(i) The given poem is an extract from the poem _______.
(ii) This poem is written by__________.
(iii) On roads of iron we move______and_______.
(iv) The train passes riders riding on________.
(v) The children are asked to blow their ________.
(i) The children are invited to play a game.
(ii) The children are instructed to run outward but not in a line.
(iii) The trains move on usual roads.
(iv) The trains makes 'Chuk - Chuk' sound while it is on it's way.
(v) The train travels over the meadows and across the hills.
(i) What is understood by the statement 'Past aging farmers, temples, mills'?
(ii) What is meant by 'to and fro' in the context of this poem?
(iii) Why do all the stations say 'Stop' every time?
(iv) 'Village fairs, Riders on mares'. What is the figure of speech in this line?
(v) What does a broken wall in a lush green field convey?
(vi) What is understood by ‘Puddles and Flocks’?
(vii) Why are the clouds described as being smoky?
(viii) Why are the village huts clustered?
(ix) What is meant by 'Riders on Mares'?
(x) What are Dhobi Ghats?
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