Types of Phase Controlled Rectifier
The phase controlled rectifier is classified into two types based on the type of i/p power supply. Single-phase Controlled Rectifier
This type of rectifier which works from single phase AC i/p power supply.
Single Phase Controlled Rectifiers are classified into different types
Three-phase Controlled Rectifier
This type of rectifier which works from three phase AC i/p power supply.
Operation of Phase Controlled Rectifier
Applications of Phase Controlled Rectifier
Phase controlled rectifier applications include paper mills, textile mills using DC motor drives and DC motor control in steel mills.
Some years back AC to DC power alteration was attained using mercury arc rectifiers, motor generator sets, and Thyrator tubes. The modern AC to DC power converters are intended to high current, high power Thyrator s. Presently, most of the AC to DC power converters are thyristorised. The Thyrator devices are phase controlled to get a variable DC o/p voltage across the output load terminals. The phase controlled Thyrator converter uses AC line commutation for turning off the Thyristors that have been switched ON.
These are less expensive and also very simple and widely used in industrial applications for industrial DC drives. These converters are categorized as two quadrant converters if the o/p voltage can be made either + ve or -ve for a given polarity of o/p load current. There are also single quadrant AC-DC converters where the o/p voltage is only +ve and cannot be made –ve for a given polarity of o/p current. Of course, single quadrant converters can also be designed to deliver only -ve DC o/p voltage. The operation of two quadrant converter can be attained by using fully controlled bridge converter circuit and for a single quadrant process we use a half controlled bridge converter.
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