to in the extract?
(b) Why does the speaker enquire if the sweet things have been cut down?
(c) What is the meaning of the phrase ‘cut down’?
(d) What is the opposite of ‘sweet’?
(a) The sweet things mentioned in the extract are cream cakes and chocolates.
(b) The speaker enquires if the sweet things have been cut down because these were spoiling Tricki’s health and he needed to be put on a strict diet.
(c) The phrase ‘cut down’ means ‘to reduce the quantity of something’.
(d) ‘Sour’ is its opposite.
Q.13. As I moved off, Mrs Pumphrey, with a despairing cry, threw an armful of the little coats through the window. I looked in the mirror before I turned the corner of the drive; everybody was in tears.
(a) Where was the speaker going and with whom?
(b) Why was everybody in tears? ‘
(c) Find the word in the extract which is an antonym of the word ‘cheerful’.
(d) What is the opposite of ‘before’?
(a) The speaker was going to the hospital with Tricki.
(b) Everybody was in tears because Tricki was being hospitalised as he was ill. Everyone was worried about his health.
(c) The word is ‘despairing’.
(d) ‘After’ is its opposite.
Q.14. "Poor old lad", I said, "You haven't a kick in you but I think I know a cure for you".
(a) The speaker says 'Tricki as "poor old lad" because ________
(b) The speaker knows the cure of 'Tricki illness is ________
(c) The meaning of 'a kick' in the extract is __________
(d) synonym of 'cure' is ______
1. help 2. health 3. heal 4. care
(a) The speaker addresses Tricki as a poor old because he is unwell and listless.
(b) The speaker knows that the cure for Tricki's illness is to put him on a strict diet.
(c) The phrase means any alertness.
(d) (3) 'Heal'
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4. How does the surgery impact Barry's life? | ![]() |
5. What is the significance of the title "A Triumph of Surgery"? | ![]() |