Importance of Forests:
Natural vegetation in India has undergone many changes due to several factors such as the growing demand for cultivated land, development of industries and mining, urbanisation and over-grazing of pastures.
Types of vegetation may be identified in our country are:
Tropical Evergreen Forests:
Tropical Deciduous Forests
Tropical thorn forests and Scrubs
Montane Forests
Mangrove Forests
The excessive exploitation of the plants and animal resources by human beings, disturbed the ecosystem. About 1,300 plant species are endangered and 20 species are extinct also few animals are endangered and some have become extinct.
Causes of this threats are:
Governmental steps to protect flora and fauna of country are:
The Sunderbans in the West Bengal, Nanda Devi in Uttarakhand, the Gulf of Mannar in Tamil Nadu and the Nilgiris (Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu) have been included in the world network of Biosphese reserves.
List of fourteen bio-reserves in India are:
476 videos|360 docs
1. What is natural vegetation? | ![]() |
2. What are the different types of natural vegetation found in India? | ![]() |
3. How does natural vegetation support wildlife? | ![]() |
4. What are the threats to natural vegetation and wildlife? | ![]() |
5. How can we conserve natural vegetation and wildlife? | ![]() |