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Nature & Characteristics of Language | Anthropology Optional for UPSC PDF Download


Language is called a social phenomenon, because it has relevance only in a social setting. Language undergoes a continuous, though unnoticed, process of growth and change.


  • “language may be said to be any means of expression or mental concepts by any living beings whatsoever and of communicating them to, or receiving them from, other living beings.”


  • Language is a primarily human and non- instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols (Sapir).
  • Language, in its widest sense, means the sum total of such signs of our thoughts and feelings as are capable of external perception and as could be produced and repeated at will  (A. H. Gardiner).
  • Language may be defined as the expression of thought by means of speech-sounds (Henry Sweet).
  • A system of communication by sound i.e., through the organs of speech and hearing, among human beings of a certain group or community, using vocal symbols possessing arbitrary conventional meanings. (Mario A Pei & Frank Gaynor).
  • Language is human…a verbal systematic symbolism… a means of transmitting information…a form of social behaviour… (with a) high degree of convention” (J.Whatmough).
  • A language is a symbol system… based on pure or arbitrary Convention… infinitely extendable and modifiable according to the l bunging needs and conditions of the speakers (R. H. Robins).
  • A language is a device that establishes sound-meaning correlations, pairing meanings with signals to enable people to exchange ideas through observable sequences of sound (Ronals W. Langacker).
  • A language is “audible, articulate human speech as produced by the action of the tongue and adjacent vocal organs… The body of words and methods of combining words used and understood by a considerable community, especially when fixed and elaborated by long usage; a tongue (Webster).

Question for Nature & Characteristics of Language
Try yourself:Which of the following is NOT an essential component of language?
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Nature of Language

Language is a crucial aspect of human behavior, consisting of words, idioms, and syntax. It enables us to think, feel, judge, and communicate, acting as a tool for sharing experiences among individuals.

  • Language as speech: Language is distinct from the signs, gestures, and sounds produced by animals or even human sign language. It exclusively refers to communication between humans through speech and hearing. Thus, speech is an essential component of language.
  • Living Language: A language continuously evolves, adapting to the needs and aspirations of the group it represents. This process of change and growth allows the language to acquire new forms, meanings, and applications, keeping it relevant and alive.
  • Language and Society: Language is a vital aspect of human behavior that shapes and reflects our social interactions. As our thoughts and actions expand, language must adapt to these new situations. Society assigns meaning to words and idioms, conventionalizing them to convey specific ideas within specific contexts.
  • Operation of Language: Language operates within a social context, requiring a corresponding situation to function effectively. There needs to be a mutual understanding between the speaker and the listener for language to serve its purpose.
  • Sounds and Signals: Human-produced sounds differ from the signals and noises made by animals. Researchers are exploring whether animals have a similar system of conventionalized expressions. As Bloomfield suggests, studying language involves examining the relationship between sounds and meanings. In other words, understanding a language means assigning meaning to pre-existing meanings to make them comprehensible within the context of that language.

Question for Nature & Characteristics of Language
Try yourself:How does language play a role in cultural preservation?
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Language functions
Nature & Characteristics of Language | Anthropology Optional for UPSC

  • Social Role: Language is fundamentally a social tool, as it functions within a social context and gains meaning through social interactions. It serves as a communication medium between members of a community or between different communities, allowing for the exchange of ideas and information. Language has the capacity to convey all possible meanings and references within a given culture, making it a crucial means of expression.
  • Cultural Significance: Language is intrinsically linked to the culture of a people, acting as the primary vehicle through which members of a society communicate with one another. As such, language plays a vital role in the expression and preservation of a culture's values, beliefs, and customs.
  • Language and Personal Experience: As a system of symbols, language can represent, refer to, or substitute for direct experience. In this way, language is not separate from or parallel to experience, but rather deeply intertwined with it, shaping and influencing how individuals perceive and interpret the world around them.
  • The Unifying Power of Language: Language is a powerful force for socialization, as it allows people to share ideas, express emotions, and build relationships. Through language, people are brought together into larger groups, such as nations, while regional languages help to unify and integrate smaller communities. In this way, language serves as a vital force for unity and social cohesion.
  • The Aesthetic Dimension: Language enables the preservation of cultural experiences in the form of literature, historical records, and other written works, which can be passed down to future generations. These rich cultural resources not only contribute to a shared sense of national pride but also provide inspiration for artists, poets, and playwrights. Without language, the creation and appreciation of such aesthetic experiences would be impossible, highlighting the importance of language as a vehicle for artistic expression.

Question for Nature & Characteristics of Language
Try yourself:What is the primary function of language in society?
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Language is a complex and multifaceted social phenomenon that plays a crucial role in human communication, cultural expression, and personal experience. It is a living and ever-evolving system, continuously adapting to the changing needs of the society it serves. Language serves as a unifying force, enabling social cohesion and preserving cultural heritage through various forms of artistic expression. It is essential to understand the nature, functions, and significance of language in order to appreciate its profound impact on human life and society.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Nature & Characteristics of Language

What is the primary function of language?

The primary function of language is to serve as a means of communication, allowing people to express ideas, emotions, and desires, and to share experiences with others. It operates within a social context, requiring a mutual understanding between the speaker and the listener to function effectively.

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Nature & Characteristics of Language
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How is language related to culture?

Language is intrinsically linked to the culture of a people, acting as the primary vehicle through which members of a society communicate with one another. It plays a vital role in the expression and preservation of a culture's values, beliefs, and customs.

How does language contribute to the unity and social cohesion of a community?

Language serves as a powerful force for socialization, allowing people to share ideas, express emotions, and build relationships. Through language, people are brought together into larger groups, such as nations, while regional languages help to unify and integrate smaller communities. In this way, language serves as a vital force for unity and social cohesion.

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What is the role of language in the aesthetic dimension of a culture?

Language enables the preservation of cultural experiences in the form of literature, historical records, and other written works, which can be passed down to future generations. These rich cultural resources not only contribute to a shared sense of national pride but also provide inspiration for artists, poets, and playwrights. Without language, the creation and appreciation of such aesthetic experiences would be impossible, highlighting the importance of language as a vehicle for artistic expression.

The document Nature & Characteristics of Language | Anthropology Optional for UPSC is a part of the UPSC Course Anthropology Optional for UPSC.
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